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Guest Message by DevFuse


Zombie Mod

  • Zamknięty Temat jest zamknięty
4 odpowiedzi w tym temacie

#1 Eljot ;)


  • Użytkownik

Reputacja: 1

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Napisano 05.02.2009 09:12

Witam.. Mam pytanie jak zrobic nastepujace rzeczy
• Przez 10s gravitacja jest rowna 200 a po uplywie 10s zmienia sie na standardowa
• Jak ustawic speed zombie skoro w sutawieniach zombiemoda nie mozna.. W cfg?
• I jak dodac hp zombie

// -----------------------------
// Zombie Plague 4.1 Config File
// -----------------------------
// Any changes you make here will be
// automatically loaded at map start

// General
// -------
zp_delay 10 // Time before first zombie is chosen, in seconds (will be randomized a bit)
zp_lighting "z" // Map lighting ["a"-darkest // "z"-brightest // "0"-disable]
zp_thunderclap 90 // Thunderclap rate in seconds [0-disable]
zp_triggered_lights 1 // Allow map triggered lights (eg. light switches)
zp_remove_doors 0 // Remove doors from maps [0-none // 1-rotating only // 2-all doors]
zp_blockuse_pushables 1 // Block +use on pushables to prevent the speed bug
zp_block_suicide 1 // Prevent players from killing themselves
zp_deathmatch 0 // Deathmatch mode, respawn as: [0-disable // 1-human // 2-zombie // 3-randomly]
zp_spawn_delay 5 // Delay before respawning on deathmatch mode in seconds
zp_spawn_protection 5 // Spawn protection time for deathmatch in seconds [0-disabled]
zp_respawn_on_suicide 0 // Respawn players if they commited suicide
zp_respawn_after_last_human 1 // Respawn players if only the last human is left
zp_random_spawn 1 // Enable random spawning (will use CSDM spawns if present)
zp_remove_dropped 0 // Time before removing dropped weapons in seconds [0-disabled]
zp_remove_money 1 // Remove player's money
zp_buy_custom 1 // Enable custom buy menus
zp_admin_models_human 1 // Enable admin models for humans
zp_admin_models_zombie 1 // Enable admin models for zombies
zp_zombie_classes 1 // Enable zombie classes
zp_stats_save 1 // Temporarily save player's ammo packs and zombie class when they disconnect
zp_prevent_consecutive_modes 1 // Prevent the same game mode from being played two consecutive rounds

// Extra Items
// -----------
zp_extra_items 1 // Enable extra items
zp_extra_weapons 1 // Show weapons
zp_extra_nvision 1 // Show night vision
zp_extra_antidote 1 // Show antidote
zp_extra_madness 1 // Show zombie madness
zp_extra_infbomb 1 // Show infection bomb

// Flashlight & Nightvision
// ------------------------
zp_nvg_give 1 // Give nightvision automatically [0-disable // 1-enable // 2-enable, but no auto turn on]
zp_nvg_custom 1 // Enable custom nightvision
zp_nvg_size 80 // Nightvision size (radius)
zp_nvg_color_R 0 // Zombie custom nightvision color (red)
zp_nvg_color_G 150 // Zombie custom nightvision color (green)
zp_nvg_color_B 0 // Zombie custom nightvision color (blue)
zp_nvg_hum_color_R 0 // Human/Spectator custom nightvision color (red)
zp_nvg_hum_color_G 150 // Human/Spectator custom nightvision color (green)
zp_nvg_hum_color_B 0 // Human/Spectator custom nightvision color (blue)
zp_nvg_nem_color_R 150 // Nemesis custom nightvision color (red)
zp_nvg_nem_color_G 0 // Nemesis custom nightvision color (green)
zp_nvg_nem_color_B 0 // Nemesis custom nightvision color (blue)
zp_flash_custom 0 // Enable custom flashlight
zp_flash_size 10 // Custom flashlight size (radius)
zp_flash_drain 1 // Custom flashlight drain rate [0-unlimited flashlight]
zp_flash_charge 5 // Custom flashlight charge rate [0-disable charging]
zp_flash_distance 1000 // Custom flashlight max distance
zp_flash_color_R 100 // Custom flashlight color (red)
zp_flash_color_G 100 // Custom flashlight color (green)
zp_flash_color_B 100 // Custom flashlight color (blue)

// Knockback
// ---------
zp_knockback 1 // Enable weapon knockback
zp_knockback_damage 1 // Use damage on knockback calculation
zp_knockback_power 1 // Use weapon power on knockback calculation
zp_knockback_zvel 0 // Should knockback affect vertical velocity
zp_knockback_ducking 0.25 // Knockback multiplier for crouched zombies [0-don't take knockback if ducking]
zp_knockback_distance 500 // Max distance for knockback to take effect

// Longjump
// --------
zp_leap_zombies 2 // Give leap to Zombies [0-disabled // 1-everyone // 2-only first zombie // 3-only last zombie]
zp_leap_zombies_force 500 // Force multiplier
zp_leap_zombies_height 300 // Upwards force
zp_leap_zombies_cooldown 5.0 // Time between leap uses
zp_leap_nemesis 1 // Give leap to Nemesis
zp_leap_nemesis_force 500 // Force multiplier
zp_leap_nemesis_height 300 // Upwards force
zp_leap_nemesis_cooldown 5.0 // Time between leap uses
zp_leap_survivor 0 // Give leap to Survivor
zp_leap_survivor_force 500 // Force multiplier
zp_leap_survivor_height 300 // Upwards force
zp_leap_survivor_cooldown 5.0 // Time between leap uses

// Humans
// ------
zp_human_health 100 // Health
zp_human_last_extrahp 0 // Last human's extra health reward
zp_human_speed 320 // Speed
zp_human_gravity 0.75 // Gravity (0.5 = half)
zp_human_armor_protect 1 // Armor needs to be reduced completely in order to get infected
zp_human_unlimited_ammo 2 // Unlimited ammo [0-disable // 1-BP Ammo // 2-clip Ammo]
zp_human_damage_reward 500 // How much damage humans must deal on zombies to get an ammo pack
zp_human_frags_for_kill 1 // How many frags humans get for killing a zombie

// Custom Grenades
// ---------------
zp_fire_grenades 2 // Enable napalm grenades (overrides HE)
zp_fire_duration 10 // Burning duration in seconds
zp_fire_damage 5 // Burning damage (every 0.2 secs)
zp_fire_slowdown 0.5 // Burning slowdown multiplier (0.5 = reduce velocity by a half) [0-disable]
zp_frost_grenades 2 // Enable frost grenades (overrides FB)
zp_frost_duration 3 // Freeze duration in seconds
zp_flare_grenades 2 // Enable flare grenades (overrides SG)
zp_flare_duration 60 // Flare lightning duration in seconds
zp_flare_size 25 // Flare lightning size (radius)
zp_flare_color 0 // Flare color [0-white // 1-red // 2-green // 3-blue // 4-totally random // 5-random between r,g,b]

// Zombies
// -------
zp_zombie_first_hp 4.0 // First Zombie HP Multiplier (2.0 = double health)
zp_zombie_armor 0.75 // Armor multiplier (0.75 = zombies take 75% damage only)
zp_zombie_hitzones 0 // Allowed hitzones bitsum (look into for body part bits) [0-disable]
zp_zombie_infect_health 100 // How much health a zombie gets with every infection
zp_zombie_fov 110 // Field of view [0-dont change]
zp_zombie_silent 1 // Enable silent footsteps
zp_zombie_painfree 2 // Zombies are pain shock free [0-disabled // 1-everyone // 2-only last zombie]
zp_zombie_bleeding 1 // Zombies leave footprints/bloodstains on the floor
zp_zombie_infect_reward 1 // Ammo packs given to zombies for infecting/killing a human
zp_zombie_frags_for_infect 1 // How many frags zombies get for infecting a human

// Nemesis
// -------
zp_nem_enabled 1 // Enable nemesis mode
zp_nem_chance 20 // Chance (1 in X)
zp_nem_min_players 0 // Minimum players required
zp_nem_health 10000 // Health [0 - human count*zombie's hp]
zp_nem_speed 250 // Speed
zp_nem_gravity 0.75 // Gravity (0.5 = half)
zp_nem_damage 250 // Damage per hit
zp_nem_glow 1 // Glow effect
zp_nem_aura 1 // Halo effect
zp_nem_painfree 0 // Pain shock free
zp_nem_ignore_frags 1 // Nemesis doesn't get frags
zp_nem_ignore_rewards 1 // Nemesis doesn't get ammo packs

// Survivor
// -------
zp_surv_enabled 1 // Enable survivor mode
zp_surv_chance 20 // Chance (1 in X)
zp_surv_min_players 0 // Minimum players required
zp_surv_health 2000 // Health  [0 - zombie count*human's hp]
zp_surv_speed 350 // Speed
zp_surv_gravity 1.25 // Gravity (0.5 = half)
zp_surv_glow 1 // Glow effect
zp_surv_aura 1 // Halo effect
zp_surv_painfree 1 // Pain shock free
zp_surv_ignore_frags 1 // Survivor doesn't get frags
zp_surv_ignore_rewards 1 // Survivor doesn't get ammo packs

// Swarm Mode
// ----------
zp_swarm_enabled 1 // Enable swarm mode
zp_swarm_chance 20 // Chance (1 in X)
zp_swarm_min_players 0 // Minimum players required

// Multiple Infection
// ------------------
zp_multi_enabled 1 // Enable multiple infection mode
zp_multi_chance 20 // Chance (1 in X)
zp_multi_min_players 0 // Minimum players required
zp_multi_ratio 0.15 // Infect ratio (zombie count = ratio*human count)

// Plague Mode
// -----------
zp_plague_enabled 1 // Enable plague mode
zp_plague_chance 30 // Chance (1 in X)
zp_plague_min_players 0 // Minimum players required
zp_plague_ratio 0.5 // Infect ratio (zombie count = ratio*human count)

// Logging
// -------
zp_logcommands 1 // Log admin commands to "zombieplague.log"

// Additional settings
// -------------------
mp_flashlight 1 // Enables flashlight
mp_footsteps 1 // Enables footsteps
mp_playerid 1 // Prevents seeing enemies in the dark exploit
sv_maxspeed 9999 // Prevents CS from limiting your human/zombie speeds at 320

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#2 naven


  • Power User

Reputacja: 204

  • Postów:1 088
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  • Imię:Adam
  • Lokalizacja:Cieszyn

Napisano 05.02.2009 09:47

plugin na grawitacje przez 15 sek
#include <amxmodx>

public plugin_init()
    register_plugin("grawitacja przez chwilke", "1.0", "wizu")
    register_logevent("Poczatek_Rundy", 2, "1=Round_Start")
    register_cvar("amx_jakagrawitacjanapoczatku", "300")

public Poczatek_Rundy ()
    new jakagrawitacja
    jakagrawitacja = get_cvar_num("amx_jakagrawitacjanapoczatku")
    set_cvar_num("sv_gravity", jakagrawitacja)
    set_task(15.0, "ustaw_normalna")

public ustaw_normalna()
    set_cvar_num("sv_gravity", 800)

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  • 0

#3 Eljot ;)


  • Autor tematu
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Napisano 05.02.2009 13:19

a to dopisac gdzies? czy powinno byc z downloadem?
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#4 Gość__*

  • Gość

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Napisano 05.02.2009 20:13

Wklej to tu:

#5 Eljot ;)


  • Autor tematu
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Reputacja: 1

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Napisano 05.02.2009 20:14

Juz sprawa zalatwiona..

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