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Witamy w Nieoficjalnym polskim support'cie AMX Mod X, jak w większości społeczności internetowych musisz się zarejestrować aby móc odpowiadać lub zakładać nowe tematy, ale nie bój się to jest prosty proces w którym wymagamy minimalnych informacji.
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Guest Message by DevFuse

kroxxx - zdjęcie


Rejestracja: 02.03.2014
Aktualnie: Nieaktywny
Poza forum Ostatnio: 31.05.2015 22:42

Moje posty

W temacie: Paczka by Doktorek*

11.05.2015 14:46

Nie działają roundsoundy

W temacie: Komenda Tylko Dla Vipa

09.05.2015 21:36

Dzięki ale zablokowane są tylko komendy a jak kliknę "," to dalej działa menu

W temacie: Komenda Tylko Dla Vipa

08.05.2015 19:05

dalej działa komendy na skiny

* By default, commands are registered with three pieces of information:
* 1)Command Name (for example, "csdm_enable")
* 2)Command Group Name (for example, "CSDM")
* 3)Command Level (for example, "changemap")
* You can override the default flags assigned to individual commands or command groups in this way.
* To override a group, use the "@" character before the name. Example:
* Examples:
* "@CSDM" "b" // Override the CSDM group to 'b' flag
* "csdm_enable" "bgi" // Override the csdm_enable command to 'bgi' flags
* Note that for overrides, order is important. In the above example, csdm_enable overwrites
* any setting that csdm_enable previously had.
* You can make a command completely public by using an empty flag string.

"wskins" "cdr"
"ws" "cdr"
"paints" "cdr"

W temacie: Komenda Tylko Dla Vipa

08.05.2015 16:14

Gdzie wpisać komende i jak ustawić flagę?
* By default, commands are registered with three pieces of information:
* 1)Command Name (for example, "csdm_enable")
* 2)Command Group Name (for example, "CSDM")
* 3)Command Level (for example, "changemap")
* You can override the default flags assigned to individual commands or command groups in this way.
* To override a group, use the "@" character before the name.  Example:
* Examples:
* "@CSDM" "b" // Override the CSDM group to 'b' flag
* "csdm_enable" "bgi" // Override the csdm_enable command to 'bgi' flags
* Note that for overrides, order is important.  In the above example, csdm_enable overwrites
* any setting that csdm_enable previously had.
* You can make a command completely public by using an empty flag string.


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