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Guest Message by DevFuse


[CS:GO] MyJailbreak (warden, days, menu & more) [Beta 1.0 / 28-5-16]

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#1 Adminek AMXX.PL

    Admin :)

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Reputacja: 156

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Napisano 27.05.2016 23:24

<p>MyJailbreak a plugin pack for CS:GO jailserver

MyJailbreak is a redux rewrite of Franugs Special Jailbreak a merge/redux of eccas, ESK0s &amp; zipcores Jailbreak warden and many other plugins.

Included Plugins:
  • Warden - set/become warden,vote retire warden, model, icon, open cells,gun plant prevention, handcuffs, laser pointer, drawer, set marker/quiz/EventDays/countdown/FF/nobock/mute
  • Requests - terror requests. refuse a game, request Capitulation/Pardon, healing or repeating
  • Menu - player menus for T, CT, warden &amp; admin
  • Weapons - weapon menus for CT &amp;/or T(in event round)
  • Player Tags - add player tags for T, T.Admin, CT, CT.Admin, W, WA.Admin in chat &amp;/or stats
  • Event Days - vote/set a Event Day for next round with cooldowns, rounds in row, sounds &amp; overlays

  • War - CT vs T Team Deathmatch
  • Free For All - Deathmatch
  • Zombie - CT(zombie) vs T(Human) stripped down zombiereloaded
  • No Scope - No Scope Deathmatch with low gravity &amp; configurable or random sniper
  • HE Battle - Grenade Deathmatch with low gravity
  • Hide in the Dark - CT(Seeker) vs T(Hider) kind of HideNseek
  • Catch &amp; Freeze - CT must catch all T (freeze tag)
  • Duckhunt - CT(hunter) with nova vs T(chicken in 3th person) with 'nades
  • Suicide Bomber - Ts got suicide bombs to kill all CTs
  • Drunken - Deathmatch under bad condisions
  • Zeus - Taser Deathmatch and get a new Zeus on Kill
  • Torch Relay - Random player set on fire. He must burn other to extinguish the fire
  • Cowboy - Deatmacth with revolver or dual barettas
  • Knife - Knife Deathmatch with configurable gravity, iceskate, and thirdperson
  • Freeday - Auto freeday on first round &amp;/or if there is no CT

  • SourcePawn Transitional Syntax 1.7
  • Multilingual support
  • Custom chat commands !mycommand
  • Custom chat tags [MyJB.tag]
  • Colors
  • Sounds &amp; overlays
  • Natives of the original warden plugins to keep compatibility
  • Template to make your own Eventday
  • some other fancy stuff
Plugin descriptions, commands &amp; convars


This plugins allows players to take control over the prison as warden/Headguard/Commander.
Chat, hud &amp; sound notifications about warden / no warden. Vote to retire the warden. Colorized warden and define the color. Set warden Model and icon above head. Open &amp; close cell doors &amp; automatic open. Mute terroist for a amoung of time or round end. Gun plant prevention - CT can drop weapons only on round beginn without punishment &amp; report to warden. Use Zeus as Handcuffs and move the cuffed T around. Give warden laser pointer &amp; drawer(LaZzZers) with menu to choose color. Warden can toggle drawer for terrorists. Set different countdowns (start/stop) with overlays, sound &amp; chat notifications. Start a MathQuiz with endtimer &amp; show the player with the first right answer. Toggle Friendly Fire &amp; No Block. Kill/pick a random T (excluding rebels &amp; last T) with different kill effects(Lighting,Timebomb,Firebomb).



Code: sm_w / sm_warden - Allows the player taking the charge over prisoners
sm_com / sm_commander - Allows the player taking the charge over prisoners
sm_hg / sm_headguard - Allows the player taking the charge over prisoners
sm_uw / sm_unwarden - Allows the player to retire from the position
sm_uc / sm_uncommander - Allows the player to retire from the position
sm_uhg / sm_unheadguard - Allows the player to retire from the position
sm_vw / sm_votewarden / sm_vetowarden - Allows the player to vote to retire warden
sm_open - Allows the warden to open the cell doors
sm_close - Allows the warden to close the cell doors
sm_laser - Allows the warden to toggle the wardens Laser pointer
sm_drawer - Allows the warden to toggle the wardens Drawer
sm_noblockn - Allows the warden to toggle no block
sm_setff - Allows player to see the state and the warden to toggle friendly fire
sm_cdmenu - Allows the warden to open the Countdown Menu
sm_cdstart - Allows the warden to start a START Countdown! (start after 10sec.) - start without menu
sm_cdstop - Allows the warden to start a STOP Countdown! (stop after 20sec.) - start without menu
sm_cdstartstop - Allows the warden to start a START/STOP Countdown! (start after 10sec./stop after 20sec.) - start without menu
sm_cdcancel - Allows the warden to cancel a running Countdown disabled / bugged
sm_killrandom - Allows the warden to kill a random T
sm_math - Allows the warden to start a MathQuiz. Show player with first right Answer
sm_wmute - Allows the warden to mute a terrorist
sm_wunmute - Allows the warden to unmute a muted terroristset your own custom command. take a look at "sm_warden_cmd"

AdminCommands // ADMFLAG_GENERIC

Code: sm_sw / sm_setwarden - Allows the Admin to set a player to warden
sm_rw / sm_removewarden - Allows the Admin to remove a player from warden
sm_fw / sm_firewarden - Allows the Admin to remove a player from warden


Code: sm_warden_version - Shows the version of the SourceMod plugin MyJailbreak warden
sm_warden_enable: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable the warden plugin. Default 1
sm_warden_cmd: Set your custom chat command for become warden. no need for sm_ or ! . Default "simon" results in !simon /simon &amp; sm_simon
sm_warden_become: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable !w / !warden - player can choose to be warden. If disabled you should need sm_warden_choose_random 1. Default 1
sm_warden_choose_random: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable pic random warden if there is still no warden after sm_warden_choose_time. Default 1
sm_warden_choose_time: Time in seconds a random warden will picked when no warden was set. need sm_warden_choose_random 1. Default 20
sm_warden_stay: 0 - disabled, 1 - warden will stay after round end. Default 1
sm_warden_vote: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable player vote against warden. Default 1
sm_warden_better_notifications: 0 - disabled , 1 - will use hint and center say for better notifications. Default 1
sm_warden_icon_enable: 0 - disabled , 1 - enable the icon above the wardens head. Default 1
sm_warden_icon: Path to the floating warden icon DONT TYPE .vmt or .vft. Default: "decals/MyJailbreak/warden"
sm_warden_noblock: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable setable noblock for warden. Default 1
sm_warden_noblock_mode: 0 - collision only between CT &amp; T , 1 - collision within a team. Default 1
sm_warden_ff: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable warden switch friendly fire. Default 1
sm_warden_mute: 0 - disabled, 1 - Allow the warden to mute T-side player. Default 1
sm_warden_mute_round: 0 - disabled, 1 - Allow the warden to mute a player until roundend. Default 1
sm_warden_gunplant: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable Gun plant prevention. Default 1
sm_warden_gunnodrop: 0 - disabled, 1 - disallow gun dropping for ct. Default 0
sm_warden_gunremove: 0 - disabled, 1 - remove planted guns. Default 1
sm_warden_gunremove_time: Time in seconds to pick up gun again before. Default 5
sm_warden_gunslap: 0 - disabled, 1 - Slap the CT for dropping a gun. Default 1
sm_warden_gunslap_dmg: Amoung of HP losing on slap for dropping a gun. Default 10
sm_warden_handcuffs: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable handcuffs. Default 1
sm_warden_handcuffs_number: How many handcuffs a warden got? Default 2
sm_warden_handcuffs_lr: 0 - disabled, 1 - free cuffed terrorists on LR. Default 1
sm_warden_overlays_cuffs: Path to the cuffs Overlay DONT TYPE .vmt or .vft. Default "overlays/MyJailbreak/cuffs"
sm_warden_random: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable kill a random t for warden. Default 1
sm_warden_random_mode: 1 - all random / 2 - Thunder / 3 - Timebomb / 4 - Firebomb / 5 - NoKill (1,3,4 needs funcommands.smx enabled). Default 2
sm_warden_marker: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable warden advanced markers. Default 1
sm_warden_laser: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable warden Laser Pointer with +E. Default 1
sm_warden_drawer: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable warden Drawer with +E. Default 1
sm_warden_drawer_terror: 0 - disabled, 1 - allow warden to toggle Drawer for Terrorist. Default 1
sm_warden_math: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable mathquiz for warden. Default 1
sm_warden_math_min: What should be the minimum number for questions. Default 1
sm_warden_math_max: What should be the maximum number for questions. Default 100
sm_warden_math_mode: 0 - only addition &amp; subtraction, 1 - addition, subtraction, multiplication &amp; division. Default 1
sm_warden_countdown: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable countdown for warden. Default 1
sm_warden_overlays_enable: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable overlay for countdown. Default 1
sm_warden_overlays_start: Path to the start Overlay DONT TYPE .vmt or .vft. Default "overlays/MyJailbreak/start"
sm_warden_overlays_stop: Path to the stop Overlay DONT TYPE .vmt or .vft. Default "overlays/MyJailbreak/stop"
sm_warden_model: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable warden model. Default 1
sm_warden_model_path:Path to the model for zombies. Default "models/player/custom_player/legacy/security/security.mdl"
sm_warden_color_enable: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable colored warden. Default 1
sm_warden_color_red - What color to turn the warden into (set R, G and B values to 0 to disable). Default 0
sm_warden_color_green - What color to turn the warden into (rGb): x - green value. Default 0
sm_warden_color_blue - What color to turn the warden into (rgB): x - blue value. Default 255
sm_warden_sounds_enable: 0 - disabled, 1 - Play a sound when a player become warden or warden leaves. Default 1
sm_warden_sounds_warden - Path to the soundfile which should be played for a new warden. Default "music/MyJailbreak/warden.mp3"
sm_warden_sounds_unwarden - Path to the soundfile which should be played when there is no warden anymore. Default "music/MyJailbreak/unwarden.mp3"
sm_warden_sounds_start - Path to the soundfile which should be played for a start countdown. Default "music/MyJailbreak/start.mp3"
sm_warden_sounds_stop - Path to the soundfile which should be played for a stop countdown. Default "music/MyJailbreak/stop.mp3"
sm_warden_open_enable: 0 - disabled, 1 - warden can open/close cell doors. Default 1
sm_warden_open_time_enable: 0 - disabled, 1 - cell doors will open automatic after sm_warden_open_time. Default 1
sm_warden_open_time - Time in seconds for open doors on round start automaticly. Default 60
sm_warden_open_time_warden: 0 - disabled, 1 - doors open automatic after sm_warden_open_time although there is a warden. needs sm_warden_open_time_enable 1. Default 1
Dołączona grafika

Allow terrorists to start a request. Refuse a Game - Warden can "open the refusing" and T can refuse a game and get colored &amp; the warden get a listing of all refuser. Request Capitulation/Pardon - T get strip weapons and the warden got Menu to accept this request. Request healing - T get colored and warden gets Menu to accept this request (give Healthshot). Repeat - T can request a repeat of last call &amp; the warden get a listing of all requester. (more coming)



Code: sm_request - Open the request menu
sm_refuse - Allows the warden start refusing time and Terrorist to refuse a game
sm_capitulation - Allows a rebeling terrorist to request a capitulate
sm_pardon - Allows a rebeling terrorist to request a capitulate
sm_heal - Allows a Terrorist request healing
sm_repeat - Allows a Terrorist request repeating last call

set your own custom command. take a look at "sm_refuse_cmd" "sm_repeat_cmd" "sm_heal_cmd" "sm_capitulation_cmd"


Code: sm_request_enable: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable Request Plugin. Default 1
sm_request_sounds_enable: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable sounds. Default 1
sm_refuse_enable: 0 - disabled, 1 - Enable Refuse. Default 1
sm_capitulation_cmd: Set your custom chat command for Refuse. no need for sm_ or ! . Default "ref" results in !ref /ref &amp; sm_ref
sm_refuse_limit: Сount how many times you can use the command
sm_refuse_time": Time after the player gets his normal colors back
sm_refuse_color_red: What color to turn the refusing Terror into (set R, G and B values to 255 to disable) (Rgb): x - red value
sm_refuse_color_green: What color to turn the refusing Terror into (rGb): x - green value
sm_refuse_color_blue: What color to turn the refusing Terror into (rgB): x - blue value
sm_refuse_sound: Path to the soundfile which should be played for a refusing
sm_capitulation_enable: 0 - disabled, 1 - Enable Capitulation. Default 1
sm_capitulation_cmd: Set your custom chat command for capitulation. no need for sm_ or ! . Default "capi" results in !capi /capi &amp; sm_capi
sm_capitulation_timer: Time to decide to accept the capitulation
sm_capitulation_rebel_timer: Time to give a rebel on not accepted capitulation his knife back
sm_capitulation_color_red: What color to turn the capitulation Terror into (set R, G and B values to 255 to disable) (Rgb): x - red value
sm_capitulation_color_green: What color to turn the capitulation Terror into (rGb): x - green value
sm_capitulation_color_blue: What color to turn the capitulation Terror into (rgB): x - blue value
sm_capitulation_sound: Path to the soundfile which should be played for a capitulation
sm_heal_enable: 0 - disabled, 1 - Enable heal. Default 1
sm_heal_cmd: Set your custom chat command for heal. no need for sm_ or ! . Default "cure" results in !cure /cure &amp; sm_cure
sm_heal_limit: Сount how many times you can use the command
sm_heal_check: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable check if player is already full health
sm_heal_time: Time after the player gets his normal colors back
sm_heal_color_red: What color to turn the heal Terror into (set R, G and B values to 255 to disable) (Rgb): x - red value
sm_heal_color_green: What color to turn the heal Terror into (rGb): x - green value
sm_heal_color_blue: What color to turn the heal Terror into (rgB): x - blue value
sm_repeat_enable: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable repeat
sm_repeat_cmd: Set your custom chat command for Repeat. no need for sm_ or !. Default "rep" results in !rep /rep &amp; sm_rep
sm_repeat_limit: Сount how many times you can use the command. Default 2
sm_repeat_sound: Path to the soundfile which should be played for a repeat. Default "music/MyJailbreak/repeat.mp3"

This plugins allows players to open a menu with ","-Key (buyammo) or command.
It will show different menus for Terrorists, Counter-Terrorists, admin &amp; warden. The menu shows only features that are enabled (e.g at EventDays no warden menu).



Code: sm_menu / sm_menus - opens the menu depends on players team/rank
sm_days / sm_eventdays - open a vote EventDays menu for player
sm_setdays / sm_seteventdays - open a set EventDays menu for warden or admins


Code: sm_menu_version - Shows the version of the SourceMod plugin MyJailbreak - Menu
sm_menu_enable: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable Jailbreak menu
sm_menu_ct: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable Jailbreak menu for CT
sm_menu_t: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable Jailbreak menu for Terrorists
sm_menu_warden: disabled, 1 - enable Jailbreak menu for warden
sm_menu_days: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable vote/set EventDays menu
sm_menu_close: 0 - disabled, 1 - close menu after action
sm_menu_start: 0 - disabled, 1 - open menu on every roundstart
sm_menu_team: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable join team on menu
Menu Structure


  • Weapon Menu
  • Open Cells
  • Countdown

  • Beginn a Start Countdown
  • Beginn a Stop Countdown
  • Set a Start/Stop Countdown

  • 15 seconds
  • 30 seconds
  • 45 seconds
  • 1 Minute
  • 1 Minute 30 seconds
  • 2 Minutes
  • 3 Minutes
  • 5 Minutes

  • Math Quiz
  • Set a Event Days

  • War
  • FFA
  • Zombie
  • Hide
  • Catch &amp; Freeze
  • Suicide Bomber
  • HEbattle
  • NoScope
  • DuckHunt
  • Drunken
  • Zeus
  • Knifefight
  • TorchRelay
  • Cowboy
  • Freeday

  • Drawer Menu

  • Enable Drawer for terrors
  • Disable Drawer
  • Rainbow
  • White
  • Red
  • Green
  • Blue
  • Yellow
  • Cyan
  • Magenta
  • Orange

  • Laser Pointer Menu

  • Disable Laser Pointer
  • Rainbow
  • White
  • Red
  • Green
  • Blue
  • Yellow
  • Cyan
  • Magenta
  • Orange

  • Mute Menu

    • Mute a Terrorists
    • Unute a Terrorists

  • Checkplayer
  • Toggle Friendly Fire
  • Toggle No Block
  • Kill a random Player

  • Are you sure?
  • Yes
  • No

  • Leave warden
  • Rules
Counter-Terrorists Menu
  • Weapon Menu
  • Become warden
  • Vote for Event Days

  • War
  • FFA
  • Zombie
  • Hide
  • Catch &amp; Freeze
  • Suicide Bomber
  • HEbattle
  • NoScope
  • DuckHunt
  • Drunken
  • Zeus
  • Knifefight
  • TorchRelay
  • Cowboy
  • Freeday

  • Checkplayer
  • Join Terrorists

  • Are you sure?
  • Yes
  • No

  • Rules
Terrorists Menu
  • Weapon Menu
  • Vote against warden
  • Vote for Event Days

  • War
  • FFA
  • Zombie
  • Hide
  • Catch &amp; Freeze
  • Suicide Bomber
  • HEbattle
  • NoScope
  • DuckHunt
  • Drunken
  • Zeus
  • Knifefight
  • TorchRelay
  • Cowboy
  • Freeday

  • Join CT queue (!guard)
  • Join Counter-Terrorists

  • Are you sure?
  • Yes
  • No

  • Rules
Additionally for Admins
  • Set a Event Days

  • War
  • FFA
  • Zombie
  • Hide
  • Catch &amp; Freeze
  • Suicide Bomber
  • HEbattle
  • NoScope
  • DuckHunt
  • Drunken
  • Zeus
  • Knifefight
  • TorchRelay
  • Cowboy
  • Freeday

  • Remove warden
  • Set new warden

  • Choose Player

  • sure kick old warden?
  • Yes
  • No

  • Admin menu
Dołączona grafika

This plugins open a Gunmenu to players. Terroists only on EventDays.



Code: sm_gun / sm_guns / sm_gunmenu - Open the weapon menu if enabled (in EventDays/for CT)
sm_weapon / sm_weapons / sm_weaponsmenu - Open the weapon menu if enabled (in EventDays/for CT)
sm_giveweapon - Open the weapon menu if enabled (in EventDays/for CT)

set your own custom command. take a look at "sm_weapons_cmd"


Code: sm_weapons_version - Shows the version of the SourceMod plugin MyJailbreak - Weapons
sm_weapons_cmd: Set your custom chat command for weaponmenu. no need for sm_ or ! . Default "arms" results in !arms /arms &amp; sm_arms
sm_weapons_enable: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable weapons menu - you shouldn't touch these, cause events days will handle them
sm_weapons_ct: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable weapons menu for CT - you shouldn't touch these, cause events days will handle them
sm_weapons_t: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable weapons menu for T - you shouldn't touch these, cause events days will handle them
sm_weapons_spawnmenu: disabled, 1 - enable autoopen weapon menu on spawn if enabled
sm_weapons_awp: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable AWP in weapon menu
sm_weapons_autosniper: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable scar20 &amp; g3sg1 in menu
sm_weapons_tagrenade: 0 - disabled, 1 - warden get a TA grenade with weapons
sm_weapons_warden_healthshot: 0 - disabled, 1 - warden get a healthshot with weapons
sm_weapons_jbmenu: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable autoopen the MyJailbreak menu after weapon given.
Dołączona grafika

This plugins give players tags for team (T,CT) and "rank" (Admin/warden) in stats &amp;/or chat.



Code: sm_playertag_version - Shows the version of the SourceMod plugin MyJailbreak - PlayerTags
sm_playertag_enable: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable Player Tag
sm_playertag_stats: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable PlayerTag in stats
sm_playertag_chat: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable PlayerTag in chat

EventDays core
This plugins is the "interface" between Eventdays. Need for cooldowns and disable other days on running Eventday.



Code: sm_myjb_tag: 0 - disabled, 1 - Allow "MyJailbreak" to be added to your server tags. So player will find servers with MyJB faster. it dont touch youR sv_tags

This plugin allows to vote or set a war CT vs T for next rounds.
On Round start Ts spawn freezed next to CT. CTs must leave the spawn and spread on map. After unfreeze time (def. 30sec) Ts can Move. After nodamage time (def. 30sec) the war CT vs T starts.
Or on Round start Ts spawn in open cells with weapons and weaponmenu. No Freeze/-time. (Default)



Code: sm_war - Allows players to vote for a war
sm_setwar - Allows the Admin or warden to set a war for next rounds

set your own custom command. take a look at "sm_war_cmd"


Code: sm_war_version - Shows the version of the SourceMod plugin MyJailbreak - War
sm_war_cmd: Set your custom chat command for Event voting. no need for sm_ or ! . Default "TDM" results in !TDM /TDM &amp; sm_TDM
sm_war_enable: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable the war plugin. Default 1
sm_war_setw: 0 - disabled, 1 - allow warden to set next round war. Default 1
sm_war_seta: 0 - disabled, 1 - allow Admin to set next round war round. Default 1
sm_war_rounds: Rounds to play in a row
sm_war_vote: 0 - disabled, 1 - allow player to vote for war. Default 1
sm_war_spawn: 0 - teleport Ts to CT and freeze, 1 - open cell doors an get weapons. Default 0
sm_war_roundtime - Roundtime for a single war round in minutes. Default 5
sm_war_freezetime- Time in seconds Ts are freezed. time to hide on map for CT (need sm_war_spawn: 0). Default 30
sm_war_trucetime - Time in seconds after freezetime damage is disbaled. Default 30
sm_war_cooldown_start - Rounds until event can be start after mapchange. Default 3
sm_war_cooldown_day - Rounds until event can be started again. Default 3
sm_war_sounds_enable: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable sounds. Default 1
sm_war_sounds_start: Path to the soundfile which should be played on start. Default "music/MyJailbreak/start.mp3"
sm_war_overlays_enable: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable start overlay. Default 1
sm_war_overlays_start: Path to the start Overlay DONT TYPE .vmt or .vft. Default "overlays/MyJailbreak/start"

This plugin allows to vote or set a FFA war for next rounds.
On Round start Ts spawn next to CT. CTs &amp; Ts can get Weapon an Move. MapFog is on for better hiding. After nodamage time (def. 30sec) the war CT vs T starts and MapFog disabled.
Or on Round start Ts spawn in open cells with weapons &amp; weaponmenu. (Default)



Code: sm_ffa - Allows players to vote for a FFA
sm_setffa - Allows the Admin or warden to set a ffa for next rounds

set your own custom command. take a look at "sm_ffa_cmd"


Code: sm_ffa_version - Shows the version of the SourceMod plugin MyJailbreak - FFA
sm_ffa_cmd: Set your custom chat command for Event voting. no need for sm_ or ! . Default "DM" results in !DM /DM &amp; sm_DM
sm_ffa_enable: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable the ffa plugin. Default 1
sm_ffa_setw: 0 - disabled, 1 - allow warden to set next round ffa. Default 1
sm_ffa_seta: 0 - disabled, 1 - allow Admin to set next round ffa round. Default 1
sm_ffa_rounds: Rounds to play in a row
sm_ffa_vote: 0 - disabled, 1 - allow player to vote for ffa. Default 1
sm_ffa_spawn: 0 - teleport Ts to CT and freeze, 1 - open cell doors an get weapons (need smartjaildoors). Default 0
sm_ffa_roundtime - Roundtime for a single ffa round in minutes. Default 5
sm_ffa_trucetime - Time in seconds after freezetime damage is disbaled. Default 30
sm_ffa_cooldown_start - Rounds until event can be start after mapchange. Default 3
sm_ffa_cooldown_day - Rounds until event can be started again. Default 3
sm_ffa_sounds_enable: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable sounds. Default 1
sm_ffa_sounds_start: Path to the soundfile which should be played on start. Default "music/MyJailbreak/start.mp3"
sm_ffa_overlays_enable: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable start overlay. Default 1
sm_ffa_overlays_start: Path to the start Overlay DONT TYPE .vmt or .vft. Default "overlays/MyJailbreak/start"

This plugin allows players to vote and warden to set next rounds to zombie escape.
On Round start Ts spawn in open cells with weapons &amp; weaponmenu. CT are zombies with a zombie model, and with 8500 HP.
Zombies freezed for 35sec (default) so T can hide &amp;/or climb.



Code: ]
sm_zombie - Allows players to vote for a Zombie
sm_setzombie - Allows the Admin or warden to set Zombie as next round

set your own custom command. take a look at "sm_zombie_cmd"


Code: sm_zombie_version - Shows the version of the SourceMod plugin MyJailbreak - Zombie
sm_zombie_cmd: Set your custom chat command for Event voting. no need for sm_ or ! . Default "zd" results in !zd /zd &amp; sm_zd
sm_zombie_setw: 0 - disabled, 1 - allow warden to set next round zombie. Default 1
sm_zombie_seta: 0 - disabled, 1 - allow Admin to set next round zombie round. Default 1
sm_zombie_vote: 0 - disabled, 1 - allow player to vote for zombie. Default 1
sm_zombie_enable: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable the zombie plugin. Default 1
sm_zombie_spawn: 0 - teleport Ts to CT and freeze, 1 - open cell doors an get weapons. Default 0
sm_zombie_rounds: Rounds to play in a row. Default 1
sm_zombie_roundtime - Roundtime for a single zombie round in minutes. Default 5
sm_zombie_freezetime - Time in seconds Zombies freezed. Default 35
sm_zombie_hp: HP the Zombies got on Spawn. Default 8500
sm_zombie_human_hp: HP the Humans got on Spawn. Default 65
sm_zombie_cooldown_start - Rounds until event can be start after mapchange. Default 3
sm_zombie_cooldown_day - Rounds until event can be started again. Default 3
sm_zombie_sounds_enable: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable sounds. Default 1
sm_zombie_sounds_start: Path to the soundfile which should be played on start. Default "music/MyJailbreak/zombie.mp3"
sm_zombie_overlays_enable: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable start overlay. Default 1
sm_zombie_overlays_start: Path to the start Overlay DONT TYPE .vmt or .vft. Default "overlays/MyJailbreak/zombie"
sm_zombie_model: Path to the model for zombies. Default "models/player/custom_player/zombie/revenant/revenant_v2.mdl"
Dołączona grafikaDołączona grafika

This plugin allows players to vote and warden to set next rounds to noscope
On Round start cells open everybody got sniper rifle with noscope and low gravity. Nodamage time (def. 30sec).



Code: sm_noscope - Allows players to vote for a noscope
sm_setnoscope - Allows the Admin or warden to set noscope as next round

set your own custom command. take a look at "sm_noscope_cmd"


Code: sm_noscope_version - Shows the version of the SourceMod plugin MyJailbreak - noscope
sm_noscope_cmd: Set your custom chat command for Event voting. no need for sm_ or ! . Default "scope" results in !scope /scope &amp; sm_scope
sm_noscope_enable: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable the noscope plugin. Default 1
sm_noscope_setw: 0 - disabled, 1 - allow warden to set next round noscope. Default 1
sm_noscope_seta: 0 - disabled, 1 - allow Admin to set next round noscope round. Default 1
sm_noscope_spawn: 0 - teleport Ts to CT and freeze, 1 - open cell doors an get weapons. Default 0
sm_noscope_vote: 0 - disabled, 1 - allow player to vote for noscope. Default 1
sm_noscope_rounds: Rounds to play in a row. Default 1
sm_noscope_weapon: 1 - ssg08 / 2 - awp / 3 - scar20 / 4 - g3sg1. Default 1
sm_noscope_random: 0 - disabled, 1 - get a random weapon (ssg08,awp,scar20,g3sg1) ignore: sm_noscope_weapon. Default 1
sm_noscope_gravity: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable low Gravity for noscope. Default 1
sm_noscope_gravity_value - Ratio for Gravity 1.0 earth 0.5 moon. Default 0.3
sm_noscope_roundtime - Roundtime for a single noscope round in minutes. Default 5
sm_noscope_trucetime - Time in seconds damage is disbaled. Default 15
sm_noscope_cooldown_start - Rounds until event can be start after mapchange. Default 3
sm_noscope_cooldown_day - Rounds until event can be started again. Default 3
sm_noscope_sounds_enable: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable sounds. Default 1
sm_noscope_sounds_start: Path to the soundfile which should be played on start. Default "music/MyJailbreak/start.mp3"
sm_noscope_overlays_enable: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable start overlay. Default 1
sm_noscope_overlays_start: Path to the start Overlay DONT TYPE .vmt or .vft. Default "overlays/MyJailbreak/start"

HE Battle
This plugin allows players to vote and warden to set next round to HEbattle.
On Round start cells open everybody got HE grenate with low gravity(Default) and reduced HP.



Code: sm_hebattle - Allows players to vote for a hebattle
sm_sethebattle - Allows the Admin or warden to set hebattle as next round

set your own custom command. take a look at "sm_hebattle_cmd"


Code: sm_hebattle_version - Shows the version of the SourceMod plugin MyJailbreak - hebattle
sm_hebattle_enable: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable the hebattle plugin. Default 1
sm_hebattle_cmd: Set your custom chat command for Event voting. no need for sm_ or ! . Default "he" results in !he /he &amp; sm_he
sm_hebattle_setw: 0 - disabled, 1 - allow warden to set next round HEbattle. Default 1
sm_hebattle_seta: 0 - disabled, 1 - allow Admin to set next round HEbattle round. Default 1
sm_hebattle_spawn: 0 - teleport Ts to CT and freeze, 1 - open cell doors an get weapons. Default 0
sm_hebattle_vote: 0 - disabled, 1 - allow player to vote for HEbattle. Default 1
sm_hebattle_hp: HP a Player get on Spawn. Default 85
sm_hebattle_rounds: Rounds to play in a row
sm_hebattle_gravity: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable low Gravity for hebattle. Default 1
sm_hebattle_gravity_value - Ratio for Gravity 1.0 earth 0.5 moon. Default 0.3
sm_hebattle_roundtime - Roundtime for a single hebattle round in minutes. Default 5
sm_hebattle_trucetime - Time in seconds damage is disbaled. Default 15
sm_hebattle_cooldown_start - Rounds until event can be start after mapchange. Default 3
sm_hebattle_cooldown_day - Rounds until event can be started again. Default 3
sm_hebattle_sounds_enable: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable sounds. Default 1
sm_hebattle_sounds_start: Path to the soundfile which should be played on start. Default "music/MyJailbreak/start.mp3"
sm_hebattle_overlays_enable: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable start overlay. Default 1
sm_hebattle_overlays_start: Path to the start Overlay DONT TYPE .vmt or .vft. Default "overlays/MyJailbreak/start"

Catch &amp; Freeze
This plugin allows players to vote and warden to set next round to catch.
On Round start cells open an Ts must "runaway". CT must catch and freeze all Ts by knifing.
Ts can unfreeze Freezed Ts by knife them again.
CT and T can Sprint with USE-Key (default).



Code: sm_catch - Allows players to vote for a catch
sm_setcatch - Allows the Admin or warden to set catch as next round
sm_sprint - Start sprinting!

set your own custom command. take a look at "sm_catch_cmd"


Code: sm_catch_version - Shows the version of the SourceMod plugin MyJailbreak - catch
sm_catch_cmd: Set your custom chat command for Event voting. no need for sm_ or ! . Default "cat" results in !cat /cat &amp; sm_cat
sm_catch_setw: 0 - disabled, 1 - allow warden to set next round ffa. Default 1
sm_catch_seta: 0 - disabled, 1 - allow Admin to set next round ffa round. Default 1
sm_catch_vote: 0 - disabled, 1 - allow player to vote for ffa. Default 1
sm_catch_rounds: Rounds to play in a row
sm_catch_enable: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable the catch plugin. Default 1
sm_catch_sprint_enable: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable ShortSprint. Default 1
sm_catch_sprint_button: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable +use button support. Default 1
sm_catch_sprint_cooldown: Time in seconds the player must wait for the next sprint. Default 10
sm_catch_sprint_speed: Ratio for how fast the player will sprint. Default 1.25
sm_catch_sprint_time: Time in seconds the player will sprint. Default 3.5
sm_catch_roundtime - Roundtime for a single catch round in minutes. Default 5
sm_catch_cooldown_start - Rounds until event can be start after mapchange. Default 3
sm_catch_cooldown_day - Rounds until event can be started again. Default 3
sm_catch_overlays_enable: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable freezed overlays. Default 1
sm_catch_stayoverlay: 0 - overlays will removed after 3sec. , 1 - overlays will stay until unfreeze. Default 1
sm_catch_overlayfreeze_path: Path to the start Overlay DONT TYPE .vmt or .vft. Default "overlays/MyJailbreak/freeze"
sm_catch_sounds_enable: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable un/-Freeze sounds. Default 1
sm_catch_sounds_freeze: Path to the soundfile which should be played on freeze. Default "music/MyJailbreak/freeze.mp3"
sm_catch_sounds_unfreeze: Path to the soundfile which should be played on unfreeze. Default "music/MyJailbreak/unfreeze.mp3"
Dołączona grafika

Hide in the Dark
This plugin allows players to vote and warden to set next round to hide in the dark.
Map is darken. CTs freezed, Cells open and Ts got time to hide on map. CT got a TA grenades &amp; more movement speed.
When CT unfreezed (30sec. default) Ts get freezed (default).



Code: sm_hide - Allows players to vote for a hide
sm_sethide - Allows the Admin or warden to set hide as next round

set your own custom command. take a look at "sm_hide_cmd"


Code: sm_hide_version - Shows the version of the SourceMod plugin MyJailbreak - hide
sm_hide_cmd: Set your custom chat command for Event voting. no need for sm_ or ! . Default "seek" results in !seek /seek &amp; sm_seek
sm_hide_setw: 0 - disabled, 1 - allow warden to set next round ffa. Default 1
sm_hide_seta: 0 - disabled, 1 - allow Admin to set next round ffa round. Default 1
sm_hide_vote: 0 - disabled, 1 - allow player to vote for ffa. Default 1
sm_hide_enable: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable the hide plugin. Default 1
sm_hide_rounds: Rounds to play in a row
sm_hide_roundtime - Roundtime for a single hide round in minutes. Default 5
sm_hide_hidetime - Time in seconds to hide. Default 30
sm_hide_freezehider: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable freeze hider when hidetime gone. Default 1
sm_hide_tagrenades: how many tagrenades a guard have? Default 3
sm_hide_cooldown_start - Rounds until event can be start after mapchange. Default 3
sm_hide_cooldown_day - Rounds until event can be started again. Default 3
sm_hide_sounds_enable: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable sounds. Default 1
sm_hide_sounds_start: Path to the soundfile which should be played on start. Default "music/MyJailbreak/start.mp3"
sm_hide_overlays_enable: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable start overlay. Default 1
sm_hide_overlays_start: Path to the start Overlay DONT TYPE .vmt or .vft. Default "overlays/MyJailbreak/start"

This plugin allows players to vote and warden to set next round to duckhunt.
T are Chicken in Thirdperson. After trucetime the cells open and T got HE grenade **but only secondary Attack!** CT as heavy with nova .



Code: sm_duckhunt - Allows players to vote for a duckhunt
sm_setduckhunt - Allows the Admin or warden to set duckhunt as next round

set your own custom command. take a look at "sm_duckhunt_cmd"


Code: sm_duckhunt_version - Shows the version of the SourceMod plugin MyJailbreak - duckhunt
sm_duckhunt_cmd: Set your custom chat command for Event voting. no need for sm_ or ! . Default "duck" results in !duck /duck &amp; sm_duck
sm_duckhunt_setw: 0 - disabled, 1 - allow warden to set next round ffa. Default 1
sm_duckhunt_seta: 0 - disabled, 1 - allow Admin to set next round ffa round. Default 1
sm_duckhunt_vote: 0 - disabled, 1 - allow player to vote for ffa. Default 1
sm_duckhunt_enable: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable the duckhunt plugin. Default 1
sm_duckhunt_rounds: Rounds to play in a row
sm_duckhunt_roundtime - Roundtime for a single duckhunt round in minutes. Default 5
sm_duckhunt_trucetime - Time in seconds damage is disbaled. Default 15
sm_duckhunt_cooldown_start - Rounds until event can be start after mapchange. Default 3
sm_duckhunt_cooldown_day - Rounds until event can be started again. Default 3
sm_duckhunt_sounds_enable: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable sounds. Default 1
sm_duckhunt_sounds_start: Path to the soundfile which should be played on start. Default "music/MyJailbreak/start.mp3"
sm_duckhunt_overlays_enable: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable start overlay. Default 1
sm_duckhunt_overlays_start: Path to the start Overlay DONT TYPE .vmt or .vft. Default "overlays/MyJailbreak/start"

Suicide Bomber
This plugin allows players to vote and warden to set next round to Suicide Bomber.
On Round start CTs got time to hide before cells open and Ts got Suicide bombs to kill all CT.
CT and T can Sprint with USE-Key (default).



Code: sm_suicidebomber - Allows players to vote for a duckhunt
sm_setsuicidebomber - Allows the Admin or warden to set Suicide Bomber as next round
sm_sprint - Start sprinting!
sm_makeboom - Suicide with bomb.

set your own custom command. take a look at "sm_suicidebomber_cmd"


Code: sm_suicidebomber_version - Shows the version of the SourceMod plugin MyJailbreak - Suicide Bomber
sm_suicidebomber_enable: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable the plugin. Default 1
sm_suicidebomber_cmd: Set your custom chat command for Event voting. no need for sm_ or ! . Default "suicide" results in !suicide /suicide &amp; sm_suicide
sm_suicidebomber_setw: 0 - disabled, 1 - allow warden to set next round ffa. Default 1
sm_suicidebomber_seta: 0 - disabled, 1 - allow Admin to set next round ffa round. Default 1
sm_suicidebomber_vote: 0 - disabled, 1 - allow player to vote for ffa. Default 1
sm_suicidebomber_rounds: Rounds to play in a row
sm_suicidebomber_key: 1 - Inspect(look) weapon / 2 - walk / 3 - Secondary Attack. Default 1
sm_suicidebomber_standstill: 0 - disabled, 1 - standstill(cant move) on Activate bomb. Default 0
sm_suicidebomber_bomb_radius: Radius for bomb damage. Default 200
sm_suicidebomber_sprint_enable: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable ShortSprint. Default 1
sm_suicidebomber_sprint_button: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable +use button support. Default 1
sm_suicidebomber_sprint_cooldown: Time in seconds the player must wait for the next sprint. Default 10
sm_suicidebomber_sprint_speed: Ratio for how fast the player will sprint. Default 1.25
sm_suicidebomber_sprint_time: Time in seconds the player will sprint. Default 3.5
sm_suicidebomber_roundtime - Roundtime for a single Suicide Bomber round in minutes. Default 5
sm_suicidebomber_hidetime - Time to hide. Default 20
sm_suicidebomber_cooldown_start - Rounds until event can be start after mapchange. Default 3
sm_suicidebomber_cooldown_day - Rounds until event can be started again. Default 3
sm_suicidebomber_sounds_enable: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable sounds. Default 1
sm_suicidebomber_sounds_start: Path to the soundfile which should be played on start. Default "music/MyJailbreak/start.mp3"
sm_suicidebomber_sounds_suicidebomber - Path to the soundfile which should be played on activate bomb. Default "music/MyJailbreak/suicidebomber.mp3"
sm_suicidebomber_sounds_boom - Path to the soundfile which should be played on detonation. Default "music/MyJailbreak/boom.mp3"
sm_suicidebomber_overlays_enable: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable start overlay. Default 1
sm_suicidebomber_overlays_start: Path to the start Overlay DONT TYPE .vmt or .vft. Default "overlays/MyJailbreak/start"

This plugin allows players to vote and warden to set next round to zeus
On Round start cells open everybody got a zeus &amp; knife. On kill you get a new zeus. Nodamage time (def. 30sec).



Code: sm_zeus - Allows players to vote for a zeus round
sm_setzeus - Allows the Admin or warden to set zeus as next round

set your own custom command. take a look at "sm_zeus_cmd"


Code: sm_zeus_version - Shows the version of the SourceMod plugin MyJailbreak - zeus
sm_zeus_enable: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable the zeus plugin. Default 1
sm_zeus_cmd: Set your custom chat command for Event voting. no need for sm_ or ! . Default "taser" results in !taser /taser &amp; sm_taser
sm_zeus_setw: 0 - disabled, 1 - allow warden to set next round zeus. Default 1
sm_zeus_seta: 0 - disabled, 1 - allow Admin to set next round zeus round. Default 1
sm_zeus_vote: 0 - disabled, 1 - allow player to vote for zeus. Default 1
sm_zeus_spawn: 0 - teleport Ts to CT and freeze, 1 - open cell doors an get weapons. Default 0
sm_zeus_rounds: Rounds to play in a row
sm_zeus_roundtime - Roundtime for a single zeus round in minutes. Default 5
sm_zeus_trucetime - Time in seconds damage is disbaled. Default 15
sm_zeus_cooldown_start - Rounds until event can be start after mapchange. Default 3
sm_zeus_cooldown_day - Rounds until event can be started again. Default 3
sm_zeus_sounds_enable: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable sounds. Default 1
sm_zeus_sounds_start: Path to the soundfile which should be played on start. Default "music/MyJailbreak/start.mp3"
sm_zeus_overlays_enable: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable start overlay. Default 1
sm_zeus_overlays_start: Path to the start Overlay DONT TYPE .vmt or .vft. Default "overlays/MyJailbreak/start"

This plugin allows players to vote and warden to set next round to drunk day.
On Round start cells open everybody got a wiggle screen and inverted movement Keys. Nodamage time (def. 30sec).



Code: sm_drunk - Allows players to vote for a drunk
sm_setdrunk - Allows the Admin or warden to set drunk as next round

set your own custom command. take a look at "sm_drunk_cmd"


Code: sm_drunk_version - Shows the version of the SourceMod plugin MyJailbreak - drunk
sm_drunk_enable: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable the drunk plugin. Default 1
sm_drunk_cmd: Set your custom chat command for Event voting. no need for sm_ or ! . Default "curse" results in !curse /curse &amp; sm_curse
sm_drunk_setw: 0 - disabled, 1 - allow warden to set next round drunk. Default 1
sm_drunk_seta: 0 - disabled, 1 - allow Admin to set next round drunk round. Default 1
sm_drunk_vote: 0 - disabled, 1 - allow player to vote for drunk. Default 1
sm_drunk_spawn: 0 - teleport Ts to CT and freeze, 1 - open cell doors an get weapons. Default 0
sm_drunk_invert_x: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable invert movement on the x-axis (left &amp; right). Default 1
sm_drunk_invert_y: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable invert movement on the y-axis (forward &amp; back). Default 1
sm_drunk_wiggle: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable wiggle with the screen. Default 1
sm_drunk_rounds: Rounds to play in a row
sm_drunk_roundtime - Roundtime for a single drunk round in minutes. Default 5
sm_drunk_trucetime - Time in seconds damage is disbaled. Default 15
sm_drunk_cooldown_start - Rounds until event can be start after mapchange. Default 3
sm_drunk_cooldown_day - Rounds until event can be started again. Default 3
sm_drunk_overlays_enable: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable overlays. Default 1
sm_drunk_overlays_start: Path to the start Overlay DONT TYPE .vmt or .vft. Default "overlays/MyJailbreak/start"
sm_drunk_sounds_enable: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable sounds. Default 1
sm_drunk_sounds_start: Path to the soundfile which should be played for a start. Default "music/MyJailbreak/burn.mp3"

This plugin allows players to vote and warden to set next round to knifefight.
On Round start cells open everybody KnifeOnly with thirdperson, low gravity(Default), Iceskates and reduced HP(Default).



Code: sm_knifefight - Allows players to vote for a knifefight
sm_setknifefight - Allows the Admin or warden to set knifefight as next round

set your own custom command. take a look at "sm_knifefight_cmd"


Code: sm_knifefight_version - Shows the version of the SourceMod plugin MyJailbreak - knifefight
sm_knifefight_enable: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable the knifefight plugin. Default 1
sm_knifefight_cmd: Set your custom chat command for Event voting. no need for sm_ or ! . Default "knife" results in !knife /knife &amp; sm_knife
sm_knifefight_setw: 0 - disabled, 1 - allow warden to set next round knifefight. Default 1
sm_knifefight_seta: 0 - disabled, 1 - allow Admin to set next round knifefight round. Default 1
sm_knifefight_vote: 0 - disabled, 1 - allow player to vote for knifefight. Default 1
sm_knifefight_spawn: 0 - teleport Ts to CT and freeze, 1 - open cell doors an get weapons. Default 0
sm_knifefight_thirdperson: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable thirdperson for knifefight. Default 1
sm_knifefight_rounds: Rounds to play in a row
sm_knifefight_gravity: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable low Gravity for knifefight. Default 1
sm_knifefight_gravity_value - Ratio for Gravity 1.0 earth 0.5 moon. Default 0.3
sm_knifefight_iceskate: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable iceskate for knifefight. Default 1
sm_knifefight_iceskate_value - Ratio iceskate (5.2 normal). Default 0.8
sm_knifefight_roundtime - Roundtime for a single knifefight round in minutes. Default 5
sm_knifefight_trucetime - Time in seconds damage is disbaled. Default 15
sm_knifefight_cooldown_start - Rounds until event can be start after mapchange. Default 3
sm_knifefight_cooldown_day - Rounds until event can be started again. Default 3
sm_knifefight_sounds_enable: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable sounds. Default 1
sm_knifefight_sounds_start: Path to the soundfile which should be played on start. Default "music/MyJailbreak/start.mp3"
sm_knifefight_overlays_enable: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable start overlay. Default 1
sm_knifefight_overlays_start: Path to the start Overlay DONT TYPE .vmt or .vft. Default "overlays/MyJailbreak/start"

Torch Relay
This plugin allows players to vote and warden to set next round to torch relay.
On Round start after 10 sec (default) one random player gets burned. he got more speed but lose hp. The torch must knife an other player to burn him &amp; extinguish himself. The old torch is immune to be torch against until an other player war the torch. Round end when a player dies as torch.



Code: sm_torch - Allows players to vote for a torch
sm_settorch - Allows the Admin or warden to set torch as next round

set your own custom command. take a look at "sm_torch_cmd"


sm_torch_version - Shows the version of the SourceMod plugin MyJailbreak - torch
sm_torch_enable: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable the torch plugin. Default 1
sm_torch_cmd: Set your custom chat command for Event voting. no need for sm_ or ! . Default "knife" results in !knife /knife &amp; sm_knife
sm_torch_setw: 0 - disabled, 1 - allow warden to set next round torch. Default 1
sm_torch_seta: 0 - disabled, 1 - allow Admin to set next round torch round. Default 1
sm_torch_vote: 0 - disabled, 1 - allow player to vote for torch. Default 1
sm_torch_spawn: 0 - teleport Ts to CT and freeze, 1 - open cell doors an get weapons. Default 0
sm_torch_rounds: Rounds to play in a row
sm_torch_roundtime - Roundtime for a single torch round in minutes. Default 5
sm_torch_trucetime - Time in seconds damage is disbaled. Default 15
sm_torch_cooldown_start - Rounds until event can be start after mapchange. Default 3
sm_torch_cooldown_day - Rounds until event can be started again. Default 3
sm_torch_overlays_enable: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable overlays. Default 1
sm_torch_overlays_start: Path to the start Overlay DONT TYPE .vmt or .vft. Default "overlays/MyJailbreak/start"
sm_torch_trucetime: Time in seconds players can't deal damage. Default 10
sm_torch_stayoverlay: 0 - overlays will removed after 3sec. , 1 - overlays will stay until untorch. Default 1
sm_torch_sounds_enable: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable sounds. Default 1
sm_torch_sounds_start: Path to the soundfile which should be played for a start. Default "music/MyJailbreak/burn.mp3"
sm_torch_sounds_torch: Path to the soundfile which should be played on torch. Default "music/MyJailbreak/fire.mp3"
sm_torch_sounds_untorch: Path to the soundfile which should be played on untorch. Default "music/MyJailbreak/water.mp3"
sm_torch_sprint_enable: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable ShortSprint. Default 1
sm_torch_sprint_button: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable +use button support. Default 1
sm_torch_sprint_cooldown: Time in seconds the player must wait for the next sprint. Default 10
sm_torch_sprint_speed: Ratio for how fast the player will sprint. Default 1.25
sm_torch_sprint_time: Time in seconds the player will sprint. Default 3.0

This plugin allows players to vote and warden to set next rounds to cowboy
On Round start cells open everybody got revolver or dual barettas. Nodamage time (def. 30sec).



Code: sm_cowboy - Allows players to vote for a cowboy
sm_setcowboy - Allows the Admin or warden to set cowboy as next round

set your own custom command. take a look at "sm_cowboy_cmd"


Code: sm_cowboy_version - Shows the version of the SourceMod plugin MyJailbreak - cowboy
sm_cowboy_cmd: Set your custom chat command for Event voting. no need for sm_ or ! . Default "scope" results in !scope /scope &amp; sm_scope
sm_cowboy_enable: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable the cowboy plugin. Default 1
sm_cowboy_setw: 0 - disabled, 1 - allow warden to set next round cowboy. Default 1
sm_cowboy_seta: 0 - disabled, 1 - allow Admin to set next round cowboy round. Default 1
sm_cowboy_spawn: 0 - teleport Ts to CT and freeze, 1 - open cell doors an get weapons. Default 0
sm_cowboy_vote: 0 - disabled, 1 - allow player to vote for cowboy. Default 1
sm_cowboy_rounds: Rounds to play in a row. Default 1
sm_cowboy_weapon: 1 - Revolver / 2 - Dual Barettas. Default 1
sm_cowboy_random: 0 - disabled, 1 - get a random weapon (revolver, duals) ignore: sm_cowboy_weapon. Default 1
sm_cowboy_gravity: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable low Gravity for cowboy. Default 1
sm_cowboy_gravity_value - Ratio for Gravity 1.0 earth 0.5 moon. Default 0.3
sm_cowboy_roundtime - Roundtime for a single cowboy round in minutes. Default 5
sm_cowboy_trucetime - Time in seconds damage is disbaled. Default 15
sm_cowboy_cooldown_start - Rounds until event can be start after mapchange. Default 3
sm_cowboy_cooldown_day - Rounds until event can be started again. Default 3
sm_cowboy_sounds_enable: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable sounds. Default 1
sm_cowboy_sounds_bling: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable bling hitsound sounds like tf2. Default 1
sm_cowboy_sounds_start: Path to the soundfile which should be played on start. Default "music/MyJailbreak/Yeehaw.mp3"
sm_cowboy_overlays_enable: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable start overlay. Default 1
sm_cowboy_overlays_start: Path to the start Overlay DONT TYPE .vmt or .vft. Default "overlays/MyJailbreak/start"

This plugin allows players to vote and warden to set next round to freeday.
Auto Freeday on first round after mapstart (Default).
On Round start cells open for freeday and enabled damage (Default).



Code: sm_freeday - Allows players to vote for a freeday
sm_setfreeday - Allows the Admin or warden to set freeday as next round

set your own custom command. take a look at "sm_freeday_cmd"


Code: sm_freeday_version - Shows the version of the SourceMod plugin MyJailbreak - freeday
sm_freeday_enable: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable the freeday plugin. Default 1
sm_freeday_cmd: Set your custom chat command for Event voting. no need for sm_ or ! . Default "fd" results in !fd /fd &amp; sm_fd
sm_freeday_setw: 0 - disabled, 1 - allow warden to set next round freeday. Default 1
sm_freeday_seta: 0 - disabled, 1 - allow Admin to set next round freeday round. Default 1
sm_freeday_vote: 0 - disabled, 1 - allow player to vote for freeday. Default 1
sm_freeday_noct: 0 - disabled, 1 - auto freeday when there is no CT. Default 1
sm_freeday_roundtime - Roundtime for a single freeday round in minutes (not on sm_freeday_noct). Default 5
sm_freeday_firstround - auto freeday first round after mapstart. Default 1
sm_freeday_damage: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable damage on freedays. Default 1
sm_freeday_cooldown_day - Rounds until event can be started again. Default 3

Recommended pluginsRequires pluginsInclude files needed for compile



  • Make sure you have the latest versions of the required plugins
  • Download the latest release
  • Copy the folders addons/, cfg/, materials/, models/ &amp; sound/ to your root csgo/ directory
  • Copy the folders materials/, models/ &amp; sound/ in the fastDL/ directory to your FastDownload server
  • Open your downloads.ini in your csgo/addons/sourcemod/configs directory and add the content of downloads.txt
  • Run plugin for the first time and all necessary .cfg files will be generated
  • Configure all settings in cfg/MyJailbreak to your needs
  • Have fun! Give feedback!
Change Log

Quote: [Beta 1.0] - first public beta release Known Bugs

Quote: Weapons: sm_weapons_ct/sm_weapons_t is blocking "Stamm - Vip Models Menu" - can anyone tell me why?
Duckhunt &amp; HE Battle: player get new grenade but sometimes rarly can't throw anymore - need help!

you found a bug? tell it please!

used code &amp; stuff from: ecca, Zipcore, ESK0,, Franc1sco, walmar, KeepCalm, bara, Arkarr, KissLick, headline, MasterOfTheXP, Hipster, ReFlexPoison, 8guawong, Mitchell, Xines, Jackmaster, Impact123, Kaesar, andi67 and many other I cant remember unfortunately!
Also thanks to all sourcemod &amp; metamod developers out there!


based/merged/used code/idea plugins:
* https://forums.allie...38;postcount=11
* https://forums.allie...d.php?p=1922088
* https://forums.allie...d.php?p=1086127
* https://forums.allie...d.php?p=1749220
* https://forums.allie...38;postcount=12
* https://forums.allie...d.php?p=1965643
* https://forums.allie...38;postcount=22
+ (sound)
* (sound)
* (model)
* http://www.andi67.bp...?f=40&#38;t=342 (model)
* if I missed someone, please tell me!

Much Thanks:
Weeeishy, UartigZone, Got Sw4g? terminator18, SkeLeXes, 0dieter0, maKs, TomseN48, Horoxx, zeddy for bughunting, translation &amp; great ideas!

Download Latest

Wiki: need some work

Report Bugs, Ideas &amp; Requests:

Code changes:

coded with Dołączona grafika free software

I would be happy and very pleased if you want to join this project as equal collaborator.
Even if you are a beginner and willing to learn or you just want to help with translations.

If you own a feature or extention for jail or have an idea that would fit in, i would be happy when you share it with us.

This is my first public project. please note that the code may is messy, stupid and inconseqent or mix different coding styles.

my golden faucets not finance itself... Dołączona grafika

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