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Guest Message by DevFuse

kewin0912's Photo


Rejestracja: 05.01.2012
Aktualnie: Nieaktywny
Poza forum Ostatnio: 13.07.2012 13:11

Moje tematy

Prosba o przerobienie cod admin menu

07.07.2012 12:44

Witam! proszę o przerobienie pluginu, aby komenda działała tylko dla adminów z flagą "A" immunited.

/* Plugin generated by AMXX-Studio */

#include <amxmodx>
#include <codmod>
#include <amxmisc>

new opcja, gracz_id[33], wybrany;
new ilosc[33], name[33], nazwa_perku[256], nazwa_klasy[256];

public plugin_init() {
    register_plugin("COD Admin Menu by MieTeK", "1.5", "MieTeK");
    register_clcmd("say /codadmin", "AM", ADMIN_LEVEL_H);
public AM(id)
    if(!(get_user_flags(id) & ADMIN_LEVEL_H))
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

    new tytul[64];
    format(tytul, 63, "\rCOD Admin Menu \wby MieTeK");
    new menu = menu_create(tytul, "AM_handler");
    menu_additem(menu, "Dodaj \rEXP");//1
    menu_additem(menu, "Ustaw \rLVL");//2
    menu_additem(menu, "Daj \rItem");//3
    menu_additem(menu, "Przenies \rEXP");//4
    menu_additem(menu, "Zamien \rEXP");//5
    menu_additem(menu, "Zsumuj \rEXP");//6
    menu_display(id, menu);
    return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

public AM_handler(id, menu, item)
        return PLUGIN_CONTINUE;
    if(item == MENU_EXIT)
        return PLUGIN_CONTINUE;
        case 0:
            opcja = 1;
        case 1:    
            opcja = 2;
        case 2:    
            opcja = 3;
        case 3:
            opcja = 4;
        case 4:
            opcja = 5;
        case 5:
            opcja = 6;

public Gracz(id)
    new menu = menu_create("Wybierz gracza:", "Gracz_handler");
    for(new i=0, n=0; i<=32; i++)
        gracz_id[n++] = i;
        new nazwa_gracza[64];
        get_user_name(i, nazwa_gracza, 63)
        menu_additem(menu, nazwa_gracza, "0", 0);
    menu_display(id, menu);

public Gracz_handler(id, menu, item)
    if(item == MENU_EXIT)
        return PLUGIN_CONTINUE;
    wybrany = gracz_id[item];
    get_user_name(wybrany, name, 32);
    if(opcja == 3)
    else if(opcja == 4 || opcja == 5 || opcja == 6)
        console_cmd(id, "messagemode ile");
    return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

public pobierz(id)
    new text[192]
    format(ilosc, charsmax(ilosc), "%s", text);
public dawaj(id)
    if(opcja == 1)
        cod_set_user_xp(wybrany, cod_get_user_xp(wybrany)+str_to_num(ilosc));
        client_print(id, print_chat, "Ustawiles graczowi %s %i EXP", name, str_to_num(ilosc));
    if(opcja == 2)
        new potrzeba;
        potrzeba = cod_get_level_xp(str_to_num(ilosc)-1);
        cod_set_user_xp(wybrany, potrzeba);
        client_print(id, print_chat, "Ustawiles graczowi %s %i LVL", name, str_to_num(ilosc));

public wybierz_klase(id)
    new tytul[64];
    format(tytul, sizeof(tytul), "\rNa jaka klase :");
    new menu = menu_create(tytul, "wybierz_klase_handler");
    for(new i=1; i<=cod_get_classes_num(); i++)
        cod_get_class_name(i, nazwa_klasy, 255)
        menu_additem(menu, nazwa_klasy)
    menu_display(id, menu);

public wybierz_klase_handler(id, menu, item)
    if(item++ == MENU_EXIT)
        return PLUGIN_CONTINUE;
    new klasa[2][65];
    if(opcja == 4)
        new exp = cod_get_user_xp(wybrany);
        cod_get_class_name(cod_get_user_class(wybrany), klasa[0], 64);
        cod_set_user_xp(wybrany, 0);
        cod_set_user_class(wybrany, item, 1);
        cod_get_class_name(cod_get_user_class(wybrany), klasa[1], 64);
        cod_set_user_xp(wybrany, exp);
        client_print(id, print_chat, "Przeniosles EXP graczowi %s z klasy %s na klase %s", name, klasa[0], klasa[1]);
    if(opcja == 5)
        new exp = cod_get_user_xp(wybrany);
        new oldclass = cod_get_user_class(wybrany)
        cod_get_class_name(cod_get_user_class(wybrany), klasa[0], 64);
        cod_set_user_class(wybrany, item, 1);
        new exp2 = cod_get_user_xp(wybrany);
        cod_set_user_xp(wybrany, exp);
        cod_get_class_name(cod_get_user_class(wybrany), klasa[1], 64);
        cod_set_user_class(wybrany, oldclass, 1);
        cod_set_user_xp(wybrany, exp2);
        cod_set_user_class(wybrany, item, 1);
        client_print(id, print_chat, "Zamieniles EXP graczowi %s miedzy klasa %s a klasa %s", name, klasa[0], klasa[1]);
    if(opcja == 6)
        new exp = cod_get_user_xp(wybrany);
        cod_set_user_xp(wybrany, 0);
        cod_get_class_name(cod_get_user_class(wybrany), klasa[0], 64);
        cod_set_user_class(wybrany, item, 1);
        cod_get_class_name(cod_get_user_class(wybrany), klasa[1], 64);
        cod_set_user_xp(wybrany, cod_get_user_xp(wybrany)+exp);
        client_print(id, print_chat, "Zsumowales EXP graczowi %s z klasy %s na klase %s", name, klasa[0], klasa[1]);

public wybierz_perk(id)
    new tytul[64];
    format(tytul, 63, "\rWybierz perk :");
    new menu = menu_create(tytul, "wybierz_perk_handler");
    for(new i=1; i<=cod_get_perks_num(); i++)
        cod_get_perk_name(i, nazwa_perku, 255)
        menu_additem(menu, nazwa_perku);
    menu_display(id, menu);

public wybierz_perk_handler(id, menu, item)
    if(item++ == MENU_EXIT)
        return PLUGIN_CONTINUE;
    cod_set_user_perk(wybrany, item, -1, 0);
    cod_get_perk_name(item++, nazwa_perku, 255);
    client_print(id, print_chat, "Dales graczowi %s perk %s", name, nazwa_perku);
    return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
*{\\ rtf1\\ ansi\\ deff0{\\ fonttbl{\\ f0\\ fnil Tahoma;}}\n\\ viewkind4\\ uc1\\ pard\\ lang1045\\ f0\\ fs16 \n\\ par }

Problem z klasa CodMod

04.07.2012 07:47

Witam! Chciałbym wiedziec co ja tu zle robie.. Podaję sma:

#include <amxmodx>
#include <hamsandwich>
#include <codmod>
#include <engine>

#define DMG_BULLET (1<<1)

new const nazwa[] = "Skoczek";
new const opis[] = "Zmniejszona grawitacja,1/2 na natychmiastowe zabicie z HE.";
new const bronie = 1<<CSW_AK47 | 1<<CSW_Hegrenade;
new const zdrowie = 10;
new const kondycja = 30;
new const inteligencja = 6;
new const wytrzymalosc = 10;

public plugin_init()

RegisterHam(Ham_TakeDamage, "player", "TakeDamage");

public TakeDamage(this, idinflictor, idattacker, Float:damage, damagebits)
			    return HAM_IGNORED;

			    return HAM_IGNORED;

	    if(get_user_team(this) != get_user_team(idattacker) && get_user_weapon(idattacker) == CSW_HEGRENADE && damagebits & DMG_BULLET && random_num(1, 2) == 1)

			    cod_inflict_damage(idattacker, this, float(get_user_health(this))-damage+1.0, 0.0, idinflictor, damagebits);
	    return HAM_IGNORED;
     register_event("ResetHUD", "ResetHUD", "abe");

public cod_class_enabled(id)
    entity_set_float(id, EV_FL_gravity, 200.0/800.0);
    ma_klase[id] = true;

public cod_class_disabled(id)
    entity_set_float(id, EV_FL_gravity, 800.0/800.0);
    ma_klase[id] = false;

public ResetHUD(id)
        entity_set_float(id, EV_FL_gravity, 200.0/800.0);

Oto błędy kompilacji:

Welcome to the AMX Mod X 1.8.1-300 Compiler.
Copyright (c) 1997-2006 ITB CompuPhase, AMX Mod X Team

Skoczek.sma(26) : error 017: undefined symbol "ma_perk"
Skoczek.sma(26) : warning 215: expression has no effect
Skoczek.sma(26) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found "]"
Skoczek.sma(26) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
Skoczek.sma(26) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line

Compilation aborted.
4 Errors.

Bf2 rank jak usunac scouta na...

05.05.2012 22:06

Jak usunac scouta na mapie he_duster ?. Posiadam BF2 rank mod 2.0.0 48 odznak.

AMXBans nie dodaje adminów! HELP!

01.05.2012 08:43

Witam! Problem polega na tym, że zainstalowałem amxbans 5.1, amx mod x mam najnowsza wersje. Wczoraj wszystko działało a teraz wchodzę i d*pa! Nie dodaje adminów na serwer!. mam ustawione , że adminów czyta ze sql.cfg.

Ostatnie logi:

-------- Mapchange to de_dust2 --------
L 05/01/2012 - 09:40:58: Invalid multi-lingual line (file "cstrike/addons/amxmodx/data/lang/amxbans.txt" line 1)
L 05/01/2012 - 09:40:59: [amxbans_main.amxx] [AMXBans] ML_NOTFOUND: SQL_BANMOD_ONLINE
L 05/01/2012 - 09:41:00: [amxbans_main.amxx] [AMXBans] ML_NOTFOUND: SQL_LOADED_STATIC_REASONS


// SQL configuration file
// File location: $moddir/addons/amxmodx/configs/sql.cfg

// *NOTE* Linux users may encounter problems if they specify "localhost" instead of ""
// We recommend using your server IP address instead of its name

// *NOTE* amx_sql_type specifies the DEFAULT database type which admin.sma will use.

amx_sql_host ""
amx_sql_user "moja nazwa usera"
amx_sql_pass "haslo"
amx_sql_db   "moja nazwa bazy"
amx_sql_table "amx"
amx_sql_type  "mysql"

i AmxBans.cfg:

// [En] AMXBans Configuration File
// [En] File location: $moddir/addons/amxmodx/configs/amxbans.cfg
echo [AMXBans] Запуск amxbans.cfg

// [En] your sql database prefix
// [En] NOTE: The Prefix defined in your sql.cfg is NOT used for AMXBans anymore!!!
amx_sql_prefix "amx"

// [En] Use the flagging only for this Server, or for all servers?
amxbans_flagged_all_server 1

// [En] How AMXBans should handle the admins
// [En] 0=sql, 1=users.ini, 2=load no admins
amxbans_use_admins_file 0

// [En] AMXBans trys to get the address from the server automatically.
// [En] You can set a different one here - ex. "<ip>:<port>"
amxbans_server_address "kielecki-cs.xaa.pl"

// [En] Number of players in the Disconnected Menu
amxbans_discon_players_saved 10

// [En] Bantime to use for custom banreasons, if a user has static bantime <minutes>
// [En] -1 to disable custom reasons
amxbans_custom_statictime 1

// [En] Set this cvar to what the adminname should be on the webpages, if the server make the ban.
// [En] Ie. amxbans_servernick "My Great server"
// [En] Leave emty if you want to use the default hostname from server.cfg
amxbans_servernick ""

// [En] Set this to 1 / 2 / 3 to enable debug messages from amxbans to amxx logs.
// [En] with debug 3 you get the most output, but a bug can flood your logs. 2 should be ok normally
amxbans_debug 0

// [En] Don't use http:// in this cvar. The url will be shown to banned players in the console.
amxbans_complain_url "Kielecki-cs.xaa.pl"

// [En] Set this to 1 if you want the map name to show in the DB.
amxbans_add_mapname_in_servername 1

// [En] If you want to see ban announcments in the HLSW chat, set this to 1
amxbans_show_in_hlsw 1

// [En] Print green hudmessages on the top left when banning
amxbans_show_hud_messages 1

// [En] What flag should admins have to get the high ban times.
amxbans_higher_ban_time_admin "d"

// [En] What flag should admins have to NOT get their Nick printed when banning/Unbanning
amxbans_admin_mole_access "d"

// [En] If an admin has the admin_mole_access, should his name be shown when he bans?
amxbans_show_name_evenif_mole 1

// [En] Show if a player has been banned before as amx_chat to admins. 0 to disable
amxbans_show_prebanned 0

// [En] How many previous offences does the player needs, to be notified in the amx_chat?
amxbans_show_prebanned_num 2

// [En] Currently not known
amxbans_default_ban_reason unknown

// [En] To be able to ban players not in the server. 1 enabled and 0 disabled.
amxbans_ban_evenif_disconnected 1

// [En] Flagtimes, like the bantimes below
amx_setflagtimes "1 h" "4 h" "10 h" "1 d" "1 w" "4 w" "12 w" "0"

// [En] Ban times for admins with d-flag, set the highest time in minutes they can ban with "amxbans_consolebanmax"
// [En] IMPORTANT: Put the lowest value first and the highest value last. You can  have 1 to 12 values
// [En] "0 m" = permanent ban!
// [En] Values you can use:
// [En] 1 - 59 with the flag m is for minutes
// [En] 1 - 23 with the flag h is for hours
// [En] 1 - 6 with the flag d is for days
// [En] The w flag is for weeks
// [En]
// [En] Example:
// [En] "5 m" is 5 minutes
// [En] "1 h" is 1 hour
// [En] "1 d" is 1 day
// [En] "1 w" is 1 week

amx_setlowbantimes "5 m" "30 m" "1 h" "3 h" "10 h" "1 d"

// [En] Ban times for admin with n-flag and d-flag
// [En] IMPORTANT: Put the lowest value first and the highest value last. You can have 1 to 12 values
// [En] "0 m" = permanent ban!
// [En] Values you can use:
// [En] 1 - 59 with the flag m is for minutes
// [En] 1 - 23 with the flag h is for hours
// [En] 1 - 6 with the flag d is for days
// [En] The w flag is for weeks
// [En]
// [En] Example:
// [En] "5 m" is 5 minutes
// [En] "1 h" is 1 hour
// [En] "1 d" is 1 day
// [En] "1 w" is 1 week

amx_sethighbantimes "5 m" "30 m" "1 h" "4 h" "1 d" "1 w" "0 m"

/************* Another AMXBans plugins: Start config ******************************/

// [En] 3rd party amxbans plugins
// [En] needs the amxbans_freeze plugin
//    "a" = freeze
//    "b" = strip weapons
//    "c" = block chat
//    "d" = player glow red (not testet)
amxbans_freeze_mode "abc"

/************* AMXBans: SSBan ***********************************************/
// [En] needs the amxbans_ssban plugin
// [En] How many screens are the admins allowed to take?
amx_maxscreens "10"

//     [En] How much time between each screenshot?
amx_interval "1.0"

//        0: disabled.
//        1: administrator receives a message that the screen was taken.
//        2: the player is superimposed hud in the lower left corner
//        3: both
amx_stamptype "3"

//     [En] Message when amx_stamptype = 2/3
amx_hudtext "Cheese :)"

//     [En] Count of screens in menu
amx_screenscount "1 2 3 4 5"

//     [En] Ban time
amx_ssbantime "0"

//     [En] Ban reason
amx_ssbanreason "Screenshoty na Kielecki-cs.xaa.pl"

/************* Another AMXBans plugins: End config ******************************/

// [En] AMXBans configuration file echo
echo [AMXBans] amxbans.cfg успешно выполнен!

proszę pomóżcie !

problem z roundsoundem

19.04.2012 16:33

Witam! Wgrywam roundsounda a on nie działa, tzn. muzyki sie sciagaja przy wejsciu na serwer, ale gdy minie runda, one nie graja, moze jakis cvar czy cos? HELP ME.

#include <amxmodx>
public plugin_init()
  register_event("SendAudio", "t_win", "a", "2&%!MRAD_terwin")
  register_event("SendAudio", "ct_win", "a", "2&%!MRAD_ctwin")
public t_win(id)
  new rand = random_num(0,2)
    case 0: client_cmd(id,"spk misc/1")
    case 1: client_cmd(id,"spk misc/2")
    case 2: client_cmd(id,"spk misc/3")
    case 3: client_cmd(id,"spk misc/4")
public ct_win(id)
  new rand = random_num(0,2)
    case 0: client_cmd(id,"spk misc/5")
    case 1: client_cmd(id,"spk misc/6")
    case 2: client_cmd(id,"spk misc/7")
    case 3: client_cmd(id,"spk misc/8")
public plugin_precache()