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nVault Top 15 czasem dubluje wpisy

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12 odpowiedzi w tym temacie

#1 Żuk


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Napisano 09.09.2019 12:58



Czy jest ktoś w stanie stwierdzić z jakiego powodu potrafi się zdublować np. statystyka z top1 dla gracza, który wejdzie na serwer na całkowicie innym nicku, ip oraz steamid niż gracz, który jest w top1 i czy jakoś można temu zaradzić?




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#2 Rivit


  • Support Team

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Napisano 09.09.2019 14:14

Wstaw kod poprawnie, bo spłaszczyło go i wyglada jak kupa.

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#3 Żuk


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Napisano 09.09.2019 17:27

Jak spłaszczyło? U mnie wszystko jest ok.

#include <amxmodx>
#include <nvault>
#include <nvault_util>
#include <nvault_array>

//Allocate additional memory to plugin to prevent stack error
#pragma dynamic 16384

new const Version[] = "0.1";

new const VaultName[] = "XP_Top15_Example";

//This determines the max number of players that will be included in your top 15 calculation. It is best to keep this at a 
//value <= the max players that you expect to have data saved in the vault. If the number of player data saved exceeds this
//value then your top 15 will not be accurate since some players will be left out.
const Max_Player_Support = 3000;

//Components of data that will be saved for each player.
enum PlayerData
PlayerName[ 32 ],

new pdData[ MAX_PLAYERS + 1 ][ PlayerData ];
/////new g_AuthID[ MAX_PLAYERS + 1 ][ 34 ];
new g_Name[MAX_PLAYERS + 1][33];
new bool:g_BotOrHLTV[ MAX_PLAYERS + 1 ];
new g_Vault;

//In your plugin, you set a players XP using the below:
//pdData[ id ][ XP ] = 12345;

public plugin_init() 
register_plugin( "nVault Top 15" , Version , "bugsy" );

register_clcmd( "say top15" , "ShowTop15" );
register_clcmd( "say loadtestdata" , "LoadTestData" );

if ( ( g_Vault = nvault_open( VaultName ) ) == INVALID_HANDLE )
set_fail_state( "Failed to open vault" );

public plugin_end() 
nvault_close( g_Vault );

public client_authorized( id )
if ( !( g_BotOrHLTV[ id ] = bool:( is_user_bot( id ) || is_user_hltv( id ) ) ) )
//Get players' steam-id so it can be used to retrieve their data from the vault.
/////////////// get_user_authid( id , g_AuthID[ id ] , charsmax( g_AuthID[] ) );
get_user_name(id, g_Name[id], 32)
//Retrieve player data from vault. 
//////////////// nvault_get_array( g_Vault , g_AuthID[ id ] , pdData[ id ][ PlayerData:0 ] , sizeof( pdData[] ) );
nvault_get_array( g_Vault , g_Name[ id ] , pdData[ id ][ PlayerData:0 ] , sizeof( pdData[] ) );

public client_disconnect( id )
if ( !g_BotOrHLTV[ id ] )
//To avoid having to monitor for name changes in-game, the players name is retrieved and saved when disconnecting.
get_user_name( id , pdData[ id ][ PlayerName ] , charsmax( pdData[][ PlayerName ] ) );

//Save player data to vault.
///////////// nvault_set_array( g_Vault , g_AuthID[ id ] , pdData[ id ][ PlayerData:0 ] , sizeof( pdData[] ) );
nvault_set_array( g_Vault , g_Name[ id ] , pdData[ id ][ PlayerData:0 ] , sizeof( pdData[] ) );

public ShowTop15( id )
enum _:Top15Info

static iSortData[ Max_Player_Support ][ Top15Info ];

new iVault , iRow , iCount , iNextOffset , iCurrentOffset , szKey[ 45 ] , iAvailablePlayers , pdVal[ PlayerData ];
new szMOTD[ 1501 ] , iPos;

//Close and re-open vault so the journal writes to the vault so nvault_util gets most up to date data.
nvault_close( g_Vault );
g_Vault = nvault_open( VaultName );

//Open vault for nvault utility usage.
iVault = nvault_util_open( VaultName );

//Get count of total number of records in the vault.
iCount = nvault_util_count( iVault );

//Loop through all records in the vault.
for ( iRow = 0 ; iRow < iCount && iRow < Max_Player_Support ; iRow++ )
//Read record from vault. iNextOffset will hold the position of the next record in the vault.
iNextOffset = nvault_util_read_array( iVault , iNextOffset , szKey , charsmax( szKey ) , pdVal[ PlayerData:0 ] , sizeof( pdVal ) );

//Set nVault_Offset to the byte offset for this players data. This will allow for retrieving any data for this player that needs to appear in the top 15 (name, steam id, etc.)
//iPrevOffset is used since iOffset holds the position of the NEXT record, not current.
iSortData[ iRow ][ nVault_Offset ] = iCurrentOffset;

//Set Player_XP value in array to his XP value. This will be used for sorting.
iSortData[ iRow ][ XP_Value ] = pdVal[ XP ];

//Since nvault_util_read_array() holds the position of the next record, we have to hold the current offset separately.
iCurrentOffset = iNextOffset;

//Sort the array.
SortCustom2D( iSortData , min( iCount , Max_Player_Support ) , "CompareXP" );

//Prepare top 15 MOTD.
iPos = formatex( szMOTD , charsmax( szMOTD ) , "<body bgcolor=#000000><font color=#98f5ff><pre>" );
iPos += formatex( szMOTD[ iPos ] , charsmax( szMOTD ) - iPos , "%2s %-22.22s %3s^n" , "#" , "Name" , "XP" );

//This will account for if the vault has less than 15 player data records stored.
iAvailablePlayers = min( iCount , 15 );

//Build the top 15. iAvailablePlayers is set to the smaller of 15 or the total records in the vault.
for ( iRow = 0 ; iRow < iAvailablePlayers ; iRow++ )
//Get nVault player data offset value which was set in the above loop.
iCurrentOffset = iSortData[ iRow ][ nVault_Offset ];

//Read data at the players offset so we can retrieve their name to be displayed in the top 15.
nvault_util_read_array( iVault , iCurrentOffset , szKey , charsmax( szKey ) , pdVal[ PlayerData:0 ] , sizeof( pdVal ) );

//Format line in MOTD.
iPos += formatex( szMOTD[ iPos ] , charsmax( szMOTD ) - iPos ,"%2d %-22.22s %3d^n", ( iRow + 1 ) , pdVal[ PlayerName ] , pdVal[ XP ] );

//Close nvault utility file.
nvault_util_close( iVault );

formatex( szMOTD[ iPos ], charsmax( szMOTD ) - iPos , "</body></font></pre>" );

show_motd( id , szMOTD , "XP Top 15" );


public LoadTestData()
new szAuthID[ 10 ] , pdData[ PlayerData ] , iRow , iXP;

for ( iRow = 0 ; iRow < 100 ; iRow++ )
formatex( szAuthID , charsmax( szAuthID ) , "STEAM_%d" , iRow );

iXP = random( 9999 );

formatex( pdData[ PlayerName ] , charsmax( pdData[ PlayerName ] ) , "Player_%d [%d]" , iRow , iXP );
pdData[ XP ] = iXP;

nvault_set_array( g_Vault , szAuthID , pdData[ PlayerData:0 ] , sizeof( pdData ) );


public CompareXP( elem1[] , elem2[] ) 
if ( elem1[ 1 ] > elem2[ 1 ] ) 
return -1; 
else if(elem1[ 1 ] < elem2[ 1 ] ) 
return 1; 

return 0; 

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#4 Rivit


  • Support Team

Reputacja: 1 319

  • Postów:4 381

Napisano 09.09.2019 18:42

Nom, wcięc nie ma kompletnie. proszę przeformatować kod, bo naprawdę nie da się tego czytać

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#5 Żuk


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Reputacja: 11

  • Postów:291
  • Lokalizacja:Katowice

Napisano 09.09.2019 20:51

#include <amxmodx>
#include <nvault>
#include <nvault_util>
#include <nvault_array>

//Allocate additional memory to plugin to prevent stack error
#pragma dynamic 16384

new const Version[] = "0.1";

new const VaultName[] = "XP_Top15_Example";

//This determines the max number of players that will be included in your top 15 calculation. It is best to keep this at a 
//value <= the max players that you expect to have data saved in the vault. If the number of player data saved exceeds this
//value then your top 15 will not be accurate since some players will be left out.
const Max_Player_Support = 3000;

//Components of data that will be saved for each player.
enum PlayerData
    PlayerName[ 32 ],

new pdData[ MAX_PLAYERS + 1 ][ PlayerData ];
//new g_AuthID[ MAX_PLAYERS + 1 ][ 34 ];
new g_Name[MAX_PLAYERS + 1][33];
new bool:g_BotOrHLTV[ MAX_PLAYERS + 1 ];
new g_Vault;

//In your plugin, you set a players XP using the below:
//pdData[ id ][ XP ] = 12345;
public plugin_init() 
    register_plugin( "nVault Top 15" , Version , "bugsy" );
    register_clcmd( "say top15" , "ShowTop15" );
    register_clcmd( "say loadtestdata" , "LoadTestData" );
    if ( ( g_Vault = nvault_open( VaultName ) ) == INVALID_HANDLE )
        set_fail_state( "Failed to open vault" );

public plugin_end() 
    nvault_close( g_Vault );

public client_authorized( id )
    if ( !( g_BotOrHLTV[ id ] = bool:( is_user_bot( id ) || is_user_hltv( id ) ) ) )
        //Get players' steam-id so it can be used to retrieve their data from the vault.
        //get_user_authid( id , g_AuthID[ id ] , charsmax( g_AuthID[] ) );
        get_user_name(id, g_Name[id], 32)
        //Retrieve player data from vault. 
        //nvault_get_array( g_Vault , g_AuthID[ id ] , pdData[ id ][ PlayerData:0 ] , sizeof( pdData[] ) );
        nvault_get_array( g_Vault , g_Name[ id ] , pdData[ id ][ PlayerData:0 ] , sizeof( pdData[] ) );

public client_disconnect( id )
    if ( !g_BotOrHLTV[ id ] )
        //To avoid having to monitor for name changes in-game, the players name is retrieved and saved when disconnecting.
        get_user_name( id , pdData[ id ][ PlayerName ] , charsmax( pdData[][ PlayerName ] ) );
        //Save player data to vault.
        //nvault_set_array( g_Vault , g_AuthID[ id ] , pdData[ id ][ PlayerData:0 ] , sizeof( pdData[] ) );
        nvault_set_array( g_Vault , g_Name[ id ] , pdData[ id ][ PlayerData:0 ] , sizeof( pdData[] ) );

public ShowTop15( id )
    enum _:Top15Info
    static iSortData[ Max_Player_Support ][ Top15Info ];
    new iVault , iRow , iCount , iNextOffset , iCurrentOffset , szKey[ 45 ] , iAvailablePlayers , pdVal[ PlayerData ];
    new szMOTD[ 1501 ] , iPos;
    //Close and re-open vault so the journal writes to the vault so nvault_util gets most up to date data.
    nvault_close( g_Vault );
    g_Vault = nvault_open( VaultName );
    //Open vault for nvault utility usage.
    iVault = nvault_util_open( VaultName );
    //Get count of total number of records in the vault.
    iCount = nvault_util_count( iVault );
    //Loop through all records in the vault.
    for ( iRow = 0 ; iRow < iCount && iRow < Max_Player_Support ; iRow++ )
        //Read record from vault. iNextOffset will hold the position of the next record in the vault.
        iNextOffset = nvault_util_read_array( iVault , iNextOffset , szKey , charsmax( szKey ) , pdVal[ PlayerData:0 ] , sizeof( pdVal ) );
        //Set nVault_Offset to the byte offset for this players data. This will allow for retrieving any data for this player that needs to appear in the top 15 (name, steam id, etc.)
        //iPrevOffset is used since iOffset holds the position of the NEXT record, not current.
        iSortData[ iRow ][ nVault_Offset ] = iCurrentOffset;
        //Set Player_XP value in array to his XP value. This will be used for sorting.
        iSortData[ iRow ][ XP_Value ] = pdVal[ XP ];
        //Since nvault_util_read_array() holds the position of the next record, we have to hold the current offset separately.
        iCurrentOffset = iNextOffset;
    //Sort the array.
    SortCustom2D( iSortData , min( iCount , Max_Player_Support ) , "CompareXP" );

    //Prepare top 15 MOTD.
    iPos = formatex( szMOTD , charsmax( szMOTD ) , "<body bgcolor=#000000><font color=#98f5ff><pre>" );
    iPos += formatex( szMOTD[ iPos ] , charsmax( szMOTD ) - iPos , "%2s %-22.22s %3s^n" , "#" , "Name" , "XP" );
    //This will account for if the vault has less than 15 player data records stored.
    iAvailablePlayers = min( iCount , 15 );
    //Build the top 15. iAvailablePlayers is set to the smaller of 15 or the total records in the vault.
    for ( iRow = 0 ; iRow < iAvailablePlayers ; iRow++ )
        //Get nVault player data offset value which was set in the above loop.
        iCurrentOffset = iSortData[ iRow ][ nVault_Offset ];
        //Read data at the players offset so we can retrieve their name to be displayed in the top 15.
        nvault_util_read_array( iVault , iCurrentOffset , szKey , charsmax( szKey ) , pdVal[ PlayerData:0 ] , sizeof( pdVal ) );
        //Format line in MOTD.
        iPos += formatex( szMOTD[ iPos ] , charsmax( szMOTD ) - iPos ,"%2d %-22.22s %3d^n", ( iRow + 1 ) , pdVal[ PlayerName ] , pdVal[ XP ] );
    //Close nvault utility file.
    nvault_util_close( iVault );
    formatex( szMOTD[ iPos ], charsmax( szMOTD ) - iPos , "</body></font></pre>" );
    show_motd( id , szMOTD , "XP Top 15" );
    return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

public LoadTestData()
    new szAuthID[ 10 ] , pdData[ PlayerData ] , iRow , iXP;
    for ( iRow = 0 ; iRow < 100 ; iRow++ )
        formatex( szAuthID , charsmax( szAuthID ) , "STEAM_%d" , iRow );
        iXP = random( 9999 );
        formatex( pdData[ PlayerName ] , charsmax( pdData[ PlayerName ] ) , "Player_%d [%d]" , iRow , iXP );
        pdData[ XP ] = iXP;
        nvault_set_array( g_Vault , szAuthID , pdData[ PlayerData:0 ] , sizeof( pdData ) );
    return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

public CompareXP( elem1[] , elem2[] ) 
    if ( elem1[ 1 ] > elem2[ 1 ] ) 
        return -1; 
    else if(elem1[ 1 ] < elem2[ 1 ] ) 
        return 1; 
    return 0; 

a teraz? to jest jakiś problem u was na forum tzn. jak kopiuje kod z wcięciami tutaj z forum to po wklejeniu ich nie ma, z innych for po skopiowaniu lub bezpośrednio z .sma jest ok

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#6 Rivit


  • Support Team

Reputacja: 1 319

  • Postów:4 381

Napisano 10.09.2019 19:17

hmmm, może jakaś rozbieżność tu:

enum PlayerData
    PlayerName[ 32 ],

new pdData[ MAX_PLAYERS + 1 ][ PlayerData ];
//new g_AuthID[ MAX_PLAYERS + 1 ][ 34 ];
new g_Name[MAX_PLAYERS + 1][33];

Masz strukture przechowującą nick gracza, a tworzysz tablice z nickami



A sprawdzałeś może czy problem jest tylko w wyświetlaniu, czy też wadliwy wpis jest fizycznie w pliku

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#7 Żuk


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Napisano 12.09.2019 16:58

Tak tylko jedno służy do wyświetlania nicków w top, a drugie do zapisu na nick.

//Read data at the players offset so we can retrieve their name to be displayed in the top 15.
nvault_util_read_array( iVault , iCurrentOffset , szKey , charsmax( szKey ) , pdVal[ PlayerData:0 ] , sizeof( pdVal ) );

chyba pobiera staty prosto z pliku czy się mylę? wiec musi tam byc ten wpis? Raczej zrobie zapis only steam zamiast się męczyć. Ns i tak mało co gra :P

Użytkownik Żuk edytował ten post 12.09.2019 17:15

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#8 Rivit


  • Support Team

Reputacja: 1 319

  • Postów:4 381

Napisano 12.09.2019 17:35

public client_authorized( id )
    if ( !( g_BotOrHLTV[ id ] = bool:( is_user_bot( id ) || is_user_hltv( id ) ) ) )
        //Get players' steam-id so it can be used to retrieve their data from the vault.
        //get_user_authid( id , g_AuthID[ id ] , charsmax( g_AuthID[] ) );
        get_user_name(id, g_Name[id], 32)
        //Retrieve player data from vault. 
        //nvault_get_array( g_Vault , g_AuthID[ id ] , pdData[ id ][ PlayerData:0 ] , sizeof( pdData[] ) );
        nvault_get_array( g_Vault , g_Name[ id ] , pdData[ id ][ PlayerData:0 ] , sizeof( pdData[] ) );

public client_disconnect( id )
    if ( !g_BotOrHLTV[ id ] )
        //To avoid having to monitor for name changes in-game, the players name is retrieved and saved when disconnecting.
        get_user_name( id , pdData[ id ][ PlayerName ] , charsmax( pdData[][ PlayerName ] ) );
        //Save player data to vault.
        //nvault_set_array( g_Vault , g_AuthID[ id ] , pdData[ id ][ PlayerData:0 ] , sizeof( pdData[] ) );
        nvault_set_array( g_Vault , g_Name[ id ] , pdData[ id ][ PlayerData:0 ] , sizeof( pdData[] ) );

w authorized pobierasz do g_name i tego uzywasz potem do zapisu, tylko że gracz moze zmienic nick podczas gry. i tego nie wychwycisz. 


w authorized pobieraj nick do pdData tak jak jest to w client_disconnected, g_name wywal calkiem bo nie jest potrzebna. topka uzywa nicku wczytanego z nvault

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#9 Żuk


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Napisano 12.09.2019 19:13

Sprawdze tyle, że test może potrwać dość długo bo nie wiadomo kiedy się zbuguje lub i nie także dam znać :P

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#10 Żuk


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Napisano 14.09.2019 13:08

Okej, to nie działa kompletnie. Musi być to zrobione tak jak miałem, ale jak nie wiadomo czemu się zbugowała topka (zdublował mi się 1-szy wynik) to zrobię zapis only steam bez brania pod uwage ns bo innej opcji nie widze :P

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#11 Rivit


  • Support Team

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Napisano 14.09.2019 20:36

Czemu nie działa?

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#12 Żuk


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Napisano 15.09.2019 13:08

Tylko 1 osoba była w top ze wszystkimi statystykami 0 0 0 0.

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#13 Rivit


  • Support Team

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  • Postów:4 381

Napisano 15.09.2019 13:40

Coś musiałeś zmaścić :P


Można by też  coś takiego, że jak gracz zmienia nick to zapisać staty pod aktualnym nickiem, wyzerowac i wczytać z nowego nicku, ale to juz jak wolisz :P

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