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Witamy w Nieoficjalnym polskim support'cie AMX Mod X

Witamy w Nieoficjalnym polskim support'cie AMX Mod X, jak w większości społeczności internetowych musisz się zarejestrować aby móc odpowiadać lub zakładać nowe tematy, ale nie bój się to jest prosty proces w którym wymagamy minimalnych informacji.
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Guest Message by DevFuse


problem z register na serverze

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#1 Duffnexter


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Napisano 11.03.2010 06:01

witam wszystkich, pierwsze to chcialbym wam powiedziec ze nie jestem dobry z poslskiej ortografi, 2. nie posiadam polskiej wersji fire fox
3 register = rejestracja strzalu, czyli powiedzmy ze dokladnosc strzelasz w glowe jest head shot = good registry, strzelasz w glowe i niema head shot= bad registry. inaczej niewiem jak to opisac
posiadam server ktory ma dosc spoto pluginów kazdy z nich jest dodany aby odruznic server od innych, problem jest taki ze server niema dobrej registry i czasami ma spike laggs gdy jest kolo 20 online
szukam pomocy juz od 3 tygodni, mam nadzieje ze tu znajde swoja odpowiedz
to jest moj plugins ini:

; AMX Mod X plugins
; Admin Base - Always one has to be activated
admin.amxx ; admin base (required for any admin-related)
;admin_sql.amxx ; admin base - SQL version (comment admin.amxx)

; Basic
;adminlogs.amxx ; NOT WORKING RIGHT
admincmd.amxx ; basic admin console commands
adminhelp.amxx ; help command for admin console commands
;adminslots.amxx ; slot reservationmultilingual.amxx ; Multi-Lingual management

; Menus
menufront.amxx ; front-end for admin menus
cmdmenu.amxx ; command menu (speech, settings)
plmenu.amxx ; players menu (kick, ban, client cmds.)
;telemenu.amxx ; teleport menu (Fun Module required!)
mapsmenu.amxx ; maps menu (vote, changelevel)
;pluginmenu.amxx ; Menus for commands/cvars organized by plugin

; Chat / Messages
adminchat.amxx ; console chat commands
antiflood.amxx ; prevent clients from chat-flooding the server
;scrollmsg.amxx ; displays a scrolling message
;imessage.amxx ; displays information messages
adminvote.amxx ; vote commands

; Map related
nextmap.amxx ; displays next map in mapcycle
;mapchooser.amxx ; allows to vote for next map
timeleft.amxx ; displays time left on map

; Configuration
;pausecfg.amxx ; allows to pause and unpause some plugins
statscfg.amxx ; allows to manage stats plugins via menu and commands

; Counter-Strike
restmenu.amxx ; restrict weapons menu
statsx.amxx ; stats on death or round end (CSX Module required!)
;miscstats.amxx ; bunch of events announcement for Counter-Strike
;stats_logging.amxx ; weapons stats logging (CSX Module required!)

; Enable to use AMX Mod plugins
;amxmod_compat.amxx ; AMX Mod backwards compatibility layer

; Custom - Add 3rd party plugins here

; sam its for afkers

to jest moj amxx.cfg

// AMX Mod X Configuration File
echo Executing AMX Mod X Configuration File
amx_gamename "[Public] 27/7"
// Default access for all non admin players (see users.ini for access details)
// Default value: "z"
amx_default_access "z"

// Name of setinfo which should store a password on a client (you should change this)
// Note: Always prefix the field with an underscore (aka: "_")
// (Example: setinfo _pw "password")
// Default value: "_pw"
amx_password_field "_pw"

// Mode of logging to a server
// 0 - disable logging, players won't be checked (and access won't be set)
// 1 - normal mode which obey flags set in accounts
// 2 - kick all players not on list
// Default value: 1
amx_mode 1

// Show admins activity
// 0 - disabled
// 1 - show without admin name
// 2 - show with name
// Default value: 2
amx_show_activity 2

// Frequency in seconds and text of scrolling message
// Default value: "Welcome to %hostname% -- This server is using AMX Mod X" 600
amx_scrollmsg "Welcome to %hostname% -- WWW.ERRORCLAN.COM" 600

// Center typed colored messages (last parameter is a color in RRRGGGBBB format)
// Default values: "Welcome to %hostname%" "000255100"
// "This server is using AMX ModX\nVisit
//amx_imessage "Welcome to %ErrOr| costum server%" "000255100"
//amx_imessage "visit Best Counter Strike Tutorials 2009...steam,online,1.6,skins,source,cs and More for your rank,scores,and much more!\nVisit //" "000100255"
//amx_imessage "contact:--> [email protected] Steam ID Duffnexter 24x7! " "000255100"
//amx_imessage "in console type hud_saytext 1 to enable chat " "000255100"
//amx_imessage "JOin Orkut community --> CS1.6 Pro Gamerz" "000255100"
//amx_imessage "Dont complain abt Lag ! it will stabilize by itself !" "000255100"
//amx_imessage "You can become ErrOr at" "000255100"

// Frequency in seconds of colored messages
// Default value: 180
amx_freq_imessage 180

// Ban times for the main ban menu (amx_banmenu)
// Use 0 for permanent ban
// Default values: 0 5 10 15 30 45 60
amx_plmenu_bantimes 0 5 10 15 30 45 60

// Slap damage amounts for the main slap menu (amx_slapmenu)
// Slay is automaticall inserted as the first option
// Default values: 0 1 5
amx_plmenu_slapdmg 0 1 5

// Set in seconds how fast players can chat (chat-flood protection)
// Default value: 0.75
amx_flood_time 5

// Amount of slots to reserve.
// Default value: 0
amx_reservation 0

// If you set this to 1, you can hide slots on your server.
// If server "full" of public slots and slots hidden, you must manually connect with connect console command
// Default value: 0
amx_hideslots 0

// Displaying of time remaining
// a - display white text on bottom
// b - use voice
// c - don't add "remaining" (only in voice)
// d - don't add "hours/minutes/seconds" (only in voice)
// e - show/speak if current time is less than this set in parameter
// Default value: "ab 1200" "ab 600" "ab 300" "ab 180" "ab 60" "bcde 11"
amx_time_display "ab 1200" "ab 600" "ab 300" "ab 180" "ab 60" "bcde 11"

// Announce "say thetime" and "say timeleft" with voice, set to 0 to disable.
// Default value: 1
amx_time_voice 0

// Minimum delay in seconds between two voting sessions
// Default value: 10
amx_vote_delay 10

// How long voting session goes on
// Default value: 10
amx_vote_time 10

// Display who votes for what option, set to 0 to disable, 1 to enable.
// Default value: 1
amx_vote_answers 0

// Some ratios for voting success

// Default value: 0.40
amx_votekick_ratio 0.40

// Default value: 0.40
//amx_voteban_ratio 0.20

// Default value: 0.40
amx_votemap_ratio 0.30

// Default value: 0.02
amx_vote_ratio 0.02

// Max. time to which map can be extended
// Default value: 90
amx_extendmap_max 90

// Step for each extending
// Default value: 15
amx_extendmap_step 15

// If you set this to 0, clients cannot chose their language, instead they use
// whatever language the server is configured to use.
// Default value: 1
amx_client_languages 0

// Plugin Debug mode
// 0 - No debugging (garbage line numbers)
// 1 - Plugins with "debug" option in plugins.ini are put into debug mode
// 2 - All plugins are put in debug mode
// Note - debug mode will affect JIT performance
// Default value: 1
amx_debug 1

// Plugin MultiLingual Debug
// To debug a language put its 2 letter code between quotes ("en", "de", etc)
// "" means disabled
// Default value: ""
amx_mldebug ""

// Beginning of Counter-Strike package specific configurations.

// Rank mode
// 0 - by nick
// 1 - by authid
// 2 - by ip
// Default value: 1
csstats_rank 2

// Max size of the stats file
// Default value: 3500
csstats_maxsize 3500

// Whether or not to rank bots with csstats - set to 1 to rank bots, 0 otherwise.
// Default value: 0
csstats_rankbots 0

// Duration of HUD-statistics
// Default value: 12.0
amx_statsx_duration 12.0

// HUD-statistics display limit relative round freeze end
// Negative time will clear the HUD-statstics before the round freeze time has ended
// Default value: -2.0
amx_statsx_freeze -2.0

to jest moj amxsuper.cfg

// AMX Super Configuration
// File location: addons/amxmodx/configs/amx_super.cfg
// Settings are loaded on every mapchange
// from this cfg file
// Version 4.1

echo [AMX Super] AMX_Super.cfg has been executed

// AMX Super Cvars [Values: 0 = Disabled | 1 = Enabled] (Defaults)
// General Cvars

amx_deadchat 1 // Enable/Disable dead players chatting with opposing teammates when alltalk is off.
amx_revivemsg 0 // Enable/Disable the HUD revive message when somebody is revived.
amx_loadsong 1 // Enable/Disable the loading songs when joining the server.
amx_adminlisten 1 // Enable/Disable Admins listen plugin. Lets admin see All chat
amx_flashsound 1 // Enable/Disable flash sound when using amx_flash
bullet_damage 1 // Enable/Disable the bullet bamage HUD above your crosshairs when you hit your opponents. (HP Damage)
allow_catchfire 1 // Enable/Disable people to catch other people on fire with amx_fire
amx_admin_check 1 // Enable/Disable the ability to say /admin(s) and show the admins online

// Sound Fix
amx_soundfix 1 // Enable/Disable the echo sound fix plugin to fix echoes automatically.
amx_soundfix_pallow 1 // Enable/Disable players to be able to use /fixsound to fix echoes.

// Bomb Transfer
afk_bombtransfer_spawn 7 // Maximum allowed AFK time for the bomb carrier from Spawn Only
afk_bombtransfer_time 15 // Maximum allowed AFK time for the bomb carrier from any AFK any time

// C4 Timer
amx_showc4timer 3 // <0|1|3> - Off | T's only | CT's only | ALL
amx_showc4flash 0 // <0|1> - Sprite flashing
amx_showc4sprite 1 // <0|1> - Choose from 2 sprites
amx_showc4msg 0 // <0|1> - Shows a hud message about the timer

// Stats Marquee
stats_marquee 0 // Enable/Disable the stats marquee option
amx_marqplayeramount 40 // Amount of top players that will be shown
amx_marqvertlocation 2 // Where the marquee will appear (1 = top, 2 = bottom)
amx_marqfulltime 600.0 // Amount of seconds in between each time the stat marquee loops
amx_marqtimebetween 6.0 // Amount of seconds each player is individually shown before the next player is shown

// Join Leave Messages
amx_join_leave 1 // Enable/Disable the join/leave messages
amx_leavemessage_enable 1 // Enable/Disable the Leave Message

// The actual messages
// %name% = Users Name, %rankpos% = Users Current Rank, \n = New line

amx_enter_message "%name% has joined!\nEnjoy the Server!\nCurrent Ranking is %rankpos%"
amx_leave_message "%name% has left!\nHope to see you back sometime."

// Spawn Protection
sv_sp 1 // Cvar (Command Variable) for the plugin 1=on 0=off
sv_sptime 5 // Cvar for controlling the message time (1-10 seconds), default 5
sv_spmessage 0 // Cvar for controlling the message 1=on 0=off
sv_spshellthick 25 // Cvar for controlling the glow shell thickness 0-100, default 25
sv_spglow 0 // Cvar for controlling if glow is enabled or disabled, 0 disables glow

amx_autobantimed 1 // Set whether or not to auto ban someone if they get a kill while under a timed bad aim. (default 1; 1|0)
amx_autobanall 1 // "Get a kill under" either type of bad aim. (default 1; 1|0)
amx_ba_follow_immunity 1 // Set whether or not bad aim follows immunity rules for admins. (default 1; 1|0)

//AFK Manager
amx_immune_access u // Acces flag for immunity / Will not kick any admin with this flag
amx_immune_time 5 // Connected user's unassigned kick immunity time (How much time they have before their checked to get kicked)
amx_max_afktime 25 // Max. allowed AFK time (seconds)
amx_afkcheck_allow 1 // Enable / Disable this option in the AMX Super

//Allow /spec command
allow_public_spec 1 // Enable/Disable the public use of /spec command (to send you to Spectator)

//Admin Listen Flag
immune_access_listen d //The acces flag required to see all chat for Admin Listen (default is d - Ban)

to jest moj modules ini

; You don't need to write the _amxx part or the file extension.

;; SQL Modules usually need to be enabled manually ;;
;; You can have any number on at a time. Use ;;
;; amx_sql_type in sql.cfg to specify the default ;;


;; Put third party modules below here. ;;
;; You can just list their names, without the _amxx ;;
;; or file extension. ;;

;; These modules will be auto-detected and loaded ;;
;; as needed. You do not need to enable them here ;;
;; unless you have problems. ;;


to jesr moj server cfg

// Edit this to your liking. Updated by
// Default settings.

// Basic Information on your Server
hostname "ErrOr|Stay Alive [FastDl 1oooFps] []"
rcon_password "xxxxxxxxxxxx"
sv_password ""
//rcon protection
sv_rcon_banpenalty 60
sv_rcon_maxfailures 2
sv_rcon_minfailures 2
sv_rcon_minfailuretime 30
// CS Specific Cvars
mp_autokick 0
mp_autoteambalance 1
mp_c4timer 45
mp_flashlight 1
mp_footsteps 1
mp_forcechasecam 0
mp_freezetime 0
mp_friendlyfire 0
mp_hostagepenalty 0
mp_limitteams 2
mp_mapvoteratio 0.6
mp_roundtime 2.5
mp_buytime .40
mp_timelimit 45
mp_maxrounds 0
sv_restartround 0
mp_ghostfrequency 0
mp_startmoney 16000
allow_spectators 0
mp_chattime 4
mp_logdetail 0
mp_logmessages 0
logsdir "logs"
log off
// General HL Cvars
sv_contact "[email protected] ~ SteamID Duffnexterfnk"
sv_clienttrace 3.5
decalfrequency 60
mp_decals 100
mp_falldamage 1
pausable 0
sv_aim 0
sv_cheats 0
sv_maxspeed 500
sv_maxrate 371094
sv_minrate 0
sv_maxupdaterate 1237
sv_minupdaterate 4
sv_timeout 22
sv_netsize 0
sv_maxunlag 0.5
sv_gravity 800
sv_airaccelerate 30
edgefriction 2
mp_fragsleft 0
mp_consistency 1
//Fast DL
sv_allowupload 1
sv_allowdownload 1
sv_downloadurl ""

sv_visiblemaxplayers 64
//sv_challengetime 45

// Make sure the right people are banned
//filterban 1
//exec banned.cfg

mapcyclefile mapcycle.txt

// disable lag compensation
sv_unlag 1


// important settings inserted by
max_queries_sec_global 100
max_queries_sec 3
sv_stats 0
mapchangecfgfile "server.cfg"
sv_voicecodec voice_speex
sv_voicequality 2
sv_region 255
sv_region 1
sv_region 2
sv_region 3
sv_region 4
sv_region 5
sv_region 6
sv_region 7
sv_region 255
say " Server.cfg
\\HE-Damage with Im revenge
he_hit_respawn 1
frc_color_mode 0
amx_permanent_message "Want to be an admin? contact Steam "YoshiFnK" or MSN "[email protected]""
amx_permanent_message_effects 3
amx_permanent_message_color 2
amx_vampire_max_hp 200
amx_msg_type "3"
adv_slowmo "ef"

linia startowa :

./hlds_run -game cstrike +ip {ip} +port {port} +maxplayers {slots} +sys_ticrate {cfg1} -pingboost {cfg2} +map {cfg3} -binary ./hlds_i686 -heapsize 2048000

moj komputer :

8 GB Ram
32 slots
100 MBPS
Quad-Core AMD Opteron™ Processor 2376 2.5Ghz
1500GB Tier 1 Premium Bandwidth

jak widac server jest steam i nonsteam

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