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Guest Message by DevFuse

Zawartość użytkownika xertis

Odnotowano 2 pozycji dodanych przez xertis (Rezultat wyszukiwania ograniczony do daty: 23.09.2023 )

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#292420 DM jak zmienić TDM na DM ?

Napisano przez xertis w 04.09.2011 15:09 w Problemy z pluginami

ok dzięki tylko jak się bijemy i dochodzimy do 7hp to crash srw ; <

dzięki za wszystko

// close
jeżeli ktoś by mógł pomóc

Nie mogłem już edytować ale
RPK. Shark
od czego to może być bo kumpel mi też wgrał i tera na 5hp crash jest :D
jesteśmy 2aj w CT i bijemy się on mi zbije do 5hp i crash srw ? HELP

#292382 DM jak zmienić TDM na DM ?

Napisano przez xertis w 04.09.2011 13:19 w Problemy z pluginami

Witam mam problem jak mogę zmienić żeby TT nawalało TT i ct a nie tylko ct : >
dzięki z góry
może w tych plikach coś jest?
jeżeli nikt nie wie to może ktoś ma ktoś plugi już gdzie jest DM każdy na każdego i mógł by się nim podzielić ;> ? był bym wdzięczny pozdro

;rename this file to disabled-csdm.ini to turn it off.
;rename it back to plugins-csdm.ini to turn it on.
;put a semi-colon in front of a plugin to disable it.
;add the word debug after a plugin to place it in debug mode
; for example: csdm_main.amxx debug
;remove a semi-colon to re-enable a plugin
;Main plugin, required for most cases
;Weapons and equipment menus
;Enables preset spawning and the preset spawning editor
;Map config files are located in configs/csdm
;Miscellanious extra features, such as ammo refills
; and objective removals
;Spawn protection
;Adds free-for-all mode (must be enabled in csdm.cfg too)
;Round ticketing mode, like FireArms. First team to use all
; of their death points loses the ability to respawn.
; (must be enabled in csdm.cfg too)
;Item mode (from CSDM1)
;Must be enabled in csdm.cfg as well (at the very bottom)
;There is currently no item editor!


;CSDM Configuration File
; Default settings by BAILOPAN
;You must be running the Main plugin for this section
;Sets whether CSDM is enabled or not.
enabled = 1
;Sets whether or not players should be stripped of weapons on round start
; (excludes knife)
strip_weapons = 1
;Sets how long weapons should stay on the ground for after being dropped
;in seconds. note that enabling this can create lots of lag for clients
; AND server. 0 is immediate, -1 is infinite.
weapons_stay = 0
;Sets the spawn mode.
; "none" - users spawn at normal map spawn points
; "preset" - csdm_spawn_preset.amxx required, uses predefined spawns in config files
; -- others may be supplied by 3rd party plugins
spawnmode = preset
;Sets whether the bomb is removed
remove_bomb = 1
;Sets the spawn waiting time
spawn_wait_time = 0.75
;You must be running the FFA plugin for this section
;Set whether free for all mode is enabled by default
enabled = 0
;You must be running the Misc plugin for this section
;Map objectives are removed by their flags.
; a - as_ maps
; b - buyzones are removed
; c - cs_ maps
; d - de_ maps
remove_objectives = abcd
;Blocks people from using all buy commands
block_buy = 1
;Auto-refills ammo when it gets depleted
ammo_refill = 1
;Says a radio command to a player when they respawn
spawn_radio_msg = 0
;You must be running the ticketing plugin for this section
;Is round ticketing enabled?
enabled = 0
;Number of times a team can have players respawn before they stop
; being able to respawn
tickets = 150
;You must be running the protection plugin for this section
;Is spawn protection enabled?
enabled = 1
;Colors of glow [url=""][color=green][b][u]shell[/u][/b][/color][/url], leave this in quotes
;The digits are R, G, B, A where A is the alpha transparency
; (as A gets higher, the glow shell is thicker)
colors = "0 255 0 200"
;Number of seconds someone is respawned for.
time = 2
;You must be running the equip plugin for these sections
;Equip Menu flags:
; p - primary
; s - secondary
; a - armor
; g - grenade
; b - buy
menus = psa
;Autoitem flags:
; a - armor
; h - helmet
; g - grenades
; d - defusekit (CTs only!)
; n - nightvision
autoitems = ah
;Grenade flags:
; f - flashbang
; h - he grenade
; s - smoke grenade
grenades = h
;Sets number of flashbangs given if
; grenades are enabled
fnadesnum = 1
;Format for weapon menus is:
;shortname "Display Name" menupage
;Change the '1' to a '0' to block the weapon
;Removing or moving things
; from the list will change the order of the menus!
usp USP 1
glock18 Glock 1
deagle Deagle 1
p228 P228 1
elite Elite 1
fiveseven "Five Seven" 1
m4a1 M4A1 1
ak47 AK47 1
aug AUG 1
sg552 SG552 1
galil Galil 1
famas Famas 1
scout Scout 1
awp AWP 1
sg550 SG550 1
m249 M249 1
g3sg1 G3SG1 1
ump45 "UMP 45" 1
mp5navy "MP5 Navy" 1
m3 M3 1
xm1014 XM1014 1
tmp TMP 1
mac10 "Mac 10" 1
p90 P90 1
;List weapons here the bots can randomly have
;The short name must match one in the list above
;You must be running the item mode plugin for this section
;Is item mode enabled?
enabled = 0
;If set to 1, players will drop a pack of goodies when they die.
drop_packs = 1
;Sets the number of armor given by a battery. Default is 15.
battery = 15
;Sets the number of health given by a medkit. Default is 15.
medkit = 15
;Sets the time to wait for an item to reappear on its place. Default is 20 (0 = permanent)
item_time = 20
;Sets how long packs stay on the ground. (Max is 30 seconds)
drop_time = 20
;Remove semicolons to restrict any of the following items
; or add the short weapon names of the weapons you want to restrict (m4a1, ak47, awp ...)
jeżeli nikt nie wie to może ktoś ma ktoś plugi już gdzie jest DM każdy na każdego i mógł by się nim podzielić ;> ? był bym wdzięczny pozdro