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AMXX.pl: Support AMX Mod X i SourceMod


[ANY] SMAC AutoDemo

Adminek AMXX.PL - zdjęcie Adminek AMXX.PL 28.12.2012

[ANY] SMAC AutoDemo


Description:SourceMod Anti-Cheat is a great tool to make sure cheaters stay away from your servers. However, every so often someone will appeal their automatic ban and you have no proof of their actions. This plugin utilizes SourceTV to automatically record demos when a potential cheater is detected. Recorded demos are saved under addons/sourcemod/recordings.If you have the bzip2 extension, demos will be compressed with bzip2 compression.If you have the tEasyFTP plugin and smac_autodemo_ftp_upload is set to 1, demos will be uploaded to the FTP server specified in the "autodemo" configuration.Cvars:smac_autodemo_version - plugin versionsmac_autodemo_compression_level - level of bzip2 compression, from 1 to 9; set this to 0 to disable bzip2 compression; this only has an effect if the bzip2 extension is installed (defaults to 5)smac_autodemo_ftp_upload - enables FTP uploading of demos; this only has an effect if the tEasyFTP plugin is installed (defaults to 0)Requirements:Requires SourceMod Anti-Cheat.Installation:Put smac_autodemo.smx into /addons/sourcemod/plugins, and reboot your server or type "sm plugins load smac_autodemo" into your console or rcon.Auto Update:Install Updater. The plugin will be auto-updated according to your Updater settings. It'll work without Updater.Changelog:
  • v1.0.0 (12/28/12)
  • Initial release
Download Plugin (smac_autodemo.smx)View Source (smac_autodemo.sp)

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