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Guest Message by DevFuse


[TF2] Force Domination Quotes (1.2, 2013-05-10)

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#1 Adminek AMXX.PL

    Admin :)

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Reputacja: 156

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  • Lokalizacja:AMXX.PL

Napisano 10.05.2013 16:05

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<div><font size="4">Description</font><br />Force one or more players to play domination quotes!<br /><br /><font size="3">See also: <a href="https://forums.allie...d.php?t=215449" title="AlliedModders - Thread 215449">Assister Domination Quotes</a>.<br /></font><br /><font size="4">Feature List</font><br /><ul><li>Can force players to play a domination line for specific class domination. Doesn't apply to Pyro, Heavy, or Medic who don't have class-specific domination lines.</li>
<li>Can force players to play a domination line for random class<ul><li>Each target will select a class at random.</li>
<li>Can force players to play a revenge line.</li>
</ul><font size="4">CVAR/Command List</font><br /><br />Cvars:<br /><ul><li>forcedominationquotes_version - Plugin version</li>
<li>forcedominationquotes_log - [0/1] default 1 - Show to players when this command is used?</li>
<li>forcedominationquotes_disguised [0/1] default 0 - Play domination/revenge sounds while disguised? This cvar hasn't been tested.</li>
<li>forcedominationquotes_cloaked [0/1] default 0 - Play domination/revenge sounds while cloaked? This cvar hasn't been tested.</li>
</ul>Commands:<br /><ul><li>dominationquote - Requires Generic Admin flag (see Overrides system to change) - Usage: /dominationquote &lt;target&gt; [class] - Plays a domination sound for all targets. Uses normal SourceMod <a href="http://wiki.alliedmo...#How_to_Target" target="_blank">targeting strings</a>, but ignores immunity levels. If class is omitted, will choose a random class for each player.</li>
<li>revengequote - Requires Generic Admin flag - Usage: /revengequote &lt;target&gt; - Plays a revenge sound for all targets. Uses normal SourceMod <a href="http://wiki.alliedmo...#How_to_Target" target="_blank">targeting strings</a>, but ignores immunity levels.</li>
</ul><br /><font size="4">Changelog</font><br /><ul><li>2013-05-10 (v1.1)<ul><li>First public release</li>
<li>Updated to use translations</li>
<li>Fixed processing wrong values for targets</li>
<li>added &quot;rand&quot; class option, although this was already implicit</li>
<li>2013-05-09 (v1.0)<ul><li>Initial Release</li>
</ul> </li>
</ul><font size="4">Installation Instructions</font><br />For a new install:<br /><ol style="list-style-type: decimal"><li>Download</li>
<li>Unzip into your server's tf directory.</li>
</ol>To upgrade:<br /><ol style="list-style-type: decimal"><li>Download and install any updated translation files.</li>
<li>Download the new plugin version and put it into your server's addons/sourcemod/plugins/ directory.</li>
</ol> <font size="4">Dependencies</font><br />SourceMod 1.4 and its SDKTools extension<br /><br /><font size="4">Plans<br /></font>The cloak and disguise cvars need to be tested.<br />It may be possible to make Spies play their lines as their disguised class, but I'll have to do more research.</div>

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