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Guest Message by DevFuse


Problem z banowaniem amxbans 6.0.0

  • Zamknięty Temat jest zamknięty
5 odpowiedzi w tym temacie

#1 Pudi


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Napisano 08.07.2010 19:15

Witam mam taki problem zainstalowałem na swoim serwerze (ktory jest na i hosting forum AMXBANS na początku z czystym plikiem miałem problemy ze nie pobiera listy adminów z users.ini więc poszperałem w google i znalazlem wersje która pobiera adminów ładnie działa prawie wszystko tylko nie bany
Wpisując komende w konsole amx_banmenu wyskakuje mi menu w którym są gracze serwera wybieram jednego z nich klikam "1" by wpisac własny powód klikam enter i nic sie nie dzieje nie banuje ani nie dodaje informacji do bazy mysql i tutaj pojawia się moje pytanie co może być problemem jaki plik lub co bardzo proszę o odpowiec to dla mnie ważne :)

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#2 Apple()


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Reputacja: 129

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  • Steam:steam
  • Lokalizacja:Długość geo. 22.632246 szerokość 51.221584

Napisano 08.07.2010 20:09

Dla nas ważne są cvary i logi. Poproszę :)
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#3 Pudi


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Napisano 08.07.2010 20:14

; Menu configuration file
; File location: $moddir/addons/amxmodx/configs/cvars.ini
; To use with Commands Menu plugin

; Cvars Menu:
; < cvar > < values > ... < access level >

"mp_timelimit"		"0" "30" "45"		"u"
"sv_password"		"" "mypw" "clanwar"	"u"
"pausable"		"0" "1"			"u"
"sv_alltalk"	"0" "1"			"u"
"sv_voiceenable"	"0" "1"			"u"
"mp_chattime"		"0" "1" "3"		"u"
"mp_logmessages"	"0" "1"			"u"
"mp_friendlyfire"	"0" "1"			"u"
"mp_limitteams"		"0" "1" "2"		"u"
"mp_autoteambalance"	"0" "1" "2"		"u"
"allow_spectators"	"0" "1"			"u"
"mp_freezetime"		"0" "6"			"u"
"mp_buytime"		"1" "0.5"		"u"
"mp_startmoney"		"800" "1800" "3600"	"u"
"mp_c4timer"		"35" "45" "15"		"u"
"mp_forcechasecam"	"0" "1" "2"		"u"

a w logach nic nie ma na temat amxbans chyba ze ja nie widze

08 lipiec 2010 - 21:21:
sorka ze podwójnie pisze ale nie mogę edytować postu
// AMXBans Configuration File
// File location: $moddir/addons/amxmodx/configs/amxbans.cfg
echo [AMXBans] is starting to execute amxbans.cfg

// your sql database prefix
// NOTE: The Prefix defined in your sql.cfg is NOT used for AMXBans anymore!!!
amx_sql_prefix "amx"

// Use the flagging only for this Server, or for all servers?
amxbans_flagged_all_server 1

// How AMXBans should handle the admins
// 0=sql, 1=users.ini, 2=load no admins
amxbans_use_admins_file 1

// AMXBans trys to get the address from the server automatically.
// You can set a different one here - ex. "<ip>:<port>"
amxbans_server_address ""

// Set this cvar to your favourite ban cmd style
// 1 (new): amx_ban <SteamID or Nickname or #authid or IP> <Time in Minutes> <Reason>
// 0 (old): amx_ban <Time in Minutes> <SteamID or Nickname or #authid or IP> <Reason>
amxbans_use_newbancmd 1

// Number of players in the Disconnected Menu
amxbans_discon_players_saved 10

// Bantime to use for custom banreasons, if a user has static bantime <minutes>
// -1 to disable custom reasons
amxbans_custom_statictime 1440

// Set this cvar to what the adminname should be on the webpages, if the server make the ban.
// Ie. amxbans_servernick "My Great server"
// Leave emty if you want to use the default hostname from server.cfg
amxbans_servernick ""

// Set this to 1 / 2 / 3 to enable debug messages from amxbans to amxx logs.
// with debug 3 you get the most output, but a bug can flood your logs. 2 should be ok normally
amxbans_debug 0

// Don't use http:// in this cvar. The url will be shown to banned players in the console.
amxbans_complain_url "dsaddsadsadsadsa"

// Set this to 1 if you want the map name to show in the DB.
amxbans_add_mapname_in_servername 1

// If you want to see ban announcments in the HLSW chat, set this to 1
amxbans_show_in_hlsw 1

// Print green hudmessages on the top left when banning
amxbans_show_hud_messages 1

// What flag should admins have to get the high ban times.
amxbans_higher_ban_time_admin "n"

// What flag should admins have to NOT get their Nick printed when banning/Unbanning
amxbans_admin_mole_access "r"

// If an admin has the admin_mole_access, should his name be shown when he bans?
amxbans_show_name_evenif_mole 1

// Show if a player has been banned before as amx_chat to admins. 0 to disable
amxbans_show_prebanned 1

// How many previous offences does the player needs, to be notified in the amx_chat?
amxbans_show_prebanned_num 2

// Currently not known
amxbans_default_ban_reason unknown

// To be able to ban players not in the server. 1 enabled and 0 disabled.
amxbans_ban_evenif_disconnected 1

// Flagtimes, like the bantimes below
amx_setflagtimes "1 h" "4 h" "10 h" "1 d" "1 w" "4 w" "12 w" "0"

// Ban times for admins with d-flag, set the highest time in minutes they can ban with "amxbans_consolebanmax"
// IMPORTANT: Put the lowest value first and the highest value last. You can  have 1 to 12 values
// "0 m" = permanent ban!
// Values you can use:
// 1 - 59 with the flag m is for minutes
// 1 - 23 with the flag h is for hours
// 1 - 6 with the flag d is for days
// The w flag is for weeks
// Example:
// "5 m" is 5 minutes
// "1 h" is 1 hour
// "1 d" is 1 day
// "1 w" is 1 week

amx_setlowbantimes "5 m" "30 m" "1 h" "3 h" "10 h" "1 d"

// Ban times for admin with n-flag and d-flag
// IMPORTANT: Put the lowest value first and the highest value last. You can have 1 to 12 values
// "0 m" = permanent ban!
// Values you can use:
// 1 - 59 with the flag m is for minutes
// 1 - 23 with the flag h is for hours
// 1 - 6 with the flag d is for days
// The w flag is for weeks
// Example:
// "5 m" is 5 minutes
// "1 h" is 1 hour
// "1 d" is 1 day
// "1 w" is 1 week

amx_sethighbantimes "5 m" "30 m" "1 h" "3 h" "1 d" "1 w" "0 m"


// 3rd party amxbans plugins
// needs the amxbans_freeze plugin
//	"a" = freeze
//	"b" = strip weapons
//	"c" = block chat
//	"d" = player glow red (not testet)
amxbans_freeze_mode "abc"


// AMXBans configuration file echo
echo [AMXBans] amxbans.cfg is fully executed

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#4 piwko


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Reputacja: 6

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  • Lokalizacja:Radymno

Napisano 09.07.2010 13:26

ja tu logow nie widze :| ale podejrzewam ze zle podales dane do bazy danych lub nie zezwoliles na polaczenie zew. hosta
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#5 Pudi


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Napisano 09.07.2010 18:27

to niewiem jak poprawnie wypełnić te dane bo według mnie one są 100% dobre tylko nie mialem orginalnego pliku sql.cfg czy cos podobnego
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#6 bakaj


  • Użytkownik

Reputacja: 36

  • Postów:152
  • GG:
  • Steam:steam
  • Lokalizacja:Tarnowskie Góry

Napisano 16.07.2010 13:34

Mialem ten sam problem. Problem nadal tkwi we wczytywaniu z users.ini. W konsoli pisze ze zaladowano x adminow, wchodzisz na banowanie, wybierasz gracza, podajesz czas a powodu nie ma. Sproboj dodac admina przez panel na www. Jezeli nie w tym problem to zapewne musisz zezwolic na polaczenia sie innych hostow z Twoja baza danych.
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