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Guest Message by DevFuse


Quake Sounds v3

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#1 Adminek AMXX.PL

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Napisano 22.08.2013 20:26

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<div><div align="center"><font size="5"><b>Quake Sounds v3</b></font><br />Version: 3.1<br />Old Name: Quake Sounds [Revamped]<br /><div align="left"><b><br />PLUGIN CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE &lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt; FIXING A FEW BIG BUGS THAT HAVE APPEARED!<br /><br /><font size="3">Description</font><br /> </b>The plugin plays sounds and displays text at certain events sometimes based on the number of kills. It currently includes by default two separate sound sets from Quake, a male set and a female set. The sounds and events can be configured.<br /><br /><br /><font size="3"><b>Changes From the Original</b></font><br /></div></div><ul><li>All seperate versions for different games combined into one.</li>
<li>Updated some depreciated functions/techniques.</li>
<li>Updated all cvars/config file names to reflect new plugin.</li>
</ul> <b><font size="3"><br />Supported Games:</font><br /></b><ul><li>Counter Strike:Source</li>
<li>Day of Defeat:Source</li>
<li>Half Life 2: Deathmatch</li>
<li>Team Fortress 2</li>
</ul><ul><li>CS:GO Is not yet supported but is on ToDo list!</li>
</ul><b><font size="3"><br /></font></b><b><font size="3">Limitations and How to Change Them:<br /></font></b><ul><li> Number of Sets (default 5): in quakesounds.sp change <i>#define MAX_NUM_SETS 5</i></li>
<li>Number of sound files (default 512): in quakesoundsv3.sp change <i>#define MAX_NUM_FILES 512</i></li>
</ul><b><font size="3"><br /><br /></font></b><b><font size="3"> Installation</font><br /></b><ol style="list-style-type: decimal"><li>Extract into your game folder.</li>
<li>Compile quakesoundsv3 using &quot;Get Plugin&quot;, place this in '&lt;game&gt;/addons/sourcemod/plugins'.</li>
<li>Edit plugin.quakesoundsv3.cfg in &lt;game&gt;/cfg/sourcemod' To your liking.</li>
<li>Edit QuakeSoundsv3List.cfg in '&lt;game&gt;/addons/sourcemod/configs' To your liking.</li>
<li>Translations file is 'plugin.quakesoundsv3.txt in '&lt;game&gt;/addons/sourcemod/translations'</li>
<li><b>The .sp provided is not included in the zip file for convenience with future updates. You WILL need to compile the plugin yourself from the &quot;Get Plugin&quot; link.</b></li>
</ol><font size="3"><b><br />Configuration </b></font><br /><br /> <u><font size="3">1. for QuakeSoundsv3List.cfg</font></u><br /><br /> &quot;headshot&quot;<br /> {<br />&quot;0&quot; <b>&lt; </b><b>(NOTE: plays the sound for every head shot) </b><b>Number of Kills required to play the sound</b><br /> {<br /> &quot;standard&quot; &quot;quake/headshot.mp3&quot;<br /> &quot;female&quot; &quot;quake/female/headshot.mp3&quot;<br /> &quot;config&quot; &quot;0&quot;<br /> } <br /> &quot;1&quot; <b>&lt; Number of Kills required to play the sound</b><br /> {<br /> &quot;standard&quot; &quot;quake/headshot.mp3&quot;<br /> &quot;female&quot; &quot;quake/female/headshot.mp3&quot;<br /> &quot;config&quot; &quot;0&quot;<br /> } <br />}<br /><br />&quot;config&quot; &quot;&quot;<br />The field works as follows:<br />0: Off<br />1: Play sound to everyone<br />2: Play sound to attacker<br />4: Play sound to victim<br />8: Print text to everyone<br />16: Print text to attacker<br />32: Print text to victim<br /><br />You need to add the above values to get your value<br />If you want to play sounds and text to everyone 1 + 8 = 9<br />If you want to print text to everyone but only want sounds to play for those involved: 2 + 4 + 8 = 14<br /><br /> <u><font size="3">2. for plugin.quakesoundsv3.txt</font></u><br /><br /> &quot;headshot 1&quot; <b>&lt; 1 = Number of Kills required to play the sound</b><br /> {<br /> &quot;#format&quot; &quot;{1:s},{2:s}&quot;<br /> &quot;en&quot; &quot;{1} Headshot&quot;<br /> &quot;de&quot; &quot;{1} Kopfschuss&quot;<br /> &quot;fr&quot; &quot;{1} aime les grosses têtes !!&quot;<br /> }<br /> &quot;headshot 3&quot; <b>&lt; 3 = Number of Kills required to play the sound</b><br /> {<br /> &quot;#format&quot; &quot;{1:s},{2:s}&quot;<br /> &quot;en&quot; &quot;{1} Hattrick&quot;<br /> &quot;de&quot; &quot;{1} Hattrick&quot;<br /> &quot;fr&quot; &quot;{1} Tour du chapeau&quot;<br /> }<br /><br /><b><br /><font size="3">CVARS</font></b> <ul><li>sm_quakesoundsv3_version: The version number of the plugin... Do NOT Touch!</li>
<li>sm_quakesoundsv3_enable [1/0]: Enables (1) or Disables (0) the plugin.</li>
<li>sm_quakesoundsv3_announce: Enables the plugin announcement on player join.</li>
<li>sm_quakesoundsv3_text: The default text setting for new users.</li>
<li>sm_quakesoundsv3_sound: The default sound setting for new users.</li>
</ul> <br /><font size="3"><b>To Do List (Future Features):<br /></b></font><ul><li>Add support for CS:GO</li>
</ul> <font size="3"><b>Changelog</b></font><br /><ul><li>3.1 - Re-Added part of DoD:S that was temporarily bugged after combining. [Major update for DoD:S Users]</li>
<li>3.0 - Combined all plugins from previous thread into one single plugin - First v3 version.</li>
</ul><br /><br /><b> <font size="3">Thank You </font></b><b><font size="3">For Your Help (including from pre-v3 threads):<br /></font></b><a href="http://forums.allied...ber.php?u=17252" target="_blank">exvel</a> - helped with define and negative integer question<br /><a href="" target="_blank">PM</a> - helped with string referencing<br /><a href="" target="_blank">SirLamer</a> - helped with string referencing<br /><a href="" target="_blank">psychonic</a> - helped with TF2 support &amp; DOD head shot support<br /><a href="" target="_blank">Sgt-Mess</a> - Tested with CSS <br /><a href="" target="_blank">tcviper</a> - fixed the join sound problem by changing the file name length<br /><a href="" target="_blank">psychonic</a> - pointed out the client names may be up to 64 characters long<br /><a href="" target="_blank">psychonic</a> - fixed client cookies problem<br /><a href="" target="_blank">psychonic</a> - added !settings support<br /><br /><br /><b><font size="3">Original plugin created by <a href="" target="_blank">dalto </a><br />Revamped version made by </font></b><b><font size="3"><a href="" target="_blank">Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr</a></font></b></div>

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