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Witamy w Nieoficjalnym polskim support'cie AMX Mod X
Witamy w Nieoficjalnym polskim support'cie AMX Mod X, jak w większości społeczności internetowych musisz się zarejestrować aby móc odpowiadać lub zakładać nowe tematy, ale nie bój się to jest prosty proces w którym wymagamy minimalnych informacji.
Guest Message by DevFuse
Stop advertising on sv
Temat rozp. Adminek AMXX.PL, 17.11.2012 06:46
Brak odpowiedzi do tego tematu
Napisano 17.11.2012 06:46
Hello, I would like a plugin anti advertisement on sv, more understandable plugin to stop messages from robots that enter the sv and advertise in chat (like connect www.svmeu.ro ... they give free admin etc.)I found a plugin like that one but do not know where to get sma's how I want to modify itThis plugins works exactly as shown in picture : Part 1: I try to advertise / say or / sayteamPart 2: When I block advertising ... www.sitetul.meu and instead tells me that advertising is prohibited on svSma's would look like this ... but not completely HTML Code: #include #include #include new Regex:re, ret;public plugin_init() { register_plugin("AntiReclama", "1.0", ""); register_clcmd("say", "CheckMessage"); register_clcmd("say_team", "CheckMessage"); new err[32]; re = regex_compile("(?:w+.[a-z]{2,4}b|(?:s*d+s*.){3})", ret, err, 31, "i"); if (re!=REGEX_OK) server_print("Error: %s (%d)", err, ret);}public CheckMessage(id) { if (id > 0 && id < 33 && !is_user_admin(id)) { new text[64]; read_args(text,63); if (strlen(text) > 4) { new match = regex_match_c(text, re, ret); if (match > 0) { client_print(id, print_chat, "Publicitatea este interzisa pe acest server!"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } } } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE;}public plugin_end() { regex_free(re); }Missing the part where you write the words you want to block ... of the crash if you write words with spaceThank you ... and wait for your opinions .. or completing your
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