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Guest Message by DevFuse

Problem z pokemodem

  • Zamknięty Temat jest zamknięty
3 odpowiedzi w tym temacie

#1 mciek


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Napisano 17.03.2010 17:25

Witam mam problem z zmianą zapisywania expa. Otóż chcę zmienić z ip na nick. Ale w custom.inl nie mam tej linijki która jest podana. Posiadam wersję 1.2.2. Proszę o jak najszybszą odpowiedź. Pozdrawiam


Mam jeszcze pytanie jak zmienic ilość poków emp.

Tak wyglada moj custom.inl


 #if defined _pokemod_custom_included
 #define _pokemod_custom_included

 enum		//					//
 {			//					//
	CS,		//	  Do NOT Edit	//
	DOD,	//	     These		//
	NS		//					//
 }			//					//
 enum				//					//
 {					//					//
	SAVE_VAULT,		//	  Do NOT Edit	//
	SAVE_MYSQL,		//	     These		//
	SAVE_SQLX,		//	    			//
	SAVE_NVAULT		//	    			//
 }					//					//
 #define MOD CS 	//	Edit this to which game you are going to be using (from the above)	//
 #define SAVE SAVE_NVAULT 	//	  Edit this to which saving type you want (from the above)  //

 //reading in the xp_table.ini will not go above this
 #define MAX_LEVELS 99

 #define SELLFACTOR 0.5	//how much of the original price is given back for selling items

 #define MAX_SPEED 700	//max speed they can be running at
 #define FASTSPEED 100	//how much speed is added for things (deafult 100)
 #define SLOWSPEED 150	//how much speed is subtracted for things (default 150)

 #define MAX_MONEY 16000	//max amount of money someone can have

 #define POKEMON_POPULATION 1	//didn't know what to call this, but heres how it works
	// 0 - when someone "catches" their pokemon, they lose theirs. when someone gives their pokemon away, they lose it.
	// 1 - when someone "catches" their pokemon, they keep theirs. when someone gives their pokemon away, they lose it.
	// 2 - when someone "catches" their pokemon, they keep theirs. when someone gives their pokemon away, they keep it.
	// For example using POKEMON_POPULATION 1:
	//  Player A has Gyarados and Player B catches A's Gyarados, there are now 2 Gyarados on the map.
	//  Player B then gives Player C his Gyarados. There are still only 2 Gyarados on the map.

 #define POKEMON_CATCH_XP 0	//should players receive the same ammount of xp as the one they catch
 // 1 - when someone catches a level 32 pidgey, they will receive a level 32 pidgey
 // 0 - when someone catches a level 32 pidgey, they will receive a level 1 pidgey

 #define POKEMON_UNEVOLVE 0 //if a pokemon loses experience to below when it evolved, does it un-evolve

 #define BOT_START_LEVEL 5	//what level bots pokemon start at

 #define CATCH_SPECIAL 1	//are players able to catch special pokemon from others? 1=yes 0=no
 #define ADMIN_SPECIAL 0	//are special pokemon only able to be used by admins? 1=admin only 0=anyone can use

 #define CATCH_TELEPORT 0	//teleport back to spawn when you catch a pokemon?
 // 0 - never teleport
 // 1 - teleport only when you pick up a pokeball
 // 2 - always teleport when you catch something (pick up pokeball or use pokeball to catch someone)

 #define ALLOW_WILD 1	//allow players to go /wild and /trainer? (1==yes ; 0==no)

 #define MAX_AMOUNT_TO_BUY 20	//max amount of items a player can buy at one time (default:20) set to 0 to ignore
 #define MAX_ITEM_AMOUNT 20		//max number of a single item that someone can have
 #define MAX_ITEM_TOTAL 100		//max number of items that someone can have in total

 #define SKILL_HP_KILL_ALLOW 50 //if users have more HP than this, no pokeskill will kill them immediately

 #define AUTO_ITEMS 2	//if some items are used automatically
 // 0 - no items are used automatically
 // 1 - only for bots
 // 2 - items are used automatically for everyone

 #define DAMAGE_AWAKEN 				0		//do players awaken if they are damaged through weapons in-game
 #define POKEDAMAGE_AWAKEN 			0		//do players awaken if they are damaged through pokemon damage

 #define POKERANK_SYSTEM 1	//use the pokerank system? (1=yes 0=no)
 #define MAX_RANKS	11		//how many ranks will you have? (note that the top player will be PokeMaster, and the next top 4 will be the Elite Four
 stock const PokeRanks[MAX_RANKS]={	//Note that if someone levels a pokemon from 1 to 99, they will get 4950 points
 stock const PokeRankNames[MAX_RANKS][]={
	"Pokemon Finatic",
	"Pokemon Trainer",
	"Advanced Trainer",
	"Extreme Trainer",
	"Master Trainer",
	"Legendary Trainer",
	"Pokemon Guru",
	"Advanced Guru",
	"Extreme Guru",
	"Master Guru",
	"Legendary Guru"

 #define CHANGE_POKES 10		//whether people can change pokemon when they're alive
 // 0 - they can always change pokemon
 // -1 - bots can only change once (this prevents occasional switch spam from bots)
 // 1 and higher - everyone can only change this many times

 #define SPAWN_DELAY 0.0		//delay given to pokeskills after being spawned
 #define CHANGE_DELAY 5.0		//delay given to pokeskills when changing pokemon

 #define RELEASE_TIME 60.0		//how many seconds pass before a pokemon is released for sure
 #define RELEASE_MENU 0			//allow people to say /release and get a menu to release? (1==yes 0==no)

 #define PM_ADMIN_COMMANDS 1	//should admin commands be prefixed with pm_
								//1 - pm_
								//0 - amx_ - doesn't filter commands in pm_help

 #define PM_CVAR_PREFIX 1		//should pokemod cvars be prefixed with pm_
								//1 - pm_
								//0 - amx_

 #define CHANGE_GAME_NAME 1		//change the game name from Counter-Strike, Natural Selection, etc.
 #define GAME_NAME "PokeMod"	//what to change the game name to

 #define ARMOR_RATIO 0.2    // Armor Takes 80% of the damage (0.2 in the SDK)
 #define ARMOR_BONUS 0.5    // Each Point of Armor is worth 1/x points of health (0.5 in the SDK)

 #define POKEBALL_SPECIAL 30	//if a special pokemon is going to be in a pokeball on the ground,
								//this is the chance out of 100 that it will stay a special pokemon.

 #define POKEBALL_NUMBER 5		//how many pokeballs to spawn at the spawns

 #define POKEBALL_ANY 1			//how many pokeballs don't have to be bind/unbind or one that evolves

 #define POKEBALL_RESPAWN 1		//should pokeballs be respawned when someone picks up a pokeball? (1=yes, 0=no)

 #define CHAT_SPAM 0			//block player messages dealing with pokemod? (1=yes, 0=no)

 #define RARE_CANDY_MODE 1		// How rare candy items work -
								//	1 - add a level to the current pokemon (does not save to pokemon)
								//	2 - give to a pokemon and they level up
								//  3 - both

 #define RANDOM_ITEMS 2			// Random items on death
								//	0 - no random items
								//	1 - for a random item
								//	2 - for a random item based on price. items with lower prices are more likely (items with no price have a chance as if it costed the most)
 #define RANDOM_CHANCE 30		//chance out of 100 that players will drop a random item (set to negative to only allow items that can be bought)

 #define SKILL_SPAM 0.5			//time that players need to wait inbetween using skills
 #define SKILL_UNSPAM 0			//when someone releases the pokeskill button, should it "unspam" them (allow to use immediately again) (1==yes;0==no)

 #define SPEC_MSGS 0			//should tempents (special effects) be sent to spectators? (1==yes;0==no)

 #define MAX_CATCH_LEVEL 0		//max level a pokemon can be caught at (if set to 50, 51+ can't be caught, set to 0 to disable)

 #define SAVE_ROUNDS 5			//how many rounds should go by without saving (default 5) [if set to 0, round saving will not occur]
 #define SAVE_SPAM 60.0			//time that players need to wait inbetween saving, this will prevent saving happening a lot and creating lag

17 marzec 2010 - 17:25:
Pomoże ktoś czy nie ? Bardzo mi na tym zalezy.

Użytkownik mciek edytował ten post 16.03.2010 19:45

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#2 Abes Mapper

    Repulsion Gel

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  • Postów:7 356
  • Steam:steam
  • Imię:Sebastian
  • Lokalizacja:Sulejówek

Napisano 17.03.2010 17:32

Wgraj 1.2.3 RC 1
Tam zmieniasz w custom.inl
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#3 mciek


  • Autor tematu
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  • Lokalizacja:Kluczbork

Napisano 17.03.2010 21:24

NIe umiem znalezc tej wersji. Jeżeli można to proszę o link.
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#4 Abes Mapper

    Repulsion Gel

  • Przyjaciel

  • Reputacja: 2 017

  • Postów:7 356
  • Steam:steam
  • Imię:Sebastian
  • Lokalizacja:Sulejówek

Napisano 18.03.2010 08:19

PokeMod v1.2.3 RC + RC2 Test for Public - Nieoficjalny polski support AMX Mod X

Sa samej górze masz download.
A na dole w załączniku lang pl
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