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Guest Message by DevFuse

[] [CS:S] H-Stats (simple single-server player skill stats)

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#1 Adminek AMXX.PL

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Napisano 06.03.2012 00:11

<div><b>Feature list:<br /> <br /></b>* Basic player statistics including a e.g. a ranked score, and kills-per-death<br />* hlstats-like interface (just added the &quot;sm_&quot; prefix or &quot;!&quot; in chat to make it behave a bit more sourcemod-look-alike<br />* no sql database needed, stats are saved in a plain, human-readable file<br />* NOTE: NO, THERE IS NO WEB-INTERFACE, NOR THIS IS ANY MULTI-SERVER SYNCHRONIZATION<br />* players that have not been connected for more than 28 days will be suspended from ranking, but not deleted. After reconnect they will be reactivated automatically.<br />* user can configure plugins verbosity by &quot;!settings&quot; menu<br /><br /><b>Commands:<br /><br /></b>menu-based cmds (intended to be called from within chat as e.g. !rank or /rank):<br />sm_rank, sm_kpd: Callers stats<br />sm_top10: Player ranking by points<br />sm_next: next players relative to callers rank<br /><br />console cmds:<br />sm_hstats: full stats of players currently in game<br />sm_hstats_dbg: (admins only) give dump of complete database, including debug info, please include output of this command when filing bug reportsuse sm_settings or !settings from within chat to configure plugins verbosity per user<b><br /><br />CVARS:<br /><br /></b>all cvars are created automatically in a config file called sourcemod/hstats.cfg, refer to this file for documented list of cvars.<br /><br />sm_minPlayersForScoring: Number of players needed to be in game for scoring to start<br />sm_csWeapMul[...]: a set of weapon point multipliers. Change them to modify the impact of a specific wepon to scorers points on a &quot;KILL&quot; event<br />sm_pointsPlr[...]: defines the amount of points, a player is granted on the game event given by the variable name. e.g. sm_pointsPlrBombPlanted for the number of points granted when planting the bomb.<br />sm_pointsTeam[...]: defines the number of points a TEAM is granted on the game event. e.g. sm_pointsTeamWin for the points granted to the wining team at round end.<br /><br /><b>Changelog:<br /> <br /></b>1.1: first public release<br /><b><br />Installation instructions:<br /></b><br />Just copy the .smx to ypur plugins directory. After restarting the server (or by loading the plugin manually) a config file sourcemod/hstats.cfg shall be created automatically, where you can tune the scoring on your demands.<br /><b><br />Plans:</b><br /><br />* will add some more score events in future<br />* score board menu comparing players currently in game<br />* some administration functions e.g. to reset scores<br />* yes ... translations are on the agenda but thats not too trivial due to texts containing placeholders e.g. for number of points granted on current event</div>

<br /> <div style="padding:6px">

<fieldset class="fieldset">
<legend>Attached Files</legend>
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="3" border="0">
<td><img class="inlineimg" src="https://forums.allie.../attach/sp.gif" alt="File Type: sp" width="16" height="16" border="0" style="vertical-align:baseline" /></td>

<a href="http://www.sourcemod...46"><strong>Get Plugin</strong></a> or
<a href="https://forums.allie...1330988306">Get Source</a> (hstats.sp - 53.7 KB)


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