Command Cycle
Execute Commands via Config File Every Designated Amount of Time
Pretty basic plugin I thought like creating because I had nothing else to do. This will do exactly as it says it does, just with your own settings and commands. This is made for servers that would basically like to run a specified command every few minutes or so.
I do not suggest setting the timer for your commands to run every 5 seconds. This will most likely cause lag to the server and instability if your server is running on a low grade computer.
CVar's (Defaults):
Code: - sm_comcycle_version "1.0"
Plugin Version
- sm_comcycle_enabled "1"
Enable Command Cycle
- sm_comcycle_time "120"
Time Increment to Run CommandsVersion Log:
Code: Version 1.0 - 5/8/2012
* Initial ReleaseInstallation:
Code: Find these in
comcycle.smx > tfaddonssourcemodplugins (Necessary)
comcycle.cfg > tfcfgsourcemod (Necessary)
comcycle.sp > tfaddonssourcemodscripting (Selective)See my other plugins.
Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (comcycle.sp - 1.6 KB) (4.5 KB)
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