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Guest Message by DevFuse


Deathrun Shop v1.0.2 - By @.SizNeR

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#1 Adminek AMXX.PL

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Napisano 27.06.2013 03:12

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<div><font face="Trebuchet MS"><div align="center"><b><font size="6"><font color="RoyalBlue">Deathrun Shop v1.0.2 - By @.SizNeR</font></font></b></div><br /><br /><b><font size="5"><font color="RoyalBlue">.: Introduction :.</font></font></b><ul><li>Hey all, this is a new deathrun shop.<br /><br /></li>
<li>When a counter-terrorist kill a terrorist he gain 100 cash for normal kill and 150 cash for headshot kill. (editable by a cvar)<br /><br /></li>
<li>If you have any suggestions for new ideas for the plugin, write them in the thread or in a private message.</li>
</ul><br /><b><font size="5"><font color="RoyalBlue">.: Chat Commands :.</font></font></b><ul><li><b>say /cash &lt;player&gt;:</b> Show a player cash.<br /><br /></li>
<li><b>say /gamble &lt;amount&gt;:</b> Gamble cash, you have 50% to win and 50% to lose the cash.<br /><br /></li>
<li><b>say /send &lt;player&gt; &lt;amount&gt;:</b> Send cash to a player.<br /><br /></li>
<li><b>say /shop:</b> Open the shop menu.<br /><br /></li>
<li><b>say /drshop:</b> Open the shop menu.</li>
</ul><br /><b><font size="5"><font color="RoyalBlue">.: Console Commands :.</font></font></b><br /><ul><li><b>amx_give_cash &lt;player&gt; &lt;amount&gt;</b> Give cash to a player. Admin with ADMIN_IMMUNITY flag (editable by the &quot;ADMIN_ACCESS&quot; define) can use this command.<br /><br /></li>
<li><b>amx_take_cash &lt;player&gt; &lt;amount&gt;</b> Take cash from a player. Admin with ADMIN_IMMUNITY flag (editable by the &quot;ADMIN_ACCESS&quot; define) can use this command.</li>
</ul><br /><b><font size="5"><font color="RoyalBlue">.: Cvars :.</font></font></b><ul><li><b>dr_kill_cash (Default: 100):</b> How much cash for normal kill.<br /><br /></li>
<li><b>dr_hs_kill_cash (Default: 150):</b> How much cash for headshot kill.<br /><br /></li>
<li><b>dr_health_cost (Default: 200):</b> How much every 25 hp will cost.<br /><br /></li>
<li><b>dr_armor_cost (Default: 100):</b> How much every 25 ap will cost.</li>
</ul><br /><b><font size="5"><font color="RoyalBlue">.: Menus :.</font></font></b><ul><li><b>Health Menu:</b> Open the shop health menu.<br /><br /><ul><li><b>25 HP:</b> Buy 25 health points. Default Cost: 100 cash<br /><br /></li>
<li><b>50 HP:</b> Buy 50 health points. Default Cost: 200 cash<br /><br /></li>
<li><b>75 HP:</b> Buy 75 health points. Default Cost: 300 cash<br /><br /></li>
<li><b>100 HP:</b> Buy 100 health points. Default Cost: 400 cash<br /><br /></li>
<li><b>125 HP:</b> Buy 125 health points. Default Cost: 500 cash</li>
</ul><br /></li>
<li><b>Armor Menu:</b> Open the shop armor menu.<br /><br /><ul><li><b>25 AP:</b> Buy 25 armor points. Default Cost: 50 cash<br /><br /></li>
<li><b>50 AP:</b> Buy 50 armor points. Default Cost: 100 cash<br /><br /></li>
<li><b>75 AP:</b> Buy 75 armor points. Default Cost: 150 cash<br /><br /></li>
<li><b>100 AP:</b> Buy 100 armor points. Default Cost: 200 cash<br /><br /></li>
<li><b>125 AP:</b> Buy 125 armor points. Default Cost: 250 cash</li>
</ul><br /></li>
<li><b>Weapons Menu:</b> Open the shop weapons menu.<br /><br /><ul><li><b>MP5 Navy:</b> Buy a mp5 navy. Default Cost: 2000 cash<br /><br /></li>
<li><b>Ak47:</b> Buy an ak47. Default Cost: 4500 cash<br /><br /></li>
<li><b>M4a1:</b> Buy a m4a1. Default Cost: 4500 cash<br /><br /></li>
<li><b>Scout:</b> Buy a scout. Default Cost: 6000 cash<br /><br /></li>
<li><b>Awp:</b> Buy a awp. Default Cost: 7500 cash</li>
</ul><br /></li>
<li><b>Powers Menu:</b> Open the shop powers menu.<br /><br /><ul><li><b>Gravity:</b> Buy a gravity. Default Time: 15 seconds. Default Cost: 5000 cash<br /><br /></li>
<li><b>Godmode:</b> Buy a godmode. Default Time: 7 seconds. Default Cost: 6500 cash<br /><br /></li>
<li><b>Noclip:</b> Buy a noclip. Default Time: 7 seconds. Default Cost: 8000 cash</li>
</ul><br /><b><font size="5"><font color="RoyalBlue">.: Natives :.</font></font></b><br /><ul><li><b>dr_get_user_cash(index)</b>: Get the user cash<br /><br /></li>
<li><b>dr_set_user_cash(index, amount)</b>: Set the user cash</li>
</ul><br /><b><font size="5"><font color="RoyalBlue">.: Installations :.</font></font></b><ul><li><b>Step 1:</b> Download the &quot;Get Plugin&quot; file from the attachments.<br /><br /></li>
<li><b>Step 2:</b> Put the file in the amxmodx/plugins folder.<br /><br /></li>
<li><b>Step 3:</b> Go to amxmodx/configs, open the plugins.ini file and add the line &quot;DeathrunShop.amxx&quot;. (Without &quot;&quot;)<br /><br /></li>
<li><b>Step 4:</b> Restart the server and enjoy. :P</li>
</ul><br /><b><font size="5"><font color="RoyalBlue">.: Change Log :.</font></font></b><br /><!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: bbcode_code_printable -->
<div style="margin:20px; margin-top:5px">
<div class="smallfont" style="margin-bottom:2px">Code:</div>
<hr /><code style="margin:0px" dir="ltr" style="text-align:left">v1.0.2 (06-27-13)<br />- Added multi language support<br />v1.0.1 (06-27-13)<br />- Changed fakemeta_util include to fakemeta include<br />- Added fun include<br />- Changed fm_ functions to fun functions<br />v1.0 (06-26-13)<br />- First public version</code><hr />
<!-- END TEMPLATE: bbcode_code_printable --><b><font size="5"><font color="RoyalBlue">.: Attachments:. </font></font></b></font></div>

<br /> <div style="padding:6px">

<fieldset class="fieldset">
<legend>Attached Files</legend>
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="3" border="0">
<!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: postbit_attachment -->
<td><img class="inlineimg" src="https://forums.allie.../attach/sma.gif" alt="File Type: sma" width="16" height="16" border="0" style="vertical-align:baseline" /></td>

<a href="http://www.amxmodx.o...?file_id=121822"><strong>Get Plugin</strong></a> or
<a href="https://forums.allie...38;d=1372316115">Get Source</a> (DeathrunShop_v1.0.2.sma - 17.7 KB)

<!-- END TEMPLATE: postbit_attachment --><!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: postbit_attachment -->
<td><img class="inlineimg" src="https://forums.allie.../attach/txt.gif" alt="File Type: txt" width="16" height="16" border="0" style="vertical-align:baseline" /></td>

<a href="https://forums.allie...38;d=1372316221">drshop.txt</a> (1.7 KB)

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