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[CSS+Any?] Grenade Delay

Adminek AMXX.PL - zdjęcie Adminek AMXX.PL 12.07.2013

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<div><b><div align="center"><font size="+6">Grenade Delay</font> </div></b><div align="center"><br />v. 1.0.1</div><br /><font size="-2">Based on the thread : <a href="https://forums.allie...ad.php?t=220132" target="_blank">https://forums.allie...2</a></font><br /><br /><b><u>Features</u></b> : <ul><li> Increase or reduce the delay before the grenade explosion.</li>
<li> Possibility to randomize it.</li>
</ul><br /><b><u>Known bugs</u></b> : <ul><li>None.</li>
</ul><br /><u><b>CVars</b></u> :<ul><li><b>grenadedelayversion</b>: Gives version -_-'</li>
<li><b>grenadedelay</b> : What is the average delay before the bomb explode ? (if grenadedelay=0, plugin is disabled; Def. 5.0)</li>
<li><b>grenadedelay_random</b> : The maximum time value added or substracted to 'grenadedelay' before the grenade can explode. Will be random. 0.0 = no random, which is the default.</li>
<li><b>grenadedelay_string</b> : What the projectile classname must contain to be delayed. Def. &quot;hegrenade_&quot; .</li>
</ul><br />i.e. you have grenadedelay at 3.0 and grenadedelay_random at 5.0. A grenade explosion will take between 0.1 (hardcoded minimum) and 8.0 seconds before exploding.<br /><br />--------------<br /><br /><u><b>Changelog</b></u> :<ul><li> 1.0.0 Initial release. (11-07-2013)</li>
<li> 1.0.1 Changed grenadedelay_string's default to &quot;hegrenade_&quot; rather than &quot;grenade_&quot;, so smoke can explode &lt;.&lt; . (12-07-2013)</li>
</ul><br /><u><b>Credits</b></u> :<ul><li>blodia (manual explosion of grenade's code)</li>
<li>thetwistedpanda (delay explosion)</li>
<li>xf117 for asking; I did ask in the past and didn't get an answer :@ ! (was on forum I think, as well as IRC)</li>
</ul><br /><u><b>Note</b></u> :<ul><li> I only assembled what blodia and twisted showed.</li>
<li> Tested only under CSS. With other mods you might need to change the grenadedelay_string convar.</li>
<li> I also tested this method with smokegrenades. They simply didn't &quot;explode&quot; in CSS.</li>

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<td><img class="inlineimg" src="https://forums.allie...s/attach/sp.gif" alt="File Type: sp" width="16" height="16" border="0" style="vertical-align:baseline" /></td>

<a href="http://www.sourcemod...?file_id=122502"><strong>Get Plugin</strong></a> or
<a href="https://forums.allie...38;d=1373601852">Get Source</a> (grenadedelay.sp - 3.5 KB)

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<td><img class="inlineimg" src="https://forums.allie.../attach/smx.gif" alt="File Type: smx" width="16" height="16" border="0" style="vertical-align:baseline" /></td>

<a href="https://forums.allie...38;d=1373601854">grenadedelay.smx</a> (4.6 KB)

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