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Guest Message by DevFuse
[ANY] Noms - List Nominated Maps
Temat rozp. Adminek AMXX.PL, 18.03.2013 17:06
Brak odpowiedzi do tego tematu
Napisano 18.03.2013 17:06
Credits:Not sure who had the original idea, but I made it pretty. :)Thanks to MammalMaster and Necrophix.com for hosting my plugin development.How It Works:Players can type !noms (or /noms) at any time and it will print out a list of maps that people have nominated.Notes:Pretty straightforward. Interfaces to mapchooser through the .inc file. Only tested on TF2, though I have no reason to think it won't work elsewhere. The one caveat is it uses color text which might not be supported elsewhere (its easy to remove). Must have mapchooser.smx loaded, not useful if you don't use the nominations.smx plugin. I didn't research what happens with really long player/map names. Worst case I don't think anything big would happen (maybe the noms plugin might crash) though I'm presuming that the PrintToChatAll handles this gracefully. CVARS:Potential Future Enhancements:Detect if mapchooser/nominations are loaded, gracefully exit if not.If a map vote was started but cancelled before it completed, !noms may report that the vote already took place even if new nominations are successfully made. This seems to be a bug in the way SM works, as I rely on mapchooser for that info.Uses color - dunno if that's going to cause problems for games other than TF2. I can add a test to control whether or not color is used.FIXED: Doesn't print the !noms command back to chat so players can't tell where it came from. Guess I was trying to keep from spamming too much to chat all at once.FIXED: Doesn't honor the / silent chat convention.Add a feature where it prints out all noms after somebody nominates? Or is that too much chat spam?Installation:Download the smx file (this won't auto-compile because of includes) and place it in your plugins directory. Change maps or restart the server or issue a plugin load command.Versions:* 2013-01-23 - 0.1.1 - initial dev version* 2013-03-17 - - Added new array handling* 2013-03-17 - 0.1.2 - Changed so map and player name print on same line.* 2013-03-17 - 0.1.3 - Check for console, check for empty noms list.* 2013-03-17 - 0.1.4 - Changed to use Plugin_Handled, added color.* 2013-03-17 - 0.1.5 - added test for map vote completed.* 2013-03-17 - 0.1.6 - fixed chat not showing up* 2013-03-18 - 1.0.0 - bumped version for release, commented out debug msg* 2013-03-18 - 1.0.1 - uncommented accidentally commented out debug msg, return !noms command to chat* 2013-03-18 - 1.1.0 - added tests to honor "/" silent chat Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (noms.sp - 4.2 KB) noms.smx (3.8 KB)
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