This is part of a series of plugins for many mods to enable more detailed logging, all in HL Log Standard.
These plugins give the ability to track many things not natively logged by the game in log parsers such as HLstatsX:CE, Psychostats, and others.
This plugin requires SDK Hooks installed.
For SuperLogs: Nuclear Dawn, the following features are available:
Player Actions
- headshot
- killed_commander
- promoted_to_commander
- armoury_destroyed
- artillery_destroyed
- assembler_destroyed
- flamethrowerturret_destroyed
- wirelessrepeater_destroyed
- powerstation_destroyed
- radar_destroyed
- powerrelay_destroyed
- rocketturret_destroyed
- sonicturret_destroyed
- supply_destroyed
- transportgate_destroyed
- machineguneturret_destroyed
- round_win
- round_lose
- resource_captured
- damaged_opposite_bunker (Team managed to damage the enemy bunker with 1000dmg)
Logging "Fixes"
- Logs a "Started Map:..." line for the first map of the server (would normally happen too early to be logged)
- Logs "commander damage" or "commander poison" as weapon on player_death instead of "commander ability"
SuperLogs: TF2
SuperLogs: L4D
SuperLogs: Insurgency
SuperLogs: NeoTokyo
SuperLogs: Age of Chivalry
SuperLogs: Fistful Of Frags
SuperLogs: GoldenEye: Source
SuperLogs: CSS
SuperLogs: DODS
SuperLogs: Generic
SuperLogs: ZPS
SuperLogs: HL2DM/SourceForts
SuperLogs: CSpromod
SuperLogs: PVKII
Thanks to psychonic for his SuperLogs plugins + release post. Both plugin and post are based off his work:)
Compiling Notes
SuperLogs: Nuclear Dawn requires SDK Hooks, loghelper and to be in the scripting/include directory when compiling, and therefore, will not compile on the web compiler. Check the other SuperLogs plugins for the file.
Attached Files

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