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Guest Message by DevFuse


Edycja Pliku AutoRespawn


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#1 OnlyTime


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Napisano 09.12.2011 18:04

Witam Chciałbym żeby ktoś Zmodyfikował ten Plugin tak By :

- Dodanie do tego Funkcji VIP'a pod Flagą (sam dodam) i co VIP ma : Ma Automatyczny Autorespawn.

- Gdy zakończy się Votowanie mapy tzw. Galileo to już nie Odradza przed końcem.

a o to Treść .sma

*	Plugin : Advanced - Respawn
*				Author : Atomen
*	  Version : 2.1 - 15/4/2008
* Plugin Thread : ""
*			  Description
* My first plugin , Advanced respawn with menu. Has multiple different features.
* Instant respawn on join (defined by cvar). Health on spawn feature
* 17 cvars and more to come to customize. Only works on Counter-Strike and CZ.
* Requires 4 modules , "fakemeta_util", "hamsandwich", "cstrike", "fakemeta".
* Advanced menu for each cvar. Also blocks
* abusing of "/respawn" say command. You cannot use it while alive. I made this
* plugin mostly because the were only 2 different respawn plugins out there.
* (This does not count as a deathmatch plugin)
* Halo - Respawn : Made by Emp` (Though it differs much from this plugin)
* Respawn Forever : Made by Geesu
* Last update on "Halo - Respawn" was on 4/2/2007.
* Last update on "Respawn Forever" was on 2/4/2005.
* This plugin is using pcvar and new respawn system "Hamsandwich"
*		Credits
*	  -Exolent : Recived a much needed help from him !
*	  -Arkshine : Pointing out that i should use if statement
*	  -G-Dog : Helped me with multiple "cs_get_user_team" command
*	  -v3x : Got help from his plugin "Awp Glow"
*	  -Geesu : Used his code for the "/respawn" command
*	  -MeRcyLeZZ : Helped me alot with the menus !
*	  -[FTW]-S.W.A.T / vittu : Code for the spawn effect
*	  -Vittu : Ham respawn function and recommending other team function
* Changelog :
* V 2.2a - Fixed Errors
* - Fixed index out of bounds in fwd_Ham_Killed_post on an invalid id
* - Fixed spawning spectators
* - Fixed checking cs_get_user_team on an invalid id
* V 2.1
* - Fixed menu comes up when plugin is disabled
* - Fixed message displayed even if dead
* - Fixed problem with server cvar
* - Added amx_respawn_punish cvar/menu
* - Added amx_respawn_click cvar/menu
* - Added additional checks on spawn
* - Changed Admin flag to "u" for menu access
* - Changed position of the hudmessages
* - Changed chat detecting
* V 2.0 - Performance Update
* - Improved performance/stability
* - Added a lot more use of hamsandwich module
* - Added block for the say command
* - Added more checks to avoid problems
* - Renamed some functions to more appropriate names
* - Removed a lot of "not needed" functions
* - Removed not needed variables
* - Removed all bugs/problems
* - Fixed a crash whom occured on respawn
* - Fixed a pcvar problem with toggle_say
* - Fixed so less resources is used
* - Fixed amx_respawn_armor menu
* - Fixed code smaller
* - Changed the spawn effect framerate
* - Changed some commands/functions
* - Changed a lot of checks
* V 1.5c - Update || 10/3/2008
* - Fixed Crash problem
* - Added Plugin Tracker
* - Added *_kill_money cvar/menu
* V 1.5b - Small addition
* - Added more options for *_abuse
* V 1.5a - Bug/Problem Update
* - Fixed issue with money system
* - Fixed 3 bugs/problems
* - Fixed "/respawn"
* - Added cstrike module for better detecting
* V 1.5 - Never released
* - An important update on the menus !
* - Reduced numbers of "set_task()"
* - Fixed problems with menus
* - Added money system, off by default
* - Added amx_respawn_money cvar/menu
* - Added amx_respawn_amount cvar/menu
* - Added fakemeta module for respawn support
* V 1.4 - Important Update
* - Changed respawn method to hamsandwich
* - Fixed Weapon related Menu
* - Added amx_respawn_health cvar/menu
* - Renamed amx_respawn_say to *_abuse
* V 1.3a - Small Update
* - Added amx_respawn_say cvar/menu
* V 1.3
* - Removed fun module
* - Renamed main menu
* - Added sound effect on spawn
* - Added amx_respawn_effect cvar/menu
* - Added amx_respawn_armor cvar/menu
* V 1.2
* - Optimized code
* V 1.1
* - Removed cstrike module thanks to X-Olent
* V 1.0
* - Initial release
* CVARS Spawn Related :
* amx_respawn	"1"	//Toggles the plugin on/off
* amx_respawn_delay  "1"	//Delay until respawn upon death
* amx_respawn_effect "0"	//Respawn effect
* amx_respawn_abuse  "1"	//0=Disabled 1=only dead 2=Say "/respawn" alive
* amx_respawn_health "0"	//Health on spawn , 0 = 100 hp
* amx_respawn_click  "0"	//Respawn by click(+attack)
* CVARS Protection Related :
*	amx_respawn_protection	  "1" //Toggles spawn protection on/off
*	amx_respawn_protection_time	"3" //Toggles how long you are protected
*	amx_respawn_protection_glow	"1" //Toggles Protection Glow
*	amx_respawn_protection_message "1" //Toggles spawn protection message on/off
* CVARS Weapon Related :
* amx_respawn_pistol "1" //Respawn with a pistol or not
* amx_respawn_ammo   "1" //Respawn with full ammo on the pistol
* amx_respawn_kevlar "1" //Respawn with kevlar= 1 ||Kevlar+Helmet = 2
* amx_respawn_punish "0" //Remove the users weapon on tk
* CVARS Money Related :
* amx_respawn_money	  "1" //Recieve money on each respawn,0 by default
* amx_respawn_amount	 "600" //How much money , 600 by default
* amx_respawn_kill_money "200" //Add money on frag, Default 300 + "200"
#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <fakemeta_util>
#include <hamsandwich>
#include <fakemeta>
#include <cstrike>

new const PLUGIN_NAME[] = "Advanced - Respawn"
new const PLUGIN_AUTHOR[] = "Atomen"
new VERSION[] = {"2.2a"}

#define MAX_PLAYERS 32
#define FM_MONEY_OFFSET 115
#define fm_get_user_money(%1) get_pdata_int(%1, FM_MONEY_OFFSET)

new iColorT[4]  = { 255, 100, 100, 255 }
new iColorCT[4] = { 100, 100, 255, 255 }

new toggle_plugin, toggle_click, toggle_effect,toggle_delay,toggle_say,toggle_health
new toggle_sp,toggle_sp_time,toggle_sp_glow,toggle_sp_text
new toggle_money,toggle_amount,toggle_kill_money, toggle_punish
new toggle_mode,toggle_ammo,toggle_kevlar

new bool:g_originset[33], bool:g_HasClicked[33]

new Float:g_origin[33][3];
new g_iOldMoney[MAX_PLAYERS + 1], g_aOldMoney[MAX_PLAYERS + 1]

new g_spriteFlare, SayText, mp_tkpunish

//=================================[ Register Plugin ]==========================

public plugin_init()
//Register Plugin

RegisterHam(Ham_Killed, "player", "fwd_Ham_Killed_post", 1)
register_event( "TeamInfo", "join_team", "a")

RegisterHam(Ham_Spawn, "player", "fwd_Ham_Spawn_post", 1)

register_cvar("arm_version", VERSION, FCVAR_SERVER|FCVAR_SPONLY)
mp_tkpunish = get_cvar_pointer("mp_tkpunish")

toggle_plugin = register_cvar("amx_respawn", "1")
toggle_click = register_cvar("amx_respawn_click", "0")
toggle_delay = register_cvar("amx_respawn_delay", "1")
toggle_effect = register_cvar("amx_respawn_effect", "0")
toggle_say = register_cvar("amx_respawn_abuse", "1")
toggle_health = register_cvar("amx_respawn_health", "0")

toggle_sp = register_cvar("amx_respawn_protection", "1")
toggle_sp_time = register_cvar("amx_respawn_protection_time", "3")
toggle_sp_glow = register_cvar("amx_respawn_protection_glow", "1")
toggle_sp_text = register_cvar("amx_respawn_protection_message", "1")

toggle_mode = register_cvar("amx_respawn_pistol", "1")
toggle_ammo = register_cvar("amx_respawn_ammo", "1")
toggle_kevlar = register_cvar("amx_respawn_armor", "1")
toggle_punish = register_cvar("amx_respawn_punish", "0")

toggle_money = register_cvar("amx_respawn_money", "0")
toggle_amount = register_cvar("amx_respawn_amount", "600")
toggle_kill_money = register_cvar("amx_respawn_kill_money", "200")

register_clcmd("say /respawn","on_Chat")
register_clcmd("say_team /respawn","on_Chat")

SayText = get_user_msgid("SayText");

public plugin_cfg()
set_cvar_string("mp_tkpunish", "0")

//=================================[ Precache Files ]==========================

public plugin_precache()
g_spriteFlare = precache_model("sprites/b-tele1.spr")

//=================================[ Respawn Command ]==========================

public on_Chat(iVictimID)
return 1;

public do_Chat(iVictimID)
if ( !is_user_connected(iVictimID) ) return

green_print(iVictimID, "Respawn Plugin is currently Disabled")

new alive = is_user_alive(iVictimID)
new CsTeams:team = cs_get_user_team(iVictimID)
new checking = get_pcvar_num(toggle_say)

if( team == CS_TEAM_T || team == CS_TEAM_CT && checking == 1 || checking == 2)

else if( team == CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR )
green_print(iVictimID, "Nie mozesz odrodzic sie jako obserwator.")

else if(alive)
if(checking == 1)
green_print(iVictimID, "Tylko martwi moga sie odradzac !")

else if(checking == 2)
if( team == CS_TEAM_T || team == CS_TEAM_CT)
if(g_originset[iVictimID] == true)
g_origin[iVictimID][2] = g_origin[iVictimID][2] + 10;
set_pev(iVictimID, pev_origin, g_origin[iVictimID])

green_print(iVictimID, "Zostalez przeniesiony na respawn")

else if( team == CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR)
green_print(iVictimID, "Nie mozesz odrodzic sie jako obserwator")

//=================================[ Block Useless ]==========================

public fwdStartFrame()
set_pcvar_num(mp_tkpunish, 0)

//=================================[ Register Spawn ]==========================

public fwd_Ham_Spawn_post(iVictimID)
if(get_pcvar_num(toggle_plugin) >= 1)
if(get_pcvar_num(toggle_say) == 2)
pev(iVictimID, pev_origin, g_origin[iVictimID])
g_originset[iVictimID] = true

if(get_pcvar_num(toggle_health) >= 1)
set_pev(iVictimID, pev_health, get_pcvar_float(toggle_health))

if(get_pcvar_num(toggle_sp) >= 1)
set_pev(iVictimID, pev_takedamage, 0.0)

if(get_pcvar_num(toggle_sp_glow) >= 1)
new CsTeams:team = cs_get_user_team(iVictimID)

if( team == CS_TEAM_CT)
fm_set_rendering(iVictimID, kRenderFxGlowShell, iColorCT[0], iColorCT[1], iColorCT[2],  kRenderNormal, iColorCT[3])

else if( team == CS_TEAM_T)
fm_set_rendering(iVictimID, kRenderFxGlowShell, iColorT[0], iColorT[1], iColorT[2],  kRenderNormal, iColorT[3])
set_task( 0.3, "spawn_protection_message", iVictimID)
set_task(get_pcvar_float(toggle_sp_time), "remove_spawn_protection", iVictimID)

public fw_CmdStart(iVictimID, uc_handle)
if (get_pcvar_num(toggle_plugin) && get_pcvar_num(toggle_click))
if(is_user_alive(iVictimID)) return FMRES_IGNORED
new iButtons = get_uc(uc_handle,UC_Buttons)

if((iButtons & IN_ATTACK))
if(g_HasClicked[iVictimID] == false)
new CsTeams:team = cs_get_user_team(iVictimID)
if( team == CS_TEAM_T || team == CS_TEAM_CT)
g_HasClicked[iVictimID] = true

//=================================[ Trigger Respawn ]==========================

public fwd_Ham_Killed_post(iVictimID, attacker)
if(get_pcvar_num(toggle_plugin) >= 1)
if(!is_user_connected(iVictimID) || !is_user_connected(attacker))
return 0

g_iOldMoney[iVictimID] = fm_get_user_money(iVictimID)
g_aOldMoney[attacker] = fm_get_user_money(attacker)

set_pcvar_num(mp_tkpunish, 0)

if(attacker != iVictimID && cs_get_user_team(attacker) == cs_get_user_team(iVictimID) && get_pcvar_num(toggle_punish))
set_hudmessage( 255, 0, 0, 0.30, 0.50, 0, 5.0, 3.0 , 0.1, 0.2, 3 )
show_hudmessage( iVictimID, "[] Nie wolno zabijac swoich !")


set_hudmessage( 255, 0, 0, 0.30, 0.50, 0, 90.0, 3.0 , 0.1, 0.2, 3 )
show_hudmessage( iVictimID, "[] Kliknij LMP aby sie odrozic")

else if(get_pcvar_num(toggle_delay) < 1)
set_pcvar_num(toggle_delay, 1)


//=================================[ Money on Kill ]==========================

public money_on_kill(attacker)
if(get_pcvar_num(toggle_kill_money) > 0)
fm_set_user_money(attacker, g_aOldMoney[attacker] += get_pcvar_num(toggle_kill_money), 1)

//=================================[ Respawn on Join ]==========================

public join_team()
if(get_pcvar_num(toggle_plugin) >= 1)
new iVictimID = read_data(1)
static user_team[32]

read_data(2, user_team, 31)
new alive = is_user_alive(iVictimID)

return 0;

case 'C':

case 'T':

case 'S':
green_print(iVictimID, "Zostales dolaczony do druzyny zeby sie dorodzic")
return 0;

//=================================[ Respawn upon Death ]==========================

public spawnning(iVictimID)
if ( !is_user_connected(iVictimID) ) return

new CsTeams:team = cs_get_user_team(iVictimID)
if( team == CS_TEAM_T || team == CS_TEAM_CT)
ExecuteHamB(Ham_CS_RoundRespawn, iVictimID)
//green_print(iVictimID, "Zostales odrodzony")


g_HasClicked[iVictimID] = false

if(get_pcvar_num(toggle_sp) >= 1)
set_task( 0.1 , "spawn_protection", iVictimID)

//=================================[ Check cvar Features ]==========================

public cvar_loads(iVictimID)
if ( !is_user_connected(iVictimID) ) return

if(get_pcvar_num(toggle_mode) < 1)
fm_give_item(iVictimID, "weapon_knife")

if(get_pcvar_num(toggle_ammo) >= 1)

if(cs_get_user_team(iVictimID) == CS_TEAM_T)
ExecuteHam(Ham_GiveAmmo, iVictimID, 80, "9mm", 120)
ExecuteHam(Ham_GiveAmmo, iVictimID, 76, "45acp", 100)

//=================================[ Armor Check ]==========================

public armoury_check(iVictimID)
new check = get_pcvar_num(toggle_kevlar)

if(check == 1)
fm_give_item(iVictimID, "item_kevlar")

else if(check == 2)
fm_give_item(iVictimID, "item_assaultsuit")

//=================================[ Respawn Check ]==========================

public respawn_check(iVictimID)
if ( !is_user_connected(iVictimID) ) return

new CsTeams:team = cs_get_user_team(iVictimID)

if(get_pcvar_num(toggle_say) == 2)
pev(iVictimID, pev_origin, g_origin[iVictimID])
g_originset[iVictimID] = true

if( team == CS_TEAM_T || team == CS_TEAM_CT)
fm_set_user_money(iVictimID, g_iOldMoney[iVictimID] += get_pcvar_num(toggle_amount), 1)

if(get_pcvar_num(toggle_health) >= 1)
set_pev(iVictimID, pev_health, get_pcvar_float(toggle_health))

if(get_pcvar_num(toggle_effect) == 1)
new origin[3]
get_user_origin(iVictimID, origin)
// emit_sound(iVictimID, CHAN_STATIC, "debris/beamstart2.wav", 0.6, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM)


//=================================[ Spawn Effect ]==========================

public explosion_effect(vec1[3])
// Value
new radius = 300

// Explosion 2

// Explosion
message_begin(MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY, vec1)

//=================================[ Spawn Protection - Feature ]==========================

public spawn_protection(iVictimID)
if ( !is_user_connected(iVictimID) ) return

set_pev(iVictimID, pev_takedamage, 0.0)

if(get_pcvar_num(toggle_sp_glow) >= 1)
new CsTeams:team = cs_get_user_team(iVictimID)

if( team == CS_TEAM_CT)
fm_set_rendering(iVictimID, kRenderFxGlowShell, iColorCT[0], iColorCT[1], iColorCT[2],  kRenderNormal, iColorCT[3])

else if( team == CS_TEAM_T)
fm_set_rendering(iVictimID, kRenderFxGlowShell, iColorT[0], iColorT[1], iColorT[2],  kRenderNormal, iColorT[3])
set_task( 0.3, "spawn_protection_message", iVictimID)
set_task(get_pcvar_float(toggle_sp_time), "remove_spawn_protection", iVictimID)

public remove_spawn_protection(iVictimID)
new Float:val
pev(iVictimID, pev_takedamage, val)

if(val == 0.0)
set_pev(iVictimID, pev_takedamage, 1.0)

if(get_pcvar_num(toggle_sp_glow) >= 1)
fm_set_rendering(iVictimID, kRenderFxNone, 255,255,255, kRenderNormal, 255)

public spawn_protection_message(iVictimID)
new time
time = get_pcvar_num(toggle_sp_time)

set_hudmessage( 255, 0, 0, 0.35, 0.50, 0, 6.0, 3.0 , 0.1, 0.2, 3 );
show_hudmessage( iVictimID, "[] Ochrona %d s", time)

//=================================[ Green print "[]" ]================================

stock green_print(index, const message[])
new finalmsg[192];
formatex(finalmsg, 191, "^x04[] ^x01%s", message);
message_begin(MSG_ONE, SayText, _, index);

//=================================[ Set user Money Function ]================================

stock fm_set_user_money(index, money, flash = 1) //set money
set_pdata_int(index, FM_MONEY_OFFSET, money);

message_begin(MSG_ONE, get_user_msgid("Money"), _, index);
write_byte(flash ? 1 : 0);

Użytkownik Proszę o Uśmiec edytował ten post 09.12.2011 18:05

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