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Guest Message by DevFuse


[TF2] Custom Weapons 2 (Beta)

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#1 Adminek AMXX.PL

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Napisano 01.03.2014 18:25

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<div>Valve still not adding new weapons to TF2? No problem. Custom Weapons 2 allows you to create your own weapons and let your players use them.<br /><br />Once you've installed the plugin and some weapons, all players have to do is say <b>/custom, /cus or /c</b> for the list of custom weapons for that class.<br /><br />It's somewhat like Advanced Weaponiser, except the creation, modification, and selection of weapons is not limited to a certain group of people; it's up to whoever installs the plugin.<br /><br />You can create your own weapons with unique stats, and share them with other servers using Custom Weapons 2. Apply any Valve attribute you'd like onto your weapon.<br /><br />Valve attributes not unique enough? Create your own attributes sub-plugin with ease. Each custom attribute added allows for more and more unique weapons to be created with it!<br /><br /><font size="5"><b>HOW TO MAKE CUSTOM WEAPONS</b></font><br /><div style="margin: 5px;">
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<div class="alt2" style="border: 1px inset; padding: 6px;">
<div class="spoiler" style="display: none;">Creating a new custom weapon is plain easy. Simply duplicate a custom weapon's config file, and fill out its info with your own.<ul><li>The weapon's name goes right at the top, in &quot;quotes&quot;.</li>
<li>&quot;classes&quot; is the array of player classes the weapon should be available for; the number next to each class is the weapon slot (0 = Primary, 1 = Secondary, 2 = Melee)</li>
<li>&quot;baseclass&quot; is the <a href="https://wiki.alliedm...ndexes#Weapons" target="_blank">classname</a> of the weapon, without &quot;tf_weapon_&quot;.</li>
<li>&quot;baseindex&quot; is the item index of the base weapon, see above classname link. If unsure, stick within the 0-30s.</li>
<li>If it uses ammo (i.e. most non-melee weapons) it should have &quot;mag&quot; and &quot;ammo&quot; keys with the intended starting ammo.</li>
<li>&quot;logname&quot; will be displayed in client consoles when a kill is made with the weapon. Not currently implemented.</li>
<li>&quot;killicon&quot;, also not implemented yet, will be able to change the weapon's icon in the kill feed.</li>
<li>&quot;description&quot; is the stat list that players will see when selecting the weapon. n = Newline. &quot;n n&quot; will skip an entire line.</li>
<li>&quot;attributes&quot;; the bread-n-butter. Each attribute has:<ul><li> An identifier, to set what attribute it is. This will either be a case-sensitive name (Custom Weapons, TF2Attributes) or an attribute index (TF2Items).</li>
<li> &quot;plugin&quot;: Who will provide the attribute's functionality?<ul><li> For <a href="http://wiki.teamfort...tem_attributes" target="_blank">official Valve attributes</a>, you'll usually want to use TF2Attributes, so put &quot;tf2attributes&quot;. A select few attributes require &quot;; instead.</li>
<li> If TF2Attributes doesn't work for said attribute (so far I've only seen &quot;alt-fire is vampire&quot; not work with TF2Att) then try &quot;tf2items&quot; instead, with the identifier being the number beside the attribute's name. (e.g. &quot;move speed penalty&quot; should instead be &quot;54&quot;)</li>
<li> Or, of course, a custom attribute! In which case, &quot;plugin&quot; should be set to the name of the attributes plugin, minus &quot;.smx&quot;. The starter pack includes &quot;basic-attributes&quot; and &quot;custom-attributes&quot;.</li>
<li> And of course, a value. Most attributes are multipliers; with &quot;damage bonus/penalty&quot;, &quot;2.0&quot; is double (+100%), and &quot;0.5&quot; is halved (-50%). With time-based attributes such as &quot;Reload time increased/decreased&quot;, &quot;0.5&quot; is <i>half time</i> (good), whereas &quot;2.0&quot; makes it take twice as long (bad). And some attributes are simply &quot;1.0 = on, 0.0 = off&quot;.<br />If you're unsure about values, check out a weapon that already has that attribute (Ctrl+F the official weapon's name in tf/scripts/items_game.txt, or just look at the custom weapon's config)</li>
</ul><br />To Do: Make a fancy schmancy guide for all that. Make a weapon creator webform.</div>
</div><br /><font size="5"><b>HOW TO MAKE CUSTOM ATTRIBUTES</b></font><div style="margin: 5px;">
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<div class="alt2" style="border: 1px inset; padding: 6px;">
<div class="spoiler" style="display: none;">To be able to make custom attributes, all you need to know are the basics of SourcePawn. That's it!<br />Take a look at basic-attributes.sp in the Starter Weapons Pack; it's fairly simple, and has some comments here, there, and everywhere to explain things. Think of it as somewhat of a template for attributes plugins.</div>
</div><br /><br /><b><font size="5">QUESTIONS &amp; ANSWERS</font></b><div style="margin: 5px;">
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<div class="alt2" style="border: 1px inset; padding: 6px;">
<div class="spoiler" style="display: none;"><b>How is this different from Advanced Weaponiser?</b><br />You (who runs the game server) can change around the weapons in whatever ways you'd like. The weapons are always equippable, and not tied to any &quot;master server&quot;. Also, this plugin isn't abandoned, private, or what have you.<br /><br /><b>I gave my custom weapon a model, can other players besides the user see it?</b><br />Nope. The player will be able to see it in both first and third person, though.<br /><br /><b>&lt;weapon name&gt; is overpowered/underpowered! Fix it!</b><br />No u! Change its stats, or disable it (after all, that's the point of this plugin!) and perhaps suggest a tweak to its stats once you've done so.<br /><br /><b>Was there a Custom Weapons 1?</b><br />Yes. It was 100% hardcoded, and terrible. Thankfully, it was private. :3<br /><br /><b>Why is it called &quot;customweapons<u>tf</u>.smx&quot;?</b><br />I actually, for some reason, originally made this for CS:GO; as a proof of concept, and because bot matches were getting a bit stale with CS:GO's plain, realistic weapons.<br />So, this is the &quot;TF2 edition&quot; of Custom Weapons.</div>
</div><br /><br /><b><font size="5">INSTALLATION</font></b><br />Your server needs both <a href="https://forums.allie...d.php?t=115100" target="_blank">TF2Items</a> and <a href="https://forums.allie...d.php?t=210221" target="_blank">TF2Attributes</a> loaded.<br />1. Install customweaponstf.smx into your sourcemod/plugins/ directory.<br />2. Install tf2items.randomizer.txt into your sourcemod/gamedata/ directory.<br />3. Install whatever custom weapons/attributes/packs you'd like. You <i>need</i> at least one custom weapon for this to work, and most likely, that weapon will require an attributes plugin.<br />4. <font face="Courier New">sm plugins load customweaponstf</font>, or <font face="Courier New">sm plugins reload customweaponstf</font> when you install more.<br />5. Done!<br /><br /><font size="5"><b>DLC!</b></font><br /><a href="" target="_blank">Starter Custom Weapons + Basic Attributes + Custom Attributes</a><br /><a href="" target="_blank">Half-Life 2 Weapons</a> (requires Starter Pack)<br /><br /><font size="5"><b>CURRENT BETA STATUS</b></font><div style="margin: 5px;">
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<div class="alt2" style="border: 1px inset; padding: 6px;">
<div class="spoiler" style="display: none;"><ul><li> The code is a bit messy</li>
<li> Custom model and sound support is in, but isn't the best yet</li>
<li> The menu starts looking weird if a class has more than 7 custom weapons (I think)</li>
<li> Not tested much!</li>
</ul>Todo:<ul><li> Arena mode support</li>
<li> Applying custom attributes to official weapons a la TF2Items Manager</li>
<li> The ability to change kill icons and weapon_logclassname</li>
<li> Translation support like FF2's boss descriptions has?</li>
<li> &quot;Bots can equip this weapon&quot; key for weapons</li>
<li> The ability to apply/not apply certain attributes if certain cvars (such as hale_enable) are active</li>
</div><br /><br />---<br />This is a <b>beta</b> of Custom Weapons 2. Think twice before adding it to your production server(s). It hasn't been fully tested in actual &quot;combat&quot; servers, and I'd like to get a better idea of what everyone thinks about specific features, weapons, and attributes.<br />Things might change completely, but I doubt it.<br /><font size="1">inb4something'sbroken</font></div>

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<a href="http://www.sourcemod...22"><strong>Get Plugin</strong></a> or
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