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Guest Message by DevFuse


[TF2] All Class Wall Climb v1.0.0 (with Super Jump!)

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#1 Adminek AMXX.PL

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Napisano 03.08.2015 01:56

<div><font size="6">All Class Wall Climb</font> <font size="1">+ super jump</font><br /><font size="3">My FF2 wall climb ability usable on any server</font> <font size="1">(though you'll probably only want it on your trade servers)</font><br /><br /><font size="4"><u>Video Demonstration</u></font><br /><iframe width="420" height="315" src=""frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe><br /><br /><font size="4"><u>Installation Instructions</u></font><br />Drag-and-drop into sourcemod directory. There are no user resources.<br /><br /><font size="4"><u>Dependencies</u></font><ul><li><a href="" target="_blank"></a> - This is only required to compile.</li>
</ul><br /><font size="4"><u>What is All Class Wall Climb?</u></font><br />It was originally an &quot;unspecified parkour&quot; ability for my Freak Fortress 2 boss, <a href="https://forums.allie...d.php?t=267291"target="_blank">Epic Scout</a>. I figured that wall climb/jump would be the only thing I could do that wouldn't suck to play hale as, with any relation to parkour.<br /><br />Around when I released it, it dawned on me that this would be a fun plugin for trade servers or any other TF2 server that doesn't rely on serious play. So here it is.<br /><br />Shortly after that, it dawned on me that Super Jump would also be fun for trade servers, and since I've already written that for my <a href="" target="_blank">Dynamic Defaults</a> plugin and both wall climb and super jump are in the same plugin, it'd be almost effortless to port it over. At the moment the only thing I've seen is an admin-only standalone Saxton Hale plugin. This Super Jump mode is suitable for all users.<br /><br />Both operate the same as their Freak Fortress 2 counterparts, but each user can only use one at a time. (since both require RIGHT MOUSE to work) Users can freely enable/disable them so long as admins/settings allow users to use them. Users with either enabled take no fall damage, since especially with super jump, two to three uses would equal suicide.<br /><br />It's named &quot;All Class Wall Climb&quot; to avoid any confusion with the bushwacka climbing plugin. This one is very, very different.<br /><br /><font size="4"><u>Commands</u></font><br /><font size="3"><b>Player Commands</b></font><ul><li><b>wallclimb</b> - Enable/disable wall climb.</li>
<li><b>superjump</b> - Enable/disable super jump.</li>
</ul><br /><font size="3"><b>Admin Commands</b></font><ul><li><b>acwc_cvars</b> - Reloads all cvars from file.</li>
<li><b>acwc_setenabled</b> - If set to 0, this plugin is temporarily disabled. (until map change or this is set to 1)</li>
</ul><br /><font size="4"><u>Cvars</u></font><br /><div style="margin: 5px;">
<div class="smallfont" style="margin-bottom: 2px;">
<b>Spoiler</b> <input value="Show" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; width: 45px; font-size: 10px;" onclick="if(this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[1].getElementsByTagName('div')[0].style.display != 'inline')
{ this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[1].getElementsByTagName('div')[0].style.display = 'inline'; this.innerText = ''; this.value = 'Hide'; }
{ this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[1].getElementsByTagName('div')[0].style.display = 'none'; this.innerText = ''; this.value='Show'; }" type="button">
<div class="alt2" style="border: 1px inset; padding: 6px;">
<div class="spoiler" style="display: none;"><br /><b>allclass_wall_climb_version</b> is the special version cvar, configured the way plugin approvers want said cvar to be configured.<br /><br />The rest of these are set to FCVAR_PLUGIN.<ul><li><b>acwc_allow_sj</b> (default 1) - 1 = enable super jump.</li>
<li><b>acwc_allow_parkour</b> (default 1) - 1 = enable wall climb.</li>
<li><b>acwc_hud_y</b> (default 0.84) - HUD Y position for SJ/Wall Climb.</li>
<li><b>acwc_sj_charge_time</b> (default 1.5) - Time for Super Jump to become fully charged.</li>
<li><b>acwc_sj_cooldown</b> (default 5.0) - Cooldown between super jumps.</li>
<li><b>acwc_sj_intensity</b> (default 1.0) - Super Jump intensity modifier. Games other than TF2 will need different settings, because velocity is handled differently in CS:GO, etc.</li>
<li><b>acwc_parkour_yaw_constraint</b> (default 45.0) - Yaw constraint for someone doing wall climb. Set it too high and the controls will seem wonky. (and even backwards sometimes)</li>
<li><b>acwc_parkour_move_intensity</b> (default 400.0) - Intensity for wall climbing, up/down/left/right.</li>
<li><b>acwc_parkour_jump_intensity</b> (default 550.0) - Intensity of wall jumps.</li>
</div><br /><br /><font size="4"><u>Credits</u></font><ul><li>Coded by sarysa</li>
<li>Some super jump code directly lifted from Rainbolt Dash's work.</li>

<br /> <div style="padding:6px">

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<a href="</a>(45.5 KB)



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