i have on server mod : Capture the Flag ...THIS - http://amxx.pl/topic...g-ctf-v132b-pl/
So, i installed it and it works, thats great but i want plugins, that are in topic just capture the flag
Pluginy do Just Capture the Flag:
jCTF + SH: Daj XP za flagi (Wykonal Jelle)
jCTF + SH: Kup XP za adrenaline (Wykonal Jelle)
Tworzenie pluginów do moda (API):
Od wersji 1.2, mod ma API
Musisz pobrać plik jctf_api.zip
W archiwum znajdziesz wymagane do kompilacji jctf.inc i pluginy np. jctf_addon_example.sma.
But i dont know how to install them. First, i compiled jctf_addon_example, and then the others 2 plugins...
When i connect to server, in amxmodmenu-pause plugins i have jctf_addon_example ok , but the othes are "ERROR"
Can me someone help???