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Guest Message by DevFuse


Problem z ss_amxbans

  • Zamknięty Temat jest zamknięty
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#1 SaveD


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Reputacja: 1

  • Postów:38
  • Lokalizacja:Lublin

Napisano 04.09.2009 17:52

Witajcie, mam problem z pluginem ss_amxbans.amxx

Jest to plugi nz tego forum, który banuje po zrobieniu ss przez amxbans.
Problem jest następujący. Po zrobieniu SS wywala gościa na speca, a banowanie trwa jakieś 30 sekund...
Jak zmienić czas banowania na natychmiastowy???

#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <fakemeta>
#include <cstrike>

#define PLUGIN "Ultimate SS"
#define VERSION "1.2"
#define AUTHOR "Hack, edited by Yetj"

new player
new ip[32]
new finish;

new maxscreens  //maksymalna ilosc screenow zrobionych graczowi
new screeninterval  //czas pomiedzy 2 ss
new design  //visual stuff
new site  //stron/forum gdzie gracz ma wrzucic ss w celu unbana
new reason
new oslep
new save
new czas

public plugin_init()
    register_plugin( PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR )

    register_concmd("amx_ss", "concmd_screen", ADMIN_BAN, "<authid, nick lub #userid> <screens>")
    register_clcmd("say /ip", "show_ip")

    maxscreens = register_cvar("amx_ss_max", "5") //Maksymalna ilosc ss
    screeninterval = register_cvar("amx_ss_interval", "2.0") //odstep pomiedzy 2 ss
    design = register_cvar("amx_ss_design", "3") //wyglad podczas i po zrobieniu ss
    site = register_cvar("amx_ss_site","") //strona/forum gdzie ma wrzucic ss
    reason = register_cvar("amx_ss_reason","Wrzuc_screeny_na_")
    save = register_cvar("amx_ss_save","1")
    czas = register_cvar("amx_ss_ban","0")
    oslep = get_user_msgid("ScreenFade")


public concmd_screen(id, level, cid)
    if(!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 3))   //if the one who requests an ss isnt admin exit
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED

    new arg1[24], arg2[4]
    read_argv(1, arg1, 23)
    read_argv(2, arg2, 3)

    new screens = str_to_num(arg2)
    new maxss = get_pcvar_num(maxscreens)

    if(screens > maxss)   //too many ss?
        console_print(id, "[SS]Za duzo screenow na raz!")

        return PLUGIN_HANDLED

    player = cmd_target(id, arg1, 1)
    if (!player)   //the player has exited the sv or he didnt existed
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED
    finish = screens

    new Float:interval = get_pcvar_float(screeninterval)    //a set_task for each "amx_ss nickname nr_of_ss"
    new array[2]
    array[0] = id //save usefull data in a vector so it can be reused
    array[1] = player
    set_task(interval, "ss_propriuzis", 0, array,2, "a", screens)


public ss_propriuzis(array[2])
    //take data and set them accordingly
    new player = array[1]
    new id = array[0]
    new logfile[128],text[256]

    //save time,adminname,playername so that the player cant give us other ss's and because it LOOKS COOOL!
    new timestamp[32], timestampmsg[128], name[32], adminname[32]
    get_time("%d/%m/%Y - %H:%M:%S", timestamp, 31)
    get_user_name(player, name, 31)
    get_user_name(id, adminname, 31)
    get_user_ip(player, ip, 31)

    //Clasic Design
    if(get_pcvar_num(design) == 0)
        client_print(player, print_chat, "** ** Screenshot zrobiony graczowi ^"%s^" przez admina ^"%s^" **", name, adminname)
        client_cmd(player, "snapshot") //ss

        if(get_pcvar_num(save) == 0)
        console_print(id, "[SS]Nie zapisano ss w logach");

        else if(get_pcvar_num(save) == 1)

        format (text, 256, "[%s] %s zrobil screeny %s [%s]",timestamp,adminname,name,ip)
        format( logfile, 128, "addons/amxmodx/logs/screeny.log", logfile)
        write_file( logfile, text )
        console_print(id, "[SS]Zapisano ss w logach");
    //Doar Playerului
    else if(get_pcvar_num(design) == 1)
        client_print(player, print_chat, "** Screenshot zrobiony graczowi ^"%s^" przez admina ^"%s^" (%s) **", name, adminname, timestamp)
        client_cmd(player, "snapshot") //ss

        if(get_pcvar_num(save) == 0)
        console_print(id, "[SS]Nie zapisano ss w logach");

        else if(get_pcvar_num(save) == 1)

        format (text, 256, "[%s] %s zrobil screeny %s [%s]",timestamp,adminname,name,ip)
        format( logfile, 128, "addons/amxmodx/logs/screeny.log", logfile)
        write_file( logfile, text )
        console_print(id, "[SS]Zapisano ss w logach");

    //HUD Message doar Playerului
    else if(get_pcvar_num(design) == 2)
        set_hudmessage(player, 255, 0, -1.0, 0.3, 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 4)
        format(timestampmsg, 127, "** CZAS: - %s **", timestamp)
        show_hudmessage(player, timestampmsg)

        client_cmd(player, "snapshot")  //ss

        if(get_pcvar_num(save) == 0)
        console_print(id, "[SS]Nie zapisano ss w logach");

        else if(get_pcvar_num(save) == 1)

        format (text, 256, "[%s] %s zrobil screeny %s [%s]",timestamp,adminname,name,ip)
        format( logfile, 128, "addons/amxmodx/logs/screeny.log", logfile)
        write_file( logfile, text )
        console_print(id, "[SS]Zapisano ss w logach");
    else if(get_pcvar_num(design) == 3)
        //HUD Timestamp Message
        set_hudmessage(player, 255, 0, -1.0, 0.3, 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 4)
        format(timestampmsg, 127, "** GRACZ %s CZAS: - %s **",name,timestamp)
        show_hudmessage(player, timestampmsg)

        console_print(id, "** Screenshot zrobiony graczowi ^"%s^" przez admina ^"%s^" (%s) **", name, adminname, timestamp )
        //client_print(0, print_chat, "** Screenshot zrobiony graczowi ^"%s^" przez admina ^"%s^" (%s) **", name, adminname, timestamp)
        client_cmd(player, "snapshot") //ss

        if(get_pcvar_num(save) == 0)
        console_print(id, "[SS]Nie zapisano ss w logach");

        else if(get_pcvar_num(save) == 1)

        format (text, 256, "[%s] %s zrobil screeny %s [%s]",timestamp,adminname,name,ip)
        format( logfile, 128, "addons/amxmodx/logs/screeny.log", logfile)
        write_file( logfile, text )
        console_print(id, "[SS]Zapisano ss w logach");
    console_print(id, "[SS]%s ma ip %s!",name,ip)
    console_print(id, "[SS]%s ma ip %s!",name,ip)
    console_print(id, "[SS]%s ma ip %s!",name,ip)
    finish = finish - 1;

    if(finish == 0)
        client_cmd(player, "kill")


public slepy(id) {

public info(id)
new timestampmsg[128]
new forum[51]

set_hudmessage(player, 255, 0, -1.0, 0.3, 0, 0.25, 60.0, 0.0, 0.0, 4);
format(timestampmsg, 127, "**** Wrzuc screeny na %s ****^n^n^n^n**** Wrzuc screeny na %s ****", forum, forum, forum);
show_hudmessage(player, timestampmsg);

public ban(id)
new name[32]
new forum[51]
new powod[41]
new time[41]

get_user_name(player, name, 31)
server_cmd("amx_ban %s %s %s%s", time, name, powod, forum);

public show_ip(id)
    console_print(id, "[SS]Ostatnie IP: %s!",ip)

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