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Guest Message by DevFuse


Recoil Fix

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#1 Adminek AMXX.PL

    Admin :)

  • Bot

Reputacja: 156

  • Postów:7 530
  • Lokalizacja:AMXX.PL

Napisano 03.01.2013 14:57

Description:Have you ever watched someone play while being dead, and questioned yourself, why their bullets go directly into the middle of the crosshair when they are spraying like hell, while your go way above the crosshair? Well, I did, and found the answer. While you are spectating someone, you see their middle of the screen twice higher than they do (you see twice the recoil they actually do). Well, this plugin has many features, one of which is making you see the exact the same recoil, the spectated person has.Requires:FakeMetaHamSandWichCvars:* "recoil_fix" - state of the plugin.- "0" - disabled.- "1" - fix visual recoil for dead (make dead see what alive normally do). [default]- "2" - fix visual recoil for alive (make alive see what dead normally do).- "3" - the way it's meant to be (see additional info).Additional info:Tested in Counter-Strike 1.6 with amxmodx 1.8.2 (dev build hg20). Setting "recoil_fix" cvar to "3" or above, will change the actual recoil. It will make it twice smaller, therefor all spread bullets will go close to the crosshair (not extremely above it, as you are used to). This is the way it was intended to be in the first place long long time ago. It will also change visual recoil for dead. However I do not recommend setting the cvar to anything but "1", cause... Well "3" or above is changing the actual gameplay, and people can get confused why their bullets are going not as high as expected (they would actually go fairly near the corsshair), and "2" can also confuse people, why their recoil is twice stronger than expected, while actually it's the same (only visual location of crosshair changes).Notes:Just imagine the amount of the people who got falsely blamed and banned for using no-recoil script or some other cheat... I had this plugin idea for quite some time, and people tried to convince me that it has nothing to do with that... Well, I looked into it, and even some no-recoil scripts - I laughed, seriously, those things do nothing but make the game harder, at least in my opinion. Warnings:Some bots may have a few issues with this plugin, cause by default they may be having a twice lower recoil already (for example Potti - a controllable fakeplayer plugin/bot). So, having "recoil_fix" set to "1" may have an effect of no recoil for the dead person watching the alive bot. Setting it to "2", should have no effect on bots at all. Setting it to "3" or above, may cause issues of bots having no recoil what so ever.Change-Log:* 1.0- First release. Attached Files Dołączona grafika Get Plugin or Get Source (recoil_fix.sma - 11.8 KB)

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