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Guest Message by DevFuse

Amx_Ultra v4.0 - After the great success of Amx_Super... There is Amx_Ultra

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#1 Adminek AMXX.PL

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Posted 29.08.2015 17:47

<div><font size="6"><font color="Blue"><b>Amx Ultra v4.0</b></font></font><br /><b>Release: 29.08.2015 | Last Update: 29.08.2015</b><br /><br /><a name="Top"></a><font size="5"><font color="blue"><b>Table of Contents</b></font></font> <br /><ul><li><a href="#Introduction">Introduction</a></li>
<li><a href="#Requirements">Requirements</a></li>
<li><a href="#Deepening">Deepening</a></li>
<li><a href="#Installation">Installation</a></li>
<li><a href="#Configuration">Configuration</a></li>
<li><a href="#Change">Change Log</a></li>
<li><a href="#faq">Frequently Asked Questions</a></li>
<li><a href="#Credits">Credits</a></li>
<li><a href="#TODO">TODO</a></li>
<li><a href="#Sourcecode">Sourcecode</a></li>
<li><a href="#Downloads">Downloads</a> </li>
</ul>The Amx_Ultra is a multi-plugin and multi-mod setup for amxmodx and contains <br />numerous mods and comes standard configured for maximum performance and server control. <br /><br />********************** <a name="Introduction"></a><b>Introduction</b> ********************************************* ******<br /><font size="5"><font color="Blue"><b>How it works?</b></font></font> <a href="#Top">Go Top</a> <br />You will have a new plugins list beyond you own &quot;plugins.ini&quot; at addons/amxmodx/configs. <br />This will be &quot;plugins-ultra.ini&quot;, too at addons/amxmodx/configs. It contains the descriptions <br />of all plugins at Amx_Ultra mod. There you can active or deactivate then as you usually do <br />at your own &quot;plugins.ini&quot;. <br />The first 4 plugins at it are: <br /><div style="margin:20px; margin-top:5px; ">
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//To get commands use &quot;amx_multimodz help 1&quot; or &quot;amx_help&quot; for more options/information.<br />amx_ultra_core.amxx ; DON'T DISABLE THIS or your configs files will not be loaded! Execute the core configuration file. <br />multi-mod_core.amxx ; Responsible for managing the mods, superheros, predator... Activations/Deactivations. <br />multi-mod_menus.amxx ; Create this menus at amxmodmenu: amx_msgmenu, amx_stmenu, amx_cmdsndmenu, amx_restartmenu <br />multi-mod_help.amxx ; Displays help/info message when a player enters the server.

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</div> And right after it, you will have a series of default active plugins with short descriptions <br />sorted alphabetically and right after, active plugins with long descriptions. <br />Then start the list of deactivated with short descriptions and right after the long ones. <br />You surely can deactivate they all, but consider better the first 4 ones quoted above <br />because of they importance. <br /><br />********************************************* ******************************************<br /><a name="Requirements"></a><font size="5"><font color="Blue"><b>Requirements</b></font></font> <a href="#Top">Go Top</a> <br />Amx Mod X 1.8.x<br />Tested under Counter-Strike and tested with default settings at Counter-Strike: Condition Zero<br /><br /><b>Cvars</b><br />See <a href="https://github.com/a...amxx_ultra.cfg"target="_blank">here</a> the big list of cvars actually activated. You can too, configure <br />the default cvars at &quot;addons/amxmodx/configs/amxx_ultra.cfg&quot;<br /><br /><b>Commands</b><br />See <a href="https://github.com/addonszz/Amx_Ultra/blob/master/Commands.txt" target="_blank">here</a> the big list of commands actually activated.<br />To see the new ones after active a plugin, go to its source code at <br />addons/amxmodx/scripting/pluginname.sma and search for plugin_ini(). <br />Or just type amx_help at console to see the commands of all plugins activated. <br /><br />********************* <a name="Deepening"></a><b><font size="5"><font color="blue">Deepening</font></font></b> <a href="#Top">Go Top</a> ********************************************* *********<br />Amx_Ultra mod comes with the following Mods installed and configured:<ul><li>Gun-Game Mod v2.13c</li>
<li>Superheros Mod 1.2.1</li>
<li>CSDM (Death-Match) v2.1.3c</li>
<li>Predator Mod_B2 2.1</li>
<li>Ultimate Warcraft Mod 3</li>
<li>Knife Arena Mod 1.2</li>
<li>Dragon Ball Mod v1.3</li>
<li>Zombie Mod 5.08a</li>
</ul>The command &quot;amx_multimodz help 1&quot; display the acceptable inputs and loaded mods <br />from the file &quot;addons/amxmodx/configs/multimod/multimod.ini&quot;. There is 2 built-in operatins <br />beyond mods activation: &quot;amx_multimodz help 1&quot; and &quot;amx_multimodz disableMods 1&quot;. <br />Respectively to: Shows help and Disable any active mod.<br /><br />The command line &quot;amx_multimodz help 1&quot;, or &quot;amx_multimodz a a&quot;, or &quot;amx_multimodz 1 1&quot;, <br />or anything with 2 parameters that are not valid commands, shows help options with <br />its 2 built-in and all loaded mods from multimod.ini config file.<br /><br /><b>Example</b> of usage of &quot;amx_multimodz help 1&quot;:<br /><div style="margin:20px; margin-top:5px; ">
<div class="smallfont" style="margin-bottom:2px">Quote:</div>
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amx_multimodz help 1<br />amx_multimodz disableMods 1 | To deactivate any loaded mod.<br />amx_votemod | To force a votemod.<br />say nextmod | To see which is the next mod.<br />say_team nextmod | To see which is the next mod.<br />say currentmod | To see which is the current mod.<br />say votemod | To try start a vote mod.<br />say_team votemod | To try start a vote mod.<br />amx_multimodz plugins-shero.txt plugins-shero.cfg | to use Super Heros<br />amx_multimodz plugins-warcraft.txt plugins-warcraft.cfg | to use Warcraft Ultimate Mod 3<br />amx_multimodz plugins-predator.txt plugins-predator.cfg | to use Predator Mod_b2<br />amx_multimodz plugins-knife.txt plugins-knife.cfg | to use Knife Arena Mod<br />amx_multimodz plugins-zp50Money.txt plugins-zp50Money.cfg | to use Zombie Money Mod<br />amx_multimodz plugins-zp50Ammo.txt plugins-zp50Ammo.cfg | to use Zombie Pack Ammo Mod<br />amx_multimodz plugins-csdm.txt plugins-csdm.cfg | to use CS-DM (DeathMatch)<br />amx_multimodz plugins-gungame.txt plugins-gungame.cfg | to use Gun Game Mod<br />amx_multimodz plugins-dragon.txt plugins-dragon.cfg | to use Dragon Ball Mod

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</div>******************************** <a name="Installation"></a><b>Installation</b> *****************************************<br /><font size="5"><font color="Blue"><b>To install it:</b></font></font> <a href="#Top">Go Top</a> <br /><b>1.</b> Download the files &quot;Amx_Ultra-master.zip&quot; and &quot;amx_ultra_resources.zip&quot; at <a href="#Downloads">Downloads</a>. <br /><br /><b>2.</b> Then unzip the content of &quot;Amx_Ultra-master.zip&quot; and &quot;amx_ultra_resources.zip&quot; <br />to your gamemod folder, replacing existents files like: the geoip_amxx and inc, etc... <br />because I use a new ones.<br /><br /><b>3.</b> Go to at yourgamemod/addons/amxmodx/scripting/ and compile all files and put the <br />compiled files of the folder addons/amxmodx/scripting/compiled/ to your plugins folder at <br />yourgamemod/addons/amxmodx/plugins/.<br /><b>Note:</b> To compile all files, just run &quot;compile.exe&quot; (windows) or compile.sh (linux/mac).<br /><br /><b>4.</b> Edit the &quot;plugins-ultra.ini&quot; at yourgamemod/addons/amxmodx/configs/ <br />to your own taste. <br /><br /><a name="Configuration"></a><b>5. <font size="5"><font color="red">Configure</font></font></b> your own mods at <br />&quot;yourgamemod/addons/amxmodx/configs/multimod/multimod.ini&quot; as follow:<br /><br />--- <b>Example of:</b> yourgamemod/addons/amxmodx/configs/multimod/multimod.ini ------<br /><div style="margin:20px; margin-top:5px; ">
<div class="smallfont" style="margin-bottom:2px">Quote:</div>
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;[mode name]:[mod tag]:[custom cvars cfg file]<br />[My Super 4 Fun Mod]:[mysuper4fun]:[mysuper4fun.cfg]

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</div>-------------- And you have to create the files:----------------------------<br /><div style="margin:20px; margin-top:5px; ">
<div class="smallfont" style="margin-bottom:2px">Quote:</div>
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yourgamemod/addons/amxmodx/configs/multimod/mods/plugins-mysuper4fun.txt<br />yourgamemod/addons/amxmodx/configs/multimod/mods/plugins-mysuper4fun.cfg<br /><br />(Optinal)<br />yourgamemod/addons/amxmodx/configs/multimod/msg/mysuper4fun.cfg<br />yourgamemod/mapcycles/mysuper4fun.ini

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</div>-------------- <b><font size="5"><font color="blue">Explanations</font></font></b> <a href="#Top">Go Top</a> -------------------------<br /><br /><b>1.</b> The file &quot;yourgamemod/addons/amxmodx/configs/multimod/mods/plugins-mysuper4fun.txt&quot;, <br />contains the plugins that compose the Mod, like:<br /><div style="margin:20px; margin-top:5px; ">
<div class="smallfont" style="margin-bottom:2px">Quote:</div>
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amx_gore_ultimate.amxx <br /> ultimateQuakeSounds.amxx <br /> pain_shock_free.amxx <br /> cssurfboards.amxx <br /> bad_camper.amxx <br /> etc...

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</div> Note: Your can pick up plugins already installed at &quot;plugins-ultra.ini&quot; or your own &quot;plugins.ini&quot; or <br />download and install new ones.<br /><br /><b>2.</b> The file &quot;yourgamemod/addons/amxmodx/configs/multimod/mods/plugins-mysuper4fun.cfg&quot;, <br />contains yours special configuration, like: <br /><div style="margin:20px; margin-top:5px; ">
<div class="smallfont" style="margin-bottom:2px">Quote:</div>
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amxx pause amx_adminmodel<br /> amx_fakec4radius 500<br /> sv_gravity 950

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</div> Note: You can pick up server cvars to use from &quot;amxx_ultra.cfg&quot; at yourgamemod/addons/amxmodx/configs/<br /><br /><b>3.</b> The file (opcional) &quot;yourgamemod/addons/amxmodx/configs/multimod/msg/mysuper4fun.cfg&quot; contains <br />commands that are executed when a mod is actived by the command line &quot;amx_multimodz&quot;. <br />Usually it contains a command to restart the server, like &quot;restart&quot;. <br /><b>Example</b> of &quot;yourgamemod/addons/amxmodx/configs/multimod/msg/mysuper4fun.cfg&quot;:<br /><div style="margin:20px; margin-top:5px; ">
<div class="smallfont" style="margin-bottom:2px">Quote:</div>
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amx_execall speak ambience/ratchant<br /> amx_tsay ocean Zoobie Ammo Pack Mod will be actived at next server restart!!!!<br /> amx_tsay blue Zoobie Ammo Pack Mod will be actived at next server restart!!!!<br /> amx_tsay cyan Zoobie Ammo Pack Mod will be actived at next server restart!!!!<br /> amx_tsay ocean Zoobie Ammo Pack Mod will be actived at next server restart!!!!<br /> amx_countdown 5 restart

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</div> <b>Note 1.</b> The command &quot;amx_countdown&quot; needs the special plugin called <br />&quot;<a href="https://forums.allie...ad.php?t=62879"target="_blank">Countdown Exec</a>&quot; by &quot;SniperBeamer&quot;. (already installed and active)<br /><b>Note 2.</b> The command &quot;amx_execall&quot; needs a special plugins called <br />&quot;<a href="https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?p=3313" target="_blank">Exec</a>&quot; by &quot;ToXiC&quot;. (already installed and active)<br /><br /> <br /><b>4.</b> The file (opcional) &quot;yourgamemod/mapcycles/mysuper4fun.ini&quot; contains <br />the mapcycle used when &quot;My Super 4 Fun Mod&quot; is active.<br /><br />----------------------- <a name="Change "></a><b><font size="5"><font color="blue">Change Log</font></font></b> <a href="#Top">Go Top</a> -----------------------------------------<br /><div style="margin:20px; margin-top:5px; ">
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2015-08-27 - v4.0<br /> * Separated the Amx_Ultra plugin from Addons Multi-Mod <br /> * Corrected some exceptions and added SpawnProtection countdown, <br /> and freeze time alignment support to amx_super 4.1 Nospeed. <br /><br />2015-08-22 - v3.0<br /> * Currently it is tested under Counter-Strike and Counter-Strike Condition Zero<br /> * Log chat messages of: say, say_team, amx_say, ...<br /><br />2015-08-17 - v2.0<br /> * Added Galileo 1.1.290 that is a feature rich map voting plugin.<br /> * In the last five minutes or be asked before a vote by the command &quot;say votemod&quot;, <br /> creates a vote to select what will be the Mod played in the next changelevel/restart.<br /> * Developed a multi-page votemod menu system to display until 100 mods.<br /> * Added a currentmod.ini file to save current active mod id and load it at server start.<br /> * Changes the mapcycle, if and only if a custom mod mapcycle was created.<br /> * Made the votemod keep the current mod if less than 30% of players voted.<br /> * Made &quot;Extend current map&quot; right after choose, not to restart the game at the current map.<br /> * Made the &quot;currentmod.ini&quot; store mod ids related to the mods order at &quot;multimod.ini&quot;.<br /> * Fixed current mod message is displaying &quot;Next Mod: &quot;.<br /> * Made &quot;Next Mod: &quot; message display there is no actived mod, when there is not.<br /> * When the min vote time is not reached/disabled, display e message informing that.<br /><br />2015-08-12 v1.5<br /> * Added Dragon Ball Mod v1.3<br /> * New multi-mod_core with improved server control.<br /> * Fixed daily_maps incompatibility with nextmap.<br /> * Placed multi-mod_plugin and info to its originals plugins nextmap and cmdmenus.<br /><br />2015-08-10 1.4<br /> * Added Gun-Game Mod v2.13c<br /> * Added CSDM (Death-Match) v2.1.3c<br /> * Restored the broken restart menu.<br /><br />2015-08-10 v1.3<br /> * Added pain_shock_free plugin that disables the slow down when taking shots.<br /> * Added support for Superheros Mod 1.2.1<br /> * Added support for Predator Mod_B2 2.1<br /> * Added support for Ultimate Warcraft Mod 3<br /> * Added support for Knife Arena Mod 1.2<br /> * Added the mod Zombie Mod 5.08a with new game modes.<br /><br />2015-07-27 v1.2<br /> * Added:<br /> - player_wanted that pays rewards for CT's and TR's most sought after.<br /> - amx_plant_bonus giving a bonus in cash, who plant the C4.<br /> - usurf that provides help and other things to surf maps.<br /> - cssurfboards adding a surfboard, (amx_createnpc).<br /> - lastmanbets Plugin bets when left over 1x1.<br /> - BombSite_Radar to see where the locals to plant the bomb<br /> - bad_camper that punishes who does camper indiscriminately.<br /> - multi-mod_core, amx_exec, head_shot_announcer, grentrail, parachute, knife_duel, <br /> amx_chicken, adv_killstreak, countdown_exec, ... <br />
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</div>********************* <a name="faq"></a><b><font size="5"><font color="blue">Frequently Asked Questions</font></font></b> <a href="#Top">Go Top</a> **********************************<br /><br /><b>1.</b> This Amx_Ultra is the same as <a href="https://forums.allie...play.php?f=111"target="_blank">Amx_Super</a>?<br /> * Yes, it is the same as our dear <a href="https://forums.alliedmods.net/forumdisplay.php?f=111" target="_blank">Amx_Super</a>, but with one difference, <br />now you deactivate 100% of its functionalities/plugins. <br />Hence, just let active what you want to more easily and save your server memory, <br />because once its deactivated it is not loaded, instead of <a href="https://forums.alliedmods.net/forumdisplay.php?f=111" target="_blank">Amx_Super</a>, <br />where your have to disable a cvar at &quot;amx_super.cfg&quot; config file. <br /><br /><b>2.</b> Why is better at small pieces than a big file with its 150.000 or 5.000 lines? <br /> * Because such thing is a nightmare, then small and well related pieces are <br />better to debug, that is, find bugs, add new related functionality, improve the <br />code, whatever you want to. That is why the default Amx Mod X plugins <br />don't come all at once big file. <br /><br /><b>3.</b> Why all these plugins are not too much functionality? <br /> * They all are here to save your trouble of going out there taking one by one <br />and installing and configuring and testing. All the ones here are already installed <br />and tested. Hence, this was not developed from night to day, took years of experience <br />and hours testing and debuging to finally bring it here, specially to you. <br />And there is not too much functionality because there is only some actives by default. <br />These plugins are located at &quot;addons/amxmodx/configs/plugins/<a href="https://github.com/addonszz/Amx_Ultra/blob/master/addons/amxmodx/configs/plugins-ultra.ini" target="_blank">plugins-ultra.ini</a>&quot;. <br />Then you choose which ones are good for you, activating or deactivating then. <br /><br /><b>4.</b> Where it come from and why? <br /> * Come from <a href="https://github.com/addonszz/AddonsMultiMod" target="_blank">Addons Multi-Mod</a>, and did so because is much better <br />develop it separated than mix everything at once. Hence too, because Addons Multi-Mod <br />is another Amx Mod X setup, so its is incompatible with you own setup. That is, you <br />have you own plugins installed at you own Amx Mod X and Addons Multi-Mod is <br />incompatible because it will replace the yours and the original Amx Mod X plugins and <br />your own server configurations files. <br />So now, Amx_Ultra is compatible with you own Amx Mod X and server <br />configuration files. And it is composed with small and well defined parts that <br />realise its own function. Such approach is better because you can <br />customize/personalize Amx_Ultra with you own taste easily. <br /><br /><b>5.</b> For who Amx_Ultra is designed and why it is here? <br /> * To whoever want its functionalities, and to <a href="https://github.com/addonszz/AddonsMultiMod" target="_blank">Addons Multi-Mod</a> use it. <br />And its is here for those who don't want install the Addons Multi-Mod but <br />still want its functionalities. And of course, to find tested plugins <br />and to save time testing and configuring they. <br /><br />If you have trouble configuring/installing your server, install the <a href="https://github.com/addonszz/AddonsMultiMod" target="_blank">Addons Multi-Mod</a> first.<br /><br />------------ <a name="Credits"></a><b><font size="5"><font color="blue">Credits</font></font></b> <a href="#Top">Go Top</a> ------------------------------------------------------<br /><br />These mods and plugins was originally written by hundreds and hundreds of people <br />all around the world. Now, after lot work from everybody, it is easy to install and use them. <br />Hence, that are a lot of credits, so just read its own source code doc to heads up. But you can see <br />a general credits name list <a href="https://github.com/addonszz/Amx_Ultra/blob/master/Credits.txt" target="_blank">here</a>. <br /><br />------------ <a name="TODO"></a><b><font size="5"><font color="blue">TODO</font></font></b> <a href="#Top">Go Top</a> ----------------------------------------------------------<br /><br /><br /><a name="Sourcecode"></a>********************************************* ******************************************<br /><font size="5">This sourcecode is available on <b>GitHub</b>.</font> <a href="#Top">Go Top</a> <br /><a href="https://github.com/addonszz/Amx_Ultra" target="_blank">https://github.com/a...mx_Ultra</a><br /><br />For any problems with this mod visit this own page or «^‿^» <br /><a href="https://github.com/Addonszz/Amx_Ultra/issues" target="_blank">https://github.com/A...a/issues</a><br /><br />OBS: If it is a plugin problem, bring too the contents of the commands <br />&quot;meta list&quot;, &quot;amxx plugins&quot; and the exceptions/errors message, without forgetting to <br />enable debug mode before load the plugin, adding debug after the plugin name, as: <br /><div style="margin:20px; margin-top:5px; ">
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//To get commands use &quot;amx_multimodz help 1&quot; or &quot;amx_help&quot; for more options/information.<br />amx_ultra_core.amxx debug ; DON'T DISABLE THIS or your configs files will not be loaded. Execute the core configuration file.<br />multi-mod_core.amxx ; Responsable for managing the mods, superheros, predator... Activations/Deactivations.<br />multi-mod_menus.amxx ; Create this menus at amxmodmenu: amx_msgmenu, amx_stmenu, amx_cmdsndmenu, amx_restartmenu.

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</div>inside your &quot;plugins-ultra.ini&quot; or your &quot;plugins-multi.ini&quot; at <br />&quot;addons/amxmodx/configs/&quot; folder, after the Mod Activation. <br /><br />********************************************* ******************************************<br /><br /><a name="Downloads"></a><font size="6"><font color="Blue"><b>Downloads</b></font></font> <a href="#Top">Go Top</a><br /><br /><a href="https://github.com/A..._resources.zip"target="_blank">amx_ultra_resources.zip</a> (124.26 MB)</div>

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