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Guest Message by DevFuse


[CS:GO] Pug Setup (v1.0.0, 2014-7-13)

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#1 Adminek AMXX.PL

    Admin :)

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Napisano 14.07.2014 02:50

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<div><font size="5"><br />For full details, check the readme on github: <a href="" target="_blank"></a><br /></font><br /><br />This is a plugin meant to help people run pug games with their friends. It's original use case was making setting up a 10man with my friends easier, and that is still the primary use case. I will try to get a youtube demonstration of the setup soon!<br /><br />Main features:<ol style="list-style-type: decimal"><li>.ready system</li>
<li>random teams</li>
<li><b>captains that take turns select their players</b></li>
<li>players join teams manually</li>
<li>map vote</li>
<li>captains veto maps until 1 left</li>
<li>auto-record demos</li>
<li>auto-exec configs</li>
<li>auto-lo3 if desired, otherwise the leader types .start</li>
</ol><br /><br /><font size="5">Installation</font><br />Download and extract the files to the game server. You should have installed at least:<br />- csgo/addons/sourcemod/configs/pugsetup/maps.txt (you might want to edit this)<br />- csgo/addons/sourcemod/plugins/pugsetup.smx<br />- csgo/cfg/sourcemod/pugsetup/warmup.cfg (you might want to edit this)<br />- csgo/cfg/sourcemod/pugsetup/standard.cfg (you might want to edit this)<br /><br /><font size="5">Setup</font><br />Generally, here is what happens:<br />- A player joins and types .setup and goes through the menu to select how the teams and map will be chosen<br />- Other players join and all type .ready<br />- If the leader setup for a map vote, the map vote will occur and the map will change, then all players will type .ready on the new map<br />- If the leader setup for a captain-style team selection, the game will wait for when 2 captains are selected, then the captains will be given menus to chose players<br />- Then, either by the leader typing .start or the game auto-living (which is also configurable), the game will initiate a live-on-3 restart and go<br /><br /><br /><font size="5">Commands</font><br />Some commands that are important are:<br />- <b>.setup</b>, begins the setup phase and sets the pug leader<br />- <b>.start</b>, begins the game (note that the cvar sm_teamselect_autolo3 controls if this is needed<br />- <b>.ready</b><br />- <b>.unready</b><br />- <b>.pause</b><br />- <b>.unpause</b><br />- <b>.capt</b> gives the pug leader a menu to select captains<br />- <b>.rand</b> selects random captains<br />- <b>.leader</b> gives a menu to change the game leader<br />- <b>.endgame</b>, force ends the game safely (only the leader can do this, note that this **resets the leader** to nobody)<br /><br />The chat commands are mostly aliases for sourcemod admin commands, so an admin can override things if needed. The bold commands are only available through these admin commands and have no chat aliases (other than the default sourcemod ones, e.g. !leader or /leader go with sm_leader)<br /><br />These use admin flag &quot;g&quot; for map change abilities:<br />- sm_setup<br />- sm_leader<br />- sm_start<br />- sm_rand<br />- sm_capt<br />- sm_endgame (note this resets the leader to none)<br /><br />These use the generic admin flag &quot;b&quot;:<br />- sm_pause<br />- sm_unpause<br /><br /><b>Generally you don't need the admin (sm_) commands</b>, but they may come in helpful if a captain/leader doesn't know about the .pause feature or<br />you need to take leardership of the pug.<br /><br /><br /><font size="5">ConVars</font><br />These are put in an autogenerated file at **cfg/sourcemod/pugsetup.cfg**, once you start the plugin go edit that file if you wish.<br />- sm_pugsetup_warmup_cfg should store where the warmup config goes, defaults to the included file sourcemod/pugsetup/warmup.cfg)<br />- sm_pugsetup_live_cfg should store where the warmup config goes, defaults to the included file sourcemod/pugsetup/standard.cfg<br />- sm_pugsetup_autorecord controls if the plugin should autorecord a gotv demo (you may need to add some extra cvars to your cfgs, such as tv_enable 1)<br />- sm_pugsetup_requireadmin controls if an admin flag (&quot;g&quot; for change map permissions) is needed to use the setup command (i.e. admins must use !setup and .setup no longer works)</div>

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