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Guest Message by DevFuse


Edycja cvarów GG


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6 odpowiedzi w tym temacie

#1 PysieQ


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Napisano 17.10.2013 16:57


Czy pomożecie edytować cvary modu GunGame? Chodzi mi o to żeby wyświetlało się menu wyboru broni. Wiem że to się zmienia gdzieś w cvar'ach ale nie wiem gdzie.

W razie czego mam ustawione że jak zabiję kogoś to otrzymuję broń/lvl (od pistoletów wzwyż) a chciałbym aby tego nie było tylko menu broni coś podobnego do tego


Podam wam cvary i powiecie co zmienić :)

// GunGame AMXX 2.13c

// basic cvars
gg_enabled 1
gg_vote_setting 2
gg_vote_custom ""
gg_changelevel_custom ""
gg_map_setup "mp_timelimit 45; mp_winlimit 0; sv_alltalk 0; mp_chattime 10; mp_c4timer 25"
gg_endmap_setup ""
gg_join_msg 1
gg_messages 1
gg_save_temp 300
gg_status_display 1
gg_map_iterations 1
gg_ignore_bots 0
gg_block_equips 2
gg_leader_display 1
gg_leader_display_x -1.0
gg_leader_display_y 0.0
gg_allow_changeteam 2
gg_disable_money 1
gg_winner_motd 1
gg_afk_protection 0
gg_top10_ppp 8

// autovote cvars
gg_autovote_mode 0
gg_autovote_rounds 1
gg_autovote_delay 8.0
gg_autovote_ratio 0.51
gg_autovote_time 10.0

// stats cvars
gg_stats_file "gungame.stats" // not used with SQL
gg_stats_streak_file "gungame.streaks" // not used with SQL
gg_stats_ip 0
gg_stats_prune 2592000
gg_stats_mode 2
gg_stats_split 0
gg_stats_winbonus 1.5

// SQL-only cvars
//gg_sql_host ""
//gg_sql_user "root"
//gg_sql_pass ""
//gg_sql_db "amx"
//gg_sql_table "gg_stats"
//gg_sql_streak_table "gg_streaks"
//gg_sql_winmotd_table "gg_winmotd"

// deathmatch cvars
gg_dm 1
gg_dm_sp_time 1.0
gg_dm_sp_mode 1
gg_dm_spawn_random 2
gg_dm_start_random 1
gg_dm_spawn_delay 3.0
gg_dm_spawn_afterplant 1
gg_dm_corpses 1
gg_dm_countdown 2

// objective cvars
gg_block_objectives 0
gg_bomb_defuse_lvl 1
gg_host_touch_reward 2
gg_host_rescue_reward 2
gg_host_kill_reward 1
gg_host_kill_penalty 1

// teamplay cvars
gg_teamplay 0
gg_teamplay_knife_mod 0.33
gg_teamplay_nade_mod 0.50
gg_teamplay_timeratio 1

// gameplay cvars
gg_ff_auto 1
gg_weapon_order "glock18,usp,p228,deagle,fiveseven,elite,m3,xm1014,tmp,mac10,mp5navy,ump45,p90,galil,famas,ak47,scout,m4a1,sg552,aug,m249,hegrenade,knife"
gg_max_lvl 3
gg_triple_on 0
gg_turbo 1
gg_knife_pro 1
gg_knife_elite 0
gg_suicide_penalty 1
gg_worldspawn_suicide 1
gg_pickup_others 0
gg_handicap_on 1
gg_top10_handicap 1
gg_warmup_timer_setting 60
gg_warmup_weapon "knife"
gg_warmup_multi 0
gg_nade_glock 1
gg_nade_smoke 0
gg_nade_flash 0
gg_extra_nades 1
gg_nade_refresh 5.0
gg_kills_per_lvl 2
gg_kills_botmod 1.0
gg_give_armor 100
gg_give_helmet 1
gg_ammo_amount 200
gg_refill_on_kill 1
gg_tk_penalty 1
gg_awp_oneshot 1
gg_bots_skipnade 0
gg_bots_knifeable 1

// sound cvars
gg_sound_levelup "sound/gungame/gg_levelup.wav"
gg_sound_leveldown "sound/ambience/xtal_down1(e70)"
gg_sound_levelsteal "sound/turret/tu_die.wav"
gg_sound_nade "sound/gungame/gg_nade_level.wav"
gg_sound_knife "sound/gungame/gg_knife_level.wav"
gg_sound_welcome "sound/gungame/gg_welcome.wav"
gg_sound_triple "sound/gungame/gg_triple.wav"
gg_sound_winner "media/Half-Life03.mp3;media/Half-Life08.mp3;media/Half-Life11.mp3;media/Half-Life17.mp3"
gg_sound_takenlead "sound/gungame/gg_takenlead.wav"
gg_sound_tiedlead "sound/gungame/gg_tiedlead.wav"
gg_sound_lostlead "sound/gungame/gg_lostlead.wav"
gg_lead_sounds 0.9

// random weapon order cvars (leave blank to disable)
gg_weapon_order1 ""
gg_weapon_order2 ""
gg_weapon_order3 ""
gg_weapon_order4 ""
gg_weapon_order5 ""
gg_weapon_order6 ""
gg_weapon_order7 ""
gg_weapon_order8 ""
gg_weapon_order9 ""
gg_weapon_order10 ""

// valid weapon names for gg_weapon_order:
// ak47, aug, awp, deagle, elite, famas, fiveseven, g3sg1, galil, glock18, hegrenade, knife,
// m249, m3, m4a1, mac10, mp5navy, p228, p90, scout, sg550, sg552, tmp, ump45, usp, xm1014

Z góry dziękuję, proszę o szybką odpowiedź i nie zamykanie tematu

Użytkownik PysieQ edytował ten post 17.10.2013 16:58

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#2 White


  • Użytkownik

Reputacja: 472

  • Postów:384
  • GG:
  • Steam:steam
  • Lokalizacja:Kielce

Napisano 17.10.2013 20:18

Pomyliłeś mody. Znajdź CSDM 2.1.2 i tam masz to czego szukasz.

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#3 PysieQ


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Napisano 18.10.2013 17:49

Dzięki white ale teraz mógł by mi ktoś pomóc edytować cfg od CSDM??

;CSDM Configuration File
; Default settings by BAILOPAN

;You must be running the Main plugin for this section

;Sets whether CSDM is enabled or not.
enabled = 1

;Sets whether or not players should be stripped of weapons on round start
; (excludes knife)
strip_weapons = 1

;Sets how long weapons should stay on the ground for after being dropped
;in seconds.  note that enabling this can create lots of lag for clients 
; AND server.  0 is immediate, -1 is infinite.
weapons_stay = 0

;Sets the spawn mode.
; "none" - users spawn at normal map spawn points
; "preset" - csdm_spawn_preset.amxx required, uses predefined spawns in config files
; -- others may be supplied by 3rd party plugins
spawnmode = preset

;Sets whether the bomb is removed
remove_bomb = 1

;Sets the spawn waiting time
spawn_wait_time = 0.75

;You must be running the FFA plugin for this section
;Set whether free for all mode is enabled by default
enabled = 0

;You must be running the Misc plugin for this section
;Map objectives are removed by their flags.
; a - as_ maps
; b - buyzones are removed
; c - cs_ maps
; d - de_ maps
remove_objectives = abcd

;Blocks people from using all buy commands
block_buy = 1

;Auto-refills ammo when it gets depleted
ammo_refill = 1

;Says a radio command to a player when they respawn
spawn_radio_msg = 0

;You must be running the ticketing plugin for this section

;Is round ticketing enabled?
enabled = 0

;Number of times a team can have players respawn before they stop
; being able to respawn
tickets = 150

;You must be running the protection plugin for this section

;Is spawn protection enabled?
enabled = 1

;Colors of glow shell, leave this in quotes
;The digits are R, G, B, A where A is the alpha transparency
; (as A gets higher, the glow shell is thicker)
colors = "0 255 0 200"

;Number of seconds someone is respawned for.
time = 2

;You must be running the equip plugin for these sections

;Equip Menu flags: 
; p - primary
; s - secondary
; a - armor
; g - grenade
; b - buy
menus = psa

;Autoitem flags:
; a - armor
; h - helmet
; g - grenades
; d - defusekit (CTs only!)
; n - nightvision
autoitems = ah

;Grenade flags:
; f - flashbang
; h - he grenade
; s - smoke grenade
grenades = h

;Sets number of flashbangs given if
; grenades are enabled
fnadesnum = 1


;Format for weapon menus is:
;shortname "Display Name" menupage
;Change the '1' to a '0' to block the weapon
;Removing or moving things 
;  from the list will change the order of the menus!

usp USP 1
glock18 Glock 1
deagle Deagle 1
p228 P228 1
elite Elite 1
fiveseven "Five Seven" 1

m4a1 M4A1 1
ak47 AK47 1
aug AUG 1
sg552 SG552 1
galil Galil 1
famas Famas 1
scout Scout 1
awp AWP 1
sg550 SG550 1
m249 M249 1
g3sg1 G3SG1 1
ump45 "UMP 45" 1
mp5navy "MP5 Navy" 1
m3 M3 1
xm1014 XM1014 1
tmp TMP 1
mac10 "Mac 10" 1
p90 P90 1

;List weapons here the bots can randomly have
;The short name must match one in the list above


;You must be running the item mode plugin for this section

;Is item mode enabled?
enabled = 0

;If set to 1, players will drop a pack of goodies when they die.
drop_packs = 1

;Sets the number of armor given by a battery. Default is 15.
battery = 15

;Sets the number of health given by a medkit. Default is 15.
medkit = 15

;Sets the time to wait for an item to reappear on its place. Default is 20 (0 = permanent)
item_time = 20

;Sets how long packs stay on the ground. (Max is 30 seconds)
drop_time = 20

;Remove semicolons to restrict any of the following items
; or add the short weapon names of the weapons you want to restrict (m4a1, ak47, awp ...)

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#4 White


  • Użytkownik

Reputacja: 472

  • Postów:384
  • GG:
  • Steam:steam
  • Lokalizacja:Kielce

Napisano 18.10.2013 19:59

U mnie na serwerze zawartość csdm.cfg wygląda tak:

;CSDM Configuration File
; Default settings by BAILOPAN

;You must be running the Main plugin for this section

;Sets whether CSDM is enabled or not.
enabled = 1

;Sets whether or not players should be stripped of weapons on round start
; (excludes knife)
strip_weapons = 1

;Sets how long weapons should stay on the ground for after being dropped
;in seconds.  note that enabling this can create lots of lag for clients 
; AND server.  0 is immediate, -1 is infinite.
weapons_stay = 0

;Sets the spawn mode.
; "none" - users spawn at normal map spawn points
; "preset" - csdm_spawn_preset.amxx required, uses predefined spawns in config files
; -- others may be supplied by 3rd party plugins
spawnmode = preset

;Sets whether the bomb is removed
remove_bomb = 1

;Sets the spawn waiting time
spawn_wait_time = 0.75

;You must be running the FFA plugin for this section
;Set whether free for all mode is enabled by default
enabled = 0

;You must be running the Misc plugin for this section
;Map objectives are removed by their flags.
; a - as_ maps
; b - buyzones are removed
; c - cs_ maps
; d - de_ maps
remove_objectives = abcd

;Blocks people from using all buy commands
block_buy = 1

;Auto-refills ammo when it gets depleted
ammo_refill = 1

;Says a radio command to a player when they respawn
spawn_radio_msg = 0

;You must be running the ticketing plugin for this section

;Is round ticketing enabled?
enabled = 0

;Number of times a team can have players respawn before they stop
; being able to respawn
tickets = 150

;You must be running the protection plugin for this section

;Is spawn protection enabled?
enabled = 1

;Colors of glow shell, leave this in quotes
;The digits are R, G, B, A where A is the alpha transparency
; (as A gets higher, the glow shell is thicker)
colors = "0 255 0 200"

;Number of seconds someone is respawned for.
time = 2

;You must be running the equip plugin for these sections

;Equip Menu flags: 
; p - primary
; s - secondary
; a - armor
; g - grenade
; b - buy
menus = psa

;Autoitem flags:
; a - armor
; h - helmet
; g - grenades
; d - defusekit (CTs only!)
; n - nightvision
autoitems = ah

;Grenade flags:
; f - flashbang
; h - he grenade
; s - smoke grenade
grenades = h

;Sets number of flashbangs given if
; grenades are enabled
fnadesnum = 1


;Format for weapon menus is:
;shortname "Display Name" menupage
;Change the '1' to a '0' to block the weapon
;Removing or moving things 
;  from the list will change the order of the menus!

usp USP 1
glock18 Glock 1
deagle Deagle 1
p228 P228 1
elite Elite 1
fiveseven "Five Seven" 1

m4a1 M4A1 1
ak47 AK47 1
aug AUG 1
sg552 SG552 1
galil Galil 1
famas Famas 1
scout Scout 1
awp AWP 1
m249 M249 1
ump45 "UMP 45" 1
mp5navy "MP5 Navy" 1
m3 M3 1
xm1014 XM1014 1
tmp TMP 1
mac10 "Mac 10" 1
p90 P90 1

;List weapons here the bots can randomly have
;The short name must match one in the list above


;You must be running the item mode plugin for this section

;Is item mode enabled?
enabled = 0

;If set to 1, players will drop a pack of goodies when they die.
drop_packs = 1

;Sets the number of armor given by a battery. Default is 15.
battery = 15

;Sets the number of health given by a medkit. Default is 15.
medkit = 15

;Sets the time to wait for an item to reappear on its place. Default is 20 (0 = permanent)
item_time = 20

;Sets how long packs stay on the ground. (Max is 30 seconds)
drop_time = 20

;Remove semicolons to restrict any of the following items
; or add the short weapon names of the weapons you want to restrict (m4a1, ak47, awp ...)

A plugins-csdm.ini tak:

;rename this file to disabled-csdm.ini to turn it off.
;rename it back to plugins-csdm.ini to turn it on.

;put a semi-colon in front of a plugin to disable it.
;add the word debug after a plugin to place it in debug mode
; for example: csdm_main.amxx debug
;remove a semi-colon to re-enable a plugin

;Main plugin, required for most cases

;Weapons and equipment menus

;Enables preset spawning and the preset spawning editor
;Map config files are located in configs/csdm

;Miscellanious extra features, such as ammo refills
; and objective removals

;Spawn protection

;Adds free-for-all mode (must be enabled in csdm.cfg too)

;Round ticketing mode, like FireArms.  First team to use all
; of their death points loses the ability to respawn.
; (must be enabled in csdm.cfg too)

;Item mode (from CSDM1)
;Must be enabled in csdm.cfg as well (at the very bottom)
;There is currently no item editor!

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#5 PysieQ


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Napisano 19.10.2013 11:48

White777 mógł byś jeszcze podać cfg do GG bo ciągle mam że trzeba zabić by zdobyć nową broń  a ja chce menu broni
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#6 White


  • Użytkownik

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  • Postów:384
  • GG:
  • Steam:steam
  • Lokalizacja:Kielce

Napisano 19.10.2013 15:33

Menu broni masz w CSDM, w GG masz nowe bronie po zabiciach. Mylisz te 2 mody. W GunGame nie ma menu broni.

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#7 PysieQ


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Napisano 19.10.2013 15:36

ale właśnie w tym problem że nie wyskakuje mi to menu

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