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Guest Message by DevFuse


problem z przerobienien pluginu VIP

  • Zamknięty Temat jest zamknięty
1 odpowiedź w tym temacie

#1 Szary322


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Reputacja: 3

  • Postów:34
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  • Lokalizacja:Białystok

Napisano 15.11.2009 12:50

Witam ,staralem sie samemu przerobic plugin VIP (tutaj link : ), tak zeby
VIP nie dostawal granatow
zeby nie dostawal kasy
za zabicie 5hp za zabicie hs 10hp
zeby usunac to kupowanie snajpierki
zeby na start rundy mial 120hp
zeby przed nickiem pisalo [vip] jak mu sie tego vipa nada
i zeby vip pisal na kolorowo w chat np. zielono

kombinwoalem z tym hp i granatami (udalo mi sie tylko granaty usunac) a jak probowalem usunac snajperke to mi sie plugin rozwalil :/ proszę o pomoc
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#2 mikus

    Ekipa PGC

  • Użytkownik

Reputacja: 75

  • Postów:406
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  • Steam:steam
  • Lokalizacja:Wola

Napisano 16.11.2009 16:56

amx_vip_hp "5" - ile hp vip dostaje za zabicie
amx_vip_hp_hs "15" - ile hp vip dostaje za zabicie hs'em
money_per_damage "0" - Ile $$$ dostaje vip za każde zadane obrażenie
money_kill_bonus "0" - ile $ dostaje vip za zabicie
money_hs_bonus "0" - ile $ dostaje vip za zabicie hs'em


#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <cstrike>
#include <fun>

new mpd, mkb, mhb
new maxplayers
new g_MsgSync
new health_add
new health_hs_add
new health_max
new nKiller
new nKiller_hp
new nHp_add
new nHp_max
new nick[33][33]

	new g_MsgSync2

public plugin_init()
	register_plugin("VIP part1", "2.0", "Dunno")
	mpd = register_cvar("money_per_damage","3")
	mkb = register_cvar("money_kill_bonus","500")
	mhb = register_cvar("money_hs_bonus","200")
	health_add = register_cvar("amx_vip_hp", "15")
	health_hs_add = register_cvar("amx_vip_hp_hs", "30")
	health_max = register_cvar("amx_vip_max_hp", "100")

	register_logevent("logevent_Round_Start", 2, "1=Round_Start");
	register_event("DeathMsg", "hook_death", "a", "1>0")

	maxplayers = get_maxplayers()

	register_event("Damage", "on_damage", "b", "2!0", "3=0", "4!0")

	g_MsgSync = CreateHudSyncObj()

	g_MsgSync2 = CreateHudSyncObj()

public on_damage(id)
	new attacker = get_user_attacker(id)

	// id should be connected if this message is sent, but lets check anyway
	if ( is_user_connected(id) && is_user_connected(attacker) )
	if (get_user_flags(attacker) & ADMIN_LEVEL_H)
		new damage = read_data(2)

		set_hudmessage(255, 0, 0, 0.45, 0.50, 2, 0.1, 4.0, 0.1, 0.1, -1)
		ShowSyncHudMsg(id, g_MsgSync2, "%i^n", damage)
	if ( is_user_connected(attacker) && if (get_user_flags(attacker) & ADMIN_LEVEL_H) )
		new damage = read_data(2)
		set_hudmessage(0, 100, 200, -1.0, 0.55, 2, 0.1, 4.0, 0.02, 0.02, -1)
		ShowSyncHudMsg(attacker, g_MsgSync, "%i^n", damage)

public Damage(id)
	new weapon, hitpoint, attacker = get_user_attacker(id,weapon,hitpoint)
	if(attacker<=maxplayers && is_user_alive(attacker) && attacker!=id)
	if (get_user_flags(attacker) & ADMIN_LEVEL_H) 
		new money = read_data(2) * get_pcvar_num(mpd)
		if(hitpoint==1) money += get_pcvar_num(mhb)
		cs_set_user_money(attacker,cs_get_user_money(attacker) + money)

public death_msg()
	if(read_data(1)<=maxplayers && read_data(1) && read_data(1)!=read_data(2)) cs_set_user_money(read_data(1),cs_get_user_money(read_data(1)) + get_pcvar_num(mkb) - 300)

public logevent_Round_Start()
    new players[32], player, pnum;
    get_players(players, pnum, "a");
    for(new i = 0; i < pnum; i++)
        player = players[i];
        if(get_user_flags(player) & ADMIN_LEVEL_H)
	   set_user_health (id,120) 
            give_item(player, "item_kevlar");
	   give_item(player, "item_assaultsuit");
	   give_item(player, "item_thighpack");

public hook_death()
   // Killer id
   nKiller = read_data(1)
   if ( (read_data(3) == 1) && (read_data(5) == 0) )
      nHp_add = get_pcvar_num (health_hs_add)
      nHp_add = get_pcvar_num (health_add)
   nHp_max = get_pcvar_num (health_max)
   // Updating Killer HP
   if(!(get_user_flags(nKiller) & ADMIN_LEVEL_H))

   nKiller_hp = get_user_health(nKiller)
   nKiller_hp += nHp_add
   // Maximum HP check
   if (nKiller_hp > nHp_max) nKiller_hp = nHp_max
   set_user_health(nKiller, nKiller_hp)
   // Hud message "Healed +15/+30 hp"
   set_hudmessage(0, 255, 0, -1.0, 0.15, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.1, 0.1, -1)
   show_hudmessage(nKiller, "Healed +%d hp", nHp_add)
   // Screen fading
   message_begin(MSG_ONE, get_user_msgid("ScreenFade"), {0,0,0}, nKiller)

public client_connect()
	new Name[32]
	get_user_name(id, nick[id], 31)
	format(Name, 31, "[VIP] %s", nick[id])
	set_user_info(id, "name", Name)
public client_disconnect
	new Name[32]
	format(Name, 31, "%s", nick[id])
	set_user_info(id, "name", Name)

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