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Guest Message by DevFuse


[BF2] nowy wyglad, podmiana?

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#1 AllegroPwa


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Posted 30.01.2012 10:51

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Chciałbym zapytać czy da radę podmienić wpis w nowym wyglądzie BF2?
Chodzi mi dokładnie o ten napis: Battlefield 2: Rank Mod

Znalazłem tam linijkę:
new const gPluginName[] = "Battlefield 2: Rank Mod";
Lecz nie wiem czy mogę ją podmienić na własną?

Używam tego pluginu:
*    Battlefield 2: Rank Mod by pRED* - [email protected]
*    An attempt to recreate the battlefield ranking system onto cs1.6
*    Currently features the basics of the ranking system, with no power up gain recieved from leveling.
*    Ranks are based on the number of kills from the csstats system
*    Badges can also be earned to get power up bonuses - See rewards list. Or look at /bf2menu in game
*    Wish list:     Add some more badges maybe? Ive put some ideas in comments...
*            Rank pictures..
*    Known Bugs    General optimization stuff - Ive done most in the wiki tut but there may be more
*    Rewards:    Knife - 20/40/60% of damage done with knife returned to player
*            Support - +2/+4/+6 M249 damage per bullet
*            Pistol – 20/25/33% chance of stunning attacker
*            Assault - +10/+20/+30 Bonus HP when spawning
*            Sniper - 1/3,1/2,1/1 Chance of Free awp/scout
*            Explosives - .2/.4/.6 multiplier added to Grenade damage
*            Shotgun - 150/100/50 alpha level invisibility with Knife
*            SMG – 15/30/45 speed boost added for all weapons
*    Credits:    Xuntric and PM for their combined work on the XP based plugin tutorial (load, save and menu stuff..)
*            Avalanche for the removed cone of fire in i_aim_good plugin (used for lowered recoil on the para)
*            Phantom Warrior and palehorse for inadvertently giving me the idea for this (Military Rank Mod thread..)
*            ev0d00b cos I stole lots of code out of his/our Capture the Hax Plugin
*            Ubernet (games.uber.net.nz) for giving me a test server and help test the mod
*            stupok69 for helping fix the /whois command
*            Geesu for all his defined cs weapon speeds used in wc3ft (resetting users speed after imobilising them),
*            and some great examples of screen flashes and shakes.
*            Cheap_Suit for the extra recoil code
*            Hawk522 for his tutorial on SQLx (and helping me debug problems with it)
*            styremelaker for massive amount of csdm testing.
*            vittu for going through the code and finding heaps of mistakes and efficiency changes
*            teamme06 for his colorchat code
*            vittu again for supporting my plugin more than I do..
*            BlueRaja for player kills and score update code from his damage multiplier plugin (big copy, paste of the kill function)
*            palehorse for the web html documents
*            vittu for testing and helping fix bugs in the code.
*            Emp' for the new amxx menu tutorial
*    Cvars (copy/paste the following to amxx.cfg):

////////////////////////  Battlefield 2: Rank Mod  ////////////////////////

bf2_active 1        //(1|0) - Turns the plugin on or off - Default 1
bf2_badges 1        //(1|0) - Turns the badge system on or off - Default 1
bf2_badgepowers 0    //(1|0) - Enable/Disable the powers for the badges - Default 0
bf2_awp 0        //(1|0) - Is user given an awp or scout by having the sniper badge - Default 0 (scout)
bf2_ffa 0        //(1|0) - Enable/Disable team attack for receiving pts and for badge use, turn on for "free for all" servers - Default 0
bf2_xpmultiplier 0.1    //(float) - Changes the point multiplier needed to reach each level - Default 0.1 (15 points for rank 1, 20k points for top rank)
bf2_xpminplayers 2    //(int) - Minimum number of plays required to be in server before bonus bomb and flag xp (only) is awarded
bf2_reset_days 21    //(int) - Number of days without playing till xp gets pruned per user (Note: currently nvault saving only)
bf2_icon_time 1.5    //(float) - Amount of time to display the rank icons for. Default 1.5, 0 to disable icons all together.
bf2_help_url ""        //(string) - Remote folder where the bf2 web docs are stored (optional) do not include the trailing /
bf2_statustext 1    //(int) - Enable/Disable the points, # of bagdges, and rank info that replaces player name info in hud - Default 1
bf2_hud_options "abcde"    //(flags) - Set options for player aim hud message info (not shown if miscstats PlayerName option is on) - Default "abcde"
            //flag a - Display Health/Armor/Weapon for teammates
            //flag b - Display Rank for teammates
            //flag c - Display Rank for enemies
            //flag d - Hide display for invisible enemies
            //flag e - Move the display to above peoples heads

//CS Flags integration
bf2_flag_kills 2    //(int) - CS Flags - How many bf2 points are awarded for capturing a flag
bf2_flag_round_kills 0    //(int) - CS Flags - How many bf2 points are awarded for winning a round
bf2_flag_match_kills 0    //(int) - CS Flags - How many bf2 points are awarded for winning the match


*    Cmds:        say /bf2menu - Shows the Main Menu
*            say /who - Shows a list of player and their rank
*            say /whois <name> - Show the rank and badges of a specific player
*            say /whostats <name> - Show the stats page for a player
*            say /ranks - Shows the kill xp table
*            say /bf2stats - your personal stats pages
*            say /help - Displays a Help MOTD
*            say /badges1 - Displays a Help MOTD on some of the badges
*            say /badges2 - Displays a Help MOTD on the rest of the badges
*            say /badges3 - Badges 3
*            bf2_resetstats - Resets all of your stats
*            bf2_addbadge <player> <badge> <level> - Gives a badge to player. Requires Ban admin access. Badge <0-5>. Level <0-3>
*            bf2_addkills <player> <kills> - Adds to a players kills.. Also requires ban access
*            bf2_resetserverstats - Erases all players stats
*	   Changelog:
*					   1.5.5 - 4/21/11
*							   Fixed Assult Badge health bonus to only give health if less than current health to avoid conflicts.
*							   Fixed max armor bonus to only give armor if less than current armor to avoid conflicts.
*					   1.5.4 - 4/18/11
*							   Changed data to load instantly instead of on tasks in plugin_cfg due to possible bug with bots.
*							   Skipped nVault pruning if bf2_reset_days is set to 0.
*							   Fixed bf2_resetserverstats to clear server bf2 stats and SQL's bf2ranks2 table data.
*							   Changed Lieutenant General and General to be obtainable when badges are turned off.
*					   1.5.3 - 6/8/10
*							   Fixed bf2_hud_options to allow disabling player aim hud message info by setting cvar to nothing "".
*            1.5.2 -    8/31/09
*                Changed bf2_flag_min_players to bf2_xpminplayers and made it include bomb xp
*                Added bf2_statustext cvar to allow disabling replacement of hud name info, may also be used by other mods
*                Changed bf2_badgepowers cvar to be off by default.
*                Changed bf2_hud_options cvar to include e by default, the comments said it was included but was not.
*                Small updates to information in help motd's and other motd edits.
                Fixed speed check to run on spawn and round start.
*            1.5.1 -    4/18/09
*                Fixed bf2_resetserverstats command to use ADMIN_RESET instead of ADMIN_LEVEL define
*                Fixed pistol badge code from being run on self from a suicide
*                Removed useless /hud command
*            1.5 -    4/15/09
*                Added saving by IP and nick controlled by csstats_rank cvar
*                Added saving for bots controlled by csstats_rankbots cvar
*                Added bf2_ffa cvar to enable/disable team kills to count for points
*                Added use of Hamsandwich for spawn and damage change code
*                Added check for PlayerName miscstats option to disable BF2's hud info
*                Added 2 Optional sounds from BF2 for rank and badge gain
*                Fixed speed system and added calls for FOV speed changes
*                Fixed badge checking not being checked on death not from a player
*                Updated SQL saving code for improvements
*                Removed CSDM define and bf2_csdm.inl as changes made them unnecessary now
*                Removed fakemeta_util_mini.inl and included fakemeta_util.inc
*                Removed excess calls of DisplayHUD and save_badges
*                Fixed variable length that hold player names
*                Fixed a few possible out of bounds strings, still need to fix rest
*                Changed default ADMIN_RESET define to ADMIN_RCON from ADMIN_CFG
*                Fixed knife badge max hp and to only show blue glow/screenflash if hp is given
*            1.4.1 - 2/27/09
*                vittu takes over maintaining the plugin due to pRED moving to Source
*                Fixed CS Flags compatibility
*                Fixed TK giving points, will set an option to enable later
*                Fixed self grenade kill from adding to grenade kills
*                Fixed missing Lt General rank issue
*                Fixed description of requirements for special and higher ranks
*                Updated rank requirements not updated when more badges were last added
*                Adjusted StatusText, points hud info, to better fit max character amount
*                Added band-aid fix for auto save by steamid or IP, will update method later
*            1.4 -    Fixed wrong sprites displaying
*                fixed double hp gain on round reset (CSDM)
*                added /whostats command
*                bf2_help_url (and web motds) and bf2_badgepowers cvars
*                fixed sprites
*                CSDM badges not being awarded.
*                Top ranked in server display message
*                New menus
*                reset your stats command
*                Medals other new stats
*                Logging admin commands
*                Two new badges. Fixed Explosives badge for csdm
*                Heaps of new stats options + saving them (server and player)
*                Changed power for support
*                SQL now a defined option
*                Moved needed fakemeta_util functions into a separate file (included)
*                New HUD system thanks to vittu (added cvar to control it)
*                bf2_reset_days cvar - number of days without playing till xp gets reset
*            1.31 -    Lowered chance of imobilising happening.
*                Changed damage event and bomb events to the csx forward versions and created a csx forward include
*                Capped knife badge damage to 130
*                Removed bf2_vaultload (pointless now.)
*                Fixed some spelling newbie mistakes..
*                Fixed immunity problems
*                Moved inl and config files into their own folder..
*                Probably a few other things too..
*            1.30 -    Starting work on 4 New ranks
*                Shows Teammates rank when you look at them.
*                Give 50,100,200 armour for having 6,12 or 18 badges..
*                Bf2 now saves totalkills itself. Prevents csstats resets..
*                bf2_addkills (admin abuse tool? - or to reset after csstats reset), gives x kills to a player
*                Reduced the amount of saving to vault - causing server lag.
*                Changed to nVault saving. Now uses only 1 vault data instead of 14.
*                Fixed armour being lower than you had before
*                Split file into large set of includes. Way easier to find functions you want.
*                Added +3 kills for defuse/explode. Cs flags mod support
*            1.23 -  Added CSDM functionality. Give hp/weapons on all spawns.
*                Recoded badge checking to be individual on player death
*                Fixed HP bug and added message "beginning badge check"
*            1.22 -  bf2_addbadge admin command added
*            1.21 -    Added a badge check 5 seconds before map changes.
*            1.2 -     Massive change to make global kill counting actually work..
*                Added screen to view weapon stats "say /bf2stats" or use the menu
*                Added concmd "bf2_vaultload" to forcibly load your own data from the vault (im using it to convert my stats from vault to sql)
*                Tell people to type bf2_vaultload into console and their badges will be restored. Other than that probably a useless command
*            1.1 -     Fixed Bug with Veteran Assault badge
*                Added SQL support (bf2_sql 1)
*                Changed support badge to bonus speed (added code for extra damage, recoil - will finish when amxx 1.77 is released)
*                Sounds, Screen Shake, User glows..
*    Requires:
*            Fun, FakeMeta, Ham Sandwich, CStrike, CSX, and (nVault or MySQL) modules
*    ( Optional sounds edited from Battlefield 2 - http://www.battlefield.ea.com/battlefield/bf2/ )
//#pragma semicolon 1

//************************************ Compile Settings ************************************//
// Uncomment to use MySQL instead of the default nVault saving
//#define SQL

// Admin flag settings for giving points/badges and server saved data reset
// These can also be set in cmdaccess.ini without need to change here
// (See amxconst.inc for more admin level constants)

// Note: Changing any of the above the above requires plugin to be recompiled

#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <fakemeta>
#include <fakemeta_util>
#include <hamsandwich>
#include <cstrike>
#include <csx>
#include <fun>

new const gPluginName[] = "Battlefield 2: Rank Mod";
new const gPluginVersion[] = "1.5.5";

//Message sending variables
new gmsgStatusText;
new gmsgScreenFade;
new gmsgScreenShake;
new gmsgSayText;
new gHUD;
#define TASK_HUD 9897

new gHudSyncAimInfo;
new gMaxPlayers;
new bool:gCZBotRegisterHam;

#define MAX_RANKS 17
#define MAX_BADGES 8

//Motd variables
new configsdir[200];
new configfile[200];

//Cvar vars
new gPcvarBF2Active;
new gPcvarBadgesActive;
new gPcvarFreeAwp;
new gPcvarXpMultiplier;
new gPcvarIconTime;
new gPcvarFlagKills;
new gPcvarHelpUrl;
new gPcvarBadgePowers;
new gPcvarFlagRoundPoints;
new gPcvarFlagMatchPoints;
new gPcvarXpMinPlayers;
new gPcvarHudOptions;
new gPcvarStatusText;
new gPcvarFFA;
new gPcvarSaveType;
new gPcvarRankBots;
new gPcvarBotQuota;
new gPcvarSVLan;

//Current players info
new g_PlayerRank[33];
new g_PlayerBadges[33][MAX_BADGES];
new knifekills[33];
new pistolkills[33];
new sniperkills[33];
new parakills[33];
new defuses[33];
new plants[33];
new explosions[33];
new accuracy[33];
new totalkills[33];
new gSaveKey[33][32];
new smgkills[33];
new shotgunkills[33];
new riflekills[33];
new grenadekills[33];

new bronze[33];
new silver[33];
new gold[33];

//Temp storage variables
new numofbadges[33];
new bool:newplayer[33];
new g_lastwpn[33];
new bool:g_imobile[33];
new bool:freezetime;
new highestrank;
new highestrankid;
new gStatsLoaded[33];
new gCurrentFOV[33];

new g_friend[33];
new bool:g_invis[33];

new menuselection[33];

//Server stats
new highestrankserver;
new highestrankservername[32];

new mostkills;
new mostkillsid;
new mostkillsname[32];

new mostwins;
new mostwinsname[32];

new menuselected[33][3];
//0 - Badge/Kills selected 0/1
//1 - Badgenum/Kills
//2 - Badgelevel

//Sound Vars
new gSoundRank[] = "bf2rank/bf2rank_promotion.wav"; //Rank gained sound
new gSoundBadge[] = "bf2rank/bf2rank_award.wav"; //Badges earned sound

//Sprite vars
new gSprite[21];

#if defined SQL
    //SQl vars
    #include <sqlx>
    new Handle:g_SqlTuple;
    new g_Cache[512];
    new bool:SQLenabled;
    new bool:gIntermission;
    #include <nvault>
    new g_Vault;
    new gPcvarPruneDays;

new gPlayerName;

//Bf2 includes
#include "bf2/const.inl"
#include "bf2/effect.inl"
#include "bf2/cmds.inl"
#include "bf2/events.inl"
#include "bf2/save.inl"
#include "bf2/forwards.inl"
#include "bf2/check.inl"
#include "bf2/badgepowers.inl"
#include "bf2/menu.inl"
#include "bf2/hud.inl"
#include "bf2/othermods.inl"
#include "bf2/csx.inl"
#include "bf2/ham.inl"
#if defined SQL
#include "bf2/sql.inl"

public plugin_init()
    register_plugin(gPluginName, gPluginVersion, "pRED*"); //Polska wersja wykonana przez MisieQ dla AMXX.PL

    //Register all the say commands

    register_clcmd("say /ranks","show_rankhelp",0, "Pokazuje Informacje o Ranku");
    register_clcmd("say_team /ranks","show_rankhelp",0, "Pokazuje Informacje o Ranku");

    register_clcmd("say /badges1","show_badgehelp",0, "Pokazuje Informacje o Odznakach");
    register_clcmd("say_team /badges1","show_badgehelp",0, "Pokazuje Informacje o Odznakach");

    register_clcmd("say /badges2","show_badgehelp2",0, "Pokazuje Informacje o Odznakach 2");
    register_clcmd("say_team /badges2","show_badgehelp2",0, "Pokazuje Informacje o Odznakach 2");

    register_clcmd("say /badges3","show_badgehelp3",0, "Pokazuje Informacje o Odznakach 3");
    register_clcmd("say_team /badges3","show_badgehelp3",0, "Pokazuje Informacje o Odznakach 3");

    register_clcmd("say", "cmd_say", 0, "<target> ");
    register_clcmd("say_team", "cmd_say", 0, "<target> ");

    register_clcmd("say /who", "cmd_who", 0, "Wyswietla liste graczy i ich pozimy");
    register_clcmd("say_team /who", "cmd_who", 0, "Wyswietla liste graczy i ich pozimy");

    register_clcmd("say /help", "cmd_help", 0, "Pokaz pomoc BF2Mod");
    register_clcmd("say_team /help", "cmd_help", 0, "Pokaz pomoc BF2Mod");

    register_clcmd("say /bf2menu", "Bf2menu", 0, "Pokazuje Menu");
    register_clcmd("say_team /bf2menu", "Bf2menu", 0, "Pokazuje Menu");
    register_clcmd("say bf2menu", "Bf2menu", 0, "Pokazuje Menu");
    register_clcmd("say_team bf2menu", "Bf2menu", 0, "Pokazuje Menu");
    register_clcmd("say /bf2", "Bf2menu", 0, "Pokazuje Menu");
    register_clcmd("say_team /bf2", "Bf2menu", 0, "Pokazuje Menu");
    register_clcmd("say bf2", "Bf2menu", 0, "Pokazuje Menu");
    register_clcmd("say_team bf2", "Bf2menu", 0, "Pokazuje Menu");
    register_clcmd("say /menu", "Bf2menu", 0, "Pokazuje Menu");
    register_clcmd("say_team /menu", "Bf2menu", 0, "Pokazuje Menu");
    register_clcmd("say menu", "Bf2menu", 0, "Pokazuje Menu");
    register_clcmd("say_team menu", "Bf2menu", 0, "Pokazuje Menu");
    register_clcmd("say /help", "Bf2menu", 0, "Pokazuje Menu");
    register_clcmd("say_team /help", "Bf2menu", 0, "Pokazuje Menu");
    register_clcmd("say help", "Bf2menu", 0, "Pokazuje Menu");
    register_clcmd("say_team help", "Bf2menu", 0, "Pokazuje Menu");

    register_clcmd("say /bf2helpmenu", "helpmenu", 0, "Pokazuje Menu Pomocy");
    register_clcmd("say_team /bf2helpmenu", "helpmenu", 0, "Pokazuje Menu Pomocy");

    register_clcmd("say /bf2statsmenu", "helpmenu", 0, "Pokazuje Menu Statystyk");
    register_clcmd("say_team /bf2statsmenu", "helpmenu", 0, "Pokazuje Menu Statystyk");

    register_clcmd("say /bf2adminmenu", "adminmenu", 0, "Pokazuje Menu Admina");
    register_clcmd("say_team /bf2adminmenu", "adminmenu", 0, "Pokazuje Menu Admina");

    register_clcmd("say /bf2stats", "show_stats", 0, "Pokazuje twoje aktualne statystyki");
    register_clcmd("say_team /bf2stats", "show_stats", 0, "Pokazuje twoje aktualne statystyki");

    register_clcmd("say /serverstats", "show_server_stats", 0, "Pokazuje aktualne statystyki serwera");
    register_clcmd("say_team /serverstats", "show_server_stats", 0, "Pokazuje aktualne statystyki serwera");

    register_clcmd("say /bf2save", "save_badges", 0, "Zapisuje Aktualne Statystyki");
    register_clcmd("say_team /bf2save", "save_badges", 0, "Zapisuje Aktualne Statystyki");

    register_clcmd("bf2_resetstats", "reset_stats", 0, "Resetuje twoje statystyki");

    register_clcmd("bf2_addbadge", "add_badge", ADMIN_LEVEL, "<player> <badge#> <level#>");
    register_clcmd("bf2_addkills", "add_kills", ADMIN_LEVEL, "<player> <kills#>");
    register_clcmd("bf2_resetserverstats", "reset_all_stats", ADMIN_RESET, "Resetuje statystyki serwera");


    //FCVAR_SERVER cvar for game monitor.
    register_cvar("bf2_version", gPluginVersion, FCVAR_SERVER);

    // Set cvar to update version in case new version loaded while server still running
    set_cvar_string("bf2_version", gPluginVersion);

    gPcvarBF2Active = register_cvar("bf2_active", "1");
    gPcvarBadgesActive = register_cvar("bf2_badges", "1");
    gPcvarFreeAwp = register_cvar("bf2_awp", "0");
    gPcvarXpMultiplier = register_cvar("bf2_xpmultiplier", "0.1");
    gPcvarXpMinPlayers = register_cvar("bf2_xpminplayers", "2");
    gPcvarIconTime = register_cvar("bf2_icon_time", "1.5");
    gPcvarHelpUrl = register_cvar("bf2_help_url", "http://misieq.sileman.net.pl/bf2webdocs");
    gPcvarBadgePowers = register_cvar("bf2_badgepowers", "0");
    gPcvarHudOptions = register_cvar("bf2_hud_options", "abcde");
    gPcvarStatusText = register_cvar("bf2_statustext", "1");
#if !defined SQL
    gPcvarPruneDays = register_cvar("bf2_reset_days", "21");
    gPcvarFFA = register_cvar("bf2_ffa", "0");
    gPcvarFlagKills = register_cvar("bf2_flag_kills", "2");
    gPcvarFlagRoundPoints = register_cvar("bf2_flag_round_kills", "0");
    gPcvarFlagMatchPoints = register_cvar("bf2_flag_match_kills", "0");

    gPcvarSaveType = get_cvar_pointer("csstats_rank");
    gPcvarRankBots = get_cvar_pointer("csstats_rankbots");
    gPcvarBotQuota = get_cvar_pointer("bot_quota");
    gPcvarSVLan = get_cvar_pointer("sv_lan");

    //Message sending.
    gmsgStatusText = get_user_msgid("StatusText");
    gmsgScreenFade = get_user_msgid("ScreenFade");
    gmsgScreenShake = get_user_msgid("ScreenShake");
    gmsgSayText = get_user_msgid("SayText");
    gHUD = CreateHudSyncObj();

    //Register events, logs and forwards to be captured
    register_event("HLTV", "Event_HLTV", "a", "1=0", "2=0"); //add freeztime start code
    register_event("CurWeapon", "Event_CurWeapon", "be", "1=1");
    register_event("SetFOV", "Event_SetFOV", "be");
    register_event("DeathMsg", "Event_DeathMsg", "a");

    register_logevent("LogEvent_Round_Start", 2, "0=World triggered", "1=Round_Start"); //freezetime end code
    register_logevent("LogEvent_Round_End", 2, "1=Round_End");

    register_message(SVC_INTERMISSION, "Message_Intermission");
    register_message(get_user_msgid("StatusValue"), "Message_StatusValue");

    register_event("StatusValue", "setTeam", "be", "1=1");
    register_event("StatusValue", "on_ShowStatus", "be", "1=2", "2!0");
    register_event("StatusValue", "on_HideStatus", "be", "1=1", "2=0");

    // Must use post or else is_user_alive will return false when dead player respawns
    RegisterHam(Ham_Spawn, "player", "Ham_Spawn_Post", 1);    // cz bots won't hook here must RegisterHamFromEntity
    RegisterHam(Ham_TakeDamage, "player", "Ham_TakeDamage_Pre");

    gHudSyncAimInfo = CreateHudSyncObj();
    gMaxPlayers = get_maxplayers();
    gPlayerName = get_xvar_id("PlayerName");
    register_forward(FM_PlayerPreThink, "Bug_Ciche_Chodzenie")

public Bug_Ciche_Chodzenie(id)
			    new Float:fVector[3];
			    pev(id, pev_velocity, fVector)
			    new Float: fSpeed = floatsqroot(fVector[0]*fVector[0]+fVector[1]*fVector[1]+fVector[2]*fVector[2])
			    if((fm_get_user_maxspeed(id) * 5) > (fSpeed*9))
					    set_pev(id, pev_flTimeStepSound, 300)

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Wygraj Konkurs TOP 15 i zgarnij cenne nagrody! (Konta STEAM z grami Call Of Juarez The Cartel, Battlefield 3, Counter Strike 1.6 oraz PIENIĄDZE w formie przelewu bądź doładowania telefonu) Więcej szczegółów:


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#2 Drzanas


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Posted 30.01.2012 11:03

No możesz, tylko po zmianie przekompiluj ponownie.
Kody powyżej 200 linijek umieszczamy na wklejce lub w załączniku.
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#3 AllegroPwa


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Posted 30.01.2012 11:19

I jak podmienię tę linijkę to będzie działało?
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Wygraj Konkurs TOP 15 i zgarnij cenne nagrody! (Konta STEAM z grami Call Of Juarez The Cartel, Battlefield 3, Counter Strike 1.6 oraz PIENIĄDZE w formie przelewu bądź doładowania telefonu) Więcej szczegółów:


Zapraszam na serwer ONLY DUST2 / INFERNO / NUKE [Gamesign.pl] -



#4 FetaGreen


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Posted 30.01.2012 11:39

Najlepiej sam sprawdz
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#5 jaroszeq


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Posted 02.02.2012 09:33

Da sie to jest tylko zmiana apisu a nie calego pluginów wiec nic to nie zmieni

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