#include #include #include #define PLUG_NAME "HATS" #define PLUG_AUTH "SgtBane" #define PLUG_VERS "1.8" #define PLUG_TAG "HATS" #define PLUG_ADMIN ADMIN_LEVEL_H //Access flags required to give/remove hats #define PLUG_ADMINB ADMIN_CHAT //Access flags required to set personal hat if admin only is enabled #define OFFSET_GLOWSET 100 #define HAT_ALL 0 #define HAT_ADMIN 1 #define HAT_TERROR 2 #define HAT_COUNTER 3 #define menusize 220 #define maxTry 15 //Number of tries to get someone a non-admin random hat before giving up. #define modelpath "models/hat" stock fm_set_entity_visibility(index, visible = 1) set_pev(index, pev_effects, visible == 1 ? pev(index, pev_effects) & ~EF_NODRAW : pev(index, pev_effects) | EF_NODRAW) new g_HatEnt[33] new CurrentHat[33] new CurrentMenu[33] new HatFile[64] new MenuPages, TotalHats #define MAX_HATS 64 new HATMDL[MAX_HATS][26] new HATNAME[MAX_HATS][26] new HATREST[MAX_HATS] new P_AdminOnly new P_AdminHats new P_RandomJoin new P_BotRandom new P_ForceHat new P_Glow public plugin_init() { register_plugin(PLUG_NAME, PLUG_VERS, PLUG_AUTH) register_logevent("event_roundstart", 2, "1=Round_Start") register_event("TeamInfo", "event_team_info", "a" ) register_concmd("amx_givehat", "Give_Hat", PLUG_ADMIN, " ") register_concmd("amx_removehats", "Remove_Hat", PLUG_ADMIN, " - Removes hats from everyone.") register_menucmd(register_menuid("yMenu rCzapek: w[Strona"), (1<<0|1<<1|1<<2|1<<3|1<<4|1<<5|1<<6|1<<7|1<<8|1<<9),"MenuCommand") register_clcmd("say /hats", "ShowMenu", -1, "Shows Knife menu") register_clcmd("say /czapki", "ShowMenu", -1, "Shows Knife menu") P_AdminOnly = register_cvar("hat_adminonly", "0") //Only admins can use the menu P_AdminHats = register_cvar("hat_adminhats", "1") //Allow hats for admins only (if 0, hats specifically for admins can be used by anyone) P_RandomJoin = register_cvar("hat_random", "1") //Random hats for players as they join P_BotRandom = register_cvar("hat_bots", "1") //Random hats for bots as they join P_ForceHat = register_cvar("hat_force", "0") //Force a specific hat (if not 0) P_Glow = register_cvar("hat_glow", "1") //0=None,1=GlowWithPlayer,2=TeamColor } public ShowMenu(id) { if ((get_pcvar_num(P_AdminOnly) == 1 && get_user_flags(id) & PLUG_ADMIN) || (get_pcvar_num(P_AdminOnly) == 0 && get_pcvar_num(P_ForceHat) == 0)) { CurrentMenu[id] = 1 ShowHats(id) } else { client_print(id,print_chat,"[%s] Only admins may currently use this menu.",PLUG_TAG) } return PLUGIN_HANDLED } public ShowHats(id) { new keys = (1<<0|1<<1|1<<2|1<<3|1<<4|1<<5|1<<6|1<<7|1<<8|1<<9) new szMenuBody[menusize + 1], WpnID new nLen = format(szMenuBody, menusize, "yMenu rCzapek: w[Strona %i/%i]^n",CurrentMenu[id],MenuPages) new MnuClr[3] // Get Hat Names And Add Them To The List for (new hatid=0; hatid < 8; hatid++) { WpnID = ((CurrentMenu[id] * 8) + hatid - 8) if (WpnID < TotalHats) { menucolor(id, WpnID, MnuClr) nLen += format(szMenuBody[nLen], menusize-nLen, "^nw%i.%s %s", hatid + 1, MnuClr, HATNAME[WpnID]) } } // Next Page And Previous/Close if (CurrentMenu[id] == MenuPages) { nLen += format(szMenuBody[nLen], menusize-nLen, "^n^nd9. wNowa yStrona") } else { nLen += format(szMenuBody[nLen], menusize-nLen, "^n^nw9. wNowa yStrona") } if (CurrentMenu[id] > 1) { nLen += format(szMenuBody[nLen], menusize-nLen, "^nw0. wPoprzednia yStrona") } else { nLen += format(szMenuBody[nLen], menusize-nLen, "^nw0. rZamknij") } show_menu(id, keys, szMenuBody, -1) return PLUGIN_HANDLED } public MenuCommand(id, key) { switch(key) { case 8: //9 - [Nastepna Strona] { if (CurrentMenu[id] < MenuPages) CurrentMenu[id]++ ShowHats(id) return PLUGIN_HANDLED } case 9: //0 - [Close] { CurrentMenu[id]-- if (CurrentMenu[id] > 0) ShowHats(id) return PLUGIN_HANDLED } default: { new HatID = ((CurrentMenu[id] * 8) + key - 8) if (HatID < TotalHats) { if ((get_pcvar_num(P_AdminHats) == 0 && HATREST[HatID] == HAT_ADMIN) || (get_pcvar_num(P_AdminHats) == 1 && HATREST[HatID] == HAT_ADMIN && get_user_flags(id) & PLUG_ADMINB) || HATREST[HatID] == HAT_ALL || (HATREST[HatID] == get_user_team(id) + 1)) { Set_Hat(id,HatID,id) } else { if (HATREST[HatID] == HAT_TERROR && get_user_team(id) == 2) { client_print(id,print_chat,"[%s] This hat is currently set as a Terrorist Hat.",PLUG_TAG) } else if (HATREST[HatID] == HAT_COUNTER && get_user_team(id) == 1) { client_print(id,print_chat,"[%s] This hat is currently set as Counter Terrorist.",PLUG_TAG) } else { client_print(id,print_chat,"[%s] This hat is currently set as Admin Only.",PLUG_TAG) } } } } } return PLUGIN_HANDLED } public plugin_precache() { new cfgDir[32] get_configsdir(cfgDir,31) formatex(HatFile,63,"%s/HatList.ini",cfgDir) command_load() new tmpfile [101] for (new i = 1; i < TotalHats; ++i) { format(tmpfile, 100, "%s/%s", modelpath, HATMDL[i]) if (file_exists (tmpfile)) { precache_model(tmpfile) server_print("[%s] Precached %s", PLUG_TAG, HATMDL[i]) } else { server_print("[%s] Failed to precache %s", PLUG_TAG, tmpfile) } } } public client_putinserver(id) { if (get_pcvar_num(P_ForceHat) == 1) { new forceID = get_pcvar_num(P_ForceHat) if (forceID <= TotalHats - 1) { forcehat(id, forceID) } else { set_pcvar_num(P_ForceHat, 0) } } else if (get_pcvar_num(P_RandomJoin) == 1 || (get_pcvar_num(P_BotRandom) == 1 && is_user_bot(id))) { if (get_pcvar_num(P_ForceHat) == 0) Random_Hat(id) } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } public event_team_info() { if (get_pcvar_num(P_ForceHat) != 0) return new id = read_data(1) if (HATREST[CurrentHat[id]] == HAT_ALL) return if (HATREST[CurrentHat[id]] == HAT_ADMIN && get_user_flags(id) & PLUG_ADMINB) return new team[3] read_data(2, team, 2) switch(team[0]) { case 'C': { if (HATREST[CurrentHat[id]] != HAT_COUNTER) Random_Hat(id) } case 'T': { if (HATREST[CurrentHat[id]] != HAT_TERROR) Random_Hat(id) } case 'S': { Set_Hat(id, 0, 0) } } return } public event_roundstart() { new forceID = get_pcvar_num(P_ForceHat) for (new i = 0; i < get_maxplayers(); ++i) { if (is_user_connected(i) && g_HatEnt[i] > 0) { if (forceID != 0) { forcehat(i, forceID) } glowhat(i) } } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } public Give_Hat(id, req_flag) { if( !(get_user_flags(id) & req_flag) ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED new smodelnum[5], name[32] read_argv(1,name,31) read_argv(2,smodelnum,4) new player = cmd_target(id,name,2) if (!player) { client_print(id,print_chat,"[%s] Player With That Name Does Not Exist.",PLUG_TAG) return PLUGIN_HANDLED } new imodelnum = (str_to_num(smodelnum)) if (imodelnum > MAX_HATS) return PLUGIN_HANDLED Set_Hat(player,imodelnum,id) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } public Remove_Hat(id, req_flag) { if( !(get_user_flags(id) & req_flag) ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED for (new i = 0; i < get_maxplayers(); ++i) { if (is_user_connected(i) && g_HatEnt[i] > 0) { Set_Hat(id, 0, 0) } } client_print(id,print_chat,"[%s] Removed hats from everyone.",PLUG_TAG) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } public Random_Hat(id) { new bool:foundrnd = false, cntTry = 0, randID = random_num (1, TotalHats - 1) while (cntTry < maxTry && foundrnd == false) { randID = random_num (1, TotalHats - 1) cntTry += 1 if (HATREST[randID] == HAT_ALL) foundrnd = true if (HATREST[randID] == HAT_ADMIN && get_user_flags(id) & PLUG_ADMINB) foundrnd = true if ((get_user_team(id) != 0) && HATREST[CurrentHat[id]] == get_user_team(id) + 1) foundrnd = true } if (foundrnd == true) { //If a valid random hat is found, apply it. Set_Hat(id, randID , 0) } else { //Otherwise, don't use any hat. Set_Hat(id, 0, 0) } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } public Set_Hat(player, imodelnum, targeter) { new name[32] new tmpfile[101] format(tmpfile, 100, "%s/%s", modelpath, HATMDL[imodelnum]) get_user_name(player, name, 31) if (imodelnum == 0) { if(g_HatEnt[player] > 0) { fm_set_entity_visibility(g_HatEnt[player], 0) } if (targeter != 0) { client_print(targeter, print_chat, "[%s] Removed hat from %s",PLUG_TAG,name) } } else if (file_exists(tmpfile)) { if(g_HatEnt[player] < 1) { g_HatEnt[player] = engfunc(EngFunc_CreateNamedEntity, engfunc(EngFunc_AllocString, "info_target")) if(g_HatEnt[player] > 0) { set_pev(g_HatEnt[player], pev_movetype, MOVETYPE_FOLLOW) set_pev(g_HatEnt[player], pev_aiment, player) set_pev(g_HatEnt[player], pev_rendermode, kRenderNormal) engfunc(EngFunc_SetModel, g_HatEnt[player], tmpfile) } } else { engfunc(EngFunc_SetModel, g_HatEnt[player], tmpfile) } glowhat(player) CurrentHat[player] = imodelnum if (targeter != 0) { client_print(targeter, print_chat, "[%s] Set %s on %s",PLUG_TAG,HATNAME[imodelnum],name) } } } public command_load() { if(file_exists(HatFile)) { HATMDL[0] = "" HATNAME[0] = "rBrak" TotalHats = 1 new TempCrapA[2] new sfLineData[128] new file = fopen(HatFile,"rt") while(file && !feof(file)) { fgets(file,sfLineData,127) // Skip Comment ; // and Empty Lines if (sfLineData[0] == ';' || strlen(sfLineData) < 1 || (sfLineData[0] == '/' && sfLineData[1] == '/')) continue // BREAK IT UP! parse(sfLineData, HATMDL[TotalHats], 25, HATNAME[TotalHats], 25, TempCrapA, 1) if (TempCrapA[0] == 'A' || TempCrapA[0] == '1') { HATREST[TotalHats] = HAT_ADMIN } else if (TempCrapA[0] == 'T' || TempCrapA[0] == '2') { HATREST[TotalHats] = HAT_TERROR } else if (TempCrapA[0] == 'C' || TempCrapA[0] == '3') { HATREST[TotalHats] = HAT_COUNTER } else { HATREST[TotalHats] = HAT_ALL } TotalHats += 1 if(TotalHats >= MAX_HATS) { server_print("[%s] Reached hat limit",PLUG_TAG) break } } if(file) fclose(file) } MenuPages = floatround((TotalHats / 8.0), floatround_ceil) server_print("[%s] Loaded %i hats, and Generated %i pages",PLUG_TAG,TotalHats,MenuPages) } menucolor(id, ItemID, MnuClr[3]) { //If its the hat they currently have on if (ItemID == CurrentHat[id]) { MnuClr = "d" return } if (HATREST[ItemID] != HAT_ALL) { //If its an AdminHat&They are NOT an admin if (HATREST[ItemID] == HAT_ADMIN && get_pcvar_num(P_AdminHats) == 1) { if (get_user_flags(id) & PLUG_ADMINB) { MnuClr = "y" } else { MnuClr = "r" } //If this is a hat set for there team or not } else if (HATREST[ItemID] != get_user_team(id) + 1) { MnuClr = "r" } else { MnuClr = "y" } } else { MnuClr = "w" } return } glowhat(id) { if (!pev_valid(g_HatEnt[id])) return if (get_pcvar_num(P_Glow) != 0) { //If Glowing Hats Are Enabled set_pev(g_HatEnt[id], pev_renderfx, kRenderFxGlowShell) if (get_pcvar_num(P_Glow) == 2) { //If Not Team Specific, Use Player Glow On Hat new Float:curcolors[3], Float:curamt pev(id, pev_rendercolor, curcolors) pev(id, pev_renderamt, curamt) set_pev(g_HatEnt[id], pev_rendercolor, curcolors) set_pev(g_HatEnt[id], pev_renderamt, curamt) } else { //If Team Specific, Red=T, Blue=CT if (get_user_team(id) == 1) { set_pev(g_HatEnt[id], pev_rendercolor, {200.0, 0.0, 0.0}) } else if (get_user_team(id) == 2) { set_pev(g_HatEnt[id], pev_rendercolor, {0.0, 0.0, 200.0}) } set_pev(g_HatEnt[id], pev_renderamt, 50.0) } } else { set_pev(g_HatEnt[id], pev_renderfx, kRenderFxNone) set_pev(g_HatEnt[id], pev_renderamt, 0.0) } fm_set_entity_visibility(g_HatEnt[id], 1) return } forcehat(id, forceID) { if (forceID == 0) forceID = get_pcvar_num(P_ForceHat) if (forceID != 0) { if (forceID <= TotalHats - 1) { if (forceID != CurrentHat[id]) Set_Hat(id, forceID, 0) } else { set_pcvar_num(P_ForceHat, 0) } } }