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Global VIP Plugin - ALL IN ONE

Adminek AMXX.PL - zdjęcie Adminek AMXX.PL 23.07.2012

This is a plugin which does not need any supplement, be free to say ALL IN ONE. It has everything you need VIP plugin for CS 1.6 Public Server .. u start to say to you not as you think: "Why this is included, unnecessary, stupid ...", everything can be turned off cvar. This is my longest plugin currently has over 2000 lines of code are. This plugin does not have to be used only for the standard CS 1.6 mod (public), and may for other modes, provided that it nicely ... set the plugin may not edit, but under conditions that leave me for the author and do not sell.Plugin can be a whole in 2 languages​​, by default it is in English. vip_language cvar "2", move the entire plugin into Serbian. The whole plugin is the flag T (ADMIN_LEVEL_H) (which give the player vipa users.ini type in "nick" "pass", "bt", "ab"). Code: Vip capabilities, commands, and privileges:-Bombs (it is possible to bomb each adjusted separately)-A little weaker gravity (0.8)-More money (+2000 U.S. dollars)-More helti (+50)-Armor (+100)-A little more speed (+20)-Glow (if CT - blue, if T - red)-Menu with guns (all are in the drum 200 rounds)-Menu with guns (also have a full magazine,)VIP-C4 (default: off)No-reload (can not empty the magazine,)VIP-Prefix - when you write the command "say" looks like this:Dołączona grafika-To kill gets money (+500 U.S. dollars)-To kill gets helt (+20)-To kill HeadShot gets money (+1000 $)-To kill HeadShot gets helt (+40)There is a VIP-Shop (say / vipshop)Dołączona grafika HTML Code: All settings in this shop are in the vip folder called VipShop.cfg. each part shop can be set, whether the item involved, what is the price and duration (if the item is the time). Each item in the shop will be able to be used once during the round.Dołączona grafikaCouple Picture:Dołączona grafika-say / Vip | | say / VIPs players will go out to the Vip's current server-say / vipinfo player can in motd window to see the privileges of a VIP-Dołączona grafika Attached Files Dołączona grafika Get Plugin or Get Source (ultimate_vip.sma - 78.2 KB)

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