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Guest Message by DevFuse


Przerobienie vote ban


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#1 cinek 193


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Napisano 18.03.2010 22:51

Witam Serdecznie otóż mam prośbę, czy ktoś może mi przerobić plugin o nazwie "vote ban" czyli plugin który umożliwia graczom wywołanie głosowania na bana dla danego gracza ?
Chodzi o to, aby tylko gracze z TT mogli głosować na banowanie. Głosować może tylko TT ale bana może dostawać osoba z CT jak i TT.

#include <amxmodx>

#define PLUGIN "Ban Vote"
#define VERSION "1.0"
#define AUTHOR "Alka"

#define BAN_VOTE_DELAY 60.0

new g_iMaxPlayers;

new g_iVotesNum;
new g_szVoterName[32];
new g_szVotedName[32];
new g_szReason[64];
new bool:g_bValidUid;
new Float:g_fLastVote;

new bool:g_bHasVoted[33];

new const g_szSyntax[] = "/vote";
new const g_szBanTime[] = "0";

public plugin_init() {
	register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR);
	register_clcmd("say", "clcmdHandleSay", -1, "");
	register_clcmd("enter_ban_reason", "clcmdBanReason", -1, "");
	g_iMaxPlayers = get_maxplayers();

public clcmdHandleSay(id)
	new szArgs[128];
	read_args(szArgs, sizeof szArgs - 1);
	if(equali(szArgs, g_szSyntax))
		return 0;
	new szTemp[32];
	parse(szArgs, szArgs, sizeof szArgs - 1, szTemp, sizeof szTemp - 1);
	if(equali(szArgs, g_szSyntax) && szTemp[0] == '#')
		new iPlayers[32], iPlayersNum;
		get_players(iPlayers, iPlayersNum, "ch");
		if(iPlayersNum < 3)
			Util_PrintGreen(id, "> Sorry, not enough players(3) to start a Ban Vote!");
			return 1;
		if((get_gametime() - g_fLastVote) < BAN_VOTE_DELAY)
			Util_PrintGreen(id, "> Sorry, you must wait %.1f sec. before start another vote!", BAN_VOTE_DELAY);
			return 1;
		for(new i = 0 ; i < sizeof szTemp ; i++)
			if(!isdigit(szTemp[i]) && szTemp[i] != '#' && szTemp[i])
				Util_PrintGreen(id, "> Syntax Error: Invalid userid! Type ^"/vote^" for more info.");
				return 1;
		for(new j = 1 ; j <= g_iMaxPlayers ; j++)
			if(get_user_userid(j) == str_to_num(szTemp[1]))
				g_bValidUid = true;
				get_user_name(id, g_szVoterName, sizeof g_szVoterName - 1);
				get_user_name(j, g_szVotedName, sizeof g_szVotedName - 1);
				Util_PrintGreen(0, "> Player '%s' voted '%s' to be banned!", g_szVoterName, g_szVotedName);
				Util_PrintGreen(id, "> Enter the ban reason!");
				g_bHasVoted[id] = true;
				client_cmd(id, "messagemode enter_ban_reason");
			Util_PrintGreen(id, "> Syntax Error: Invalid userid! Type ^"/vote^" for more info.");
			return 1;
	g_fLastVote = get_gametime();
	return 0;

public clcmdBanReason(id)
		return 1;
	read_argv(1, g_szReason, sizeof g_szReason - 1);
		client_cmd(id, "messagemode enter_ban_reason");
		return 1;
	g_bValidUid = false;
	g_bHasVoted[id] = false;
	new szTemp[128];
	formatex(szTemp, sizeof szTemp - 1, "\wBan \r%s \wfor: \y%s", g_szVotedName, g_szReason);
	new iMenu = menu_create(szTemp, "menuHandle", 0);
	menu_additem(iMenu, "\wYes", "1", 0, -1);
	menu_additem(iMenu, "\wNo", "2", 0, -1);
	menu_addblank(iMenu, 0);
	menu_setprop(iMenu, MPROP_EXIT, MEXIT_NEVER);
	for(new i = 1 ; i <= g_iMaxPlayers ; i++)
		if(!is_user_connected(i) || (i == get_user_index(g_szVotedName)))
		menu_display(i, iMenu, 0);
	set_task(15.0, "taskCheckVotes", 0);
	return 1;

public menuHandle(id, menu, item)
	new szData[6], iAccess, iCallBack;
	menu_item_getinfo(menu, item, iAccess, szData, sizeof szData - 1, _, _, iCallBack);
	new iKey = str_to_num(szData);
		case 1 : { g_iVotesNum++; }
	return 1;

public taskCheckVotes()
	new iPlayers[32], iPlayersNum;
	get_players(iPlayers, iPlayersNum, "ch");
	if(g_iVotesNum >= (iPlayersNum - 1))
		new id = get_user_index(g_szVotedName);
			Util_PrintGreen(0, "> Ban vote has failed, since player is not on server anymore!");
				new szIp[32];
				get_user_ip(id, szIp, sizeof szIp - 1, 1);
				server_cmd("kick #%d ^"Ban Vote^";wait;addip ^"%s^" ^"%s^";wait;writeip", get_user_userid(id), g_szBanTime, szIp);
				new szSteamId[32];
				get_user_authid(id, szSteamId, sizeof szSteamId - 1);
				server_cmd("kick #%d ^"Ban Vote^";wait;banid ^"%s^" ^"%s^";wait;writeid", get_user_userid(id), g_szBanTime, szSteamId);
			Util_PrintGreen(0, "> Player '%s' has been successfully banned due Ban Vote!", g_szVotedName);
			Util_Log("Player '%s' has been banned due Ban Vote started by '%s'!Reason: '%s'", g_szVotedName, g_szVoterName, g_szReason);
	g_iVotesNum = 0;
	g_szVotedName[0] = '^0';
	g_szVoterName[0] = '^0';
	g_szReason[0] = '^0';

public client_disconnect(id)
	static iVoted;
	iVoted = get_user_index(g_szVotedName);
	if(id == iVoted)
			new szIp[32];
			get_user_ip(id, szIp, sizeof szIp - 1, 1);
			server_cmd("kick #%d ^"Ban Vote^";wait;addip ^"0^" ^"%s^";wait;writeip", get_user_userid(id), szIp);
			new szSteamId[32];
			get_user_authid(id, szSteamId, sizeof szSteamId - 1);
			server_cmd("kick #%d ^"Ban Vote^";wait;banid ^"0^" ^"%s^";wait;writeid", get_user_userid(id), szSteamId);
		Util_PrintGreen(0, "> Player '%s' has been successfully banned due leaving the server in middle of a Ban Vote!", g_szVotedName);
		Util_Log("Player '%s' has been successfully banned due leaving the server in middle of a Ban Vote!", g_szVotedName);

stock Util_DisplayList(id)
	new szBuffer[512], iLen;
	new szName[32], iIndex;
	iLen = formatex(szBuffer, sizeof szBuffer - 1, "<body bgcolor=#000000><font color=#ff0000><pre>");
	iLen += formatex(szBuffer[iLen], (sizeof szBuffer - 1) - iLen, "<font size=^"4^">%s   %s   %s</font>^n", "#", "Name", "Steam User");
	for(new i = 1 ; i <= g_iMaxPlayers ; i++)
		get_user_name(i, szName, sizeof szName - 1);
		iIndex = get_user_userid(i);
		iLen += formatex(szBuffer[iLen], (sizeof szBuffer - 1) - iLen, "%d   %s   %s^n", iIndex, szName, is_steam_user(i) ? "Yes" : "No");
	show_motd(id, szBuffer, "");

stock bool:is_steam_user(id)
	new szSteamid[32];
	get_user_authid(id, szSteamid, sizeof szSteamid - 1);
	if(szSteamid[7] == ':')
		return true;
	return false;

stock Util_PrintGreen(id, const message[], {Float, Sql, Resul,_}:...) {
	static msg[192];
	msg[0] = 0x04;
	vformat(msg[1], 190, message, 3);
	if( id > 0 && id <= g_iMaxPlayers)
		message_begin(MSG_ONE, get_user_msgid("SayText"),_, id);
	else if(id == 0)
		for( new i = 1; i <= g_iMaxPlayers; i++ )
			message_begin(MSG_ONE, get_user_msgid("SayText"),_, i);

stock Util_Log(const string[], {Float, Sql, Resul,_}:...) {
	static const szFile[] = "vote_ban.log";
	static szMessage[256];
	vformat(szMessage, sizeof szMessage - 1, string, 3);
	log_to_file(szFile, szMessage);

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