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Guest Message by DevFuse


GasNades + maska gazowa - problem z kompilacją

  • Zamknięty Temat jest zamknięty
29 odpowiedzi w tym temacie



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Reputacja: 27

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Napisano 14.08.2008 15:05

Salomon, kiedyś edytował mi ten plugin, aby była opcja z maską gazową, niestety nie mogę skompilować, wyskakuję taki błąd:

/home/groups/amxmodx/tmp3/phpgRTrbP.sma(118) : error 017: undefined symbol "amx_gas_mascost"
/home/groups/amxmodx/tmp3/phpgRTrbP.sma(359) : warning 217: loose indentation

1 Error.
Could not locate output file /home/groups/amxmodx/public_html/websc3/phpgRTrbP.amx (compile failed).

*sma -


#2 Miczu


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Napisano 14.08.2008 15:17

dodaj "new amx_gas_maskcost" gdzies pod #include i a warningiem sie nie przejmuj bo tylko za duzo spacji tam jest.
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Napisano 14.08.2008 18:29

Ok, była w jednym miejscu literówka...

Ale jest jeszcze jeden BUG. Plugin jest tak zrobiony, gdy gracz wejdzie smoke i straci HP to potem gdy z niego wyjdzie z powrotem mu się życie odnawia. Kiedy kupię maskę gazową działa to podobnie (ale nie powinno), wejdę w smoke nie tracę HP, ale gdy z niego wyjdę HP mi się zwiększa przez kilka sekund co 2 HP i mam czasem 130 HP ;/. Da radę to naprawić?

#4 Miczu


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Napisano 14.08.2008 18:49

            damage_took[id] += damage
            damage_took[id] += damage

Tak kolo 300 liniki. Mozna by to ladniej zrobic, ale bym w tedy musial ci wyslac caly kod ;-)
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  • Autor tematu
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Napisano 14.08.2008 19:24

Działa, dzięki ;)

#6 JaCo


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Napisano 14.08.2008 23:58

A ja mam taki kod

/* AMX Mod X Plugin
* (c) Copyright 2007, ConnorMcLeod
* This file is provided as is (no warranties).
* Changelog
* v1.6
* now when a player dies, nade's owner gets a frag
* don't make death msgs if another plugin block those messages
* v1.5b
* -little optimization ( get_gametime was used more than 1 time in few functions )
* -error fix in entity think forward, now check first if entity is valid
* -added a public cvar
* -little changes/cleanup
* v1.5a
* -amx_gas_restore now works according to cvars amx_gascheck and amx_gasdmg
* v1.5
* -added cvar amx_gas_restore that allow to restore players HP
* v1.4b
* -fixed plugin didn't work correctly with mp_friendlyfire
* -little optimization
* v1.4
* -Almost completly rewrote the plugin

#include <amxmodx>
#include <cstrike>
#include <fakemeta>

#define VERSION    "1.6"

    #define charsmax(%1)    sizeof(%1) - 1

#define OFFSET_CSDEATHS        444
#define OFFSET_TEAM            114

#define GASP_SOUND1         "player/gasp1.wav"
#define GASP_SOUND2         "player/gasp2.wav"

#define SMOKEGRENADE_SOUND     "weapons/sg_explode.wav"
#define GAS_CLASSNAME         "gasgrenade"
#define GASNADE_LIFE         25.0

new amx_gas_maskcost

new amx_gasnades, amx_gasdmg, amx_gascheck, amx_gasradius, amx_smokegasp, amx_gasobeyFF, amx_gas_restore, amx_gas_maskcost, amx_gas_maskon
new mp_friendlyfire

new gmsgDamage, gmsgDeathMsg, gmsgScoreInfo

new Float:player_affected_time[33]
new Float:player_restored_time[33]
new Float:damage_took[33]
new bool:has_mask[33]

public plugin_precache()
    engfunc(EngFunc_PrecacheSound, GASP_SOUND1)
    engfunc(EngFunc_PrecacheSound, GASP_SOUND2)

public plugin_init()
    register_plugin("Gas Grenades", VERSION, "ConnorMcLeod") //  RichoDemus/AssKicR/T(+)rget for previous versions

    register_event("HLTV", "eNewRound", "a", "1=0", "2=0")

    register_forward(FM_EmitSound, "fwdEmitSound")
    register_forward(FM_Touch, "fwdTouch")
    register_forward(FM_Think, "fwdThink")
    register_forward(FM_PlayerPreThink, "fwdPlayerPreThink")
    register_event("DeathMsg", "player_death", "a")
    register_clcmd("say /maska", "mask")

    register_cvar("gasnade", VERSION, FCVAR_SERVER)

    amx_gasnades = register_cvar("amx_gasnades",       "1")         // 0/1 Disable/Enable the whole plugin

    amx_gasdmg =      register_cvar("amx_gasdmg",      "2")         // How much damage the player takes every check cycle, 0 to disable damage (see amx_gascheck)
    amx_gascheck =    register_cvar("amx_gascheck",    "2")         // Check period in seconds
    amx_gasradius =   register_cvar("amx_gasradius",   "180")         // Smoke Radius (best is 170 - 230)
    amx_smokegasp =   register_cvar("amx_smokegasp",   "1")         // 0/1 Makes players gasp/cough in smoke
    amx_gasobeyFF =   register_cvar("amx_gasobeyFF",   "0")         // 0/1 Makes plugin act or not as cvar mp_friendlyfire
    amx_gas_restore = register_cvar("amx_gas_restore", "1")         // 0/1 Restore or not HP (if amx_gasdmg > 0)
    amx_gas_maskon = register_cvar("amx_gas_maskon", "1")
    amx_gas_maskcost = register_cvar("amx_gas_maskcost", "500")

public plugin_cfg()
    mp_friendlyfire = get_cvar_pointer("mp_friendlyfire")

    gmsgDamage = get_user_msgid("Damage")
    gmsgDeathMsg = get_user_msgid("DeathMsg")
    gmsgScoreInfo = get_user_msgid("ScoreInfo")

public mask(id)
 if(!is_user_alive(id) && get_pcvar_num(amx_gas_maskon))
   client_print(id, print_chat, "nie zyjesz")
   client_print(id, print_chat, "masz maske")
 if(cs_get_user_money(id) < get_pcvar_num(amx_gas_maskcost) && get_pcvar_num(amx_gas_maskon) && !has_mask[id])
   client_print(id, print_chat, "nie masz kasy")
 if(is_user_alive(id) && get_pcvar_num(amx_gas_maskon) && cs_get_user_money(id) >= get_pcvar_num(amx_gas_maskcost) && !has_mask[id])
   cs_set_user_money(id, cs_get_user_money(id) - get_pcvar_num(amx_gas_maskcost))
   client_print(id, print_chat, "kupiles maske")
   has_mask[id] = true

public player_death()
 new id = read_data(2)

 has_mask[id] = false

public client_connect(id) {
    new Float:global_Time
    global_get(glb_time, global_Time)
    player_affected_time[id] = global_Time
    player_restored_time[id] = global_Time
    damage_took[id] = 0.0

public eNewRound() {
    new ent = -1
    while((ent = engfunc(EngFunc_FindEntityByString, ent, "classname", GAS_CLASSNAME)) > 0) {
        engfunc(EngFunc_RemoveEntity, ent)
    new Float:global_Time
    global_get(glb_time, global_Time)
    new players[32], inum, player
    get_players(players, inum)
    for(new i; i<inum; i++) {
        player = players[i]
        player_affected_time[player] = global_Time
        player_restored_time[player] = global_Time
        damage_took[player] = 0.0

public fwdPlayerPreThink(id) {
        return FMRES_IGNORED

    static Float:gasdmg
    gasdmg = get_pcvar_float(amx_gasdmg)
    if( !gasdmg && !get_pcvar_num(amx_gas_restore) )
        return FMRES_IGNORED
    if( !is_user_alive(id) || !is_user_connected(id))
        return FMRES_IGNORED
    // check if player has HPs to be set back
    static Float:damage_to_restore
    damage_to_restore = damage_took[id]
    if( damage_to_restore < 1.0 )
        return FMRES_IGNORED

    static Float:global_Time
    global_get(glb_time, global_Time)

    static Float:cycle
    cycle = get_pcvar_float(amx_gascheck)

    // should tell if player is still in smoke
    if( global_Time - player_affected_time[id] < cycle + 0.1 )
        return FMRES_IGNORED
    if( global_Time - player_restored_time[id] < cycle )
        return FMRES_IGNORED
    static Float:userHealth
    pev(id, pev_health, userHealth)
    if( damage_to_restore >= gasdmg) {
        set_pev(id, pev_health, userHealth + gasdmg)
        damage_took[id] -= gasdmg
    else if( damage_to_restore > 0.0 ) { //shouldn't happen unless an admin change some cvars during a round
        set_pev(id, pev_health, userHealth + damage_to_restore)
        damage_took[id] -= damage_to_restore
    player_restored_time[id] = global_Time

    return FMRES_HANDLED

public fwdEmitSound(entity,channel,const sample[],Float:volume,Float:attenuation,fFlags,pitch)
        return FMRES_IGNORED

    if(!equali(sample, SMOKEGRENADE_SOUND))
        return FMRES_IGNORED
    static owner
    owner = pev(entity, pev_owner)
    static Float:origin[3]
    pev(entity, pev_origin, origin)
    static ent
    ent = engfunc(EngFunc_CreateNamedEntity, engfunc(EngFunc_AllocString, "info_target"))
    set_pev(ent, pev_classname, GAS_CLASSNAME)

    static Float:radius, Float:min_rad[3], Float:max_rad[3]
    radius = get_pcvar_float(amx_gasradius)
    min_rad[0] = -radius
    min_rad[1] = -radius
    min_rad[2] = -radius
    max_rad[0] = radius
    max_rad[1] = radius
    max_rad[2] = radius

    engfunc(EngFunc_SetSize, ent, min_rad, max_rad)

    set_pev(ent, pev_owner, owner) // cvar amx_gasobeyFF

    new Float:global_Time
    global_get(glb_time, global_Time)
    set_pev(ent, pev_nextthink, global_Time + GASNADE_LIFE)

    return FMRES_HANDLED

public fwdThink(ent) {
        return FMRES_IGNORED

    static classname[33]
    pev(ent, pev_classname, classname, charsmax(classname))

        return FMRES_IGNORED

    engfunc(EngFunc_RemoveEntity, ent)
    return FMRES_HANDLED

public fwdTouch(ent, id) {
    if(!is_user_alive(id) || !is_user_connected(id))
        return FMRES_IGNORED
    if(!pev_valid(ent)) {
        return FMRES_IGNORED
    static classname[33]
    pev(ent, pev_classname, classname, charsmax(classname))
    if(!equal(classname, GAS_CLASSNAME))
        return FMRES_IGNORED

    new Float:global_Time
    global_get(glb_time, global_Time)

    if( global_Time - player_affected_time[id] < get_pcvar_float(amx_gascheck) )
        return FMRES_IGNORED

    static owner
    owner = pev(ent, pev_owner)
    if( !get_pcvar_num(mp_friendlyfire) && get_pcvar_num(amx_gasobeyFF) && get_pdata_int(id, OFFSET_TEAM) == get_pdata_int(owner, OFFSET_TEAM) )
        return FMRES_IGNORED

    player_affected_time[id] = global_Time
    msg_damage(id, ent)

    if(get_pcvar_num(amx_smokegasp) && !has_mask[id])
        switch (random_num(1, 2))
            case 1: emit_sound(id, CHAN_VOICE, GASP_SOUND1, 1.0, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM)
            case 2: emit_sound(id, CHAN_VOICE, GASP_SOUND2, 1.0, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM)

    static Float:damage
    damage = get_pcvar_float(amx_gasdmg)
    if(damage > 0.0) {
        ExtraDamage(id, owner, damage, GAS_CLASSNAME)
            damage_took[id] += damage

    return FMRES_HANDLED

ExtraDamage(id, attacker, Float:damage, weaponDescription[])
        static Float:userHealth
        pev(id, pev_health, userHealth)

        if(userHealth - damage < 1.0 && !has_mask[id])
                attacker = 0

            add_frags(id, 1.0)

            new msgblock = get_msg_block(gmsgDeathMsg)
            if(msgblock != BLOCK_SET)
                set_msg_block(gmsgDeathMsg, BLOCK_ONCE)
                make_deathmsg ( attacker, id, 0, weaponDescription )
                dllfunc(DLLFunc_ClientKill, id)
                set_msg_block(gmsgDeathMsg, msgblock)
                dllfunc(DLLFunc_ClientKill, id)

            if(attacker && attacker != id)
                if( get_pdata_int(id, OFFSET_TEAM) != get_pdata_int(attacker, OFFSET_TEAM) )
                    add_frags(attacker, 1.0)
                else if( get_pcvar_num(mp_friendlyfire) )
                    add_frags(attacker, -1.0)
              set_pev(id, pev_health, userHealth - damage)

add_frags(id, Float:amount) {
    static Float:frags, Float:newfrags
    pev(id, pev_frags, frags)
    newfrags = amount + frags
    set_pev(id, pev_frags, newfrags)

    message_begin( MSG_ALL , gmsgScoreInfo )
    write_byte( id )
    write_short( floatround( newfrags ) )
    write_short( get_pdata_int(id, OFFSET_CSDEATHS) )
    write_short( 0 )
    write_short( get_pdata_int(id, OFFSET_TEAM) )

msg_damage(id, entity) {

   static Float:origin[3]
   pev(entity, pev_origin, origin)

    message_begin(MSG_ONE, gmsgDamage, _, id)
    write_byte(30) // dmg_save
    write_byte(30) // dmg_take

    write_long(DMG_SLOWFREEZE) // visibleDamageBits  //DMG_ACID , //

    engfunc(EngFunc_WriteCoord, origin[0])  //arkshine
    engfunc(EngFunc_WriteCoord, origin[1])
    engfunc(EngFunc_WriteCoord, origin[2])


i wywala podobny błąd

Welcome to the AMX Mod X 1.76-300 Compiler.
Copyright © 1997-2006 ITB CompuPhase, AMX Mod X Team

Error: Symbol already defined: "amx_gas_maskcost" on line 52

1 Error.
Could not locate output file amx_gasnades.amx (compile failed).

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#7 GuTeK


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  • Steam:steam
  • Lokalizacja:Trzebnica

Napisano 15.08.2008 00:11

Error: Symbol already defined: "amx_gas_maskcost" on line 52

to znacza, ze zmiena o takiej nazwie jest juz zadeklarowana
patrz na to:

new amx_maskcost

new amx_gasnades, amx_gasdmg, amx_gascheck, amx_gasradius, amx_smokegasp, amx_gasobeyFF, amx_gas_restore, amx_gas_maskcost, amx_gas_maskon

Ten kod powinien dzialac

#include <amxmodx>
#include <cstrike>
#include <fakemeta>

#define VERSION    "1.6"

    #define charsmax(%1)    sizeof(%1) - 1

#define OFFSET_CSDEATHS        444
#define OFFSET_TEAM            114

#define GASP_SOUND1         "player/gasp1.wav"
#define GASP_SOUND2         "player/gasp2.wav"

#define SMOKEGRENADE_SOUND     "weapons/sg_explode.wav"
#define GAS_CLASSNAME         "gasgrenade"
#define GASNADE_LIFE         25.0

new amx_gasnades, amx_gasdmg, amx_gascheck, amx_gasradius, amx_smokegasp, amx_gasobeyFF, amx_gas_restore, amx_gas_maskcost, amx_gas_maskon
new mp_friendlyfire

new gmsgDamage, gmsgDeathMsg, gmsgScoreInfo

new Float:player_affected_time[33]
new Float:player_restored_time[33]
new Float:damage_took[33]
new bool:has_mask[33]

public plugin_precache()
    engfunc(EngFunc_PrecacheSound, GASP_SOUND1)
    engfunc(EngFunc_PrecacheSound, GASP_SOUND2)

public plugin_init()
    register_plugin("Gas Grenades", VERSION, "ConnorMcLeod") //  RichoDemus/AssKicR/T(+)rget for previous versions

    register_event("HLTV", "eNewRound", "a", "1=0", "2=0")

    register_forward(FM_EmitSound, "fwdEmitSound")
    register_forward(FM_Touch, "fwdTouch")
    register_forward(FM_Think, "fwdThink")
    register_forward(FM_PlayerPreThink, "fwdPlayerPreThink")
    register_event("DeathMsg", "player_death", "a")
    register_clcmd("say /maska", "mask")

    register_cvar("gasnade", VERSION, FCVAR_SERVER)

    amx_gasnades = register_cvar("amx_gasnades",       "1")         // 0/1 Disable/Enable the whole plugin

    amx_gasdmg =      register_cvar("amx_gasdmg",      "2")         // How much damage the player takes every check cycle, 0 to disable damage (see amx_gascheck)
    amx_gascheck =    register_cvar("amx_gascheck",    "2")         // Check period in seconds
    amx_gasradius =   register_cvar("amx_gasradius",   "180")         // Smoke Radius (best is 170 - 230)
    amx_smokegasp =   register_cvar("amx_smokegasp",   "1")         // 0/1 Makes players gasp/cough in smoke
    amx_gasobeyFF =   register_cvar("amx_gasobeyFF",   "0")         // 0/1 Makes plugin act or not as cvar mp_friendlyfire
    amx_gas_restore = register_cvar("amx_gas_restore", "1")         // 0/1 Restore or not HP (if amx_gasdmg > 0)
    amx_gas_maskon = register_cvar("amx_gas_maskon", "1")
    amx_gas_maskcost = register_cvar("amx_gas_maskcost", "500")

public plugin_cfg()
    mp_friendlyfire = get_cvar_pointer("mp_friendlyfire")

    gmsgDamage = get_user_msgid("Damage")
    gmsgDeathMsg = get_user_msgid("DeathMsg")
    gmsgScoreInfo = get_user_msgid("ScoreInfo")

public mask(id)
 if(!is_user_alive(id) && get_pcvar_num(amx_gas_maskon))
   client_print(id, print_chat, "nie zyjesz")
   client_print(id, print_chat, "masz maske")
 if(cs_get_user_money(id) < get_pcvar_num(amx_gas_maskcost) && get_pcvar_num(amx_gas_maskon) && !has_mask[id])
   client_print(id, print_chat, "nie masz kasy")
 if(is_user_alive(id) && get_pcvar_num(amx_gas_maskon) && cs_get_user_money(id) >= get_pcvar_num(amx_gas_maskcost) && !has_mask[id])
   cs_set_user_money(id, cs_get_user_money(id) - get_pcvar_num(amx_gas_maskcost))
   client_print(id, print_chat, "kupiles maske")
   has_mask[id] = true

public player_death()
 new id = read_data(2)

 has_mask[id] = false

public client_connect(id) {
    new Float:global_Time
    global_get(glb_time, global_Time)
    player_affected_time[id] = global_Time
    player_restored_time[id] = global_Time
    damage_took[id] = 0.0

public eNewRound() {
    new ent = -1
    while((ent = engfunc(EngFunc_FindEntityByString, ent, "classname", GAS_CLASSNAME)) > 0) {
        engfunc(EngFunc_RemoveEntity, ent)
    new Float:global_Time
    global_get(glb_time, global_Time)
    new players[32], inum, player
    get_players(players, inum)
    for(new i; i<inum; i++) {
        player = players[i]
        player_affected_time[player] = global_Time
        player_restored_time[player] = global_Time
        damage_took[player] = 0.0

public fwdPlayerPreThink(id) {
        return FMRES_IGNORED

    static Float:gasdmg
    gasdmg = get_pcvar_float(amx_gasdmg)
    if( !gasdmg && !get_pcvar_num(amx_gas_restore) )
        return FMRES_IGNORED
    if( !is_user_alive(id) || !is_user_connected(id))
        return FMRES_IGNORED
    // check if player has HPs to be set back
    static Float:damage_to_restore
    damage_to_restore = damage_took[id]
    if( damage_to_restore < 1.0 )
        return FMRES_IGNORED

    static Float:global_Time
    global_get(glb_time, global_Time)

    static Float:cycle
    cycle = get_pcvar_float(amx_gascheck)

    // should tell if player is still in smoke
    if( global_Time - player_affected_time[id] < cycle + 0.1 )
        return FMRES_IGNORED
    if( global_Time - player_restored_time[id] < cycle )
        return FMRES_IGNORED
    static Float:userHealth
    pev(id, pev_health, userHealth)
    if( damage_to_restore >= gasdmg) {
        set_pev(id, pev_health, userHealth + gasdmg)
        damage_took[id] -= gasdmg
    else if( damage_to_restore > 0.0 ) { //shouldn't happen unless an admin change some cvars during a round
        set_pev(id, pev_health, userHealth + damage_to_restore)
        damage_took[id] -= damage_to_restore
    player_restored_time[id] = global_Time

    return FMRES_HANDLED

public fwdEmitSound(entity,channel,const sample[],Float:volume,Float:attenuation,fFlags,pitch)
        return FMRES_IGNORED

    if(!equali(sample, SMOKEGRENADE_SOUND))
        return FMRES_IGNORED
    static owner
    owner = pev(entity, pev_owner)
    static Float:origin[3]
    pev(entity, pev_origin, origin)
    static ent
    ent = engfunc(EngFunc_CreateNamedEntity, engfunc(EngFunc_AllocString, "info_target"))
    set_pev(ent, pev_classname, GAS_CLASSNAME)

    static Float:radius, Float:min_rad[3], Float:max_rad[3]
    radius = get_pcvar_float(amx_gasradius)
    min_rad[0] = -radius
    min_rad[1] = -radius
    min_rad[2] = -radius
    max_rad[0] = radius
    max_rad[1] = radius
    max_rad[2] = radius

    engfunc(EngFunc_SetSize, ent, min_rad, max_rad)

    set_pev(ent, pev_owner, owner) // cvar amx_gasobeyFF

    new Float:global_Time
    global_get(glb_time, global_Time)
    set_pev(ent, pev_nextthink, global_Time + GASNADE_LIFE)

    return FMRES_HANDLED

public fwdThink(ent) {
        return FMRES_IGNORED

    static classname[33]
    pev(ent, pev_classname, classname, charsmax(classname))

        return FMRES_IGNORED

    engfunc(EngFunc_RemoveEntity, ent)
    return FMRES_HANDLED

public fwdTouch(ent, id) {
    if(!is_user_alive(id) || !is_user_connected(id))
        return FMRES_IGNORED
    if(!pev_valid(ent)) {
        return FMRES_IGNORED
    static classname[33]
    pev(ent, pev_classname, classname, charsmax(classname))
    if(!equal(classname, GAS_CLASSNAME))
        return FMRES_IGNORED

    new Float:global_Time
    global_get(glb_time, global_Time)

    if( global_Time - player_affected_time[id] < get_pcvar_float(amx_gascheck) )
        return FMRES_IGNORED

    static owner
    owner = pev(ent, pev_owner)
    if( !get_pcvar_num(mp_friendlyfire) && get_pcvar_num(amx_gasobeyFF) && get_pdata_int(id, OFFSET_TEAM) == get_pdata_int(owner, OFFSET_TEAM) )
        return FMRES_IGNORED

    player_affected_time[id] = global_Time
    msg_damage(id, ent)

    if(get_pcvar_num(amx_smokegasp) && !has_mask[id])
        switch (random_num(1, 2))
            case 1: emit_sound(id, CHAN_VOICE, GASP_SOUND1, 1.0, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM)
            case 2: emit_sound(id, CHAN_VOICE, GASP_SOUND2, 1.0, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM)

    static Float:damage
    damage = get_pcvar_float(amx_gasdmg)
    if(damage > 0.0) {
        ExtraDamage(id, owner, damage, GAS_CLASSNAME)
            damage_took[id] += damage

    return FMRES_HANDLED

ExtraDamage(id, attacker, Float:damage, weaponDescription[])
        static Float:userHealth
        pev(id, pev_health, userHealth)

        if(userHealth - damage < 1.0 && !has_mask[id])
                attacker = 0

            add_frags(id, 1.0)

            new msgblock = get_msg_block(gmsgDeathMsg)
            if(msgblock != BLOCK_SET)
                set_msg_block(gmsgDeathMsg, BLOCK_ONCE)
                make_deathmsg ( attacker, id, 0, weaponDescription )
                dllfunc(DLLFunc_ClientKill, id)
                set_msg_block(gmsgDeathMsg, msgblock)
                dllfunc(DLLFunc_ClientKill, id)

            if(attacker && attacker != id)
                if( get_pdata_int(id, OFFSET_TEAM) != get_pdata_int(attacker, OFFSET_TEAM) )
                    add_frags(attacker, 1.0)
                else if( get_pcvar_num(mp_friendlyfire) )
                    add_frags(attacker, -1.0)
              set_pev(id, pev_health, userHealth - damage)

add_frags(id, Float:amount) {
    static Float:frags, Float:newfrags
    pev(id, pev_frags, frags)
    newfrags = amount + frags
    set_pev(id, pev_frags, newfrags)

    message_begin( MSG_ALL , gmsgScoreInfo )
    write_byte( id )
    write_short( floatround( newfrags ) )
    write_short( get_pdata_int(id, OFFSET_CSDEATHS) )
    write_short( 0 )
    write_short( get_pdata_int(id, OFFSET_TEAM) )

msg_damage(id, entity) {

   static Float:origin[3]
   pev(entity, pev_origin, origin)

    message_begin(MSG_ONE, gmsgDamage, _, id)
    write_byte(30) // dmg_save
    write_byte(30) // dmg_take

    write_long(DMG_SLOWFREEZE) // visibleDamageBits  //DMG_ACID , //

    engfunc(EngFunc_WriteCoord, origin[0])  //arkshine
    engfunc(EngFunc_WriteCoord, origin[1])
    engfunc(EngFunc_WriteCoord, origin[2])

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#8 colt


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Napisano 11.02.2009 22:28

Niestety mimo poprawki Micza Hp dalej leci powyżej 100 HP :( gdzie indziej pies pogrzebany tylko gdzie ??
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#9 WHineye


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Napisano 12.02.2009 09:39

Dopisz sobie do pluginu:
na poczatku to:
#include <fun>
a na koncu to:
public pilnujmax100hp(id){
if (get_user_health(id)>100)
set_user_health(id, 100) 

jak masz powyzej 100 hp, zostaje ono sprowadzone do 100.(zerżnełam funkcje z diablomoda :cfaniak: )
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#10 colt


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Napisano 13.02.2009 12:30

Ok dział wersja micza to ja poknociłem sorka :P
Teraz mam inną prośbe a dało by zrobić takie cuś ze jak mam maske to słysze ja i inni jakis tam dzwiek ale jak zgine to nie ??
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#11 Miczu


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Napisano 13.02.2009 14:58

Da sie przerobic w dosc 'prosty' sposob mojego 'do you hear?' (dzwiek bicia serca gdy ma sie malo hp) przerobi sie if'a na to czy ma sie maske oraz dzwiek bicia serca na dzwiek oddychania przez maske...

PS. Jak dasz znajdziesz dzwiek .wav (!) z tym dzwiekiem i link do mojego pluga na forum (me -> leń) to daj tutaj, ja to przerobie i oczywiscie zapodam.
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#12 colt


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Napisano 13.02.2009 15:03

Do you hear :

oraz kod sma maski + dzwięk.wav Lokalizacja dzwieku jest sound/player

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  • Załączony plik  maska.rar   27,06 KB  60 Ilość pobrań

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#13 Miczu


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Napisano 13.02.2009 15:16

Hmm... moze lepiej skroc dzwiek, bo jak dzwiek trwa 7 sekund, to jak umrze w 3s. to nadal bedzie oddychac xD (najlepiej osobno wdech i wydech :F).
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#14 colt


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Napisano 13.02.2009 15:19

ok dzwięk jest umieszczam go jest krótki chyba 2 sek :

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#15 Miczu


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Napisano 13.02.2009 20:18

amx_gas_maskon_sap - domyslnie 1 czyli dzwiek dyszenia, 0 wylancza.

Przetestuj i sprawdz czy all ok.

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#16 colt


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Napisano 14.02.2009 10:43

^D^ A działa. Dziękuje Ci dobry człowieku :blaga:

teraz tylko ostatnie i uciekam nie zawracam ci doopy :P zeby zakladanie i zdejmowanie maski było zamiast latarki czyli na F
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#17 Miczu


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Napisano 14.02.2009 11:34

Zrobione pod latarke (gdy jest ON to masz maske ON).
Nie ma cvara na zmiane tego, za to masz gratisa:

Jak sie zalozy maske to zaciemnia ci obraz (gorsza widocznosc?).

amx_gas_maskon_fade - zaciemnianie on/off => 1/0 (domyslnie 1)
amx_gas_maskon_max_fade - poziom zaciemnianoa 0%/100% => 0/255 (domyslnie 30)

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#18 colt


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Napisano 14.02.2009 11:57

Ta wersja już niestety nie działa native error 10
a jak wyłacze fade to latarka nie działa znaczy maska na latarce
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#19 Miczu


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Napisano 14.02.2009 12:16

Dobra fade chyba poprawilem... a ikonka latarki sie zmienia? Bo bez tego raczej nie przechwyce guzika... (flashlight to najbardziej klopotliwy guzik jaki mogles chyba dac xD - bo nie da sie wykryc guzika, tylko sie wykrywa ikonke latarki).

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#20 colt


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Napisano 14.02.2009 12:27

Hmmm a jakby zamiast latarki tylko zrobić ze guzik F poprostu zeby nie było latarki(mp_flashlight 0) np.

register_clcmd("F", "mask")

Tylko nie wiem jak to działa :P zeby poprostu nie wpisywac ciagle to /maska tylko F i jest on/off
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