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Guest Message by DevFuse


Plugin buguje

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2 replies to this topic

#1 ` ManieK


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Posted 10.10.2009 10:36

Witam proszę o poprawienie pluginu welcome (wyswietlanie w say przy wejsciu gracza na serwer ip serwer)

#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <hamsandwich>
#include <csx>

#define TEXT_LEN 127
#define MAX_LINES 5

new gmsgidSayText;

new gszHost[32];

new bool:gbFirst[33];
new gszMessage[MAX_LINES][TEXT_LEN];
new giPointer=0;

public plugin_init(){
	register_plugin("Welcome message", "1.1", "R3X");
	RegisterHam(Ham_Spawn, "player", "player_spawn", 1);
	new szFile[128], szLine[TEXT_LEN+1], iLen;
	get_configsdir(szFile, 95);
	add(szFile, 127,"/welcome.txt");
		return set_fail_state("Nie ma pliku welcome.txt");
	for(new i=0;read_file(szFile, i, szLine, TEXT_LEN, iLen);i++){
		if(iLen==0) continue;
		if(giPointer>=MAX_LINES) break;
		copy(gszMessage[giPointer++], TEXT_LEN, szLine);
	get_user_name(0, gszHost, 31);
	gmsgidSayText = get_user_msgid("SayText");

public client_putinserver(id)
	gbFirst[id] = true;

public player_spawn(id){
		static szMessage[TEXT_LEN+1];
		for(new i=0;i<giPointer;i++){
			copy(szMessage[1], TEXT_LEN, gszMessage[i]);
			formatMessage(id, szMessage);
			print(id, szMessage);
		gbFirst[id] = false;
	return HAM_IGNORED;
formatMessage(id, szMessage[]){
	static szBuff[32];
	get_user_name(id, szBuff, 31);
	replace_all(szMessage, 95, "[you]", szBuff);
	static one[8], two[8];
	new poz = get_user_stats(id, one, two);
	formatex(szBuff, 31, "%d", poz);
	replace_all(szMessage, 95, "[rank]", szBuff);
	formatex(szBuff, 31, "%d", get_statsnum());
	replace_all(szMessage, 95, "[rank_max]", szBuff);
	replace_all(szMessage, 95, "[host]", gszHost);
	replace_all(szMessage, 95, "!t", "^x03");
	replace_all(szMessage, 95, "!n", "^x01");
	replace_all(szMessage, 95, "!g", "^x04");
print(id, const szMessage[]){
	message_begin(MSG_ONE,gmsgidSayText , _, id);

W logach mi buguje ten plugin

L 10/10/2009 - 10:53:38: replace() buffer not big enough (90>=86)
L 10/10/2009 - 10:53:38: [AMXX] Run time error 10 (plugin "welcome.amxx") (native "replace") - debug not enabled!
L 10/10/2009 - 10:53:38: [AMXX] To enable debug mode, add "debug" after the plugin name in plugins.ini (without quotes).
L 10/10/2009 - 10:54:09: replace() buffer not big enough (87>=86)
L 10/10/2009 - 10:54:09: [AMXX] Run time error 10 (plugin "welcome.amxx") (native "replace") - debug not enabled!
L 10/10/2009 - 10:54:09: [AMXX] To enable debug mode, add "debug" after the plugin name in plugins.ini (without quotes).
L 10/10/2009 - 10:54:09: replace() buffer not big enough (87>=86)
L 10/10/2009 - 10:54:09: [AMXX] Run time error 10 (plugin "welcome.amxx") (native "replace") - debug not enabled!
L 10/10/2009 - 10:54:09: [AMXX] To enable debug mode, add "debug" after the plugin name in plugins.ini (without quotes).
L 10/10/2009 - 10:54:09: replace() buffer not big enough (90>=86)
L 10/10/2009 - 10:54:09: [AMXX] Run time error 10 (plugin "welcome.amxx") (native "replace") - debug not enabled!
L 10/10/2009 - 10:54:09: [AMXX] To enable debug mode, add "debug" after the plugin name in plugins.ini (without quotes).
L 10/10/2009 - 10:54:09: replace() buffer not big enough (98>=86)
L 10/10/2009 - 10:54:09: [AMXX] Run time error 10 (plugin "welcome.amxx") (native "replace") - debug not enabled!
L 10/10/2009 - 10:54:09: [AMXX] To enable debug mode, add "debug" after the plugin name in plugins.ini (without quotes).
L 10/10/2009 - 10:54:09: replace() buffer not big enough (94>=86)
L 10/10/2009 - 10:54:09: [AMXX] Run time error 10 (plugin "welcome.amxx") (native "replace") - debug not enabled!
L 10/10/2009 - 10:54:09: [AMXX] To enable debug mode, add "debug" after the plugin name in plugins.ini (without quotes).
L 10/10/2009 - 10:54:09: replace() buffer not big enough (94>=86)
L 10/10/2009 - 10:54:09: [AMXX] Run time error 10 (plugin "welcome.amxx") (native "replace") - debug not enabled!
L 10/10/2009 - 10:54:09: [AMXX] To enable debug mode, add "debug" after the plugin name in plugins.ini (without quotes).
L 10/10/2009 - 10:56:01: replace() buffer not big enough (87>=86)
L 10/10/2009 - 10:56:01: [AMXX] Run time error 10 (plugin "welcome.amxx") (native "replace") - debug not enabled!
L 10/10/2009 - 10:56:01: [AMXX] To enable debug mode, add "debug" after the plugin name in plugins.ini (without quotes).
L 10/10/2009 - 10:56:01: replace() buffer not big enough (87>=86)
L 10/10/2009 - 10:56:01: [AMXX] Run time error 10 (plugin "welcome.amxx") (native "replace") - debug not enabled!
L 10/10/2009 - 10:56:01: [AMXX] To enable debug mode, add "debug" after the plugin name in plugins.ini (without quotes).
L 10/10/2009 - 10:56:01: replace() buffer not big enough (90>=86)
L 10/10/2009 - 10:56:01: [AMXX] Run time error 10 (plugin "welcome.amxx") (native "replace") - debug not enabled!
L 10/10/2009 - 10:56:01: [AMXX] To enable debug mode, add "debug" after the plugin name in plugins.ini (without quotes).
L 10/10/2009 - 10:56:01: replace() buffer not big enough (98>=86)
L 10/10/2009 - 10:56:01: [AMXX] Run time error 10 (plugin "welcome.amxx") (native "replace") - debug not enabled!
L 10/10/2009 - 10:56:01: [AMXX] To enable debug mode, add "debug" after the plugin name in plugins.ini (without quotes).
L 10/10/2009 - 10:56:01: replace() buffer not big enough (94>=86)
L 10/10/2009 - 10:56:01: [AMXX] Run time error 10 (plugin "welcome.amxx") (native "replace") - debug not enabled!
L 10/10/2009 - 10:56:01: [AMXX] To enable debug mode, add "debug" after the plugin name in plugins.ini (without quotes).
L 10/10/2009 - 10:56:01: replace() buffer not big enough (94>=86)
L 10/10/2009 - 10:56:01: [AMXX] Run time error 10 (plugin "welcome.amxx") (native "replace") - debug not enabled!
L 10/10/2009 - 10:56:01: [AMXX] To enable debug mode, add "debug" after the plugin name in plugins.ini (without quotes).
L 10/10/2009 - 10:57:23: replace() buffer not big enough (87>=86)
L 10/10/2009 - 10:57:23: [AMXX] Run time error 10 (plugin "welcome.amxx") (native "replace") - debug not enabled!
L 10/10/2009 - 10:57:23: [AMXX] To enable debug mode, add "debug" after the plugin name in plugins.ini (without quotes).
L 10/10/2009 - 10:57:23: replace() buffer not big enough (87>=86)
L 10/10/2009 - 10:57:23: [AMXX] Run time error 10 (plugin "welcome.amxx") (native "replace") - debug not enabled!
L 10/10/2009 - 10:57:23: [AMXX] To enable debug mode, add "debug" after the plugin name in plugins.ini (without quotes).
L 10/10/2009 - 10:57:23: replace() buffer not big enough (90>=86)
L 10/10/2009 - 10:57:23: [AMXX] Run time error 10 (plugin "welcome.amxx") (native "replace") - debug not enabled!
L 10/10/2009 - 10:57:23: [AMXX] To enable debug mode, add "debug" after the plugin name in plugins.ini (without quotes).
L 10/10/2009 - 10:57:23: replace() buffer not big enough (98>=86)
L 10/10/2009 - 10:57:23: [AMXX] Run time error 10 (plugin "welcome.amxx") (native "replace") - debug not enabled!
L 10/10/2009 - 10:57:23: [AMXX] To enable debug mode, add "debug" after the plugin name in plugins.ini (without quotes).
L 10/10/2009 - 10:57:23: replace() buffer not big enough (94>=86)
L 10/10/2009 - 10:57:23: [AMXX] Run time error 10 (plugin "welcome.amxx") (native "replace") - debug not enabled!
L 10/10/2009 - 10:57:23: [AMXX] To enable debug mode, add "debug" after the plugin name in plugins.ini (without quotes).
L 10/10/2009 - 10:57:23: replace() buffer not big enough (94>=86)
L 10/10/2009 - 10:57:23: [AMXX] Run time error 10 (plugin "welcome.amxx") (native "replace") - debug not enabled!
L 10/10/2009 - 10:57:23: [AMXX] To enable debug mode, add "debug" after the plugin name in plugins.ini (without quotes).
L 10/10/2009 - 10:58:29: replace() buffer not big enough (87>=86)
L 10/10/2009 - 10:58:29: [AMXX] Run time error 10 (plugin "welcome.amxx") (native

#2 zer0.


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  • Lokalizacja:Kw

Posted 10.10.2009 10:38

Dopisz do welcome.amxx debug
welcome.amxx debug
  • +
  • -
  • 0

#3 ` ManieK


  • Autor tematu
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Reputacja: 7

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  • Lokalizacja:Ciechanów

Posted 10.10.2009 11:07

L 10/10/2009 - 12:03:28: [AMXX]    [0] string.inc::replace_all (line 239)
L 10/10/2009 - 12:03:28: [AMXX]    [1] welcome.sma::formatMessage (line 60)
L 10/10/2009 - 12:03:28: [AMXX]    [2] welcome.sma::player_spawn (line 49)
L 10/10/2009 - 12:03:29: replace() buffer not big enough (103>=86)
L 10/10/2009 - 12:03:29: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "welcome.amxx")
L 10/10/2009 - 12:03:29: [AMXX] Run time error 10: native error (native "replace")
L 10/10/2009 - 12:03:29: [AMXX]    [0] string.inc::replace_all (line 239)
L 10/10/2009 - 12:03:29: [AMXX]    [1] welcome.sma::formatMessage (line 60)
L 10/10/2009 - 12:03:29: [AMXX]    [2] welcome.sma::player_spawn (line 49)
L 10/10/2009 - 12:03:31: replace() buffer not big enough (89>=86)
L 10/10/2009 - 12:03:31: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "welcome.amxx")
L 10/10/2009 - 12:03:31: [AMXX] Run time error 10: native error (native "replace")
L 10/10/2009 - 12:03:31: [AMXX]    [0] string.inc::replace_all (line 239)
L 10/10/2009 - 12:03:31: [AMXX]    [1] welcome.sma::formatMessage (line 60)
L 10/10/2009 - 12:03:31: [AMXX]    [2] welcome.sma::player_spawn (line 49)
L 10/10/2009 - 12:03:32: replace() buffer not big enough (103>=86)
L 10/10/2009 - 12:03:32: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "welcome.amxx")
L 10/10/2009 - 12:03:32: [AMXX] Run time error 10: native error (native "replace")
L 10/10/2009 - 12:03:32: [AMXX]    [0] string.inc::replace_all (line 239)
L 10/10/2009 - 12:03:32: [AMXX]    [1] welcome.sma::formatMessage (line 60)
L 10/10/2009 - 12:03:32: [AMXX]    [2] welcome.sma::player_spawn (line 49)
L 10/10/2009 - 12:03:32: replace() buffer not big enough (98>=86)
L 10/10/2009 - 12:03:32: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "welcome.amxx")
L 10/10/2009 - 12:03:32: [AMXX] Run time error 10: native error (native "replace")
L 10/10/2009 - 12:03:32: [AMXX]    [0] string.inc::replace_all (line 239)
L 10/10/2009 - 12:03:32: [AMXX]    [1] welcome.sma::formatMessage (line 60)
L 10/10/2009 - 12:03:32: [AMXX]    [2] welcome.sma::player_spawn (line 49)
L 10/10/2009 - 12:03:32: replace() buffer not big enough (89>=86)
L 10/10/2009 - 12:03:32: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "welcome.amxx")
L 10/10/2009 - 12:03:32: [AMXX] Run time error 10: native error (native "replace")
L 10/10/2009 - 12:03:32: [AMXX]    [0] string.inc::replace_all (line 239)
L 10/10/2009 - 12:03:32: [AMXX]    [1] welcome.sma::formatMessage (line 60)
L 10/10/2009 - 12:03:32: [AMXX]    [2] welcome.sma::player_spawn (line 49)
L 10/10/2009 - 12:03:34: replace() buffer not big enough (94>=86)
L 10/10/2009 - 12:03:34: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "welcome.amxx")
L 10/10/2009 - 12:03:34: [AMXX] Run time error 10: native error (native "replace")
L 10/10/2009 - 12:03:34: [AMXX]    [0] string.inc::replace_all (line 239)
L 10/10/2009 - 12:03:34: [AMXX]    [1] welcome.sma::formatMessage (line 60)
L 10/10/2009 - 12:03:34: [AMXX]    [2] welcome.sma::player_spawn (line 49)
L 10/10/2009 - 12:03:50: replace() buffer not big enough (89>=86)
L 10/10/2009 - 12:03:50: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "welcome.amxx")
L 10/10/2009 - 12:03:50: [AMXX] Run time error 10: native error (native "replace")
L 10/10/2009 - 12:03:50: [AMXX]    [0] string.inc::replace_all (line 239)
L 10/10/2009 - 12:03:50: [AMXX]    [1] welcome.sma::formatMessage (line 60)
L 10/10/2009 - 12:03:50: [AMXX]    [2] welcome.sma::player_spawn (line 49)
L 10/10/2009 - 12:03:51: replace() buffer not big enough (94>=86)
L 10/10/2009 - 12:03:51: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "welcome.amxx")
L 10/10/2009 - 12:03:51: [AMXX] Run time error 10: native error (native "replace")

nie wiem czy to to powoduje ze mi sie serwer wylacza raz na jakis czas

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