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First Aid Kit

Adminek AMXX.PL - zdjęcie Adminek AMXX.PL 23.12.2012

Firs Aid Kit plugin

Hi everyone, I decided to post my first plugin in AMXX. It is really simply plugin with aid-kits. You can buy First Aid Kit and use it later in game (e.g. when you are hurt by bad sniper, after fall etc...). It is possible, someone coded something like this first, but I never saw it. Everything is my idea and my work. I'm sure, there will be some wrong lines in .sma and better ways to code something instead I do. That's reason why I post plugin like this to this forum. I wanna hear your opinion, tips and hints. Thank you. Requirement amxcorecstrikeFUN moduleCommands- /buyaidkit- /healCVARS fak_healefectivity [50] - count of health points in aid kit fak_aidkitcost [100] - cost per aid kit fak_maxkits [1] - maximum count of owned aid kits fak_buyzoneonly [1] - 1 - aid kit can be bought only at buyzone 0 - anywhere fak_losekit [1] - 1 - when die, lose all aidkits 0 - Death has no impact on aidkitsIf you want to try it, I run it here: Attached Files Dołączona grafika Get Plugin or Get Source (aid_kit.sma - 4.4 KB)

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