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Guest Message by DevFuse


cfg na pb

  • Zamknięty Temat jest zamknięty
6 odpowiedzi w tym temacie

#1 kumin


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Napisano 25.07.2011 12:23

Witam mam taki problem z configiem na pb problem polega na tym ze kulki jakoś dziwnie lecą i po mału ogarną by mi ktoś co jest źle w tym oto configu ?

amx_pbgun 1 //Toggles the paintballguns
pbgun_selectmode 1 //0 = normal weapon mode / 1 = menu mode / 2 = random gun mode
amx_pbdm 0 //If enabled players will respawn 3 seconds after killed
pbgun_gravity 1 //Toggles pellet gravity.
pbgun_nocrosshair 0 //Toggles the crosshair.
pbmoves_enabled 1 //Toggles the paintball moves plugin
amx_pbnade 1 //Toggles the paintball grenade.
amx_pbgun_jam 0 //Toggles if weapons can jam
amx_knifeonehitkill 1 //Toggles if the knife kills on one hit (1 = enabled, 0 = disabled)
pbgun_real_pellets 1 //Toggles the pellet behavior. 1 = some pellets don't explode on impact / 0 = All pellets explode on impact
amx_pbstrip 1 //Toggles if players weapons are stripped in spawn
pbgun_vendetta_enabled 1//Toggle Vendetta on and off
pbgun_vendetta_cant 3 //Amount of times killed in a row to declare vendetta
amx_pbsnade 0 //Toggles coloured smoke grenades
pbgun_pbslauncher 1 //Toggles flashbangs into the paint super launcher

//Paintball moves misc vars
pbmoves_verbose 1 //Toggles the HUD messages
pbmoves_usebatterymeter 1 //Toggles using the battery meter to display the remaining stamina
pbmoves_rechargetime 10.0 //How much time in secs without sprinting will recharge full stamina

//"Touch only if your server gets funny" vars
pbgun_shots 100 //How many paintball entities can be spawned at once. (If your server is crashing or lagging, decrease this value.)
pbgun_life 100 //How long the paintball stay spawned
amx_pbmodel 1 //Toggles if players use the Paintball player model

//Weapons & gameplay misc vars (the "I want to customize everything" vars)
pbgun_damage 100 //Amount of damage a player takes when hit by a paintball
amx_pbspawnprotect 5 //Time in seconds a player cannot be killed after spawning (0 to disable)
pbnade_radius 150 //Radius (in cs units) a player has to be within to die from a grenade.
pbgun_fireratelow 1.1 //The fire-rate in seconds for slow weapons (launcher and sniper)
pbgun_fireratemedium 0.8 //The fire-rate in seconds for medium weapons (shotgun)
pbgun_fireratehigh 0.18 //The fire-rate for fast weapons (marker and guns)
pbgun_jamproblow 30 //How many shots in average will jam slow weapons (this is based on probability).
pbgun_jamprobhigh 100 //How many shots in average will jam fast weapons (this is based on probability).
pbgun_velocity_marker 4700 //The speed of the pellet shot by this weapon. Be carefull because this value CAN NOT be higher than your current sv_maxvelocity (the default for this is 2000 but my mod sets it to 4000).
pbgun_velocity_pistol 4000 //Idem.
pbgun_velocity_launcher 4000 //Idem.
pbgun_velocity_shotgun 4000 //Idem.
pbgun_velocity_sniper 4000 //Idem.
pbgun_dispersion 100 //How much average dispersion (recoil) the weapons have. This doesn't affect the sniper with scope.

//Cosmetic vars
pbgun_color 2 //Color of the paintball 1=Random 2=Team 3=Green/Orange 4=Yellow/Purple
pbgun_glow c //a = paintball glows, b = paintball has trail, c = none
pbgun_sound 1 //Toggles the shooting and hitting sounds
amx_pbmodel 1 //Toggles if players use the Paintball player model
amx_pbmoney 1 //Toggles if players money is stripped
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#2 Julia


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  • Imię:Julia
  • Lokalizacja:Gdynia

Napisano 26.07.2011 20:38

Ale co z nimi konkretnie jest nie tak? Dziwnie? Za szybko, za wolno, za blisko, czy za daleko? Dokładniej byś opisał swój problem...
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#3 kumin


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Napisano 27.07.2011 16:12

za wolno kulki lataja
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#4 Julia


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  • Lokalizacja:Gdynia

Napisano 27.07.2011 16:48

pbgun_velocity_marker 4700 //The speed of the pellet shot by this weapon. Be carefull because this value CAN NOT be higher than your current sv_maxvelocity (the default for this is 2000 but my mod sets it to 4000).
pbgun_velocity_pistol 4000 //Idem.
pbgun_velocity_launcher 4000 //Idem.
pbgun_velocity_shotgun 4000 //Idem.
pbgun_velocity_sniper 4000 //Idem.
No cóż. Te cvary odpowiadają za prędkości kulek w różnych broniach. Jeżeli chcesz większą niż 4000, musisz ją tutaj zmienić, ale też w server.cfg przestawić wtedy cvar sv_maxvelocity, żeby serwer nie blokował tego.
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#5 kumin


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Napisano 27.07.2011 19:11

I też problem bo odbijają się od ściany : ((
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#6 Julia


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  • Imię:Julia
  • Lokalizacja:Gdynia

Napisano 28.07.2011 07:56

pbgun_real_pellets 1 //Toggles the pellet behavior. 1 = some pellets don't explode on impact / 0 = All pellets explode on impact
Teoretycznie, jeżeli przestawisz ten cvar na 0, to wszystkie będą "wybuchały" przy uderzeniu, to wtedy już się nie odbiją.
BTW, skąd masz tego paintballa?
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#7 kumin


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Napisano 28.07.2011 18:13

a nawet nie wiem skąd to mam ;x xD
a jeszcze żeby te kulki było widać jak lecą i może by były większe trochę jak sie da
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