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Guest Message by DevFuse


[Any] Veterans Only (v1.0, 2015-01-22)

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#1 Adminek AMXX.PL

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Napisano 21.01.2015 22:36

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<div><b><div align="center"><font size="+6">Veterans Only<br /><font size="3">(veterans)</font><br /></font></div></b><div align="center"><br />v1.0</div><font size="-2"><br /></font> <b><u>Introduction/Features</u></b>: <br /><br />Sale after sale we have more cheaters in the servers and more accounts dedicated to cheating. And Valve's VAC system is not very helpful with its two weeks ban-waves strategy when it comes to cheap or F2P games. In these circumstances, if you have a community of experienced users who hate cheaters you can use this plugin to prevent joining of the inexperienced players including cheaters and players with new account.<br /><br /><ul><li><b>Kick players based on their Playtime</b></li>
<li><b>Kick players based on their playtime minus their last 2 weeks activities</b>: Useful when dealing with those players that leave their game open for some days to gain some play time</li>
<li><b>Banning players</b>: Instead of kicking players you can ban them for a short time. Very useful to prevent attack against your server</li>
<li><b>Check against another game</b>: It is possible to let the players join to your CSGO server if they are already experienced in CSS (or any other Steam game)</li>
</ul><b><u>Known bugs</u></b>: <ul><li>Non known</li>
</ul><br /><u><b>CVars</b></u>:<ul><li><b>sm_veterans_version</b>: Version of plugin</li>
<li><b>sm_veterans_enable</b>: (0/1) Enabling and disabling of the plugin</li>
<li><b>sm_veterans_gameid</b>: (0/99999999) Steam Store Id of the game you want to check against (default it CSGO, 730)</li>
<li><b>sm_veterans_kickfailure</b>: (0/1) Kick the player if plugin failed to retrieve the information</li>
<li><b>sm_veterans_kickprivate</b>: (0/1) Kick the player if his/her profile was private/friend only/not created</li>
<li><b>sm_veterans_timeout</b>: (1/300) Maximum number of seconds that plugin should wait for a connection to respond</li>
<li><b>sm_veterans_bantime</b>: (0/31536000) Duration of the ban (zero to disable - kick)</li>
<li><b>sm_veterans_mintotal</b>: (0/600000) Minimum playtime of the user to accept (in minutes, zero to disable check)</li>
<li><b>sm_veterans_mintotalminuslastweek</b>: (0/600000) Minimum playtime of the user minus his/her last 2 weeks activities to let him join the server (in minutes, zero to disable check)</li>
<li><b>sm_veterans_cachetime</b>: (0/31536000) Number of seconds we should wait before requesting a duplicate query. Happens only when user's playtime is less than minimum required</li>
</ul> <u><b><br />Changelog</b></u>:<ul><li> v1.0 - 2015-01-22: Initial release</li>
</ul><u><b><u><b>Dependencies</b></u>:<br /></b></u><ul><li><b><a href="https://forums.allie...d.php?t=229556"target="_blank">SteamWorks</a></b></li>
</ul><u><b><br /> How to install</b></u>:<br /><ul><li>Download the latest version of the plugin <font color="Red"><b>ONLY </b></font>from the following link: <a href=""target="_blank">[Github - veterans' Releases]</a></li>
<li>Extract both &quot;<i>plugins</i>&quot; and &quot;<i>translations</i>&quot; folders to the <i>addons/sourcemod</i> path</li>
<li>Change &quot;<i>sm_veterans_gameid</i>&quot; value to your game's Steam Store ID</li>
</ul><u><b>Source</b></u>:<br /><br />Source code of this plugin is available at the following address: <a href=""target="_blank">[Github - veterans]</a></div>

<br /> <div style="padding:6px">

<fieldset class="fieldset">
<legend>Attached Files</legend>
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="3" border="0">
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<td><img class="inlineimg" src="https://forums.allie.../attach/sp.gif"alt="File Type: sp" width="16" height="16" border="0" style="vertical-align:baseline" /></td>

<a href="http://www.sourcemod...54"><strong>GetPlugin</strong></a> or
<a href="https://forums.allie...1421876141">GetSource</a> (veterans.sp - 11.6 KB)

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