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Guest Message by DevFuse


Automaticknifeduel z dzwiękiem :)

  • Zamknięty Temat jest zamknięty
2 odpowiedzi w tym temacie

#1 Zigu007


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Napisano 04.11.2008 18:14

Witam :)

Chodzi tu o plugin automaticknifeduel.amxx (sma)

A czy da się tak zrobić żeby jak jeden potrze o ścianę to odegra się jakiś wav (np. wyzwanie.wav) i ten drugi wybierze 1 czyli tak to też odegra się wav (np. chocdomnie.wav) lub jak wybierze 2 opcję to też odegra się wav (np. cykor.wav)?

Chciałem zrobić coś takiego:
Koleś pociera nożem o ścianę i wyzywa innego na pojedynek. Rozlega się dzwięk "I feel no pain" (z Zohana).
Potem koleś ma do wyboru 1.Tak lub 2.Nie. Gdy wybiera tak to rozlega się dzwięk "No no no no no no I feel no pain" (Phantom).
Jak wybiera 2 to dzwięk kurczaka :P

Dżwięki mam odpowiednio spreparowane (wav, 22h i mono).
Tylko nie wiem jak i gdzie wklejić "spk misc/knifeduel/wyzwanie.wav" i nie wiem czy tak to ma wyglądać :/
Proszę o przerobienie a nie o pisanie nowego pluginu jeśli to tak zabrzmiało :)

Czekam na szybką odpowiedz :blaga:
i Pozdrawiam :]
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#2 wizu


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  • Lokalizacja:Sanok

Napisano 04.11.2008 18:26

Nie testowane, ale powinno śmigać:
#define PLUGINNAME    "Automatic knife duel"
#define VERSION        "0.3"
#define AUTHOR        "JGHG"
Copyleft 2005
Plugin topic:

Where I come from, if you cut the wall repeteadly with your knife it means you're challenging your last opponent to a knife duel. ;-)

I decided to automate this process.

If only you and another person on the opposite team remain in the round, you can hit a wall (or another object) with your knife, THREE TIMES in fast succession.
By this action you challenge your opponent to a knife duel. The person you challenge gets a menu where he can accept/decline your
challenge. The challenged person has 10 seconds to decide his mind, else the challenge is automatically declined, and the menu should be closed automatically.

Should a knife duel start, it works out pretty much like a round of Knife Arena: you can only use the knife (and the C4!).
As soon as the round ends the Knife Arena mode is turned off.


//pobrano z

050421    0.3 You must now slash with your knife three times in fast succession to challenge someone.
050208    0.2    Fixed seconds display.
            Bots should now respond correctly and a little human like. They will mostly accept challenges. ;-)
            Small fixes here and there. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />
050208    0.1    First version - largely untested

#include <amxmodx>
#include <fakemeta>
#include <fun>

#define DEBUG

#if defined DEBUG
#include <amxmisc>
#endif // defined DEBUG

#define MENUSELECT1                0
#define MENUSELECT2                1
#define TASKID_CHALLENGING        2348923
#define TASKID_BOTTHINK            3242321
#define DECIDESECONDS            10
#define ALLOWED_WEAPONS            2
#define KNIFESLASHES            3 // the nr of slashes within a short amount of time until a challenge starts...
// Globals below
new g_allowedWeapons[ALLOWED_WEAPONS] = {CSW_KNIFE, CSW_C4}
new bool:g_challenging = false
new bool:g_knifeArena = false
new bool:g_noChallengingForAWhile = false
new g_challengemenu
new g_challenger
new g_challenged
new g_challenges[33]
// Globals above

public plugin_modules()

public forward_emitsound(const PIRATE, const Onceuponatimetherewasaverysmall, noise[], const Float:turtlewhoateabiggerturtleand, const Float:afterthatthesmallturtlegot, const veryveryverybig, const theend) {
    if (g_noChallengingForAWhile || g_knifeArena || g_challenging || PIRATE < 1 || PIRATE > g_MAXPLAYERS || !is_user_alive(PIRATE) || !equal(noise, "weapons/knife_hitwall1.wav"))
        return FMRES_IGNORED

    new team = get_user_team(PIRATE), otherteam = 0, matchingOpponent = 0
    // Make sure exactly one person on each team is alive.
    for (new i = 1; i <= g_MAXPLAYERS; i++) {
        if (!is_user_connected(i) || !is_user_alive(i) || PIRATE == i)
        if (get_user_team(i) == team) {
            // No fun.
            return FMRES_IGNORED
        else {
            if (++otherteam > 1) {
                // No fun.
                return FMRES_IGNORED
            matchingOpponent = i

    if (matchingOpponent == 0)
        return FMRES_IGNORED

    if (++g_challenges[PIRATE] >= KNIFESLASHES) {
        Challenge(PIRATE, matchingOpponent)
        if (is_user_bot(matchingOpponent)) {
            new Float:val = float(DECIDESECONDS)
            if (val < 2.0)
                val = 2.0
            set_task(random_float(1.0, float(DECIDESECONDS) - 1.0), "BotDecides", TASKID_BOTTHINK)
        g_challenges[PIRATE] = 0
        set_task(1.0, "decreaseChallenges", PIRATE)

    //client_print(PIRATE, print_chat, "Your challenges: %d", g_challenges[PIRATE])

    return FMRES_IGNORED

public decreaseChallenges(id) {
    if (--g_challenges[id] < 0)
        g_challenges[id] = 0

public BotDecides() {
    if (!g_challenging)

    if (random_num(0,9) > 0)
    else {
    g_challenging = false

Challenge(challenger, challenged) {
    g_challenger = challenger
    g_challenged = challenged
    g_challenging = true
    new challenger_name[32], challenged_name[32]
    get_user_name(challenger, challenger_name, 31)
    get_user_name(challenged, challenged_name, 31)

    client_print(challenger, print_chat, "Wyzwales %s na pojedynek nozowy! Oczekiwanie na odpowiedz %d sekund...", challenged_name, DECIDESECONDS)
    client_cmd (0, "spk misc/knifeduel/wyzwanie.wav")

    new menu[1024], keys = MENU_KEY_1 | MENU_KEY_2
    format(menu, 1023, "%s wyzwal Cie na pojedynek nozowy!^n^nZgadzasz sie? Masz %d sekund na odpowiedz!^n^ny1w. Dawac go tutaj!^ny2w. Nie, boje sie :(", challenger_name, DECIDESECONDS)
    show_menu(challenged, keys, menu, DECIDESECONDS, "JGHG's automatic knife duel")
    set_task(float(DECIDESECONDS), "timed_toolate", TASKID_CHALLENGING)

public timed_toolate() {
    if (g_challenging) {
        new challenger_name[32], challenged_name[32]
        get_user_name(g_challenger, challenger_name, 31)
        get_user_name(g_challenged, challenged_name, 31)
        client_print(0, print_chat, "%s nie odpowiedzial %s na jego wyzwanie...", challenged_name, challenger_name)

public client_putinserver(id) {
    set_task(25.0, "Announcement", id)


public Announcement(id) {
    client_print(id, print_chat, "Kiedy jestes tylko Ty i Twoj przeciwnik, mozesz go wyzwac na pojedynek nozowy pocierajac nozem o sciane.")

public challenged_menu(id, key) {
    switch (key) {
        case MENUSELECT1: {
            // Accept
        case MENUSELECT2: {
            // Decline
    g_challenging = false


DeclineMsg() {
    new challenger_name[32], challenged_name[32]
    get_user_name(g_challenger, challenger_name, 31)
    get_user_name(g_challenged, challenged_name, 31)
    client_print(0, print_chat, "%s nie zgodzil sie na wyzwanie %s...", challenged_name, challenger_name)
    client_cmd (0, "spk misc/knifeduel/cykor.wav")

Accept() {
    new challenger_name[32], challenged_name[32]
    get_user_name(g_challenger, challenger_name, 31)
    get_user_name(g_challenged, challenged_name, 31)

    client_print(0, print_chat, "%s zgodzil sie na wyzwanie %s!", challenged_name, challenger_name)
    g_knifeArena = true
    give_item(g_challenger, "weapon_knife")
    give_item(g_challenged, "weapon_knife")
    engclient_cmd(g_challenger, "weapon_knife")
    engclient_cmd(g_challenged, "weapon_knife")
    client_cmd (0, "spk misc/knifeduel/ chocdomnie.wav")

public event_holdwpn(id) {
    if (!g_knifeArena || !is_user_alive(id))
        return PLUGIN_CONTINUE

    new weaponType = read_data(2)

    for (new i = 0; i < ALLOWED_WEAPONS; i++) {
        if (weaponType == g_allowedWeapons[i])
            return PLUGIN_CONTINUE

    engclient_cmd(id, "weapon_knife")


public event_roundend() {
    if (g_challenging || g_knifeArena)
    g_noChallengingForAWhile = true
    set_task(4.0, "NoChallengingForAWhileToFalse")


public NoChallengingForAWhileToFalse() {
    g_noChallengingForAWhile = false

CancelAll() {
    if (g_challenging) {
        g_challenging = false
        // Close menu of challenged
        if (is_user_connected(g_challenged)) {
            new usermenu, userkeys
            get_user_menu(g_challenged, usermenu, userkeys) // get user menu

            // Hmm this ain't working :-/
            if (usermenu == g_challengemenu) // Close it!
                show_menu(g_challenged, 0, "blabla") // show empty menu
    if (g_knifeArena) {
        g_knifeArena = false

public event_death() {
    if (g_challenging || g_knifeArena)


#if defined DEBUG
public challengefn(id, level, cid) {
    if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 3))
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED

    new challenger[64], challenged[64]
    read_argv(1, challenger, 63)
    read_argv(2, challenged, 63)

    console_print(id, "challenger: %s, challenged: %s", challenger, challenged)

    new r = str_to_num(challenger)
    new d = str_to_num(challenged)
    Challenge(r, d)
    if (is_user_bot(d))

#endif // defined DEBUG

public plugin_init() {
    register_plugin(PLUGINNAME, VERSION, AUTHOR)
    register_event("CurWeapon", "event_holdwpn", "be", "1=1")
    register_forward(FM_EmitSound, "forward_emitsound")
    g_MAXPLAYERS = get_maxplayers()

    g_challengemenu = register_menuid("JGHG's automatic knife duel"/*"You are challenged"*/)
    register_menucmd(g_challengemenu, MENU_KEY_1 | MENU_KEY_2, "challenged_menu")

    register_event("DeathMsg", "event_death", "a")
    register_event("SendAudio", "event_roundend", "a", "2&%!MRAD_terwin")
    register_event("SendAudio", "event_roundend", "a", "2&%!MRAD_ctwin")
    register_event("SendAudio", "event_roundend", "a", "2&%!MRAD_rounddraw")

    #if defined DEBUG
    register_clcmd("0challenge", "challengefn", ADMIN_CFG, "<challenger> <challenged> - start knife duel challenge")
    #endif // defined DEBUG

    new Float:maptime = get_cvar_float("mp_timelimit")
    if (maptime == 0.0)
        maptime = 15.0

    new Float:anntime = 60.0 * 5.0 // 5 minutes
    if (maptime < 5.0)
        anntime = maptime / 3.0

    set_task(anntime, "Announcement", 0, "", 0, "b")

public plugin_precache ()

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#3 Zigu007


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Reputacja: 2

  • Postów:6

Napisano 04.11.2008 18:36

Też wstawiałem to
client_cmd (0, "spk misc/knifeduel/DZWIĘK
ale w złych miejscach :/

THX :okok:
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