#define VoiceCommMute 1 // 0 = Disabled ( no extra module required ) | 1 = Voicecomm muteing enabled. ( requires engine module) #define BlockNameChange 1 // 0 = Disabled | 1 = Block namechange on gagged clients #define LogAdminActions 1 // 0 = Disabled | 1 = Admin actions will be logged #define DefaultGagTime 600.0 // The std gag time if no other time was entered. ( this is 10 min ), Remember the value MUST contain a .0 #define PlaySound 1 // 0 = Disabled | 1 = Play a sound to gagged clients when their trying to talk #define GagReason 1 // 0 = Disabled | 1 = Gagged clients can see why there where gagged when they try to talk #define MaxPlayers 32 #define AllowOtherPlugin2Interface 1 #include #include #include new g_GagPlayers[MaxPlayers+1] // Used to check if a player is gagged #if GagReason == 1 new gs_GagReason[MaxPlayers+1][48] #endif public plugin_init() { register_plugin("Admin Gag","1.8.3","EKS") register_clcmd("say","block_gagged") register_clcmd("say_team","block_gagged") register_concmd("amx_gag","CMD_GagPlayer",ADMIN_KICK,"