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AMXBans 6.x
problem z dlugoscia bana w wygaslych banach

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SzalonyKrejzol - zdjęcie SzalonyKrejzol 24.05.2013

Witam, probowalem do siebie wgrac opcje o wygaslych banach zeby zostawaly ktora znalazlem w temacie co jest podpiety i wszystko dziala oprocz dlugosci wygaslych banow. Jezeli ban jest uznany za wygasly to mimo ze np ban byl na 5minut pisze ze byl na zawsze. Problem mysle z polega na czasach jakie sa w wygaslych banach czyli jezeli ban zostal zrobiony np o 15:30 to bedzie pisalo ze wygasl o 15:29. Nie mam pojecia jak to poprawic/naprawic dlatego zwracam sie do was o pomoc.

-Uzywam amxbans 1.6.1


// Template generieren
$title = "_TITLEBANLIST";
$smarty = new dynamicPage;
if(isset($_GET["bid"]) && is_numeric($_GET["bid"])) {
	$_POST["bid"] = $_GET["bid"];
	$tmp = "bd";

//user page loader
if(isset($_POST["bid"])) {
        isset($_POST["details_x"])?$tmp="bd":""; //ban details
        isset($_POST["edit_x"])?$tmp="be":""; //ban edit
        if(file_exists("include/user/user_".$tmp.".php")) {
//create default ban list and show it
$ban_page = "";
if(isset($_POST["bid"])) {
        isset($_POST["details_x"])?$tmp="bd":""; //ban details
        isset($_POST["edit_x"])?$tmp="be":""; //ban edit
        if(file_exists("include/user/user_".$tmp.".php")) {
//create default ban list and show it
if(!$user_site) {
        //count activ bans
        $query = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(bid) FROM `".$config->db_prefix."_bans` WHERE `expired`>=0") or die (mysql_error());
        //count all bans
        $query = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(bid) FROM `".$config->db_prefix."_bans`") or die (mysql_error());
        //calc max sites
        $ban_page_max=ceil($ban_count[0] / $config->bans_per_page);
    if(isset($_REQUEST["site"])) $page=(int)$_REQUEST["site"];
    if(isset($_REQUEST["siteback_x"])) $page=(int)$_REQUEST["site"];
    if(isset($_REQUEST["sitenext_x"])) $page=(int)$_REQUEST["site"];
    if(isset($_REQUEST["sitestart_x"])) $page=1;
    if(isset($_REQUEST["siteend_x"])) $page=$ban_page_max;
        //check if site nr is valid
        $ban_page_curr=($page==0 || $page>$ban_page_max) ? 1:$page;
        //calc mysql limits from current site
        $min=($config->bans_per_page * $ban_page_curr)-$config->bans_per_page;
        //build array with site info
                "current"       => $ban_page_curr,            //current site
                "max_page"      => ($ban_page_max)? $ban_page_max:1,      //last site
                "per_page"      => $config->bans_per_page,    //bans per page
                "first_ban"     => ($ban_count[0])? $min + 1:$min,            //+1: LIMIT 0 is the first ban
                "max_ban"       => $ban_count[0],                  //count activ bans
                "all_ban"       => $ban_count[1]                     //count all bans
        //get bans for current page
$query  = mysql_query("SELECT ba.*, se.gametype,se.timezone_fixx, aa.nickname FROM `".$config->db_prefix."_bans` AS ba 
LEFT JOIN `".$config->db_prefix."_serverinfo` AS se ON ba.server_ip=se.address
LEFT JOIN `".$config->db_prefix."_amxadmins` AS aa ON (aa.steamid=ba.admin_nick OR aa.steamid=ba.admin_ip OR aa.steamid=ba.admin_id)
ORDER BY ban_created DESC LIMIT ".$min.",".$config->bans_per_page) or die(mysql_error());
        //build ban list array
        $gi = geoip_open($config->path_root."/include/GeoIP.dat",GEOIP_STANDARD);
        while($result = mysql_fetch_object($query)) {
                if(!empty($result->player_id)) {
                        $steamid = htmlentities($result->player_id, ENT_QUOTES);
                        $steamcomid = GetFriendId($steamid);
                if(!empty($result->player_ip)) {
                        $cc = geoip_country_code_by_addr($gi, $result->player_ip);
                        $cn = geoip_country_name_by_addr($gi, $result->player_ip);
                        "bid"		=> $result->bid,
                        "player_ip"	=> $result->player_ip,
                        "player_id"	=> $result->player_id,
                        "player_comid"	=> $steamcomid,
                        "player_nick"	=> htmlspecialchars($result->player_nick),
                        "admin_ip"	=> $result->admin_ip,
                        "admin_id"	=> $result->admin_id2 ? $result->admin_id2 : $result->admin_id,
                        "admin_nick"	=> htmlspecialchars($result->admin_nick),
                        "ban_type"	=> $result->ban_type,
                        "ban_reason"	=> htmlspecialchars($result->ban_reason),
                        "ban_created"	=> ($result->ban_created + ($result->timezone_fixx * 60 * 60)),
                        "ban_length"	=> $result->ban_length,
                        "ban_end"	=> ($result->ban_created + ($result->ban_length * 60) + ($result->timezone_fixx * 60 * 60)),
                        "server_ip"	=> $result->server_ip,
                        "server_name"	=> htmlspecialchars($result->server_name),
                        "cc"		=> $cc,
                        "cn"		=> $cn
                // get previous offences if any
                $query2   = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM `".$config->db_prefix."_bans` WHERE ((player_id = '".$result->player_id."' AND ban_type = 'S') OR (player_ip = '".$result->player_ip."' AND ban_type = 'SI')) AND expired = 1") or die(mysql_error());
                while($result2 = mysql_fetch_object($query2)) {
                        $ban_row["bancount"] = $result2->count;
                //if needed prune bans but after query to see it in the list once
                if($config->auto_prune=="1") {
                        //first search for max offence bans
                        if(($ban_row["bancount"] + 1) >= $config->max_offences && $ban_row["ban_length"] >= "0") {
                                $ban_row["ban_length"] = "0";
                                $ban_row["ban_reason"] = $config->max_offences_reason;
                                $prune_query = mysql_query("UPDATE `".$config->db_prefix."_bans` SET `expired`=0,`ban_length`=0,`ban_reason`='".$config->max_offences_reason."' WHERE `bid`=".$result->bid);
                                $prune_query = mysql_query("INSERT INTO `".$config->db_prefix."_bans_edit` (`bid`,`edit_time`,`admin_nick`,`edit_reason`) VALUES (
                        //prune expired bans
                        if($ban_row["ban_end"] < time() && $ban_row["ban_length"] != "0") {
                                $prune_query = mysql_query("UPDATE `".$config->db_prefix."_bans` SET `expired`=1 WHERE `bid`=".$result->bid);
                                $prune_query = mysql_query("INSERT INTO `".$config->db_prefix."_bans_edit` (`bid`,`edit_time`,`admin_nick`,`edit_reason`) VALUES (
                                                                '".$result->bid."','".$ban_row["ban_end"]."','amxbans','Bantime expired')");
                if($result->server_ip=="") {
                } else {
                        $ban_row["mod"]=($result->gametype=="" || $result->gametype=="website")?"html":$result->gametype;
                if($config->show_kick_count=="1") {
                if($config->show_demo_count=="1") {
                if($config->show_comment_count=="1") {
//ban delete
if(isset($_POST["del_ban_x"]) && isset($_POST["bid"])) {
	if ( !has_access("bans_edit") )	{
		$error = "_ACCESSINVALID";
		$smarty->assign("_ACCESSINVALID", $error);
        //get all uploaded files for the ban and delete it
        $query = mysql_query("SELECT `id`,`demo_file` FROM `".$config->db_prefix."_files` WHERE `bid`=".$bid) or die (mysql_error());
        while($result = mysql_fetch_object($query)) {
                if(file_exists("include/files/".$result->demo_file)) {
                        //delete the file(s)
                        if(file_exists("include/files/".$result->demo_file."_thumb")) {
                        if(unlink("include/files/".$result->demo_file)) {
                                //if file deleted, remove db entry
                                $query2 = mysql_query("DELETE FROM `".$config->db_prefix."_files` WHERE `id`=".$result->id." LIMIT 1") or die (mysql_error());
        //delete all comments for the ban
        $query = mysql_query("DELETE FROM `".$config->db_prefix."_comments` WHERE `bid`=".$bid) or die (mysql_error());
        //get ban details
        //delete the ban
        $query = mysql_query("DELETE FROM `".$config->db_prefix."_bans` WHERE `bid`=".$bid." LIMIT 1") or die (mysql_error());
        log_to_db("Ban edit","Deleted ban: ID ".$bid." (<".sql_safe($ban_row["player_nick"])."> <".sql_safe($ban_row["player_id"]).">)");
        //redirect to start page
        if($query) { header("Location:index.php"); exit; }

$sql_check_ip = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `".$config->db_prefix."_bans` WHERE player_ip = '{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}' AND expired = 0 AND (`ban_length` = 0 OR `ban_created` + `ban_length` * 60 > ".time().')');
$result_yes = mysql_num_rows($sql_check_ip);

$smarty->assign("your_ip", $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
        $smarty->assign("check_id", $bids);

if(file_exists("templates/".$config->design."/main_header.tpl")) {
$smarty->assign("pagenav", construct_vb_page_nav($ban_page['current'], $ban_page['max_page'], 3, array(10, 50, 100, 500, 1000)));
//load main page, currently ban list or ban details/edit
if($user_site !== "") {
} elseif ($config->start_page == "" || $config->start_page == "index.php" || (!file_exists("./$config->start_page"))) {
} else {

Użytkownik SzalonyKrejzol edytował ten post 24.05.2013 23:23

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Kamil_Cidry - zdjęcie Kamil_Cidry 25.05.2013

Wgraj sam plik ban_list.php z paczki z tego tematu: http://amxx.pl/topic...ny-nie-znikaja/

a różnice czasowe polegają pewnie na tym, że na serwerze WWW i serwerze gry jest różnica o te kilka minut w ustawionej godzinie
Użytkownik Kamil_Cidry edytował ten post 25.05.2013 17:44

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SzalonyKrejzol - zdjęcie SzalonyKrejzol 25.05.2013

dzięki za odpowidedz jednak nadal jest to samo.

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SzalonyKrejzol - zdjęcie SzalonyKrejzol 27.05.2013


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SzalonyKrejzol - zdjęcie SzalonyKrejzol 28.05.2013


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SzalonyKrejzol - zdjęcie SzalonyKrejzol 29.05.2013

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ R E F R E S H ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Użytkownik SzalonyKrejzol edytował ten post 29.05.2013 01:15