←  Problemy

AMXX.pl: Support AMX Mod X i SourceMod


Problem Amxmodx nie dziala


Legion323 - zdjęcie Legion323 30.08.2010

Wgrałem amxmodx 1.8.1 na serwer w chodze tam amx i on nie działa bo nawetL 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Log file started (file "logs/L0830007.log") (game "cstrike") (version "48/")
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Loading map "de_dust2"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvars start
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "_tutor_bomb_viewable_check_interval" = "0.5"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "_tutor_debug_level" = "0"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "_tutor_examine_time" = "0.5"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "_tutor_hint_interval_time" = "10.0"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "_tutor_look_angle" = "10"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "_tutor_look_distance" = "200"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "_tutor_message_character_display_time_coefficient" = "0.07"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "_tutor_message_minimum_display_time" = "1"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "_tutor_message_repeats" = "5"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "_tutor_view_distance" = "1000"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "allow_spectators" = "1.0"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "coop" = "0"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "deathmatch" = "1"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "decalfrequency" = "30"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "dp_version" = "0.8.68"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "edgefriction" = "2"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "hostage_debug" = "0"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "hostage_stop" = "0"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "humans_join_team" = "any"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "max_queries_sec" = "3.0"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "max_queries_sec_global" = "30"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "max_queries_window" = "60"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "metamod_version" = "1.19"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "mp_allowmonsters" = "0"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "mp_autokick" = "1"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "mp_autoteambalance" = "1"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "mp_buytime" = "1.5"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "mp_c4timer" = "45"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "mp_chattime" = "10"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "mp_consistency" = "1"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "mp_fadetoblack" = "0"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "mp_flashlight" = "0"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "mp_footsteps" = "1"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "mp_forcecamera" = "0"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "mp_forcechasecam" = "0"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "mp_fragsleft" = "0"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "mp_freezetime" = "6"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "mp_friendlyfire" = "0"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "mp_ghostfrequency" = "0.1"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "mp_hostagepenalty" = "13"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "mp_kickpercent" = "0.66"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "mp_limitteams" = "2"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "mp_logdetail" = "0"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "mp_logfile" = "1"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "mp_logmessages" = "1"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "mp_mapvoteratio" = "0.66"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "mp_maxrounds" = "0"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "mp_mirrordamage" = "0"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "mp_playerid" = "0"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "mp_roundtime" = "5"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "mp_startmoney" = "800"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "mp_timeleft" = "0"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "mp_timelimit" = "0"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "mp_tkpunish" = "0"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "mp_windifference" = "1"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "mp_winlimit" = "0"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "pausable" = "0"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "sv_accelerate" = "10"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "sv_aim" = "0"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "sv_airaccelerate" = "10"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "sv_airmove" = "1"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "sv_allowupload" = "1"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "sv_bounce" = "1"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "sv_cheats" = "0"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "sv_clienttrace" = "1"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "sv_clipmode" = "0"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "sv_contact" = ""
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "sv_friction" = "4"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "sv_gravity" = "800"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "sv_logblocks" = "0"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "sv_maxrate" = "25000"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "sv_maxspeed" = "320"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "sv_minrate" = "2500"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "sv_password" = ""
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "sv_proxies" = "1"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "sv_region" = "3"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "sv_restart" = "0"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "sv_restartround" = "0"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "sv_stepsize" = "18"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "sv_stopspeed" = "100"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "sv_uploadmax" = "0.5"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "sv_voiceenable" = "1"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "sv_wateraccelerate" = "10"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "sv_waterfriction" = "1"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvars end
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:21: Server cvar "sv_maxspeed" = "900"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:22: Server cvar "sv_accelerate" = "5"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:22: Server cvar "sv_stopspeed" = "75"
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:22: Started map "de_dust2" (CRC "1159425449")
L 08/30/2010 - 16:11:22: Log file closed
gdy odpale serwa to nie ma tej reklamy amx a to sa moje logi

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Gucio - zdjęcie Gucio 30.08.2010

Ale co ci nie działa bo nie rozumiem. Pokaż erropr logi a nie coś takiego bo to nic nie pomoże~!

Legion323 - zdjęcie Legion323 30.08.2010

Ogulem to wgralem amx moj hotssting to niceshoot.pl i ten amxx nie dziala a i jeszcze 1 wiadomosc to jak wbilem przed amxx to nie moglem dodawac adminow a teraz po wgraniu amxx moge dodac adminow

to jakies logi z konsloli

L 08/30/2010 - 17:49:06: Log file closed
Server logging data to file logs/L0830002.log
L 08/30/2010 - 17:49:06: Log file started (file "logs/L0830002.log") (game "cstrike") (version "48/")
L 08/30/2010 - 17:49:06: Server cvar "mp_timelimit" = "25"
L 08/30/2010 - 17:49:06: Server cvar "mp_c4timer" = "30"
L 08/30/2010 - 17:49:06: Server cvar "mp_flashlight" = "1"
L 08/30/2010 - 17:49:06: Server cvar "mp_freezetime" = "4"
L 08/30/2010 - 17:49:06: Server cvar "mp_friendlyfire" = "1"
L 08/30/2010 - 17:49:06: Server cvar "mp_hostagepenalty" = "2"
L 08/30/2010 - 17:49:06: Server cvar "mp_roundtime" = "4"
L 08/30/2010 - 17:49:06: Server cvar "mp_tkpunish" = "1"
L 08/30/2010 - 17:49:06: Server cvar "mp_chattime" = "0"
L 08/30/2010 - 17:49:06: Server cvar "sv_maxspeed" = "320"
L 08/30/2010 - 17:49:06: Server cvar "allow_spectators" = "0"
L 08/30/2010 - 17:49:06: Server cvar "decalfrequency" = "60"
couldn't exec listip.cfg
Connection to Steam servers successful.
VAC secure mode is activated.
L 08/30/2010 - 17:49:13: World triggered "Round_Start"
L 08/30/2010 - 17:49:21: [DPROTO]: Client 0 - Set AuthIdType 4 [dproto]; pClient = 0xf5a3ff08
L 08/30/2010 - 17:49:21: ".:Legion:.<1><VALVE_0:4:602335860><>" connected, address ""
ERROR: couldn't open custom.hpk.
L 08/30/2010 - 17:49:25: ".:Legion:.<1><VALVE_0:4:602335860><>" entered the game
L 08/30/2010 - 17:49:28: ".:Legion:.<1><VALVE_0:4:602335860><>" joined team "TERRORIST"
L 08/30/2010 - 17:49:28: ".:Legion:.<1><VALVE_0:4:602335860><TERRORIST>" triggered "Spawned_With_The_Bomb"
L 08/30/2010 - 17:50:11: ".:Legion:.<1><VALVE_0:4:602335860><TERRORIST>" triggered "Dropped_The_Bomb"
L 08/30/2010 - 17:50:11: ".:Legion:.<1><VALVE_0:4:602335860><TERRORIST>" disconnected
L 08/30/2010 - 17:50:11: World triggered "Round_Draw" (CT "0") (T "0")
L 08/30/2010 - 17:50:11: World triggered "Round_End"
Dropped .:Legion:. from server
Reason: Client sent 'drop'
L 08/30/2010 - 17:50:20: World triggered "Round_Start"
L 08/30/2010 - 17:54:20: Team "CT" triggered "Target_Saved" (CT "1") (T "0")
L 08/30/2010 - 17:54:20: World triggered "Round_End"
L 08/30/2010 - 17:54:29: World triggered "Round_Start"
L 08/30/2010 - 17:58:29: Team "CT" triggered "Target_Saved" (CT "2") (T "0")
L 08/30/2010 - 17:58:29: World triggered "Round_End"
L 08/30/2010 - 17:58:38: World triggered "Round_Start"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:02:38: Team "CT" triggered "Target_Saved" (CT "3") (T "0")
L 08/30/2010 - 18:02:38: World triggered "Round_End"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:02:47: World triggered "Round_Start"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:06:47: Team "CT" triggered "Target_Saved" (CT "4") (T "0")
L 08/30/2010 - 18:06:47: World triggered "Round_End"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:06:56: World triggered "Round_Start"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:10:56: Team "CT" triggered "Target_Saved" (CT "5") (T "0")
L 08/30/2010 - 18:10:56: World triggered "Round_End"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:11:05: World triggered "Round_Start"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:04: Team "CT" scored "5" with "0" players
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:04: Team "TERRORIST" scored "0" with "0" players
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:05: Server cvar "mp_chattime" = "1"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: [META] ini: Begin re-reading plugins list: /home/s2466/hlds/cstrike/addons/metamod/plugins.ini
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: [META] ERROR: ini: Skipping plugin, couldn't stat file 'addons/amxmodx/dlls/amxmodx_mm_i386.so': No such file or directory
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: [META] ini: Read plugin config for: dproto
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: [META] ini: Finished reading plugins list: /home/s2466/hlds/cstrike/addons/metamod/plugins.ini; Found 1 plugins
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: [META] dll: Updating plugins...
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: [META] ERROR: dll: Failed query plugin '<amxmodx_mm_i386.so>'; Couldn't open file 'addons/amxmodx/dlls/amxmodx_mm_i386.so': addons/amxmodx/dlls/amxmodx_mm_i386.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: [META] ERROR: dll: Skipping plugin '<amxmodx_mm_i386.so>'; couldn't query
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: [META] dll: Finished updating 2 plugins; kept 1, loaded 0, unloaded 0, reloaded 0, delayed 0
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Log file closed
Server logging data to file logs/L0830003.log
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Log file started (file "logs/L0830003.log") (game "cstrike") (version "48/")
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Loading map "de_airstrip"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvars start
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "_tutor_bomb_viewable_check_interval" = "0.5"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "_tutor_debug_level" = "0"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "_tutor_examine_time" = "0.5"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "_tutor_hint_interval_time" = "10.0"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "_tutor_look_angle" = "10"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "_tutor_look_distance" = "200"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "_tutor_message_character_display_time_coefficient" = "0.07"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "_tutor_message_minimum_display_time" = "1"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "_tutor_message_repeats" = "5"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "_tutor_view_distance" = "1000"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "allow_spectators" = "0"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "coop" = "0"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "deathmatch" = "1"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "decalfrequency" = "60"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "dp_version" = "0.8.68"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "edgefriction" = "2"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "hostage_debug" = "0"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "hostage_stop" = "0"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "humans_join_team" = "any"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "max_queries_sec" = "3.0"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "max_queries_sec_global" = "30"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "max_queries_window" = "60"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "metamod_version" = "1.19"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "mp_allowmonsters" = "0"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "mp_autokick" = "1"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "mp_autoteambalance" = "1"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "mp_buytime" = "1.5"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "mp_c4timer" = "30"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "mp_chattime" = "1"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "mp_consistency" = "1"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "mp_fadetoblack" = "0"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "mp_flashlight" = "1"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "mp_footsteps" = "1"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "mp_forcecamera" = "0"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "mp_forcechasecam" = "0"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "mp_fragsleft" = "0"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "mp_freezetime" = "4"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "mp_friendlyfire" = "1"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "mp_ghostfrequency" = "0.1"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "mp_hostagepenalty" = "2"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "mp_kickpercent" = "0.66"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "mp_limitteams" = "2"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "mp_logdetail" = "0"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "mp_logfile" = "1"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "mp_logmessages" = "1"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "mp_mapvoteratio" = "0.66"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "mp_maxrounds" = "0"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "mp_mirrordamage" = "0"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "mp_playerid" = "0"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "mp_roundtime" = "4"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "mp_startmoney" = "800"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "mp_timeleft" = "0"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "mp_timelimit" = "25"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "mp_tkpunish" = "1"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "mp_windifference" = "1"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "mp_winlimit" = "0"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "pausable" = "0"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "sv_accelerate" = "5"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "sv_aim" = "0"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "sv_airaccelerate" = "10"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "sv_airmove" = "1"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "sv_allowupload" = "1"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "sv_alltalk" = "0"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "sv_bounce" = "1"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "sv_cheats" = "0"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "sv_clienttrace" = "1"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "sv_clipmode" = "0"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "sv_contact" = ""
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "sv_friction" = "4"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "sv_gravity" = "800"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "sv_logblocks" = "0"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "sv_maxrate" = "25000"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "sv_maxspeed" = "320"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "sv_minrate" = "2500"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "sv_password" = "pw"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "sv_proxies" = "1"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "sv_region" = "3"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "sv_restart" = "0"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "sv_restartround" = "0"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "sv_stepsize" = "18"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "sv_stopspeed" = "75"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "sv_uploadmax" = "0.5"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "sv_voiceenable" = "1"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "sv_wateraccelerate" = "10"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "sv_waterfriction" = "1"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvars end
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:06: Server cvar "sv_maxspeed" = "900"
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:07: [META] ERROR: Couldn't find game entity 'item_generic' in game DLL 'cstrike': /home/s2466/hlds/cstrike/dlls/cs_i386.so: undefined symbol: item_generic
Creating HPAK custom.hpk.
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:07: Started map "de_airstrip" (CRC "479146630")
L 08/30/2010 - 18:14:12: World triggered "Round_Start"
Użytkownik Legion323 edytował ten post 30.08.2010 17:16

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Gucio - zdjęcie Gucio 30.08.2010

Ogółem to amx nie działa nic mi nie mówi. Pokaż ERROR LOGI!

Które znajdziesz w: cstrike/addons/amxmodx/logs/error_20100830.log
Użytkownik Gucio edytował ten post 30.08.2010 17:22

Legion323 - zdjęcie Legion323 30.08.2010

powiedz jak zobaczyc te erorlogi

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Gucio - zdjęcie Gucio 30.08.2010


Legion323 - zdjęcie Legion323 30.08.2010

doszlem do sciezki amxmodx ale niemam tam logs a to masz moje jakies logi z cstrike net2ftp 1283186001 zip

a moze zrobimy tak ze ja ci zrobie konto na niceshoot i bedziesz mial dostep do ftp i mi to zrobisz
Użytkownik Legion323 edytował ten post 30.08.2010 17:28

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Gucio - zdjęcie Gucio 30.08.2010

A czy jak zainstalujesz jakiś plugin. Np. godzina itp. to działa na serwerze?? A do pytania w poście wyżej czytaj opis.

Legion323 - zdjęcie Legion323 30.08.2010

zrob sobie konto na niceshoot.pl i ja ci podaj jego nazwe a ja ci do niego dopisze dostep ftp i mi to zainstalujesz

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Gucio - zdjęcie Gucio 30.08.2010

Dobrze ja dziękuję za pomoc. Nie pomagam za darmo na prywatnie, zresztą napisałem na PW jasno i wyraźnie. Jak chce ktoś inny pomagajcie ale ja już dziękuję!

Legion323 - zdjęcie Legion323 30.08.2010

dodam ze wgralem jakis plugin z bomba i nie dziala

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NiceShoot.pl - zdjęcie NiceShoot.pl 01.09.2010

Witam. A nie prościej jest napisać do naszego supportu który na pewno Panu pomoże?