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Guest Message by DevFuse

Zawartość użytkownika Lejpin

Odnotowano 44 pozycji dodanych przez Lejpin (Rezultat wyszukiwania ograniczony do daty: 22.06.2023 )

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#404610 bf2 rank mod problem z instalacją

Napisano przez Lejpin w 01.05.2012 16:27 w Problemy z pluginami

może masz zablokowane typu na jedno ip(serwera) popatrz a jak nie to dopisz koło pluginów -debug

#399661 Base Bulider 6.5 - Czas Budowania

Napisano przez Lejpin w 21.04.2012 01:10 w Problemy z pluginami

może w sma masz tak wpisane i ci tego nie czyta.. sprawdz

#394979 Przerobienie Klasy Bezlitosny Generał na Bezlitosny Major

Napisano przez Lejpin w 09.04.2012 23:19 w Prośby o modyfikacje silników/klas/perków

Tak jak w nagłowku proszę o zmianę Bezlitosny Generał na Bezlitosny Major

+ Dodać do majora tak "

+3 rakiety
+1 Skoki

a tutaj Cod

#include <amxmodx>
#include <codmod>
#include <hamsandwich>
#include <colorchat>
#include <engine>

new bool:ma_klase[33];

new const nazwa[] = "Bezlitosny General[Klasa Super Premium]";
new const opis[] = "Wybucha po smierci zadajac 40(+intelgencja) obrazen";
new const bronie = 1<<CSW_M4A1 | 1<<CSW_HEGRENADE | 1<<CSW_DEAGLE | 1<<CSW_FLASHBANG | 1<<CSW_SMOKEGRENADE;
new const zdrowie = 10;
new const kondycja = 40;
new const inteligencja = 10;
new const wytrzymalosc = 25;

new sprite_blast, sprite_white;

public plugin_init()
    register_plugin(nazwa, "1.0", "Enson");
    cod_register_class(nazwa, opis, bronie, zdrowie, kondycja, inteligencja, wytrzymalosc);
    register_event("DeathMsg", "Death", "ade");

public plugin_precache()
    sprite_white = precache_model("sprites/white.spr") ;
    sprite_blast = precache_model("sprites/dexplo.spr");

public cod_class_enabled(id)
    if(!(get_user_flags(id) & ADMIN_LEVEL_G))
        ColorChat(id, GREY, "[%s] Chcesz kupic klase premium pisz na gg 5818301 badz na forum", nazwa);
        return COD_STOP;
    ColorChat(id, GREY, "[General]Klasa %s klasa stworzona dla", nazwa);
    ma_klase[id] = true;
    return COD_CONTINUE;
public cod_class_disabled(id)
    ma_klase[id] = false;

public Death()
    new id = read_data(2);

public Eksploduj(id)
    new Float:fOrigin[3], iOrigin[3];
    entity_get_vector( id, EV_VEC_origin, fOrigin);
    iOrigin[0] = floatround(fOrigin[0]);
    iOrigin[1] = floatround(fOrigin[1]);
    iOrigin[2] = floatround(fOrigin[2]);
    message_begin(MSG_BROADCAST,SVC_TEMPENTITY, iOrigin);
    message_begin( MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY, iOrigin );
    write_byte( TE_BEAMCYLINDER );
    write_coord( iOrigin[0] );
    write_coord( iOrigin[1] );
    write_coord( iOrigin[2] );
    write_coord( iOrigin[0] );
    write_coord( iOrigin[1] + 300 );
    write_coord( iOrigin[2] + 300 );
    write_short( sprite_white );
    write_byte( 0 ); // startframe
    write_byte( 0 ); // framerate
    write_byte( 10 ); // life
    write_byte( 10 ); // width
    write_byte( 255 ); // noise
    write_byte( 255 ); // r, g, b
    write_byte( 100 );// r, g, b
    write_byte( 100 ); // r, g, b
    write_byte( 128 ); // brightness
    write_byte( 8 ); // speed
    new entlist[33];
    new numfound = find_sphere_class(id, "player", 300.0 , entlist, 32);
    for (new i=0; i < numfound; i++)
        new pid = entlist[i];
        if (!is_user_alive(pid) || get_user_team(id) == get_user_team(pid))
        cod_inflict_damage(id, pid, 40.0, 0.5);

#394972 Prosba o 5 latwiotkich klas

Napisano przez Lejpin w 09.04.2012 23:06 w Prośby o Klasę/Perk

A może nazwy klasy co i jak?? jaką mają mieć bron i tym podobne?

#394685 CodMod z awansami klas

Napisano przez Lejpin w 09.04.2012 15:59 w Nowości

Czemu nie można dodać codawans ?? wtedy sypie błędami przy kompilacji

#393702 CodMod z awansami klas

Napisano przez Lejpin w 08.04.2012 04:41 w Nowości

wam też nie chodzi wyszkolonyobronca i jego awanse?

#391492 Top 15 nie dziala (rank)

Napisano przez Lejpin w 05.04.2012 08:05 w Problemy z pluginami

znajdz w amxx.cfg


linijke :

Rank mode
// 0 - by nick
// 1 - by authid
// 2 - by ip

i zmień na 0

#391480 Problem Z ExpBlock [EasyBlock]

Napisano przez Lejpin w 05.04.2012 07:38 w Problemy z pluginami



Napisano przez Lejpin w 03.04.2012 18:46 w Problemy

łap tego nie powinien ci crashować i jest za darmo dla wszystkich

3maj sma

Załączony plik  parachute.sma   6,01 KB  52 Ilość pobrań

modelu nie mogłem dać to dałem ci w rar

Załączony plik  parachute.rar   62,66 KB  49 Ilość pobrań

#390548 Serwer paintball sie "crashuje"

Napisano przez Lejpin w 03.04.2012 14:12 w Problemy z pluginami

L 04/03/2012 - 09:29:41: Start of error session.
L 04/03/2012 - 09:29:41: Info (map "de_westwood") (file "addons/amxmodx/logs/error_20120403.log")

sprawdz mape westwood bo cośnie tak z nią

#390295 [ROZWIĄZANE] Problem z roundsound

Napisano przez Lejpin w 02.04.2012 18:57 w Problemy z pluginami

3maj zrobiłem już pod ciebie

Instalacja :

end_roundsound.txt cstrike/addons/amxmodx/data/lang
roundsound.ini cstrike/addons/amxmodx/configs

w roundsound.ini zmieniasz sobie nazwy piosenek i dodajesz nowe.

Załączony plik  roundsound.ini   438 bajtów  45 Ilość pobrań

Załączony plik  end_roundsound.txt   1,22 KB  51 Ilość pobrań

#390286 Plugin "cod_adminmenu.amxx" failed to load

Napisano przez Lejpin w 02.04.2012 18:41 w Problemy z pluginami

Tak może być przez to gdyż po prostu nie wczytuje tej klasy na starym codzie

#390276 Problem Z ExpBlock [EasyBlock]

Napisano przez Lejpin w 02.04.2012 18:30 w Problemy z pluginami


Pomoże ktoś?? bo pilne

#390140 Plugin "cod_adminmenu.amxx" failed to load

Napisano przez Lejpin w 02.04.2012 15:50 w Problemy z pluginami

Zrob tak


#390086 Easy block czy potrzebny jest HnS lub Exp mod ?

Napisano przez Lejpin w 02.04.2012 14:33 w Problemy

a wgrałeś hns_xp bo wymagany jest do ProFragsMaker (( Mogę podesłać ci gotowca z w którym nie jest wymagany hns_xp))

#389874 [ROZWIĄZANE] Mod BF2 - przyznawanie punktów

Napisano przez Lejpin w 01.04.2012 20:43 w Problemy z pluginami

masz sma

Załączony plik  typa.sma   16,02 KB  60 Ilość pobrań

#389737 [ROZWIĄZANE] Mod BF2 - przyznawanie punktów

Napisano przez Lejpin w 01.04.2012 17:01 w Problemy z pluginami

// Battlefield 2 Rank Mod by pRED* | Translated to Polish by Misiek & Korzen |
// An attempt to recreate the battlefield ranking system onto cs1.6
// Currently features the basics of the ranking system, with no power up gain recieved from leveling.
// Ranks are based on the number of kills from the csstats system
// Badges can also be earned to get power up bonuses - See rewards list. Or look at /bf2menu in game
// Wish list:  Add some more badges maybe? Ive put some ideas in comments...
//   Rank pictures..
// Known Bugs General optimisation stuff - Ive done most in the wiki tut but there may be more
// Rewards: Knife - 20/40/60% of damage done with knife returned to player.
//   Support - Recoil with M249 reduced 1/3,1/2,Full
//   Pistol - Chance of stopping opponent when u get shot (not sure if its working..)
//   Assault - 10/20/30 Bonus HP when spawning
//   Sniper - 1/3,1/2,Full Chance of Free awp/scout
//   Explosives - Free Grenade/Free Defuse Kit/Free Full nade set
// Credits: Xuntric and PM for their combined work on the XP based plugin tutorial (load, save and menu stuff..)
//   Avalanche for the removed cone of fire in i_aim_good plugin (used for lowered recoil on the para)
//   Phantom Warrior and palehorse for inadvertently giving me the idea for this (Military Rank Mod thread..)
//   ev0d00b cos I stole lots of code out of his/our Capture the Hax Plugin
//   Ubernet ( for giving me a test server and help test the mod
//   stupok69 for helping fix the /whois command
//   Geesu for all his defined cs weapon speeds used in wc3ft (resetting users speed after imobilising them),
//   and some great examples of screen flashes and shakes.
//   Cheap_Suit for the extra recoil code
//   Hawk522 for his tutorial on SQLx (and helping me debug problems with it)
//   styremelaker for massive amount of csdm testing.
//   vittu for going through the code and finding heaps of mistakes and efficiency changes
//   teamme06 for his colorchat code
//   vittu again for supporting my plugin more than I do..
//   BlueRaja for player kills and score update code from his damage multiplier plugin (big copy, paste of the kill function)
//   palehorse for the web html documents
//   vittu for testing and helping fix bugs in the code.
//   emp' for the new amxx menu tutorial
// Cvars:  bf2_active (1|0) - Turns the plugin on or off - Default 1
//   bf2_badges (1|0) - Turns the badge system on or off - Default 1
//   bf2_awp (1|0) - Is user given an awp or scout by having the sniper badge - Default 0 (scout)
//   bf2_xpmultiplier (1|0) - Changes the kill multiplier needed to reach each level - Default 0.1 (15 kills for rank 1, 20k kills for top rank)
//   bf2_sql (1|0) - Turns Switches between SQL and vault saving - Default 1 (SQL)
//   bf2_icon_time (float) - Time (in seconds) to show the rank icon above peoples heads 0=disabled. default 1.5
//   bf2_flag_kills (int) - CS flags - How many bf2 points are awarded for capturing a flag
//   bf2_flag_round_kills - CS flags - How many bf2 points are awarded for winning a round
//   bf2_flag_match_kills  - CS flags - How many bf2 points are awarded for winning the match
//   bf2_flag_min_players - CS flags - Min number of plays before above points get awarded
//   bf2_help_url (string) - remote folder where the bf2 web docs are stored (optional) do not include the trailing /
//   bf2_badgepowers (1|0) - enable/disable the powers for the badgess
//   bf2_hud_options "abcde"
//    a Display Health/Armour/Weapon for teammates
//    b Display Rank for teammates
//    c Display Rank for enemies
//    d Hide display for invisible enemies
//    e Move the display to above peoples heads
// Cmds:  say /bf2menu - Shows the Main Menu
//   say /who - Shows a list of player and their rank
//   say /whois <name> - Show the rank and badges of a specific player
//   say /whostats <name> - Show the stats page for a player
//   say /hud - Redisplays the HUD
//   say /ranks - Shows the kill xp table
//   say /bf2stats - your personal stats pages
//   say /pomoc - Displays a Help MOTD
//   say /badges1 - Displays a Help MOTD on some of the badges
//   say /badges2 - Displays a Help MOTD on the rest of the badges
//   say /badges3 - Badges 3
//   bf2_addbagde <player> <badge> <level> - Gives a badge to player. Requires Ban admin access. Badge <0-5>. Level <0-3>
//   bf2_addkills <player> <kills> - Adds to a players kills.. Also requires ban access
// Changes: 1.1 -  Fixed Bug with Veteran Assault badge
//    Added SQL support (bf2_sql 1)
//    Changed support badge to bonus speed (added code for extra damage, recoil - will finish when amxx 1.77 is released)
//    Sounds, Screen Shake, User glows..
//   1.2 -  Massive change to make global kill counting actually work..
//    Added screen to view weapon stats "say /bf2stats" or use the menu
//    Added concmd "bf2_vaultload" to forcibly load your own data from the vault (im using it to convert my stats from vault to sql)
//    Tell people to type bf2_vaultload into console and their badges will be restored. Other than that probably a useless command
//   1.21 - Added a badge check 5 seconds before map changes.
//   1.22 -  bf2_addbadge admin command added
//   1.23 -  Added CSDM functionality. Give hp/weapons on all spawns.
//    Recoded badge checking to be individual on player death
//    Fixed HP bug and added message "beginning badge check"
//   1.30 - Starting work on 4 New ranks
//    Shows Teammates rank when you look at them.
//    Give 50,100,200 armour for having 6,12 or 18 badges..
//    Bf2 now saves totalkills itself. Prevents csstats resets..
//    bf2_addkills (admin abuse tool? - or to reset after csstats reset), gives x kills to a player
//    Reduced the amount of saving to vault - causing server lag.
//    Changed to nVault saving. Now uses only 1 vault data instead of 14.
//    Fixed armour being lower than you had before
//    Split file into large set of includes. Way easier to find functions you want.
//    Added +3 kills for defuse/explode. Cs flags mod support
//   1.31 - Lowered chance of imobilising happening.
//    Changed damage event and bomb events to the csx forward versions and created a csx forward include
//    Capped knife badge damage to 130
//    Removed bf2_vaultload (pointless now.)
//    Fixed some spelling newbie mistakes..
//    Fixed immunity problems
//    Moved inl and config files into their own folder..
//    Probably a few other things too..
//   1.4 - Fixed wrong sprites displaying
//    fixed double hp gain on round reset (CSDM)
//    added /whostats command
//    bf2_help_url (and web motds) and bf2_badgepowers cvars
//    fixed sprites
//    CSDM badges not being awarded.
//    Top ranked in server display message
//    New menus
//    reset your stats command
//    Medals other new stats
//    Logging admin commands
//    Two new badges. Fixed Explosives badge for csdm
//    Heaps of new stats options + saving them (server and player)
//    Changed power for support
//    SQL now a defined option
//    Moved needed fakemeta_util functions into a separate file (included)
//    New HUD system thanks to vittu (added cvar to control it)
//    bf2_reset_days cvar - number of days without playing till xp gets reset
// Requires: Fakemeta, Csstats, fakemeta_util
#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <amxconst>
#include <csstats>
#include <cstrike>
#include <fakemeta>
#include "bf2/fakemeta_util_mini.inl"
#include <csx>
#include <fun>
new const PLUGIN[] = "Battlefield2 Rank Mod"
new const AUTHOR[] = "pRED*"
new const VERSION[] = "1.4"
//Compile Settings
//#define CSDM
//#define SQL
//Message sending variables
new gmsgStatusText;
new gmsgScreenFade;
//new gmsgScreenShake;
new gmsgDeathMsg;
new gmsgScoreInfo;
new gmsgSayText;
new g_status_sync;

#define MAX_RANKS 17
#define MAX_BADGES 8
//Motd variables
new configsdir[200]
new configfile[200]
//Cvar vars
new g_bf2_active;
new g_badges_active;
new g_free_awp;
new g_xp_multiplier;
new g_icon_hold;
new g_flag_kills;
new g_help_url;
new g_powers;
new g_flag_round_kills
new g_flag_match_kills
new g_flag_min_players
new g_hud_options
new g_prune_days
//Current players info
new g_PlayerRank[33];
new g_PlayerBadges[33][MAX_BADGES];
new knifekills[33];
new pistolkills[33];
new sniperkills[33];
new parakills[33];
new defuses[33];
new plants[33];
new explosions[33];
new accuracy[33];
new totalkills[33];
new authid[33][32];
new smgkills[33];
new shotgunkills[33];
new riflekills[33];
new grenadekills[33];
new bronze[33];
new silver[33];
new gold[33];

//Temp storage variables
new nextrank[33];
new numofbadges[33];
new bool:newplayer[33];
new g_lastwpn[33]
//new g_lastclip[33]
new bool:imobile[33];
new bool:freezetime;
new highestrank
new highestrankid
new statsloaded[33]

new g_friend[33];
new g_invis[33];
new menuselection[33];
//Server stats
new highestrankserver
new highestrankservername[30]
new mostkills
new mostkillsid
new mostkillsname[30]
new mostwins
new mostwinsname[30]

new menuselected[33][3];
//0 - Badge/Kills selected 0/1
//1 - Badgenum/Kills
//2 - Badgelevel
//Sound Vars
new g_Sound1[] = "buttons/bell1.wav"; //Rank gained sound
new g_Sound2[] = "fvox/bell.wav"; //Badges earned sound
//Sprite vars
new spritefile[21][36];
new sprite[21];
//Bf2 includes
//SQl vars
#if defined SQL
new Handle:g_SqlTuple
new Handle:g_SqlTuple2
new g_Cache[512]
new bool:SQLenabled;
new g_Vault;
#if defined SQL
#include <sqlx>
#include "bf2/sql.inl"
#include <nvault>

#include "bf2/effect.inl"
#include "bf2/const.inl"
#include "bf2/cmds.inl"
#include "bf2/events.inl"
#include "bf2/save.inl"
#include "bf2/forwards.inl"
#include "bf2/check.inl"
#include "bf2/badgepowers.inl"
#include "bf2/menu.inl"
#include "bf2/hud.inl"
#include "bf2/othermods.inl"
#include "bf2/csx.inl"
#if defined CSDM
#include "bf2/bf2_csdm.inl"
public plugin_init()
register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR);
//Register all the say commands
register_clcmd("say /ranks","show_rankhelp",0, "Shows The Rank Help");
register_clcmd("say_team /ranks","show_rankhelp",0, "Shows The Rank Help");
register_clcmd("say /odznaki1","show_badgehelp",0, "Shows The Badge Help");
register_clcmd("say_team /odznaki1","show_badgehelp",0, "Shows The Badge Help");
register_clcmd("say /odznaki2","show_badgehelp2",0, "Shows The Badge Help 2");
register_clcmd("say_team /odznaki2","show_badgehelp2",0, "Shows The Badge Help 2");
register_clcmd("say /odznaki3","show_badgehelp3",0, "Shows The Badge Help 3");
register_clcmd("say_team /odznaki3","show_badgehelp3",0, "Shows The Badge Help 3");
register_clcmd("say", "cmd_say", 0, "<target> ")
register_clcmd("say_team", "cmd_say", 0, "<target> ")
register_clcmd("say /gracze", "cmd_who", 0, "Display a list of player and their levels")
register_clcmd("say_team /gracze", "cmd_who", 0, "Display a list of player and their levels")
register_clcmd("say /hud", "ShowHUD", 0, "Shows the HUD")
register_clcmd("say_team /hud", "ShowHUD", 0, "Shows the HUD")
register_clcmd("say /pomoc", "cmd_help", 0, "Displays the Help")
register_clcmd("say_team /pomoc", "cmd_help", 0, "Displays the Help")
register_clcmd("say /bf2menu", "Bf2menu", 0, "Displays the Menu")
register_clcmd("say_team /bf2menu", "Bf2menu", 0, "Displays the Menu")
register_clcmd("say bf2menu", "Bf2menu", 0, "Displays the Menu")
register_clcmd("say_team bf2menu", "Bf2menu", 0, "Displays the Menu")
register_clcmd("say /bf2", "Bf2menu", 0, "Displays the Menu")
register_clcmd("say_team /bf2", "Bf2menu", 0, "Displays the Menu")
register_clcmd("say bf2", "Bf2menu", 0, "Displays the Menu")
register_clcmd("say_team bf2", "Bf2menu", 0, "Displays the Menu")
register_clcmd("say /menu", "Bf2menu", 0, "Displays the Menu")
register_clcmd("say_team /menu", "Bf2menu", 0, "Displays the Menu")
register_clcmd("say menu", "Bf2menu", 0, "Displays the Menu")
register_clcmd("say_team menu", "Bf2menu", 0, "Displays the Menu")
register_clcmd("say /pomoc", "Bf2menu", 0, "Displays the Menu")
register_clcmd("say_team /pomoc", "Bf2menu", 0, "Displays the Menu")
register_clcmd("say pomoc", "Bf2menu", 0, "Displays the Menu")
register_clcmd("say_team pomoc", "Bf2menu", 0, "Displays the Menu")
register_clcmd("say /bf2helpmenu", "helpmenu", 0, "Displays the Help Menu")
register_clcmd("say_team /bf2helpmenu", "helpmenu", 0, "Displays the Help Menu")
register_clcmd("say /bf2statsmenu", "helpmenu", 0, "Displays the Stats Menu")
register_clcmd("say_team /bf2statsmenu", "helpmenu", 0, "Displays the Stats Menu")
register_clcmd("say /bf2adminmenu", "adminmenu", 0, "Displays the Admin Menu")
register_clcmd("say_team /bf2adminmenu", "adminmenu", 0, "Displays the Admin Menu")
register_clcmd("say /bf2stats", "show_stats", 0, "Shows your current weapon stats")
register_clcmd("say_team /bf2stats", "show_stats", 0, "Shows your current weapon stats")
register_clcmd("say /serverstats", "show_server_stats", 0, "Shows your current weapon stats")
register_clcmd("say_team /serverstats", "show_server_stats", 0, "Shows your current weapon stats")
register_clcmd("say /bf2save", "save_badges", 0, "Shows your current weapon stats")
register_clcmd("say_team /bf2save", "save_badges", 0, "Shows your current weapon stats")
register_clcmd("bf2_resetstats", "reset_stats", 0, "Resets all of your stats")
register_clcmd("bf2_addbadge", "add_badge", ADMIN_LEVEL, "<player> <badge#> <level#>")
register_clcmd("bf2_addkills", "add_kills", ADMIN_LEVEL, "<player> <kills#>")
register_clcmd("bf2_resetserverstats", "reset_all_stats", ADMIN_LEVEL, "Erases all players stats")

//FCVAR_SERVER cvar for game monitor.
g_bf2_active = register_cvar("bf2_active", "1")
g_badges_active = register_cvar("bf2_badges", "1")
g_free_awp = register_cvar("bf2_awp", "0")
g_xp_multiplier = register_cvar("bf2_xpmultiplier", "0.1")
g_icon_hold = register_cvar("bf2_icon_time","1.5")
g_flag_kills = register_cvar("bf2_flag_kills","2")
g_flag_round_kills = register_cvar("bf2_flag_round_kills", "0")
g_flag_match_kills = register_cvar("bf2_flag_match_kills", "0")
g_flag_min_players = register_cvar("bf2_flag_min_players", "3")
g_help_url = register_cvar("bf2_help_url","")
g_powers = register_cvar("bf2_badgepowers","1")
g_hud_options = register_cvar("bf2_hud_options","abcd")
g_prune_days = register_cvar("bf2_reset_days","21")

//Message sending.

gmsgStatusText = get_user_msgid("StatusText");
gmsgScreenFade = get_user_msgid("ScreenFade");
//gmsgScreenShake = get_user_msgid("ScreenShake");
gmsgScoreInfo = get_user_msgid("ScoreInfo");
gmsgDeathMsg = get_user_msgid("DeathMsg");
gmsgSayText = get_user_msgid("SayText");

//Register events, logs and forwards to be captured

register_event("ResetHUD", "event_hud_reset", "be")
register_event("HLTV", "event_new_round", "a", "1=0", "2=0") //add freeztime start code
register_event("CurWeapon", "event_curweapon", "be","1=1")
register_logevent("end_freezetime", 2,"0=World triggered","1=Round_Start"); //freezetime end code
register_logevent("Event_Round_End", 2, "1=Round_End");

register_event("StatusValue", "setTeam", "be", "1=1");
register_event("StatusValue", "on_ShowStatus", "be", "1=2", "2!0");
register_event("StatusValue", "on_HideStatus", "be", "1=1", "2=0");
register_message(get_user_msgid("StatusValue"), "hook_StatusValue");
g_status_sync = CreateHudSyncObj();
*{\\ rtf1\\ ansi\\ deff0{\\ fonttbl{\\ f0\\ fnil Tahoma;}}\n\\ viewkind4\\ uc1\\ pard\\ lang1045\\ f0\\ fs16 \n\\ par }

Powinno pomoc

#389735 Plugin "cod_adminmenu.amxx" failed to load

Napisano przez Lejpin w 01.04.2012 16:55 w Problemy z pluginami

Kolego w niektórych Codach tak jest jak nie wiezysz mogę ci podesał jeden z nich

#389605 Anticommerce i GmAMXBans razem = problem

Napisano przez Lejpin w 01.04.2012 13:57 w Problemy z pluginami

Tak możliwe jest że ten amxbans może mieć inny kod do banowania niż ten na anticommerce..
niestety nie wiem jak to zrobić gdyż nie patrzyłem do anti i do amxbans

#389604 Medale - problem

Napisano przez Lejpin w 01.04.2012 13:55 w Problemy z pluginami

podałem mu na przykładzie strony i masz to napisane wyzej w postach.

#389602 Medale - problem

Napisano przez Lejpin w 01.04.2012 13:51 w Problemy z pluginami

Kolego wyżej w przypadku co on podał Strzelnice to napisałem mu z przykłądem na to.. więc..

Po 2 np: na możliwość założenia bazy na stronie..

Po 3 napisałe mu to wyżej.. co ty tera

Bo hostname nie bedzie bo to nie jest baza danych z reguły gdy masz baze danych wraz z serwerm na jakim hostingu powiedzmy Tserwery to jako hostname piszemy: localhost lub cos jak ip.

nie dostałem od niego pełnej infromacji .. więc ??
Podałem mu przykład bo o niego prosił..

bf2rank_db_host "" //Host bazy danych
może byc taki albo

bf2rank_db_host "" //Host bazy danych

zależy jeszcze gdzie robi.

#389597 Problem z dr_stats www

Napisano przez Lejpin w 01.04.2012 13:40 w Problemy z pluginami

Z twojej bazdy SQL którą stworzyłeś plik do którego dojście jest podane


#389595 Medale - problem

Napisano przez Lejpin w 01.04.2012 13:39 w Problemy z pluginami

musi mieć gdzie się zapisywać :P

I nie mozesz zainstalowac medali bez SQL

#389592 Plugin "cod_adminmenu.amxx" failed to load

Napisano przez Lejpin w 01.04.2012 13:37 w Problemy z pluginami

; To enable a module, remove the semi-colon (<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' /> in front of its name.
; If it's not here, simply add it its name, one per line.
; You don't need to write the _amxx part or the file extension.

;; SQL Modules usually need to be enabled manually ;;
;; You can have any number on at a time.  Use	  ;;
;;  amx_sql_type in sql.cfg to specify the default ;;


;; Put third party modules below here.			  ;;
;; You can just list their names, without the _amxx ;;
;;  or file extension.							  ;;

;; These modules will be auto-detected and loaded   ;;
;;  as needed.  You do not need to enable them here ;;
;;  unless you have problems.					   ;;


Ja Mam tak ... Zobacz jak to nie zadziała to odblokuj wszystkie odblokowuje się kasując ; z przed nazwy

#389287 Problem z dr_stats www

Napisano przez Lejpin w 31.03.2012 22:34 w Problemy z pluginami

/home/p185219/public_html/drs/models/modelBestPlayers.php on line 20

wszystko mówi za siebie..

W bazie
Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in

Którą stworzyłeś jest błąd w pliku /home/p185219/public_html/drs/models/modelBestPlayers.php ( masz dojście )

Podaj go tu to sprawdze co jest nie tak.