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Guest Message by DevFuse

Zombie Plague 5.0

Zombie Plague 5.0.8 - masa błędów, serwer nie działa

Zombie Plague 5.0

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#1 VertekS


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Reputacja: 48

  • Postów:80
  • Lokalizacja:amxxpc.exe

Napisano 29.04.2012 18:37

Od jakiegoś miesiąca próbuje poprawnie zainstalować ZP 5.0 na testowym serwerze. Od razu nadpiszę, że miałem na nim ZP 4.3 jak i ZPA 1.6.1 i wszystko chodziło bez problemu.
Wszystkie pliki konfiguracyjne są domyślnie ustawione, nie wrzucałem żadnych innych pluginów oprócz ZP 5.0, serwer jest podłączony pod AMXBans.

Tutaj macie to, co konsola wypluwa:

L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: [AMXX] Run time error 10: native error (native "amx_save_setting_string_arr")
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: [AMXX] [0] zp50_grenade_frost.sma::plugin_precache (line 165)
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: Couldn't create temp file
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "amx_settings_api.amxx")
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: [AMXX] Run time error 10: native error (native "write_file")
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: [AMXX] [0] amx_settings_api.sma::native_save_setting_string_arr (line 339)
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: Unhandled dynamic native error
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "zp50_grenade_flare.amxx")
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: [AMXX] Run time error 10: native error (native "amx_save_setting_string_arr")
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: [AMXX] [0] zp50_grenade_flare.sma::plugin_precache (line 75)
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: Couldn't create temp file
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "amx_settings_api.amxx")
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: [AMXX] Run time error 10: native error (native "write_file")
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: [AMXX] [0] amx_settings_api.sma::native_save_setting_float (line 1872)
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: Unhandled dynamic native error
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "cs_player_models_api.amxx")
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: [AMXX] Run time error 10: native error (native "amx_save_setting_float")
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: [AMXX] [0] cs_player_models_api.sma::plugin_init (line 76)
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: Couldn't create temp file
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "amx_settings_api.amxx")
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: [AMXX] Run time error 10: native error (native "write_file")
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: [AMXX] [0] amx_settings_api.sma::native_save_setting_int (line 1583)
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: Unhandled dynamic native error
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "zp50_items.amxx")
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: [AMXX] Run time error 10: native error (native "amx_save_setting_int")
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: [AMXX] [0] zp50_items.sma::native_items_register (line 109)
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: Unhandled dynamic native error
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "zp50_item_weapons.amxx")
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: [AMXX] Run time error 10: native error (native "zp_items_register")
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: [AMXX] [0] zp50_item_weapons.sma::plugin_init (line 78)
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: Couldn't create temp file
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "amx_settings_api.amxx")
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: [AMXX] Run time error 10: native error (native "write_file")
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: [AMXX] [0] amx_settings_api.sma::native_save_setting_int (line 1583)
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: Unhandled dynamic native error
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "zp50_items.amxx")
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: [AMXX] Run time error 10: native error (native "amx_save_setting_int")
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: [AMXX] [0] zp50_items.sma::native_items_register (line 109)
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: Unhandled dynamic native error
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "zp50_item_nightvision.amxx")
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: [AMXX] Run time error 10: native error (native "zp_items_register")
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: [AMXX] [0] zp50_item_nightvision.sma::plugin_init (line 25)
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: Couldn't create temp file
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "amx_settings_api.amxx")
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: [AMXX] Run time error 10: native error (native "write_file")
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: [AMXX] [0] amx_settings_api.sma::native_save_setting_int (line 1583)
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: Unhandled dynamic native error
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "zp50_items.amxx")
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: [AMXX] Run time error 10: native error (native "amx_save_setting_int")
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: [AMXX] [0] zp50_items.sma::native_items_register (line 109)
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: Unhandled dynamic native error
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "zp50_item_antidote.amxx")
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: [AMXX] Run time error 10: native error (native "zp_items_register")
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: [AMXX] [0] zp50_item_antidote.sma::plugin_init (line 31)
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: Couldn't create temp file
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "amx_settings_api.amxx")
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: [AMXX] Run time error 10: native error (native "write_file")
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: [AMXX] [0] amx_settings_api.sma::native_save_setting_int (line 1583)
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: Unhandled dynamic native error
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "zp50_items.amxx")
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: [AMXX] Run time error 10: native error (native "amx_save_setting_int")
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: [AMXX] [0] zp50_items.sma::native_items_register (line 109)
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: Unhandled dynamic native error
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "zp50_item_zombie_madness.amxx")
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: [AMXX] Run time error 10: native error (native "zp_items_register")
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: [AMXX] [0] zp50_item_zombie_madness.sma::plugin_init (line 68)
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: Couldn't create temp file
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "amx_settings_api.amxx")
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: [AMXX] Run time error 10: native error (native "write_file")
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: [AMXX] [0] amx_settings_api.sma::native_save_setting_int (line 1583)
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: Unhandled dynamic native error
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "zp50_items.amxx")
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: [AMXX] Run time error 10: native error (native "amx_save_setting_int")
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: [AMXX] [0] zp50_items.sma::native_items_register (line 109)
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: Unhandled dynamic native error
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "zp50_item_infection_bomb.amxx")
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: [AMXX] Run time error 10: native error (native "zp_items_register")
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:23: [AMXX] [0] zp50_item_infection_bomb.sma::plugin_init (line 68)
Executing AMX Mod X Configuration File
Scrolling message displaying frequency: 10:00 minutes
[AMXBans] laduje plik amxbans.cfg
[AMXBans] amxbans.cfg zostal zaladowany | AMXX.PL | Wersja PL - Szyfrant i MisieQ
Reasonkicker.cfg zaladowany pomyslnie!
[S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; unable to update local steamclient. Continuing with current version anyway.
[AMXBans] Loaded 35 admins from file
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:24: [amxbans_main.amxx] [AMXBans] AMXBans Gm 1.5.1 is online, date: 20:31 07.03.2011
[AMXBans] No Reasons found
[AMXBans] No Reasons found in Database. Static reasons were loaded instead.
L 04/29/2012 - 19:27:25: [amxbans_main.amxx] [AMXBans] No Reasons found in Database. Static reasons were loaded instead.
Connection to Steam servers successful.
VAC secure mode is activated.
Menu item 17 added to Menus Front-End: "AMXBans: Player-Flagging" from plugin "AMXBans Main"
Menu item 18 added to Menus Front-End: "AMXBans: Disconnected Players" from plugin "AMXBans Main"
Menu item 19 added to Menus Front-End: "AMXBans: Banhistory" from plugin "AMXBans Main"
Menu item 20 added to Menus Front-End: "AMXBans: Screens" from plugin "AMXBans: Screens"

Gdzieś na obcojęzycznym forum czytałem, że to może być problem od strony serwera, a mianowicie złe chmody dla plików bądź za mała ilość pamięci na tworzenie nowych plików. Szczerze mówiąc, to co do pierwszego próbowałem różnych kombinacji. Druga informacja to tez bzdura, bo ZP 5.0 jest w stosunku do wersji 4.3, więc jak niby ma zajmować więcej pamięci? Z logów tylko tyle wywnioskowałem, iż jest problem z zapisywaniem plików na serwer (Couldn't create temp file).
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