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Witamy w Nieoficjalnym polskim support'cie AMX Mod X, jak w większości społeczności internetowych musisz się zarejestrować aby móc odpowiadać lub zakładać nowe tematy, ale nie bój się to jest prosty proces w którym wymagamy minimalnych informacji.
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Guest Message by DevFuse


[ANY] Block / Limit Chat

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#1 Adminek AMXX.PL

    Admin :)

  • Bot

Reputacja: 156

  • Postów:7 530
  • Lokalizacja:AMXX.PL

Napisano 11.12.2012 01:40

Block / Limit ChatVersion 1.0.0Table of Contents----------------------------------------------------DescriptionCommands and CvarsInstallationCreditsChangelogTo DoNotesDownloadDescription----------------------------------------------------This plugin blocks players from freely using chat:
  • Players may only type specific phrases that are listedin a text file.
  • Admins can be given the ability to chat freely, and may grant ordeny unrestricted chat privileges for players.
  • Players can !requestchat, which will create an admin voteto determine if a player should be given unrestricted chat permission.
How is this different from !gag----------------------------------------------------Unlike !gag, players can still talk, but only using pre-determined phrases.Also, this plugin assumes you generally do not want to allow chat on your server.Players are automatically disallowed from using non-phrase chat, unless they are admin.Commands and Cvars----------------------------------------------------Commandssm_request Request permission to use chat freely. This calls an admin vote for approval. Can only be used once per map.sm_limitchat_give <@all/@ct/@t/partial name> - (ADMFLAG_GENERIC) Grants unrestricted chat privileges to a player or group of players.sm_limitchat_take <@all/@ct/@t/partial name> - (ADMFLAG_GENERIC) Denies unrestricted chat privileges for a player or group of players.Cvarssm_limitchat_version - Plugin version.sm_limitchat_enable - (Default 1) Enable or disable plugin (1 - enable, 0 - disable).sm_limitchat_admins - (Default 1) Admins are automatically allowed to use chat freely (1 - allow admins to chat, 0 - disallow)sm_limitchat_request - (Default 1) Allow players to request unrestricted chat permission (1 - allow, 0 - disallow)sm_limitchat_needed - (Default 0.55) Percentage of admin votes needed to grant unrestricted chat permission (must be 50% or above to work).Installation----------------------------------------------------Unzip into your server game directory.Change allowed phrases in /addons/sourcemod/configs/allowedchatphrases.txt.Credits----------------------------------------------------Changelog----------------------------------------------------
  • 1.0.0 (10 December 2012)-Initial version.
To Do----------------------------------------------------
  • None.
  • SourceMod commands that aren't listed in allowedchatphrases.txt (such as !rtv) still function normally; they just won't appear in chat.
  • Use /addons/sourcemod/configs/adminoverrides.cfg to change admin permissions.
Example admin_overrides.cfg: Code: Overrides{ "sm_limitchat_give" "z" "sm_limitchat_take" "c" "limitchat" "jh"}In this example, only admins with the "z" flag can give players full chat permission. Admins with the "c" flag can remove player chat permissions, and admins who have both "j" and "h" flags are automatically allowed to use chat freely when they connect.Download---------------------------------------------------- Attached Files Dołączona grafika (12.7 KB)

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