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AMXX.pl: Support AMX Mod X i SourceMod


Nie działa opcja 'włącz mikrofon więźn...


kimz - zdjęcie kimz 10.04.2013

Po wybraniu z /menu opcji 'wlacz glos wiezniowi' wyswietla sie menu TT  i po kliknięciu danej osoby wyświetla sie w HUDzie "player1 wlaczyl glos graczowi player2" jednak ta osoba dalej nie może używać mikrofonu.. 

tak mam ustawione cvary:

jb_glowmodels "1" 
//Glowing player models, inherited from jbextreme 

jb_simonsteps "1" 
//Simon footsteps, inherited from jbextreme 

jb_crowbarmultiplier "25.0" 
//crowbar hit multiplier 

jb_boxmax "6" 
// maximum amount of prisoners to start box 

gp_RetryTime = register_cvar("jb_retrytime", "10.0") 

jb_autolastrequest "1" 
//Show last request menu automatically 

jb_lastrequest "1" 
//last request menu enabled 

jb_motd "1" 
//Block Motd 

jb_talkmode "0" 
// 0-alltak / 1-tt tean talk / 2-tt no talk, voice to t can be turned via menu 

jb_blockvoice "0" 
// 0-dont block / 1-block voicerecord / 2-block voicerecord except simon 

b_buttonshoot "1" 
// if 1 buttons are activated via shot 

jb_nogamerounds "10"  
//rounds without global game like alien or zombie day 

jb_tshop "abcdefg" 
//crowbar; flashbang; smoke; hegrenade; shield;freeday;flashlight; 

jb_ctshop "abcdef" 
//deagle;flashbang;smokegren; 150hp; nightvision; flashlight; 

jb_games "abcdef" 
// alien inv; zmday;hns;alien;box;football; 

jb_bindkey "v" //the key to bind, in simon menu, 2nd page. 

jb_autohelp "2" 
// 0 do not show help on join; 1 auto show to all; auto show to non admins 

jb_fdlen "120.0" 
// freeday length (seconds) 0.0 to unlimited 

jb_hpmultiplier "200" 
// Alien = jb_hpmultiplier * players count 

jb_hud_showcolor "1" 
//show prisoners color on hud 

jb_hud_showfd "1" 
//show freeday players on hud 

jb_hud_show_wanted "1"  
//show wanted players on hud 

jb_game_effects "2" 

// effects in zm day; 0 no effects ; 1 - dark; 2 fog; 

jb_teamratio "3" 
//prisoners per guard 

jb_maxct "6" 
// max ct amount 

jb_autojoin "1" 
//autojoin T team  

Wklejka .sma:



