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Witamy w Nieoficjalnym polskim support'cie AMX Mod X

Witamy w Nieoficjalnym polskim support'cie AMX Mod X, jak w większości społeczności internetowych musisz się zarejestrować aby móc odpowiadać lub zakładać nowe tematy, ale nie bój się to jest prosty proces w którym wymagamy minimalnych informacji.
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Guest Message by DevFuse


Pokomod save na nick

  • Zamknięty Temat jest zamknięty
8 odpowiedzi w tym temacie

#1 morvin


  • Użytkownik

Reputacja: 0

  • Postów:3

Napisano 04.12.2008 17:05

Z okazji ze to moj pierwszy temat to witam wszystkich :)

Mam taki maly problem ;]
Chcialem postawic nowy serw i wgrac tam pokemoda lecz wiekszosc mojego klanu ma zmienne IP ;/
Chcialem sie zapytac czy wie ktos jak zrobic aby pokemony,exp itp zapisywaly sie na NICK ;]

Proszę o szybką opowiedz :)
  • +
  • -
  • 0

#2 emblaze

    Koniec z cs/amxx

  • Użytkownik

Reputacja: 167

  • Postów:973
  • Lokalizacja:Mój steam: emblaze_95

Napisano 05.12.2008 14:39

podaj sma tego pokemoda :)
  • +
  • -
  • 0

#3 morvin


  • Autor tematu
  • Użytkownik

Reputacja: 0

  • Postów:3

Napisano 05.12.2008 22:44


 //     ___      _                         _   //

 //    / _ ___ | | _____  //   ___   __| |  //

 //   / /_)/ _ | |/ / _ /     / _  / _` |  //

 //  / ___/ (_) |   <  __/ //  (_) | (_| |  //

 // /_/    ___/|_|____/    /___/ __,_|  //

 //                                            //


 //                                            //

 //      Welcome to The World of Pokemon.      //

 //                                            //





 *	v1.2.3 RC - 05/27/08

 *							- Dropped skill forwards

 *							- Converted skill system to prepare for 1.3.0

 *							- Seperated skills into more files

 *							- Added maxarmor capabilities

 *							- Updated

 *							- Converted some file natives to new file natives

 *							- Adjusted pokemon skills to damage based on skill type instead of pokemon type

 *							- Added functionality to change how skills are activated

 *							- Fixed potential bug when exiting Bill's PC

 *							- Every skill should be able to be global with new system

 *							- Added some more important debug messages

 *							- Changed the items.cfg file a little bit

 *							- Fixed small bug in pokemart that would show all categories

 *							- Renamed Bill's PC to Emp`s PC

 *							- Fixed bug where safari file would stay open

 *							- Can now change starting pokemon

 *							- Dropped support for other plugins with speed (got too complicated)

 *							- Added functions for skill damage for more universal use

 *							- Changed how delays after pokeskills work

 *							- Minor code improvements

 *							- Fixed being able to manually activate non-bind skills

 *							- Converted sprite system to match sounds and models

 *							- Added random player round saving

 *							- Fixed not being able to do command 'pokemod debug off'

 *							- Renamed config.inl to files.inl

 *							- Made find_free_spawn function more efficient

 *							- When doing 'pokemod' in console and the server is missing files, it will now list the files

 *							- Fixed define POKEBALL_SPECIAL

 *							- Redid pokedex

 *							- Made help menu smarter

 *							- Made pokedex smarter

 *							- Redid pokeitem help

 *							- Fixed problem where last pokemon's name would not be picked up

 *							- Changed NightShade to not go below MIN_INVIS

 *							- Finished all default pokemon

 *							- Fixed problem with round start being called at the wrong time with freezetime

 *							- Fixed problem when admins erased all experience

 *							- Burn will now catch all players on fire (not just teammates)

 *							- Added smarter item searching

 *							- Fixed problem with paralysis

 *							- Can no longer release or give away your active pokemon

 *							- Fixed bug where you would try to catch pokemon with items that can't catch

 *							- Fixed problem with many fake natives

 *							- Fixed problem with picking up the first registered item

 *							- Added flexibility to interact with EAM

 *							- Fixed Start Menu not working if you were assigned a pokemon

 *							- Redid menu code

 *	v1.2.2 - 02/01/08

 *							- Dropped hamsandwich module and added back fun module

 *							- Fixed and cleaned AoEdamage and Linedamage

 *							- Fixed speed issue that was occuring

 *	v1.2.1 - 01/26/08

 *							- Fixed fire status

 *							- Fixed harden skill

 *							- Fixed menus not working occasionally

 *							- Fixed mist and sky attack not displaying in correct position

 *							- Redid type system to prepare for 1.3.0

 *							- Added status effects for normal pokedamage function

 *							- Redid how status effects are calculated in pokedamage

 *							- Added type None

 *							- Added prefix TYPE_ to the type defines/enum

 *							- Redid admin commands

 *							- Fixed weird damages with AoE and Line damage

 *							- Dropped engine module, now uses fakemeta_util

 *							- Dropped fun module, now uses fakemeta and hamsandwich

 *							- Removed time include

 *							- Now requires Hamsandwich module

 *							- Fixed rock slide skill

 *							- Bots now release pokemon randomly

 *							- Fixed global skills being able to be done twice

 *							- Fixed dodrio


 *	v1.2.0 - 12/24/07

 *							- Seperated into smaller files

 *							- Added <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='xP' /> and lvls

 *							- Added more pokemon

 *							- And a lot more (for full list, check PokeMod forums)

 *							- Now requires AMXX 1.8 or greater


 *	v1.1.1 - 07/06/06

 *							- Fixed some things

 *							- Added some cvars

 *							- Cleaned code

 *							- Made a little bit ready for when lvls and <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='xP' /> are added


 *	v1.1.0 - 06/29/06

 *							- Redid menus

 *							- Added more pokemon (33 in total)

 *							- Cleaned code

 *							- Changed cvars to pcvars

 *							- Now requires AMXX 1.71 or greater


 *	v1.0.1 - Never Released

 *							- Fixed some stuff

 *							- Cleaned code

 *							- Added more cvars


 *	v1.0.0 - 01/15/06

 *							- Released to the public



 *	- RockThrow				- modified sprites and sounds code from yang's Veronika hero

 *	- Teleport				- used PassAimTest code from sharky / JTP10181 's Batgirl hero

 *	- Flamethrower			- modified Cheap_Suit's flamethrower

 *							- KoST - for the get_distance_to_line stock

 *							- VEN - for his fm_is_ent_visible stock

 *	- PsyBeam				- based on vittu's SSJ Gohan hero

 *	- SmokeScreen			- made by Om3gA


 *	- Config files			- based on superheromod's

 *	- <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='xP' /> Save key			- based on superheromod's

 *	- Sounds				- used some sounds from FFX mod

 *	- Models				- used Prof. Oak model from old abandoned Pokemon Mod for Half-Life

 *							- original pokeball made by Emp`, fixed by Om3gA

 *							- bone model made by coca-cola

 *	- PokeLoop				- used loop code from {HOJ} Batman/JTP10181 's Captain America hero

 *	- NPCs					- used Twilight Suzuka's NPC guide

 *	- MYSQL Saving			- Superhero Mod

 *	- SQLx Saving			- Teame06

 *	- Dynamic Natives		- help from Hawk552

 *	- Other					- modified mole code from WC3FT mod

 *							- is_user_outside stock from timer16 by Twilight Suzuka


 *		- Anything not listed here was most likely done by Emp`


 //--To Do--//

 *	- Personal colored huds

 *	- PP points

 *	- Read files rather than having defines

 *	- Personal Pokemon Names

 *	- Pokemon skill selection

 *	- Dynamic skill properties

 *	- Dynamic statuses

 *	- More fake natives



	//        DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING IN HERE!         //

	//      Things for customizing your server        //

	//            have been moved to the              //

	//       custom.inl and skill_defines.inl         //


 #if defined _pokemod_plugin_included



 #define _pokemod_plugin_included

 //Lets increase the memory

 #pragma dynamic 32768

 //Change the stupid escape character to the normal one

 #pragma ctrlchar ''

 //Lets load some libraries

 #include <amxmisc>

 #include <fakemeta_util>

 #include <fun>

 #include <xs>


	#assert _____

			PokeMod requires AMXX 1.8 or higher and must be compiled locally!



 //PokeMod includes

 #tryinclude "pokemon/custom.inl"	//gotta include these first because its used in the other files

 #tryinclude "pokemon/defines.inl"

 #if !defined _pokemod_custom_included || !defined _pokemod_defines_included

	#assert _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

			_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PokeMod must be compiled locally! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

			_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


 #if MOD==CS

	#include <cstrike>


 #if MOD==DOD

	#include <dodfun>

	#include <dodx>


 #if MOD==NS

	#include <ns>



	#include <dbi>



	#include <sqlx>



	#include <nvault>



 #include "pokemon/skill_defines.inl"

 #include "pokemon/globals.inl"

 #include "pokemon/other.inl"

 #include "pokemon/admin.inl"

 #include "pokemon/bot.inl"

 #include "pokemon/items.inl"

 #include "pokemon/checks.inl"

 #include "pokemon/eam.inl"

 #include "pokemon/evolution.inl"

 #include "pokemon/files.inl"

 #include "pokemon/helps.inl"

 #include "pokemon/menus.inl"

 #include "pokemon/mod_specific.inl"

 #include "pokemon/natives.inl"

 #include "pokemon/oak.inl"

 #include "pokemon/pokedamage.inl"

 #include "pokemon/pokerank.inl"

 #include "pokemon/publics.inl"

 #include "pokemon/registers.inl"

 #include "pokemon/skills.inl"

 #include "pokemon/status.inl"

 #include "pokemon/stocks.inl"

 #include "pokemon/<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='xP' />.inl"



 //  Starts plugin  //


 public plugin_init()


	plugin_id = register_plugin(PLUGNAME, VERSION, AUTHOR);

	//lets register the most important things first (incase pokemod was disabled)

	set_pcvar_string( register_cvar("PokeMod_Version",VERSION,FCVAR_SERVER|FCVAR_SPONLY), VERSION );

	register_concmd("pokemod","Console_Pokemod",ADMIN_ALL, "- information about PokeMod");


	//Client Say Commands


	//if pokemod was disabled, we don't need to waste server resources





	#if MOD==CS

		register_event("Damage", "pokemon_damage", "b", "2!0");

		register_event("HLTV", "round_start", "a", "1=0", "2=0");

		register_logevent("poke_round_end", 2, "1=Round_End");

		register_logevent("poke_round_end", 2, "1&Restart_Round_");

		register_event("StatusText", "pokemon_statustext", "b");

		register_event("ResetHUD", "pokemon_spawn", "b");

		register_event("Money", "pokemon_money", "b");


		#if MOD==DOD

			register_event("RoundState", "poke_round_end", "a", "1=3", "1=4");


		#if MOD==NS

			register_event("Damage", "pokemon_damage", "b", "2!0");


		register_event("ResetHUD", "team_ready", "b");


	register_event("DeathMsg", "pokemon_death", "a");

	register_event("CurWeapon", "WeaponChange", "be", "1=1");

	register_forward(FM_Touch, "touches");




	register_forward(FM_AlertMessage, "log_block");

	//Loop every second

	set_task(1.0, "pokemon_loop", 0, "", 0, "b");

	debugMessage( 0,7,"done registering events" );

	//Client Console Commands

	register_clcmd("+pokeskill","pokeskill_down", _, "- uses pokemon bind skill");


	new command[32];

	for(new i=1; i <= MAX_SKILLS; i++){

		formatex(command, 31, "+pokeskill%d", i);


		formatex(command, 31, "-pokeskill%d", i);



	register_clcmd("+pokeitem","pokeitem_down", _, "- brings up Item Menu");


	register_clcmd("pokeskill","updatecommands");		//this just tells them to rebind with a +


	register_clcmd("fullupdate","fullupdate");			//this just blocks the fullupdate abuse

	//All Console Commands

	register_concmd("playerspokemon","Console_PlayersPokemon", _, "- shows everyones pokemon");	//views players pokemon

	register_concmd("playerspokes","Console_PlayersPokemon");											//views players pokemon

	register_concmd("playersitems","Console_PlayersItems", _, "- shows everyones items");		//views players items

	register_concmd("pokedex","Console_Pokedex", _, "- shows pokemon information");				//views pokedex

	register_concmd("pokeitem","Console_Pokeitem", _, "- shows pokeitem information");				//views pokeitem help


	//PokeRank Commands

	register_concmd("pokerank","Console_PlayersRanks", _, "- shows players PokeRanks");	//views players ranks


	//Admin Console Commands

	register_pokeadmincmd("givepoke","admin_givepoke",ADMIN_ALL,"<nick | @TEAM | @ALL> <pokemon name> <level> - gives players a pokemon");

	register_pokeadmincmd("setpoke","admin_setpoke",ADMIN_ALL,"<nick | @TEAM | @ALL> <pokemon name> - temporarily gives players pokemon power");

	register_pokeadmincmd("takepoke","admin_takepoke",ADMIN_ALL,"<nick | @TEAM | @ALL> <pokemon | @ALL | @# | @C> - takes a pokemon away from players");

	register_pokeadmincmd("morph","admin_morph",ADMIN_ALL,"<nick | @TEAM | @ALL> <pokemon | @ALL | @# | @C> <new pokemon> - morphes a pokemon into a new one");

	register_pokeadmincmd("givexp","admin_givexp",ADMIN_ALL,"<nick | @TEAM | @ALL> <pokemon | @ALL | @# | @C> <amount> - gives <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='xP' /> to players pokemon");

	register_pokeadmincmd("setxp","admin_setxp",ADMIN_ALL,"<nick | @TEAM | @ALL> <pokemon | @ALL | @# | @C> <amount> - sets <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='xP' /> on players pokemon");


	register_pokeadmincmd("addrank","admin_rank",ADMIN_ALL,"<nick | @TEAM | @ALL> <amount> - gives rank points to player");

	register_pokeadmincmd("setrank","admin_rank",ADMIN_ALL,"<nick | @TEAM | @ALL> <amount> - sets rank points on player");



	register_pokeadmincmd("setlvl","admin_setlvl",ADMIN_ALL,"<nick | @TEAM | @ALL> <pokemon | @ALL | @# | @C> <level> - sets level on players pokemon");

	register_pokeadmincmd("giveitem","admin_giveitem",ADMIN_ALL,"<nick | @TEAM | @ALL> <item name> <amount> - gives players an item");

	register_pokeadmincmd("debugger","admin_debugger",ADMIN_ALL,"<nick | 0> - changes who recieves the debug messages");


	register_pokeadmincmd("help","admin_help",ADMIN_ALL," - shows admin command help");



	register_pokeadmincmd("cvar","admin_cvar",ADMIN_ALL," - saves changes to pokemod cvars");


	register_pokeadmincmd("enable","admin_enable",ADMIN_ALL,"<pokemon | @ALL> - enables the use of a pokemon");

	register_pokeadmincmd("tempenable","admin_enable",ADMIN_ALL,"<pokemon | @ALL> - temporarily enables the use of a pokemon");

	register_pokeadmincmd("disable","admin_disable",ADMIN_ALL,"<pokemon | @ALL> - disables the use of a pokemon");

	register_pokeadmincmd("tempdisable","admin_disable",ADMIN_ALL,"<pokemon | @ALL> - temporarily disables the use of a pokemon");

	register_pokeadmincmd("pokemart","admin_pokemart",ADMIN_ALL,"<pokemon name | item name> <price> - changes items in Pokemart");

	register_pokeadmincmd("safari","admin_safari",ADMIN_ALL,"<pokemon name> <level> - changes pokemon in Safari");

	register_pokeadmincmd("reset","admin_reset",ADMIN_RCON," - resets pokemod files");

	register_pokeadmincmd("loadconfig","admin_loadconfig",ADMIN_BAN," - loads pokemod config files");

	register_pokeadmincmd("erasexp","admin_erasexp",ADMIN_RCON," - erases all xp");

	debugMessage( 0,7,"done registering commands" );

	//Global Messages

	#if MOD==CS

	gmsgMoney		= get_user_msgid("Money");


	gmsgScreenFade	= get_user_msgid("ScreenFade");

	gmsgScreenShake = get_user_msgid("ScreenShake");

	gmsgDeathMsg	= get_user_msgid("DeathMsg");

	gmsgScoreInfo	= get_user_msgid("ScoreInfo");

	gmsgDamage		= get_user_msgid("Damage");

	//MultiForwards - thanks to posts by vittu && teame06

	PokePayForward = CreateMultiForward("poke_pay", ET_STOP, FP_CELL, FP_CELL);				//stop on return value, id, amount

	PokeBuyForward = CreateMultiForward("poke_buy", ET_STOP, FP_CELL, FP_CELL, FP_CELL);	//stop on return value, id, item, amount

	PokeBuyPokeForward = CreateMultiForward("poke_buypoke", ET_STOP, FP_CELL, FP_CELL);		//stop on return value, id, poke

	PokeEventForward = CreateMultiForward("poke_player_event", ET_STOP, FP_CELL, FP_CELL);		//stop on return value, id, props

	PokeItemForward = CreateMultiForward("poke_item_use", ET_STOP, FP_CELL, FP_CELL);					//stop on return value, id, item

	RegisterItemForward = CreateMultiForward("poke_register_item", ET_STOP);							//stop on return value

	debugMessage( 0,7,"done making forwards" );

	HUDSYNC = CreateHudSyncObj();

	g_coloredMenus = colored_menus();

	set_task(1.0, "StartPokeMod", 1);



 public GameDesc()






 public StartPokeMod(initial)


	debugMessage( 0,7,"Starting PokeMod. Initial Start=%d", initial );


		#if ALLOW_WILD==1

			set_task(180.0, "WildMessage", 0, "", 0, "b");








		set_task(1.0, "poke_round_end");

		set_task(2.0, "round_start");



	set_task(1.0, "ReadXPs");

	set_task(2.0, "SetSafariLevels");

	set_task(2.5, "ReadSkills");

	set_task(3.0, "ReadItems", 0);

	set_task(3.5, "ReadPokemon", 0);

	set_task(4.0, "ReadItems", 1);

	set_task(4.5, "ReadPokemon", 1);

	set_task(5.0, "PokeModLoaded");


 public PokeModLoaded()


	PM_Loaded = true;

	debugMessage( 0,7,"PokeMod has been Started." );



 //--Precached Items--//


 public plugin_precache()


	//register the debug cvars for debug messages

	register_pokecvar( pm_debug, cvar_default[pm_debug] );

	register_pokecvar( pm_debug_key, cvar_default[pm_debug_key] );


	new i = 0;

	new PokeFile[128];

	Poke_FileName( F_PokeMaps, PokeFile);

	if( file_exists(PokeFile) ){

		new Data[124], len;

		new mapname[32];

   		new line = 0;

		new bool:finding_map = true;

		get_mapname(mapname, 31);

		while( (line = read_file(PokeFile , line , Data , 123 , len) ) != 0 ){

			if( !ValidData( Data ) )


			//Check the map

			if( equal(Data, LEFT_BRACKET, 1) ){

				replace(Data, 123, LEFT_BRACKET, EMPTY);

				replace(Data, 123, RIGHT_BRACKET, EMPTY);

				if( containi(Data,STAR)!=-1 ){

					replace_all(Data, 123, STAR, EMPTY)

					if(containi(mapname, Data)!=-1){	//deal with this map

						finding_map = false;




				else if(equali(mapname, Data)){

					finding_map = false;




					finding_map = true;


			else if(!finding_map){	//do the commands


					poke_error("%s PokeMod has been disabled.",PREFIX);

					PM_disabled = 1;



				else if(equali(Data,"-skills_off")){

					poke_error("%s PokeMod skills have been disabled.",PREFIX);

					PM_disabled = -1;




					set_task(5.0, "delay_cmd",0,Data,strlen(Data));





	else ResetMapsConfig();

	debugMessage( 0,7,"Map File Loaded/Reset." );

	if( !PM_disabled ){

		debugMessage( 0,7,"Starting Precaching." );

		for(i=0; i<MAX_SND; i++)

			poke_precache_sound( i );

		for(i=0; i<MAX_SPR; i++)

			poke_precache_sprite( i );

		for(i=0; i<MAX_MDL; i++)

			poke_precache_model( i );

		for(i=0; i<MAX_T_MDL; i++)

			poke_precache_model_t( i );

		new missing = poke_missing_files();

		if( missing ){

			if( missing == 1 )

				poke_error("One file required for PokeMod not found. Pausing PokeMod." );


				poke_error("%d files required for PokeMod not found. Pausing PokeMod.", missing );

			PM_disabled = 1;


		debugMessage( 0,7,"Precaching Done." );



 public delay_cmd(Data[])


 poke_precache_model(const i)


	if(file_exists(MODELS[i]) || contain(MODELS[i],"pokemon")==-1){


		return (FoundModel[i] = true);


	return false;


 poke_precache_model_t(const i)


	if(file_exists(MODELS_T[i]) || contain(MODELS_T[i],"pokemon")==-1){


		return (FoundModelT[i] = true);


	return false;


 poke_precache_sprite(const i)


	if(file_exists(SPRITES[i]) || contain(SPRITES[i],"pokemon")==-1){

		SPRITE_INDEX[i] = precache_model(SPRITES[i]);

		return (FoundSprite[i] = true);


	return false;


 poke_precache_sound(const i)


	new sound_location[151];

	formatex(sound_location, 150, "%s%s", sound_directory, SOUNDS[i]);

	if(file_exists(sound_location) || contain(SOUNDS[i],"pokemon")==-1){


		return (FoundSound[i] = true);


	return false;




	new i, files_missing = 0;

	for(i=0; i<MAX_SND; i++){

		if( !FoundSound[i] ){

			poke_error( "File %s%s Not Found In Server", sound_directory, SOUNDS[i] );




	for(i=0; i<MAX_SPR; i++){

		if( !FoundSprite[i] ){

			poke_error( "File %s Not Found In Server", SPRITES[i] );




	for(i=0; i<MAX_MDL; i++){

		if( !FoundModel[i] ){

			poke_error( "File %s Not Found In Server", MODELS[i] );




	for(i=0; i<MAX_T_MDL; i++){

		if( !FoundModelT[i] ){

			poke_error( "File %s Not Found In Server", MODELS_T[i] );




	return files_missing;


 poke_error(const error[], any:...)


	new output[256];

	vformat(output, 255, error, 2);



 public plugin_end()





	debugMessage( 0,3,"%s Making final saves before plugin unloads", PREFIX );



		//Final cleanup in the saving include







	//CVARS used, but lets create them just incase <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' />

	mp_freezetime = register_cvar("mp_freezetime","0");

	amx_show_activity = register_cvar("amx_show_activity","0");

	//These Cvars should be in the game already

	sv_lan = get_cvar_pointer("sv_lan");

	mp_friendlyfire = get_cvar_pointer("mp_friendlyfire");

	mp_logdetail = get_cvar_pointer("mp_logdetail");

	//PokeMod Cvars

	for(new i=0; i<MAX_CVARS; i++)


	debugMessage( 0,7,"done registering cvars" );


 debugMessage(id=0, level=0, const msg[], any:... )


	if( PM_disabled==1 )


	static debugMode;

	debugMode = get_ppcvar_num( pm_debug );

	if( debugMode < level && level )

		return;		//there is a level, but we arent looking that high

	if( id && debugger && id != debugger )

		return;		//its about someone, but its not the debugger

	static output[256];

	vformat( output, 255, msg, 4 );

	static debug_key[51];

	get_ppcvar_string( pm_debug_key, debug_key, 50 );

	if( debug_key[0] != '0' && containi(output,debug_key) == -1 )

		return;		//it didn't have the debug key in it

	if( id > 0 && id <= MAX_PLAYERS ){

		static lastid;

		static name[32],authid[32], userid;

		if( lastid != id ){

			lastid = id;

			get_user_name( id, name, 31 );

			get_user_authid( id, authid, 31 );

			userid = get_user_userid( id );


		if( userid > 0 )

			format( output, 255, ""%s<%d><%s><%s>" %s", name,userid,authid,PokeToName(Pokemon[id]), output );


	if( output[0] == '0' )


	if( debugMode )

		format( output, 255, "DEBUG: %s", output );



		case 0: log_amx( output );				//no matter what, were going to log it

		case 1: log_amx( output );				//log it completely

		case 2..9: console_print( 0, output );	//higher the number, more it outputs

		case 10: log_amx( output );				//log everything (this is extremely crazy!)


	if( debugger )

		console_print( debugger, output );		//put it in console of debugger


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#4 Beeze


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Reputacja: 19

  • Postów:77
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  • Lokalizacja:Szczecin

Napisano 20.01.2009 19:30

Inny Pokemod :



Oby dwa pobierz i ustaw :

//how to save data ( 0 - steamid ; 1 - nickname ) 
 #define SAVE_ID            0

w pliku "custom.inl"
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#5 Abes Mapper

    Repulsion Gel

  • Przyjaciel

Reputacja: 2 017

  • Postów:7 356
  • Steam:steam
  • Imię:Sebastian
  • Lokalizacja:Sulejówek

Napisano 20.01.2009 20:17

Linki źle podałeś.
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#6 Beeze


  • Użytkownik

Reputacja: 19

  • Postów:77
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  • Lokalizacja:Szczecin

Napisano 21.01.2009 13:36

Podaje prawidłowe linki :) (Dla autora nowy post aby wiedział że może to w końcu zrobić)

http://www.deadrocks... ... 1224100562

http://www.deadrocks... ... 1224180598
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#7 Abes Mapper

    Repulsion Gel

  • Przyjaciel

Reputacja: 2 017

  • Postów:7 356
  • Steam:steam
  • Imię:Sebastian
  • Lokalizacja:Sulejówek

Napisano 21.01.2009 14:00

Wyślij ten swój co ci działa bo kompiluje SMA tego pokemoda co podałeś, wgrywam na serwa to nie ma reakcji pokemoda. Jedynie jest napisane że działa (running) ale nie ma Oaka, nie można wybierać pokemonów, nic.
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#8 Portek

    Kończymy zabawę, permanentna emerytura!

  • Przyjaciel

Reputacja: 976

  • Postów:3 007
  • GG:
  • Steam:steam
  • Imię:Michał
  • Lokalizacja:Częstochowa

Napisano 21.01.2009 15:36

Oj panowie panowie... jak może nie działać coś co ja sprawdziłem (ja dałem linki Beeze), działa na moim serwerze musi działać i u Was... no ale dobra, wersja PL z mojego serwera wraz z pliczkiem lang w załączniku, nie dodawałem plików konfiguracyjnych ale uprzedzam że zapis w modzie włączony jest do MySQL, oznacza to że potrzebna Wam wolna baza danych z dostępem do niej z zewnątrz, do addons/amxmodx/configs/pokemod/pokemod.cfg musicie dopisać:

pm_mysql_host "host"
pm_mysql_user "użytkownik_bazy"
pm_mysql_pass "hasło"
pm_mysql_db "nazwa_bazy"

Załączone pliki

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#9 Abes Mapper

    Repulsion Gel

  • Przyjaciel

Reputacja: 2 017

  • Postów:7 356
  • Steam:steam
  • Imię:Sebastian
  • Lokalizacja:Sulejówek

Napisano 21.01.2009 15:50

Dzięki wielkie za Lang PL :)
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