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Guest Message by DevFuse


[CS:GO] MyJailShop (a redux rewrite of Jail Shop) [1.0.0 / 06-10-16]

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#1 Adminek AMXX.PL

    Admin :)

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Napisano 06.10.2016 02:13

<p>MyJailShop a redux rewrite of Dkmuniz Jail Shop

MyJailShop provide you a high customizable shop with credits system intended for jailbreak server.
Earn credits for playtime, kills, your team won rounds &amp;/or you reach last request.

Shop Items:

Guards &amp; prisoner / CT &amp; T - both:
  • Heal up to 100HP
  • Armor &amp; extra HP
  • Revive / respawn
  • Bunny Hop
  • Froggy Jump / double jump
  • Low Gravity
  • No Damage / Immortal
  • Wallhack for x sec. (optional - need CustomPlayerSkins)
Prisoner / Terrorist - only:
  • Open Cells (optional - need smartjaildoors)
  • Vampire / +speed &amp; HP for damage
  • Invisible for x sec.
  • No Clip for x sec.
  • Be a Bird
  • Fake Guard Model
  • Teleport smoke
  • Poison smoke
  • Fire Grenade
  • One bullet AWP
  • Seven bullets deagle
  • One hit Knife
  • Throw One hit Knife
  • Three bullets Taser
  • Molotov &amp; flashs
  • SourcePawn Transitional Syntax 1.7
  • Multilingual support
  • Console varibale for almost all features!
  • Custom chat commands !mycommand
  • Custom chat tags []
  • Colors
  • Natives &amp; forwards - some gambling plugins coming soon!
  • some other fancy stuff
Commands &amp; convars:




Quote: sm_jailshop - Open the jail shop menu
sm_jailcredits - Show your jail shop credits
sm_jailgift - Gift jail shop credits to a player - Use: sm_jailgift &lt;#userid|name&gt; [amount]
sm_revive - Use jail shop item revive
sm_showjailcredits - Show jail shop credits of all online player set your own custom command. take a look at "sm_jailshop_cmds_NAME"

AdminCommands // ADMFLAG_ROOT

Quote: sm_jailgive - Give jail shop credits to a player - Use: sm_jailgive &lt;#userid|name&gt; [amount]
sm_jailset - Set jail shop credits of a player - Use: sm_jailgift &lt;#userid|name&gt; [amount]

Shop Setting ConVars:


Quote: sm_jailshop_version - The version of this MyJailShop SourceMod plugin
sm_jailshop_enable - 0 - disabled, 1 - enable the MyJailShop SourceMod plugin
sm_jailshop_credits_save - 0 - disabled, 1 - Save credits on player disconnect
sm_jailshop_mysql - 0 - disabled, 1 - Should we use a mysql database to store credits
sm_jailshop_credits_max - Maximum of credits to earn for a player
sm_jailshop_minplayers - Minimum players to earn credits
sm_jailshop_warmupcredits - 0 - disabled, 1 - enable players get credits on warmup
sm_jailshop_credits_kill_t - Amount of credits a prisoner earns when kill a Guard
sm_jailshop_credits_kill_t_vip - Amount of credits a VIP prisoner earns when kill a Guard
sm_jailshop_credits_kill_ct - Amount of credits a guard earns when kill a prisoner
sm_jailshop_credits_kill_ct_vip - Amount of credits a VIP guard earns when kill a prisoner
sm_jailshop_credits_win_t - 0 - disabled, amount of credits a prisoner earns when win round
sm_jailshop_credits_win_t_vip - 0 - disabled, amount of credits a VIP prisoner earns when win round
sm_jailshop_credits_win_ct - 0 - disabled, amount of credits a guard earns when win round
sm_jailshop_credits_win_ct_vip 0 - disabled, amount of credits a VIP guard earns when win round
sm_jailshop_credits_win_alive 0 - disabled, 1 - only alive player get credits when team win the round
sm_jailshop_credits_lr - Amount of credits for reach last request as prisoner (only if hosties is available)
sm_jailshop_credits_lr_vip - Amount of credits for reach last request as prisoner (only if hosties is available)
sm_jailshop_credits_time_interval - Time in seconds a player recieved credits per time
sm_jailshop_credits_time - 0 - disabled, how many credits players receive for 'sm_jailshop_credits_time_interval'
sm_jailshop_credits_time_vip - 0 - disabled, how many credits VIP players receive for 'sm_jailshop_credits_time_interval
sm_jailshop_welcome - 0 - disabled, 1 - welcome messages on spawn
sm_jailshop_notification - 0 - disabled, 1 - enable chat notification everytime player get credits
sm_jailshop_buytime - 0 - disabled, Time in seconds after roundstart shopping is allowed
sm_jailshop_buytime_cells - 0 - disabled, 1 - only shopping until cell doors opened (only if smartjaildoors is available)
sm_jailshop_access - 0 - shop available for guards &amp; prisoner, 1 - only prisoner
sm_jailshop_myjb - 0 - disable shopping on MyJailbreak Event Days, 1 - enable shopping on MyJailbreak Event Days (only if myjb is available, show/gift/... credits is still enabled)
sm_jailshop_close - 0 - disabled, 1 - enable close menu after action

sm_jailshop_cmds_shop - Set your custom chat commands for shop menu(!jailshop (no 'sm_'/'!')(seperate with comma ', ')(max. 12 commands)
sm_jailshop_cmds_gift - Set your custom chat commands for gifting credits(!jailgift (no 'sm_'/'!')(seperate with comma ', ')(max. 12 commands)
sm_jailshop_cmds_revive - Set your custom chat commands for revive(!jailrevive (no 'sm_'/'!')(seperate with comma ', ')(max. 12 commands)
sm_jailshop_cmds_credits - Set your custom chat commands to see you credits (!jailcredits (no 'sm_'/'!')(seperate with comma ', ')(max. 12 commands)
sm_jailshop_cmds_showcredits - Set your custom chat commands for see all online players credits(!showjailcredits (no 'sm_'/'!')(seperate with comma ', ')(max. 12 commands)

Shop Item ConVars:


Quote: sm_jailshop_openjails_price - 0 - disabled, price of the 'Open jails' shop item (only if smartjaildoors is available)
sm_jailshop_heal_price - 0 - disabled, price of the 'Heal' shop item
sm_jailshop_heal_access - 0 - guards only, 1 - guards &amp; prisoner, 2 - prisoner only
sm_jailshop_armor_hp_price - 0 - disabled, price of the 'Armor &amp; HP' shop item
sm_jailshop_health_extra - How many HP get extra with the armor
sm_jailshop_health_extra_access - 0 - guards only, 1 - guards &amp; prisoner, 2 - prisoner only
sm_jailshop_revive_price - 0 - disabled, price of the 'Revive' shop item
sm_jailshop_heal_access - 0 - guards only, 1 - guards &amp; prisoner, 2 - prisoner only
sm_jailshop_vampire_price - 0 - disabled, price of the 'Vampire' shop item
sm_jailshop_vampire_speed - Ratio for how fast the player will walk (1 - normal)
sm_jailshop_vampire_multiplier - Multiplier how many heatlh per damage (e.g. 100damage * 0.5 = 50HP extra)
sm_jailshop_bhop_price - 0 - disabled, price of the 'Bunny Hop' shop item
sm_jailshop_bhop_access - 0 - guards only, 1 - guards &amp; prisoner, 2 - prisoner only
sm_jailshop_froggyjump_price - 0 - disabled, price of the 'Froggy Jump' shop item
sm_jailshop_froggyjump_access - 0 - guards only, 1 - guards &amp; prisoner, 2 - prisoner only
sm_jailshop_gravity_price - 0 - disabled, price of the 'Low Gravity' shop item
sm_jailshop_gravity_value - Ratio for Gravity (1.0 earth, 0.5 moon)
sm_jailshop_gravity_access - 0 - guards only, 1 - guards &amp; prisoner, 2 - prisoner only
sm_jailshop_invisible_price - 0 - disabled, price of the 'Invisible' shop item
sm_jailshop_invisible_time - Time in seconds how long the player is invisible
sm_jailshop_nodamage_price - 0 - disabled, price of the 'NoDamage' shop item
sm_jailshop_nodamage_time - Time in seconds how long the player got nodamage
sm_jailshop_nodamage_access - 0 - guards only, 1 - guards &amp; prisoner, 2 - prisoner only
sm_jailshop_noclip_price - 0 - disabled, price of the 'No Clip' shop item
sm_jailshop_noclip_time - Time in seconds how long the player has noclip
sm_jailshop_wallhack_price - 0 - disabled, price of the 'Wallhack' shop item (only if CustomPlayerSkins is available)
sm_jailshop_wallhack_time - Time in seconds how long the player has wallhack
sm_jailshop_wallhack_access - 0 - guards only, 1 - guards &amp; prisoner, 2 - prisoner only
sm_jailshop_bird_price - 0 - disabled, price of the 'Be a Bird' shop item
sm_jailshop_bird_mode - 1 - Chicken / 2 - Pigeon / 3 - Crow
sm_jailshop_fakeguard_price - 0 - disabled, price of the 'Fake guard model' shop item
sm_jailshop_fakeguard_model - Path to the model for fake guard.
sm_jailshop_teleportsmoke_price - 0 - disabled, price of the 'Teleport smoke' shop item
sm_jailshop_poisonsmoke_price - 0 - disabled, price of the 'Poison smoke' shop item
sm_jailshop_firehe_price - 0 - disabled, price of the 'Fire Grenade' shop item
sm_jailshop_awp_price - 0 - disabled, price of the 'One bullet AWP' shop item
sm_jailshop_deagle_price- 0 - disabled, price of the '7 bullets Deagle' shop item
sm_jailshop_knife_price - 0 - disabled, price of the 'One hit knife' shop item
sm_jailshop_throw_knife_price - 0 - disabled, price of the 'Throwing one hit knife' shop item
sm_jailshop_throw_knife_count - how many knifes a prisoner can throw
sm_jailshop_taser_price - 0 - disabled, price of the '3 bullets Taser' shop item
sm_jailshop_molotov_price - 0 - disabled, price of the 'Molotov &amp; flashs' shop item

Supports optional plugins:
MyJailbreak - dis/enable shopping on MyJailbreak Event DaysHosties 2 - earn credits as prisoner for reach the last requestSmart Jail Doors - needed for shop item - Open Jail DoorsCustomPlayerSkins - needed for shop item - Wallhack
Include files needed for compile

Spoiler https://forums.allie...ead.php? https://forums.allie...d.php?

Natives &amp; forwards


PHP Code:

* Called when a client get credits
* @param client The client who get the credits
* @param extraCredits Amount of credits
* @NoReturn
forward void OnPlayerGetCredits(int client, int extraCredits);

* Called when a client buy an item
* @param client The client who bought the item
* @param item The name of the item.
* @NoReturn
forward void OnPlayerBuyItem(int client, char [] item);

* Get the Credits of the client
* @param client The client to get the credits
* @Return The credits of the client
native int GetCredits(int client);

* Set new Credits of the client
* @param client The client to set the credits
* @NoReturn
native void SetCredits(int client, int newCredits);


OPTIONAL - PLUGINS - Make sure you have the latest versions of the optional pluginsDownload the latest releaseCopy the folders addons/&amp; cfg/ to your root csgo/ directoryRun plugin for the first time and all necessary .cfg files will be generatedConfigure all settings in cfg/MyJailShop to your needs

OPTIONAL - MYSQL - need sm_jailshop_mysql "1"
Open your databases.cfg in your csgo/addons/sourcemod/configs directory and add the following content:

PHP Code:

"driver" "mysql"
"host" ""
//IP to you MySQL server
"database" "your_database_name"
"user" "your_database_user"
"pass" "your_database_password"

Restart your serverHave fun! Give feedback!Latest Changes

Quote: [1.0.0] - initial release

Full Change Log:

Known Bugs

nothing knownyou found a bug? tell me please!
All credits goes out to the original author Dkmuniz.
Also thanks to all sourcemod &amp; metamod developers out there!


based/merged/used code/idea plugins:
* if I missed someone, please tell me!

Much Thanks:
devu4, Weeeishy, Include1, KissLick, live4net for testing &amp; great ideas!

Download latest stable
[b]The smx files on Github are compiled with SM 1.8.
If you still use 1.7.x you should update your sourcemod or compile MyJailShop for yourself on your SM version

[b]Report Bugs, Ideas, Requests &amp; see todo:

[b]Code changes stable:


coded with Dołączona grafika free software

[b]I would be happy and very pleased if you want to join this project as an equal collaborator.
Even if you are a beginner and willing to learn or you just want to help with translations.

my golden faucets not finance itself... Dołączona grafika

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