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Guest Message by DevFuse


[ANY] Player Votes Redux

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#1 Adminek AMXX.PL

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Napisano 05.06.2013 05:53

Players Votes Redux


First off, I'm only reinstating this plugin because of several of the servers I play in continue to use it, and this. I gave it a days worth of clean up and added a few more features to the original Players Votes. In the next updates I'll optimize the mod a bit more however I'm releasing the stable redux now for testing purposes. If you find a bug, post here, and I'll attempt to fix it.

Old Features:

Voteban resilience: Tired of griefers and hackers evading voteban by disconnecting and reconnecting while voting is underway? Players Votes now makes it hard for those scoundrels to get away with it.

SourceBans notification: If Players Votes is running alongside SourceBans, it will notify and let SB handle the banning.

Ban reasons: Optionally make players specify a reason for votebanning someone. The most-selected reason is then logged when the ban takes effect.

Admin menu integration: It allows admins to cancel any existing votes for all or any particular type of vote. It allows admins to disable/re-enable all or any particular type of vote. The menu name for adminmenu_sorting.txt and admin overrides is "pv_menu"

Immunity: Admins can be excluded from votekick, ban, and mute by configurable immunity levels or group membership:

Admins with equal or higher immunity level will not be affected by votekick and voteban. 0 to immunize all admins. -1 to disable numeric immunity levels.

Semicolon-delimited list of admin groups. Any members of these groups are immune. Any admin that is NOT a member of these groups will have their numeric immunity level checked against the _immunity cvar.

Basic config 1: use the following to immunize based only on numeric immunity levels:

sm_playersvotes_immunity "50.0" (or whatever number you like)
sm_playersvotes_immunegroups ""

Basic config 2: use the following to immunize based only on group membership: (note only Full Admins and Clan Members are immune in this example. Donors or any other "admins" would NOT be immune)

sm_playersvotes_immunity "-1.0"
sm_playersvotes_immunegroups "Full Admins; Clan Members"

Configurable votemap list: votemap uses the map cycle by default. Server admins may optionally specify a different maplist by adding a playersvotes section to maplists.cfg:


Code: /* For playersvotes plugin */
"file" "maplist.txt"
}Team-restricted voting: When enabled, this restricts voting to within teams, and ratios are affected. A votekick ratio of 0.5 will mean "half of all players within the team" as opposed to "half of players in the whole server."

Please note this can cause undesired side-effects. If this is enabled, someone is hacking, and their team doesn't do anything about it, then the other team is helpless to kick/ban them. Use at your own risk.

New Features:

Menu integration: Votes and admin settings are now integrated into one menu with back buttons for easy accessibility between votes.

Command overrides: Introduced admin flag overrides so you can decide who votes and can change settings. (See Overrides section below)

Control Variables:

PHP Code:

"sm_votekick_ratio" "0.6" // Ratio required for successful votekick
"sm_voteban_ratio" "0.8" // Ratio required for successful voteban
"sm_votemap_ratio" "0.6" // Ratio required for successful votemap
"sm_votemute_ratio" "0.6" // Ratio required for successful votemute

"sm_votekick_minimum" "4" // Minimum votes required for successful votekick -1 = Disabled
"sm_voteban_minimum" "4" // Minimum votes required for successful voteban -1 = Disabled
"sm_votemap_minimum" "4" // Minimum votes required for successful votemap -1 = Disabled
"sm_votemute_minimum" "4" // Minimum votes required for successful votemute -1 = Disabled

"sm_votekick_delay" "60" // Time in seconds before votekick is allowed after map start
"sm_voteban_delay" "60" // Time in seconds before voteban is allowed after map start
"sm_votemap_delay" "60" // Time in seconds before votemap is allowed after map start
"sm_votemute_delay" "60" // Time in seconds before votemute is allowed after map start

"sm_votekick_limit" "-1" // Number of kick votes allowed per player, per map 0 = Disabled -1 = No limit
"sm_voteban_limit" "-1" // Number of ban votes allowed per player, per map 0 = Disabled -1 = No limit
"sm_votemap_limit" "-1" // Number of map votes allowed per player, per map 0 = Disabled -1 = No limit
"sm_votemute_limit" "-1" // Number of mute votes allowed per player, per map 0 = Disabled -1 = No limit

"sm_votekick_team_restrict" "0" // Restrict kick votes to teams (Affects ratios) 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
"sm_voteban_team_restrict" "0" // Restrict ban votes to teams (Affects ratios) 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
"sm_votemute_team_restrict" "0" // Restrict mute votes to teams (Affects ratios) 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled

"sm_votemap_lastmaps" "4" // Last number of played maps that will not show in votemap list
"sm_votemap_extend" "20" // Number of minutes to add to the timelimit if the players vote to extend 1 = Disabled
"sm_votemap_max_extends" "1" // Number of extensions to allow per map -1 = No limit
"sm_votemap_immediate" "1" // 0 = Setting sm_nextmap 1 = to Change map immediately

"sm_playersvotes_interval" "0" // Interval in seconds between another vote cast
"sm_playersvotes_menu_timeout" "0" // Number of seconds to display voting menus 0 = No limit

"sm_voteban_time" "25" // Ban time in minutes 0 = Permanently
"sm_voteban_reasons" "" // Semi-colon delimited list of ban reasons (ex: "Hacking; Spamming; Griefing")

"sm_playersvotes_immunity" "0.0" // Admins with equal or higher immunity level will not be affected by votekick, ban, or mute 0 = Immunize all admins -1 = Ignore
"sm_playersvotes_immunegroups" "" // Admins that are members of these groups will not be affected by votekick, ban, or mute (ex: "Full Admins; Clan Members; etc")
Config file will be automatically created at cfgsourcemodplugin.playersvotes.cfg


PHP Code:

"sm_votemenu" // Open voting menu
"sm_mapshistory" // Write map history in console
Flag Overrides:

PHP Code:

"sm_votecanceling" "b" // Flag to access vote canceling
"sm_voteenabling" "z" // Flag to access vote enabling/disabling
> pZv!
> The Resident


PHP Code:

playersvotes-redux.smx > addons/plugins
.phrases.txt > addons/translations
Version Log:

Version 1.0.0
> Inital Redux Release

Attached Files Dołączona grafika Get Plugin or Get Source (playersvotes-redux.sp - 47.8 KB) Dołączona grafika playersvotes.phrases.txt (3.3 KB)

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