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Problem z usurf

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lukaszb12999 - zdjęcie lukaszb12999 21.04.2013

Witam.Mam problem z pluginem usurf,ponieważ nie można zabijać wg.graczy


// Czy plugin ma byc On czy OFF
// Options: 0 - Off, 1 - On
usurf_on 1

// Czy gracze moga uzywac reswampu.
// Options: 0 - Off, 1 - On
usurf_respawn 1

// Czy ma uzywac cavarow z plikusurf.cfg ./configs/
// Options: 0 - Off, 1 - On
usurf_autocvars 1

// Czy mozna uzywac komendy help.
// Options: 0 - Off, 1 - On
usurf_help 1

// Jak czesto wiadomosc o helpie ma sie pojawiac ("say /surfhelp for help")
// podajesz w sekundach
usurf_help_interval 60.0

// Czy bronie sa dozwolone czy nie,
// Options: 0 - Off, 1 - Allowed when leave spawn
// 2 - Forced drop of all guns, 3 - Strip all guns
usurf_noguns 3

// This is whether or not to remove the "BOOM" button's capability
// of killing people.
// Options: 0 - Off, 1 - On
usurf_remove_button 0

//Czy mozna wyrzucac bron czy nie.
// Options: 0 - Off, 1 - On
usurf_remove_dropped 1

// Jesli surf_noguns jest 1, okresla jak daleko od rspa
// Musi byc gracz zeby uzyc broni
// Options: any whole number, 0 to disable
usurf_spawn_dist 0

// This is whether or not semiclip should be enabled. Semiclip is
// kind of like noclip, except you can't fly. Basically, you pass through
// other players.
// Options: 0 - Off, 1 - On
usurf_semiclip 1

// Czeck pointy off czy on.
// Options: 0 - Off, 1 - On
usurf_checkpoint 0

// This is how long you must wait between saving / going
// between checkpoints. [20]
// Options: 0-infinite
usurf_checkpoint_delay 0

// Team stacking. This allows you to move all players to one team.
// Options: 0 (no stacking), 1 (terrorists), 2 (counter-terrorists)
usurf_teamstack 0

// Bunnyhopping. This removes the delay after jumping.
// Options: 0 - Off, 1 - On
usurf_bunnyhop 1

// Bunnyhopping autojump. This allows you to automatically
// continue bunnyhopping.
// Options: 0 - Off, 1 - On
usurf_bunnyhop_autojump 1

// Timer. This allows players to say /timer and get a timer menu.
// Options: 0 - Off, 1 - On
usurf_timer 1

// x HUD position of the timer.
// Options: -1.0 (far left) - 1.0 (far right)
usurf_timer_x 0.8

// y HUD position of the timer.
// Options: -1.0 (top) - 1.0 (bottom)
usurf_timer_y -0.8

// Redness of HUD display for timer.
// Options: 0 (no red) - 255 (full red)
usurf_timer_r 0

// Greenness of HUD display for timer.
// Options: 0 (no green) - 255 (full green)
usurf_timer_g 0

// Blueness of HUD display for timer.
// Options: 0 (no blue) - 255 (full blue)
usurf_timer_b 255

// Godmode. Users can still die by falling on stuff, but knife hits,
// gun hits, or any other hits will be blocked.
usurf_godmode 1